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The Frenchman's Bride

Page 6

by Imani King

  I agreed to stay against my better judgement. Blaize lit candles and set the table while I finished the food preparation, and then we both sat down and had a surprisingly delightful dinner together.

  My nerves started to subside a bit with the relaxing warmth of the wine. Our conversation flowed naturally and Blaize kept his French sexuality to a minimum. He raved over my cooking and demanded two helpings of everything including the extremely rich mousse.

  His appetite seemed insatiable, which was a pointed reminder of all the tabloid headlines I had read; if even half of those were true, his appetite for women was even harder to quench than his sweet tooth. I knew I needed to make my getaway before he charmed me into staying longer. I liked him… But why did he have to be such a jaw-droppingly attractive jerk? I definitely needed to leave.

  When I tried to get up from the table after dinner, I got dizzy and my head started to spin. I was afraid that might happen; I had lost track of how much wine I’d been drinking. Blaize walked me over to the sofa and helped me lie down. He kissed my forehead and then went about clearing the table and cleaning up the kitchen. I was amused watching him. For some reason I had him pegged as a sexist pig who preferred his women pregnant, barefoot, and chained to a stove. I couldn’t help but be suspicious. Was this an act? Was Blaize Simon actually a gentleman underneath his over-the-top exterior, or was he just pretending to be one?

  Eventually Blaize returned to the sofa, sat down, and gently placed my head in his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and stroked my cheek. I was so sleepy, I struggled to keep my eyes open. What an embarrassing lightweight I was. Worst of all, I had stupidly put myself in a vulnerable and precarious position.

  “I’m sorry I’m not very good company.” I yawned, unladylike in his face.

  My fatigue got the best of me and I let my heavy eyelids close.

  “Nonsense. You’re perfect company. You’ve had an exhausting day. Just lie here and relax.”

  “Are you going to kiss me, Blaize?” I asked quietly.

  I felt Blaize’s lips on mine. His kiss started out tentative but it soon became strong, deep and demanding. I knew it was a mistake to kiss him back, but it was too late. I felt myself surrendering to him. He enveloped me in his muscular arms. My resistance faded, but just a quickly as the kiss had began, it ended. I let out a little sigh as he let me go, and I drifted off to sleep.



  Chelsea looked like an angel, sleeping so peacefully in my bed. I stared at her for a couple more minutes before I decided to open the curtains and let some light into the room. She was having a dream, and if her quiet little moans were any indication, it was a good one. I almost hated to wake her…

  The sunlight hit her right between the eyes and put an end to her sweet dreams. She shielded her face from the glare with her arm and furrowed her brow in annoyance. She sat up slightly and scrunched up her face as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. An expression of horror gradually spread over it as she realized what must have happened last night.

  “Oh my God! I knew I should have went right home after cooking dinner!” She was rubbing her head like she had a massive headache while she visually scanned the room for her clothes.

  “Where’s my dress, Blaize? Wait. No, don’t tell me…….you hoisted it up the ship’s flagpole as evidence of your latest conquest?”

  “I’m deeply wounded by your accusations, Chelsea. If you look down, you’ll see that you are wearing the dress in question.”

  She pulled the covers away from her body and peered underneath them. The huge sigh of relief that followed confirmed her discovery of the same sexy dress she arrived in.

  “I don’t understand. We didn’t have sex last night?”

  “First of all let’s get one thing straight: If I had fucked you last night you would have woken up with a big smile on your face instead of that scowl! And believe me, you would not only remember it, you’d still be throbbing from it! You may have wanted something to happen, but I would never take advantage of a woman under the influence… When we take that step, I fully expect you to be in control of your decisions.”

  “I’m sorry… I just remember a kiss…”

  “A kiss you asked for… One that left me desperate for more, but, regrettably, you missed out on what could have been an amazing night. I carried you here and poured you into bed. I certainly hope you feel well rested.”

  “And where did you sleep? Were you in bed with me?”

  “I hate to disappoint you again, but no, I slept in Rolande’s aft stateroom.”

  “Rolande? What happened to him? He didn’t come back after his meeting? Oh my God! I totally forgot to message Tiffany back. She must be worried sick. What time is it? After 9?! She’s going to kill me! I should have been at home baking with her 3 hours ago! SHIT SHIT SHIT!”

  Chelsea was darting around the room, squawking like a headless chicken. I had to grab her firmly by the shoulders in an effort to stop the ridiculous hysterics.

  “Settle down! I’ve taken care of everything. I got ahold of Rolande and had him contact Tiff regarding your whereabouts. I also told him to get his ass over your house this morning and make sure the new oven was working properly. He’s been assisting Tiffany with the baking all morning. I dare say he may be hopeless in the kitchen, but she seemed excited to whip him into shape.”

  “Tiffany is never going to believe I just slept here…”

  “And Rolande probably has his own thoughts, but we need not concern ourselves about such things. I want you to relax. Take a nice hot shower and then go up on deck and enjoy the beautiful ocean breezes while I make us some breakfast.”

  Chelsea tried to talk me out of indulging her, but I would not be swayed.

  A keen-eyed seagull watched me from the bow of the boat as I brought out a breakfast tray laden with omelets, bacon, coffee and guava juice. Chelsea appeared from below, wearing only a fluffy white guest bathrobe. I loved the way her prominent cheekbones were bronzed and glowing. She had a raw natural beauty. It was such a hot combination of innocence and sexuality, it baffled me how she could seem so completely unaware of it.

  “Mmmmmm. This breakfast looks wonderful, Blaize. Looks like you really do know how to cook…… I’m starving too.”

  I pulled her chair out for her and placed the folded napkin on her lap; her sweet sexy lap. I wanted to bury my face between her legs and devour her deliciousness. I knew what was under that robe: Her freshly scrubbed, orchid scented, heavenly, mouth-watering body.

  “Chelsea, I need to speak with you about something very serious…..” I began my rehearsed speech, but she interrupted me.

  “I know Blaize. I know exactly what you’re going to say. That we need to trust each other as business associates, and as friends. You’ve been nothing but generous… And I’m sorry if I thought maybe something happened last night.”

  “You’re right about us needing to trust each other. But there’s no need for you to keep beating yourself up about this morning. Your feelings were completely understandable. My reputation precedes me. It comes with the territory. Let’s just forget it, shall we?”

  “Thanks Blaize. You’re too kind, really.” Chelsea kissed me on the cheek.

  “I have something else I need to ask you, though. It’s a rather huge favor. I don’t even know where to start……….”

  “You seem to be at a loss for words, Blaize. That’s not like you at all. What is it? It can’t be that bad, can it? Just ask me. The worst I can say is no.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of!” I had to laugh at the thought of my crazy predicament. Would she even believe it? I hesitantly began telling Chelsea my tale of immigration woe.

  Over the remainder of our breakfast, I relayed the entire story of what happened at LAX regarding my visa and my potentially shortened stay. Chelsea sat in complete silence, slowly chewing her food as she listened intently. When I got to the part about the requirements for securing a mor
e permanent solution, she froze for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, she spoke…

  “So let me get this straight: You need to get married to an American before your visa expires?”

  “I’ve got less than sixty days…”

  “And let me guess……..I’m the American you had in mind?”

  “Only if you’re open to the idea… I do believe we have a bit of a, connection…” I replied.

  “One kiss is a far cry from walking down the aisle, Blaize. I barely know you!”

  “In that case, perhaps an appeal to your business side would help remind you of just who I am… How does one million dollars sound to you, Chelsea?”



  My kitchen was barely recognizable. Everything was covered in flour, chocolate drizzle and sliced almonds. It was a complete disaster area, which was not at all the way Tiff and I normally worked. The only thing that wasn’t a total mess was the sparkling new bakery oven in the corner. Rolande looked like a little round powdered sugar cookie. He was wearing an apron, but I could barely see it through all the flour. He was incapable of greeting me intelligibly because his mouth was stuffed with chocolate macaroon cookies.

  “Hi Rolande. Thanks for filling in for me this morning. It looks like you’re really learning the ropes, here. Where’s Tiffany?”

  Rolande finished chewing his cookies and swallowed.

  “Hey Chelsea. Sorry I missed having dinner with you last night. Blaize said the food was amazing. Tiffany is in the bathroom, trying to get all the almonds out of her shirt……….it’s a long story.”

  Tiffany suddenly came laughing down the hallway, looking like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

  “Sorry the place is such a mess, Chels! Rolande here is kind of a sloppy baker!”

  “Oh my God Tiffany! Right now, you look more like WHITE chocolate, girlfriend!”

  “Never mind me. What’s with you not coming home last night? You guys did the deed didn’t you? I can always tell. You look different today.”

  “Did the deed? Excuse me? What are you 12? Is this a middle-school slumber party?”

  Rolande was busy sprinkling sliced almonds on the cakes, throwing every other handful into his mouth and pretending not to be listening to our conversation.

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I drank too much wine at dinner and fell asleep. Nothing happened.”

  “That’s it, huh?” Tiff was clearly skeptical, evidenced by her exaggerated eye-rolling.

  “Well there was one more thing,” I said teasingly. “He asked me to marry him……..”

  Tiffany froze and stared at me in dead silence for a minute while she tried to process what I just said. Then she suddenly started hopping up and down and wildly waving her arms in the air like she was trying to summon the rain. Rolande, who had clearly been listening after all, coughed his entire mouthful of nuts onto our tray of finished pastries.

  After I finished calming my friend down, I came clean and relayed the truth of the situation to her. She was disappointed in the unromantic nature of the proposal plus the fact that it was merely a pretense and a business arrangement

  “I’m sorry I purposely mislead you Tiffany. I just had to have a little fun with that.”

  “ And Rolande, is that why you didn’t return to the boat last night?”

  Rolande’s sheepish expression revealed his guilt without him saying a word.

  “There was no way in hell you didn’t know what was going on……..”

  “I ended up staying in a hotel last night because I thought 3 might be a crowd. I learned about Blaize’s visa situation when it happened at the airport of course. But honestly Chelsea, I didn’t know about his intention to make you his bride until last night. So, what did you tell him? Did you say yes? There is quite a bit of money at stake… Was his offer not sufficiently generous?”

  “Well? DID you say yes, Chelsea? Did he actually say he would pay you? How much did he offer?” Tiffany was still having a hard time containing herself.

  “I didn’t say yes or no. It was just too much to for me to digest all at once. I’ve got way too many things on my mind. We have such a busy week ahead of us: Baking for all those book signings we have to do in the next few days, plus all our other orders. I also have to find time to shop and cook dinner every night for you guys until you hire someone else.”

  I could see Tiffany and Rolande giving each other skeptical looks. I knew they both thought I should just agree to do the favor because it really was in the best financial interest of all 4 of us. If Tiff only knew the ridiculous amount of money he offered me, there wouldn’t even be a discussion about it. She would already be shopping around for our new pastry shop building.

  “I need to take time to really think about this. I told Blaize I would give him an answer this weekend over dinner. He said he needs to start being ‘publicly engaged’, so I agreed to give the idea a try for one evening and see how it goes. The dinner date is a test to see if we’re even believable as a real couple.”

  Rolande and Tiffany shot each other a smart-ass, sideways glance and a smirk before both of them busting out in a giant belly laugh.

  “Yeah, right! Whatever! Maybe we should pop up some popcorn Rolande. This is gonna be quite a show!”



  It had been a wonderful whirlwind week: All the bookstore events were a smashing success for me and for French Chocolate; Rolande and I had the pleasure of eating Chelsea’s gourmet cooking every night; I got a respectable amount of work done on the movie script; And of course, the best part was being in close proximity to my lovely prospective bride both day and night. Although she and I rarely had any time alone, it still provided me with the opportunity to show her the many charming sides of Blaize Simon.

  After all… This may be a sham marriage, but I had every intention of consummating it.

  I suspected I was chipping away at Chelsea’s resistance. I reasoned that if I wasn’t, she wouldn’t have felt the need to bring Tiffany over to the yacht with her to eat with us each night. She obviously couldn’t trust Rolande to stay, so she brought her own bodyguard along. Despite this, we found a bit of time to flirt as the week progressed… But now her time had run out. It was Saturday, at last. Our date night was upon us and there would be no bodyguards to protect her from her own desires. And I would show her no mercy.

  I pulled up to her quaint little yellow house in my rented Jaguar convertible sports coupe promptly at 7PM. With a large bouquet of pink roses in one hand, I unlatched the garden gate with the other and proceeded up the shady brick walkway. Michael Jackson’s Billy Jean was wafting out of the screen door. As I got closer, I could see Tiffany inside dancing around the living room, pretending her feather duster was a microphone. I rang the bell and called out, “Hey Tiff! Is my fiancée ready?”

  She stopped dancing and opened the door for me, wearing her usual big welcoming smile. “Fiancée! You crack me up, you know that? C’mon in!” She turned the music down so we could talk.

  “Chelsea! Your date is here!”

  “So, where will you be taking my best friend in the whole world? I trust you will have her home at a respectable hour, young man?”

  I couldn’t resist whispering in Tiffany’s ear: “I wouldn’t wait up if I were you.”

  She was just about to smack me with the feather duster when Chelsea entered the room. My jaw dropped and my mouth went bone dry. Her beauty was unparalleled by that of any woman I had ever seen. I was completely awestruck.

  Tiffany immediately started complimenting her friend.

  “Oh my god, Chels, you look gorgeous! Too gorgeous, actually! I can’t let you go out with this guy looking like that. I’m going along as a chaperone, that’s all there is to it!”

  Chelsea flashed a dazzling white smile in my direction.

  “Hi Blaize. You’re looking very dashing this evening.”

  “Thank you, Chelsea. My god! You are positively breathtaking. You look absolutel
y exquisite in that dress.”

  That was an understatement. She looked fucking amazing! She had a rare combination of class, elegance, and sizzling sexuality! The slinky, little black slip dress clung to her luscious curves so seductively it should have come with a lethal weapon warning. Holy fuck! It was all I could do to keep my cock from swelling at the mere sight of her.

  I salivated uncontrollably as I watched her bend over to pick up her shimmering silver wrap and matching bag off the coffee table. Then I suddenly realized I was still holding her roses.

  “Here ……. these are for you.” I couldn’t believe I actually stammered.

  “Flowers? You didn’t need to do that! But it sure is sweet of you!”

  “Lemme take care of those for you, Chels. I’ve got just the perfect vase for them. You two kids go have fun now! Scoot!”

  My heart almost melted when Chelsea kissed Tiffany on the cheek and said, “Good-night, sis.” They really were as close as sisters. And just like a sister, Tiff grilled me one last time as we headed out the door:

  “You never did say where you were taking my girl, Blaize.”

  “Dinner and dancing at Hanalei. It’s that new Hawaiian fusion place in Malibu. Have you heard of it?”

  “Heard of it? Everyone’s been raving about it! But there’s a six-week wait for a table. You’ll never get a reservation for tonight, you silly foreigner.”


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