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Blue Boy 1: Bullet

Page 6

by Garrett Leigh

  Sonny hummed. “Inspire you, huh? I guess I need to figure out what you need the most first.”

  “You mean, apart from this?” Levi felt his heart quicken as he tightened his grip on his cock, and he began to relax into the natural rhythm of pleasuring himself.

  “You’ll get through it physically, Levi. Don’t misunderstand what we’re doing here.”

  Levi forced his eyes to stay open and quirked an eyebrow. “Thought you were trying to keep me whole?”

  “I am.”

  Sonny uncrossed his legs and stretched them out in front of him. His foot came to rest millimeters away from Levi’s, and Levi could feel the heat of him…could almost hear the blood pumping through his body. He let his gaze travel up Sonny’s sinewy leg and to his tight underwear that did nothing to hide the bulge of his cock.

  Levi swallowed. “Where will you be when I’m getting fucked?”

  “Depends.” Sonny reclaimed his legs and rose on his knees, leaning forward and scrutinizing as Levi passed his hand over his dick. “Close your eyes and picture it. Where do you want me to be?”

  Levi closed his eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to picture Rex and his monster cock driving in and out of him. Instead, he pictured Sonny. Pictured Sonny straddling his chest and sliding his dick in and out of Levi's mouth…

  Levi tapped his lips with the index finger of his free hand. “Here. I want you here.”

  He couldn’t see Sonny’s response, but he heard movement and then felt the warmth of Sonny’s body far closer than it had been before. The click of a lube bottle reached his ears, and he sucked in a breath as the cool liquid dripped onto his cock and became caught up in the sweeping strokes of his fist.

  Damn. It wasn’t vanilla this time; it was spiced with cinnamon and made his cock tingle in just the right way. He couldn’t help it. He dropped his head to the back of the couch and moaned.

  Sonny hummed too, and Levi could feel the heat of his body close to his face. He leaned forward, and his lips brushed over smooth skin. His chest? His neck? His arm? He couldn’t tell, and when he opened his eyes, Sonny was gone—gone from his line of sight, at least.

  Levi looked down. His rhythm had faltered while Sonny had been on the couch beside him, but he picked it up in earnest now, watching, oddly fascinated, as Sonny knelt between Levi's legs and held out his hand.

  Sonny coated Levi’s fingers with the tingly lube. “Close your eyes again. Close your eyes and remember how good it felt last time.”

  One finger, and then two. With Sonny guiding him, it felt even better than last time. Better, hotter, more intense. He rolled his hips to counter the warring sensations in his body—his dick pumping in and out of his lube-slicked fist, and his fingers stretching his ass. It felt right. It felt wrong. It felt fucking amazing.

  Sweat beaded his chest. He trembled, let out a shaky breath, and his balls tightened, the first stirrings of orgasm already finding purchase deep in his belly. He couldn’t take much of this.

  Sonny nipped the inside of his quivering thigh. “Not yet, Ramone. Add another finger.”

  Levi’s eyes flew open—despite his best efforts to resist Sonny’s instructions, at some point, they’d drifted shut. Add another? Three fingers? No fucking way. He met Sonny’s gaze, and Sonny grinned, but it wasn’t his usual devious smirk. It was something else, something softer that made Levi’s chest feel tight.

  He slid a third finger into himself. It hurt. He bit down on his lip and thrashed his head from side to side. Too much, too much. He needed to grab something, anything, to hold himself down. “No…I…”

  Sonny scrambled up the couch and stilled his head with gentle hands. “Shh.” His voice was low, and his breath washed over Levi’s ear. “I’ve got you.”

  He took Levi’s hand from his cock, replacing it with his own and leaving Levi free to fling his arm over his head and grip the back of the couch.

  Levi hid his face in his arm, his groan pained and strangled. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “Shh,” Sonny said again. “Focus on me.”

  Sonny bent his neck and enveloped Levi’s dick in his mouth with a suction far gentler than any blowjob he’d ever received.

  Levi closed his eyes and absorbed the languid, almost teasing sensations. He shuddered. His limbs grew soft, and his bones sank into the couch. Sonny nudged Levi's wrist with his free hand, and following the silent cue, Levi slowly rolled the three fingers he still held inside himself.

  The effect was instant. He let his head fall back and jutted his hips forward, fucking himself in Sonny’s mouth and then back onto his fingers. Heat roared through his veins. He felt hot, too hot, hotter than he’d ever been, and his mind swam. Sonny scraped his teeth slowly up Levi's shaft, and he was undone.

  “Gonna come. Fuck.”

  He reached down to pull Sonny from him, but Sonny resisted. It was too late. Release hit him, and his whole world became nothing but a lightning bolt of pure, carnal pleasure. He cried out and came in Sonny’s mouth.

  Chapter Eight

  It took a while for Levi to return to earth. He lay still, his arm hiding his face as he fought for breath. Until Sonny climbed up his body and straddled him, coaxing Levi gently to look at him. Levi opened his eyes, feeling Sonny’s cotton-covered erection digging into his belly. He reached for it, but Sonny batted his hands away.

  “Next time. You okay?”

  “Think so.” Levi nodded and cast his gaze around the room. Sonny’s vast array of toys was still laid out on the coffee table. He wondered when they were going to use them, and the usual flicker of apprehension was strangely absent. “I’m fuckin’ starved. Want some dinner?”

  Sonny eyed him for a moment, then slid off him and reached for his jeans. “Depends. What have you got? Potpies or something?”

  And like that, the spell was broken. Levi searched the room and found his discarded sweats in a heap by the door to the hall. He got up and pulled them on, feeling exhausted, exhilarated, and eerily calm all rolled into one.

  He felt Sonny’s gaze on him as he walked to the kitchen area and called over his shoulder, “Stop with all this junk-food talk. Come sit yerself down and see what a real man cooks.”

  Sonny didn’t follow right away. Levi heard water running and figured he was cleaning up. Levi washed his hands and set to work cooking the chicken he’d picked up at the store.

  He was throwing the dish of enchiladas into the oven when Sonny reappeared a little while later. The evening had grown dark while they’d been steaming up the living room windows, and with the cabinet spotlights casting a warm glow over the kitchen, he looked tousled and beautiful.

  Levi turned away and reached for some salad leaves. “You workin’ at Silver tonight?”

  Sonny slid onto a kitchen stool. “Maybe. There’s a spot for me if I want it.”

  Levi glanced at the clock. It was after nine, but he knew some of the dancers didn’t go onstage until after midnight. “You’ve got time to get some food in your belly, then. It won’t be long.”

  Sonny chuckled. “Didn’t know you cared.”

  “You don’t know everything, kid.”

  Sonny made a noncommittal noise but said no more. Levi opened the fridge and passed a beer across the counter, but found he couldn’t think of anything to say either. In the end, a companionable silence settled over them.

  It wasn’t as awkward as it could’ve been. Sonny usually ran his mouth like a damned chick, but he seemed tired, subdued almost—for Sonny, at least. Levi remembered his disheveled appearance when they’d crossed paths on the street. “Long day?”

  Sonny glanced up, his surprise clear before he schooled his expression. “Not really. Too much to do, you know? Never seems to stop.”

  “I know that feeling.” Levi retrieved the salad dressing from the cupboard and set it on the counter. “Maybe you should call it a day and hit the sack.”

  “Nah. The night is young. I might go out before I hit the club.”

evi let it go. He was familiar with the concept of working all day and partying all night, though it had been a while. Besides, if Sonny was tired, that was his problem. It wasn’t like they were friends.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Levi dumped some leftover corn bread on the counter. “As long as it’s not about taking it up the ass. I’ve had enough of that shit for one night.”

  Sonny grinned, and the fatigue on his face faded like it hadn’t been there at all. The effect was startling, and Levi found he had to look away.

  “You’re exclusive to Blue Boy, right?”

  “I am these days.” Levi swallowed a mouthful of beer. “Why do you ask?”

  Sonny shrugged. “Some guy pulled me offstage a few nights ago. Said he was from Sizzler’s and offered me some work. Has that happened to you?”

  “Not for a while, but I’m getting on a bit now. Think they’ve figured out I’m not worth the hassle anymore.” Levi put the last of the salad into the bowl and came to sit opposite Sonny. “You should tell Jon. He won’t like it, but he’ll be pissed if he thinks you’re considering it behind his back.”

  It was true. Back in the day, Jon had been tolerant of Levi testing the waters with other studios—perhaps because he knew Levi didn’t have the stomach for the cutthroat world of real hard-core porn—but things had changed. Like every other industry, adult entertainment was losing money, and Jon liked to keep his house in order.

  “I told the guy no anyway. I like working at Blue Boy. It’s hard-core, but it’s got a depth to it, you know?”

  Levi snorted. “If you say so.”

  “Why do you do porn?”

  Levi paused. Though it was a question he’d heard before, it caught him off guard. “Same as you, I guess. I started off as a barman at Silver when Jon approached me to do some still shots. He offered me a bunch of cash to take things further, and at the time I needed the money. Still do.”

  “There’s other ways to make money.”

  “So why do you do it?”

  Sonny stretched his arm over his shoulder and scratched his back. “I started dancing because I love it, and the rest seemed to come naturally. I like it. It’s interesting, and safer than picking up guys in clubs.”

  “A safe way of being promiscuous, huh?”

  “If you like.” Sonny didn’t seem offended. In fact, his gaze turned shrewd and introspective. “I like reading between the lines too. Every scene has a story, Levi, even yours. Especially yours. You’re this silent stoic dude until you start fucking someone. Then this haze comes over your eyes, like you’re looking for relief or something.”

  “Relief from what?”

  Sonny shrugged. “Only you know that, and that’s my point. Most of us become someone else on-screen, even in the unscripted scenes, but you don’t. You talk the talk, but the only person you’re hiding from is yourself.”

  The oven timer beeped before Levi could respond. Bemused, he turned and pulled the sizzling dish from the oven, and when he set it down in front of Sonny, the light in the other man’s eyes banished all thoughts of porn from his mind.

  Levi was an old Southern mama at heart with his daddy’s Puerto Rican blood, and he got a kick out of feeding folk real food. Even annoying folk like Sonny. He got a big-assed spoon and pushed a loaded plate Sonny’s way. “Eat up.”

  Sonny raised an eyebrow and took a bite. “Wow. There really is more to you than your big dick.”

  Levi held his tongue. The comment was flippant and meant nothing, but it grated on him. Sometimes viewers—fans—came up to him on the street, and it was clear they thought there was nothing to him but porn either. It didn’t usually bother him, but with Sonny, it kind of did. He took a bite of his own food and felt the pleasurable burn, not too dissimilar to the tingle of the lube, spread down his throat, and he chanced a glance at Sonny. “Not too spicy for you?”

  Sonny coughed and took a long pull on his beer. A flush crept up his neck, and Levi grinned. Seemed the kid wasn’t as tough as he liked to make out.

  “Have some cucumber to cool it down. Have some other veg as well. It’s good for you.”

  Sonny reached for the salad and rolled his eyes. “Man, you’re worse than my mom.”

  Levi smiled, feeling content, and the sensation remained until Sonny cleared his plate and got up to leave.

  He felt conflicted as he walked Sonny to the door. A sense of disappointment warred with relief that yet another bizarre encounter had come to an end.

  Sonny opened the door and put his bag on his back. “So…thanks for dinner. Guess I should jump you on the street more often.”

  “Try it.”

  Sonny smirked and turned to go, but Levi’s hand shot out before he could stop it.

  He caught Sonny’s sleeve and tugged him back. Their evening together had felt like a distorted date, turned upside down and shaken about for good measure. His mind and body felt out of whack, and it didn’t seem strange to pull Sonny back and press his lips to the very center of Sonny’s forehead.

  “Good night, kid.”

  Chapter Nine

  The plate hit the wall, fragmenting into tiny, jagged pieces. Levi dodged Bella’s line of fire. “I’m not stealing your money, B. I put the cash in your account this morning. Just write the damn check.”

  “How do I know you’re not after your father’s life insurance again?” Bella looked around for another missile, her gaze clouded and bloodshot. “You’d bleed me dry if I let you.”

  “What life insurance?” His voice was low, patient almost, belying the fury simmering in his veins. “Dad’s been dead eight years, and you squandered every cent he left before he was even cold.”

  Bella reached for her drink, stumbling over her own feet, knocking her frail shoulder against the kitchen door frame. Levi watched, his anger gone. This was his fault. He knew better than to visit her so late in the day.

  “I’m sick of this.” Bella took a long, deep drink of her precious gin, clutching it to her chest like it was her last prized possession. Perhaps it was. “You come in here whenever you damn feel like it and take my money. How am I supposed to live? Tell me that. How am I supposed to live like this?”

  “You’re not living, B. You’re an old drunk.”

  Levi ventured away from the shelter of the kitchen cabinets, reaching again for Bella’s much-abused checkbook. It was probably reckless to move so soon, but he’d lost the inclination to care. His cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He retrieved it, reading the message with half an eye on Bella, who seemed to have slipped into a daze.

  Step 3 complete?—S

  Levi bit his lip, picturing the small plug Sonny had left in his bathroom after their third…date. The plug was bigger than his fingers, wider, and the idea was that he jack off with it inside him, but it had been a week since he’d last seen Sonny, and he hadn’t touched it. Couldn’t. Didn’t want to without Sonny to guide him, and perhaps even then, didn’t want to slide it inside his body himself.

  He’d pictured it a few times—standing, stretched and open with Sonny behind him, letting Sonny ease the plug inside him. He’d dreamed of it once too, before the dream morphed into something else, and he woke, sweating and desperate for a sensation he’d never dared imagine before.

  And therein lay the problem. Though he was more terrified than he’d ever admit, his encounters with Sonny had left a huge part of him curious as to what it would feel like to have another man inside him.

  Another man. Another man? Or Sonny? Each time Levi said good-bye to him and stumbled into the shower, he wasn’t quite sure. He found Sonny insanely attractive—of that, there was no doubt—but he was… Well, he was still Sonny. Still annoying, precocious, and impossible to read.

  After the scene, they’d probably go another few years without exchanging a word.

  Fine by me, he thought to himself, but a separate, more realistic side of his brain protested. Oh, yeah? So why the hell do you miss the little shit when he’s not there?
br />   Damn.

  His cell phone beeped again. He glanced down, happy to block out the irritating voice in his head. He’d never had another man on his mind the way Sonny seemed to occupy his thoughts.

  Don’t ignore me, Ramone. Get it done—S

  He deleted both messages and shoved his phone in his pocket. Step three? Nope. The best he could do was go to sleep every night and dream about smooth, tattooed skin that was just out of reach.

  Bella laughed. The sound was abrupt and harsh, startling him out of his sordid daydreams. “Why do you need my money, anyway? Are you in trouble?”

  Levi sighed. “The payment on that loan you took out last year is due at the end of the week. I need to pay it.”

  “So pay it.”

  No chance. He’d made that mistake before—paying her bills from his own account. Six months later, a glitch in paperwork had led the debt collectors right to his door. It took him weeks to prove he hadn’t accepted responsibility for Bella’s debts. He slid the checkbook across the kitchen counter. “No, you need to do it. The money’s there. Write the check.”

  Bella reached for the checkbook, closed her skeletal fingers around it, and tossed it away. “No. You’re not having my money.”

  Levi retrieved the checkbook from the dirty kitchen floor, picked up a pen, and filled out the check. It crossed his mind to forge Bella’s signature and be on his way, but he couldn’t do it. He held out the book once more. “Just sign it, B. Please?”

  For a brief, stupid moment, he thought he’d got through to her. Thought she was going to comply. But it wasn’t to be. Bella lashed out, ignoring his outstretched hand and instead picking up the thin, glass work-top protector. Levi watched, frozen to his spot as she hurled it across the kitchen. It shattered on impact with his raised arm, chest, and abdomen.

  “No! What happened to my boy, Levi? What have you done with him? All you do is take from me. You were my sweet little boy, and now you’re just fucking like him!”

  Levi lowered his bleeding arm. Folded the check into a tiny square and shoved it into his back pocket. He looked down at his stomach. A small shard of glass protruded at a sickening angle. He pulled it out, watching with morbid fascination as a faint stream of blood oozed through his T-shirt.


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