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by Rebecca Goldstein

  Platonism, 44–51, 59, 61–64, 73, 75, 87–88, 104n, 110–13, 116–17, 135, 143–44, 148, 154, 163, 185, 192, 194, 213–19, 244, 255, 256, 260

  Polgar, Alfred, 72–73

  Popper, Karl, 74, 265n

  postmodernism, 24–26, 37, 49, 69, 101, 135–36, 189

  Princeton University, 13, 20n, 30–32, 36, 51, 59, 68, 124–26, 224, 226, 227, 229–30, 231–32, 238–39, 246, 258–59

  Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead), 83, 92–93, 96, 101, 144, 160

  Prior Analytics (Aristotle), 55n–56n

  proof theory, 144, 251

  Protagoras, 38, 44, 62, 86–87

  “pseudo-propositions,” 78

  psychology, 70, 71, 80, 204–5

  Putnam, Hilary, 111–12, 216–18

  Pythagoreans, 39

  quantum mechanics, 37–38, 40–41, 43

  Quine, Willard van Orman, 88, 214

  Ravel, Maurice, 90n


  abstract, 43–45, 50–51, 62–64, 214

  contingency and, 20–21, 30, 32n, 40–41

  delusion vs., 202–5

  empirical, 32, 50n, 74–80, 84–90, 107, 111, 137, 215, 258–59, 267n

  mathematical, 44–48, 64, 121–22, 134–35, 140–41

  meaning and, 44, 78–80, 81, 85–86, 97–98, 100, 101, 111, 131, 140–41, 191–92

  objective, 23, 24–29, 33, 35–48, 50–51, 61–64, 85, 111–12, 131, 140–41, 188, 202–5, 214, 253–54

  perception of, 46, 85, 111, 122, 134, 216

  subjective, 24–25, 28, 36–40, 62, 84–90, 202–5

  transcendental, 89, 191–92, 255–57, 259–61

  as unknowable, 106–7

  recursion theory, 132–33, 194, 252

  Redlich, Friedrich, 54

  Reichenbach, Hans, 82, 147, 158, 214, 218

  Reidemeister, Kurt, 97

  Reine Vernunft (pure reason), 15–16, 18, 67, 123, 218–19, 238, 258

  relativity theory:

  as conceptual revolution, 21–22, 36–43, 85

  coordinate system in, 41n

  development of, 35, 65

  field equations for, 34n, 256, 257–58

  general theory of, 19, 41

  Gödel’s work on, 34n, 213n, 253–61

  objective reality and, 36–38, 41–43, 85, 253–54

  popular misinterpretation of, 37–40, 253–54

  space-time continuum in, 41n, 42, 45, 253–61

  special theory of, 19, 35, 41, 65

  religion, 27n, 42–43, 77–79, 97, 192, 209–10, 243

  Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (Wittgenstein), 117, 190, 268n–69n

  Richard, Jules, 165n

  Richard’s paradox, 165n–66n, 179n

  Robinson, Abraham, 118n, 240–41

  Rorty, Richard, 208–9

  Rubin, H., 224n

  Rubin, J., 224n

  Russell, Bertrand, 78, 83, 111, 160, 198

  Gödel and, 116–17, 216–18, 226, 248

  paradox formulated by, 90–93, 100, 102, 142, 144

  Wittgenstein and, 93–96, 97, 101–2, 108, 113, 119, 267n

  “Russell’s Mathematical Logic” (Gödel), 216–18

  Schilpp, P. A., 42, 257n, 265n

  Schimanovich, Werner, 222

  Schlick, Moritz, 73–74, 78–81, 82, 83, 84, 88, 96, 97, 104, 105, 110, 117, 148–49, 213, 220, 228

  Schönberg, Arnold, 70


  methodology of, 29, 31, 76

  pure, 16–17, 26–27, 85–86, 99–100

  revolutions in, 21–22, 161, 231–32

  subjectivity in, 36–40, 84

  Secession, 70–71

  self-referential statements, 66–67, 90–93, 165n–66n, 195

  Shadows of the Mind (Penrose), 25, 201

  Snow, C. P., 47n

  Snow White, 252n

  sociology, 242–45

  Socrates, 63, 255

  Solovay, Robert, 251

  “Some Remarks on Axiomatized Set Theory” (Skolem), 154n

  Sophists, 40, 62, 84, 112–13, 191, 193, 244

  Spencer, Herbert, 85

  Spinoza, Benedictus, 27n, 97, 126, 199

  Sprache, Die (Kraus), 71

  Sprachkritik (Mauthner), 103

  Stalin, Joseph, 32, 227, 241

  Straus, Ernst Gabor, 20–21, 29–30, 34

  Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 161

  Survey of Symbolic Logic (Lewis), 82

  Tagore, Rabindranath, 103n–4n

  Tarski, Alfred, 89

  Taussky-Todd, Olga, 108, 204n, 218

  “Tertium non datur” (Hilbert), 218

  thaulamazein (ontological wonder), 54–55

  Theory of Types, 92–93, 100, 144–45

  thermodynamics, 80n

  Thorne, Kip, 258, 259

  Time, 221n

  time, nature of, 34n, 41n, 42, 45, 253–61

  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein), 95n, 96–109, 119, 190–94

  Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Spinoza), 97

  transfinite set theory, 216–17


  absolute, 114, 124–26

  beauty and, 28, 63–64, 107

  inheritance laws of, 126n–27n

  linguistic, 98–99, 104, 189–90

  in logic, 44–45, 49–51, 98–102, 116–17, 152–54, 196n, 268n–69n

  mathematical, 86–87, 98–102, 107–11, 137–38, 140–41, 148–49, 155–59, 188, 202–5

  morality and, 62, 71–72, 86–87, 107, 124–26, 267n

  objective, 23–25, 77–78, 85–86, 116–17, 216–17, 244

  Turing, Alan, 166n, 190, 195–97, 219, 221n

  “Two Dogmas of Empiricism” (Quine), 214

  “Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwanter Systeme I” (Gödel), 24

  see also incompleteness theorems

  uncertainty principle, 21–22, 36–37, 39

  undecidable propositions, 117–18

  universal instantiation, 126n–27n

  universal set, 93n

  Veblen, Oswald, 19, 219, 226, 229

  Vienna Circle, 43–44, 73–84, 89–113, 115, 116, 117, 119, 135–36, 147, 158, 160–61, 193, 213–14, 216, 228, 236, 266n, 267n

  Voltaire, 247

  von Neumann, John, 19–20, 33, 88, 148, 161–63, 187, 195, 212, 219, 223, 225n, 229, 238

  Wagner-Jauregg, Julius, 220

  Waismann, Frederich, 84, 104–5, 110, 148–49, 160

  Wang, Hao, 34, 54, 58, 64, 83, 111, 154n, 159, 202–3, 213, 223, 249–50, 251, 259–60

  Weil, André, 242n, 243, 251

  Weil, Simone, 243

  Weininger, Otto, 95–96

  well-formed formulas (wffs), 86, 131–32, 141, 144n, 168–75, 178, 181

  Werfel, Franz, 72

  “What is Cantor’s Continuum Problem?” (Gödel), 111–12, 216–18

  Wheeler, John Archibald, 258–59

  White, Morton, 210, 215

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 83, 92–93, 96, 101, 111, 144, 160, 198

  Whitney, Hassler, 240, 250, 251

  “Wiener Kreis in America, The” (Feigl), 213–14

  Wiles, Andrew, 155n

  Wirtinger, Professor, 222

  Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung: Der Wiener Kreis, 84

  Wittgenstein, Karl, 70n

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig:

  background of, 90, 102

  at Cambridge University, 94–95, 104, 105, 113–14, 195–97, 267n

  early vs. late philosophy of, 100–102, 188–89

  Gödel compared with, 109, 114–15, 118–19, 188–94, 218

  Gödel’s theorems as viewed by, 89–90, 99, 100, 102, 111–20, 158, 188–95, 218, 268n–69n

  influence of, 44, 104–9, 111, 113–14, 119

  linguistic analysis by, 71, 96–102, 106–9, 118, 267n

  logical positivism and, 43–44, 103–9, 119, 188–89, 191

  personality of, 94–95, 104–7, 113–15, 118–19, 267n
  reputation of, 148–49, 214, 218, 221n

  Russell and, 93–96, 97, 101–2, 108, 113, 119, 267n

  Vienna Circle and, 43–44, 89–109, 117, 119, 267n

  Wittgenstein, Paul, 90n

  Wittgenstein’s Poker (Edmonds and Eidinow), 74–75

  World War I, 68, 69–70, 96

  Zen Buddhism, 103

  Praise for Incompleteness:

  The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel

  “Goldstein does a formidable job.”

  —Anthony Doerr, Boston Globe

  “Beguilingly empathetic. . . . Incompleteness sticks in the mind like Longitude, another book about an enigmatic scientific genius who registers on the reader’s mind as a mesmerizing void in human form. . . . Goldstein has a real knack for grounding even the loftiest theoretical disquisitions in reassuringly earthbound particulars. . . . To Goldstein’s enduring credit . . . we come away from Incompleteness with a sense of Gödel both at his most brilliant and, later, at his most neurotic.”

  —David Kipen, San Francisco Chronicle

  “Magnificent. . . . Goldstein is an excellent choice for this installment of Norton’s Great Discoveries series: Her philosophical background makes her a sure guide to the under-lying ideas, and she brings a novelistic depth of character and atmosphere . . . to her sympathetic depiction of the logician’s tortured psyche, as his relentless search for logical patterns . . . gradually darkened into paranoia.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Rebecca Goldstein has managed to get inside the head of Kurt Gödel and see what makes him tick. She presents Gödel’s mathematics as a consequence of his broader philosophical concerns. In her view Gödel is primarily a philosopher, but one who expressed his views through his mathematics. The strong connection between Gödel and Leibniz, which is little-known but was very important to Gödel, is particularly well documented. Highly recommended!”

  —Gregory J. Chaitin,

  author of Meta Math!: The Quest for Omega

  “This is difficult material, at the borders of what we understand about human knowledge. The author has skillfully humanized it by showing us Gödel, Wittgenstein, and Einstein in their work, their friendships, and their disagreements. Perhaps only a novelist could have done this. Rebecca Goldstein has, in any case, done it superbly well.”

  —John Derbyshire, New York Sun

  “[Goldstein] writes with a light touch that readers are sure to enjoy.”

  —Martin Davis, Nature

  “Incompleteness is an artfully written and thoroughly engaging account of one of the greatest mathematical minds of the last century. By interweaving well-chosen episodes in Kurt Gödel’s life with a detailed yet remarkably accessible account of his most stunning breakthrough—a proof that there are true but unprovable statements—Goldstein reveals both Gödel’s torment and his genius. By the book’s end, we understand well why Einstein would look forward to ‘the privilege of walking home with Gödel,’ and we can’t help but wish that we’d been able to join them.”

  —Brian Greene, author of

  The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos

  “In this penetrating, accessible, and beautifully written book, Rebecca Goldstein explores not only the work of one of the greatest mathematicians but also the relation of the human mind to the world around it.”

  —Alan Lightman, author of Einstein’s Dreams


  Photograph Credits

  p. 22 The American Institute of Physics/Emilio Segré Visual Archives

  p. 253 Leonard McCombe/Timepix

  Copyright © 2005 by Rebecca Goldstein

  All rights reserved

  Printed in the United States of America

  First published as a Norton paperback 2006

  For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to

  Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110

  Book design by Chris Welch

  Production manager: Julia Druskin

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Goldstein, Rebecca, date.

  Incompleteness : the proof and paradox of Kurt Gödel / Rebecca Goldstein.— 1st ed.

  p. cm. — (Great discoveries)

  Summary: “An introduction to the life and thought of Kurt Gödel, who transformed

  our conception of math forever”—Provided by publisher.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 0-393-05169-2

  1. Gödel, Kurt. 2. Logicians—United States—Biography. 3. Logicians—Austria—

  Biography. 4. Proof theory. I. Title. II. Series.

  QA29.G58G65 2005



  ISBN 0-393-32760-4 pbk.

  ISBN 978-0-393-24245-4 (e-book)

  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

  W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT

  Other Works


  David Foster Wallace

  Everything and More: A Compact History of ∞

  Sherwin B. Nuland

  The Doctors’ Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever,

  and the Strange Story of Ignác Semmelweis

  Michio Kaku

  Einstein’s Cosmos: How Albert Einstein’s Vision Transformed Our

  Understanding of Space and Time

  Barbara Goldsmith

  Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie

  Rebecca Goldstein

  Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of

  Kurt Gödel

  Madison Smartt Bell

  Lavoisier in the Year One: The Birth of a New Science

  in an Age of Revolution

  George Johnson

  Miss Leavitt’s Stars: The Untold Story of the Forgotten Woman Who

  Discovered How to Measure the Universe

  David Leavitt

  The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention

  of the Computer

  William T. Vollmann

  Uncentering the Earth: Copernicus and The Revolutions of the

  Heavenly Spheres


  Richard Reeves on Rutherford and the Atom

  Daniel Mendelsohn on Archimedes and the Science of

  the Ancient Greeks

  David Quammen on Darwin and Evolution

  General Editors: Edwin Barber and Jesse Cohen


  The Mind-Body Problem

  The Late-Summer Passion of a Woman of Mind

  The Dark Sister

  Strange Attractors


  Properties of Light





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