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Remembering August (Triple C Ranch Saga)

Page 17

by Rodney V. Earle

  “One more question first,” replied the officer. “How about the last known address for this… Dianne Skoggins?”


  Colleen and Augie relaxed in their beds with their eyes closed, daydreaming about the past. Their room was quiet, with the exception of an occasional sigh from the occupants. Even the beep of the PCA pump seemed quieter when Colleen pushed the button for more Morphine. She thought about the way Chase used to tell the Wrigley Ranch story. She knew that his version was a far cry better than hers. She missed the way he used to imitate Duke’s voice.

  Augie’s thoughts swam lazily about her head like kelp in a blurry sea of endless images. She thought of her husband, and wondered where he was and if he was alive. She pictured him standing on the busy deck of an aircraft carrier in the middle of an ocean somewhere, wearing his blue dungarees and white sailor hat. She thought about the last time they spoke on the phone, and the bevy of lies she told him. She was running out of excuses about why there was no money in their bank account.

  She knew that her husband was becoming increasingly suspicious, and sooner or later something had to give. Her thoughts turned to her boyfriend and what he did Saturday night during his latest drunken rage. Her body had taken plenty of abuse from different men over the previous year, but Saturday was the first time she had been forcefully sodomized since she was nine.

  She thought more about what she was going to do once Dr. Nguyen signed her discharge orders. She made a mental list of what she had to work with, which wasn’t much. She had no cash for cab fare, and her checking account was overdrawn. Even if she did get a ride to her crappy apartment somehow, she thought, the rent was late and she knew it was only a matter of time before the landlord threw her out.

  She broke the room’s silence with a sniffle. Colleen opened her eyes and turned her head. Augie had the covers pulled over her head, and Colleen knew something was wrong once again.

  “Augie?” Colleen asked quietly.

  “Y—yeah?” Augie replied with a muffled sob.

  “You all right?”

  “No,” said Augie.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Same old shit,” Augie said as she sniffled and pulled the covers from her face.

  “I’m sorry,” Colleen offered.

  “It’s my own fault. I’m just a mess… like usual.”

  “Is there some way I can help?”

  “Nah. I’ll figure it all out… somehow,” Augie replied as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “I always do.”

  “You want me to kick the crap out of the fucker that did that to you?” Colleen asked in an attempt to bring a smile back to Augie’s face.

  “This one’s a big fucker,” Augie replied and sniffled again.

  “Shee-it,” Colleen guffawed. “Ain’t no man ever got the best ’o me. A horse, maybe… but never a man.”

  “This man’s dangerous,” Augie said. She turned her head toward Colleen. “He scares the shit out of me, and I don’t know how I’m gonna get rid of him when the time comes.”

  “When the time comes?” Colleen asked rhetorically. “Don’t you think that now is a good time to kick-fuck this dude after what he did to you?”

  Augie turned her head away without saying a word. Colleen thought about what she just said to Augie, and the demeaning tone that she used.

  “Oh shit, Augie,” Colleen said submissively. “I’m sorry.”

  Augie turned back toward Colleen and another tear raced after the other. “For what?” she asked.

  “It’s not my place to tell you how to handle yer affairs — no pun intended. I wouldn’t want some… bitch tellin’ me what’s what, and I just did it to you.”

  Augie’s sniffles turned to sobs again. Colleen felt that she stepped over the line by telling Augie what she should do. She expected Augie to clam up. “Fuck,” she said to herself under her breath as she straightened her head and clenched her right fist. “I shot my fuckin’ mouth off too much again.”

  “No,” Augie said between sobs. “You didn’t.”

  Colleen saw that Augie was looking at her with a sort of tender reverence rather than the hurt, tear-filled glare she expected.

  “I didn’t?”

  “No,” Augie replied. “I can’t remember the last time somebody cared enough about me to offer advice rather than telling me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

  “But I violated one of my own rules, Augie,” Colleen said.

  “Which one is that?” Augie asked as she wiped her face.

  “I insulted you by telling you that you needed to get rid of the fuckhead that put you in the hospital,” Colleen said.

  “No you didn’t,” Augie said. “You said don’t you think that now is a good time. You didn’t say you need to do this or you need to do that. You asked me what I thought.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “I never thought I would hear the day when someone asked me what I thought,” Augie interrupted. “Thank you.”

  “I—” Colleen started, but was interrupted again.

  “And you offered to kick the shit out of someone for me,” Augie continued. “Nobody’s ever done that before.”

  Colleen took in a deep breath and then let it out as she studied Augie’s face. “I would do it, Augie… because you’re my friend.”

  “I’ve never had a friend like you,” Augie said. “I feel like I can tell you anything.”

  Colleen closed her eyes and said, “True friends… true soul connections… are few and far between… and when we happen upon one of those souls… we should hang on for dear life.”

  “That’s beautiful,” Augie whimpered. “Who… wrote that?”

  “One of my Facebook friends,” Colleen said. “I’ve never met her in person, but she’s really sweet.”

  “So… are you,” Augie bawled.

  Colleen sat in silence and watched Augie sob uncontrollably for a few moments. She shared the moment and let her own tears flow freely.

  Augie slowly gained control of her sobs and sniffled between choppy gulps of breath. “Col—leen?” she asked as she wiped her cheek again.

  “Yes, Augie?” Colleen answered with a sniffle.

  “Can I… can I… tell you that I love you?”

  Tears suddenly gushed. For the first time since before Chase’s death, Colleen looked into another person’s eyes and wept without having to hide her tears. “Yes,” said Colleen. “As long as you don’t mind my saying it whenever I feel like it.”

  “I don’t mind,” Augie whimpered. “Besides, I’m afraid you’ll kick the crap out of me if I say no.”

  Augie and Colleen laughed together amidst the tears of joy that marked the beginning of their friendship and love for one another.

  “Where’s Leah when you need her?” laughed Colleen as she swiped her cheeks with shaky fingers.

  “I know, right?” Augie chuckled and smiled.


  Sheila thought for a moment about the officer’s question regarding her former manager. “Well, that’s part of the problem with the missing cash register.”

  “It is? How so?”

  “Like I said before, it was more than just a cash register,” Sheila said. “It also has all of my accounting software on it, and my client information. Vendors too.”

  “Ah,” said the officer. “I see.”

  “See what?” asked Sheila, confused.

  “How many contacts would you say you have?”

  “I don’t know…” Sheila thought aloud. “Maybe… a couple thousand?”

  “So you’re saying that the last known addresses you have on file is in the missing computer?” the officer asked.

  “Right,” said Sheila. “But I can get the backup files within twenty-four hours from EDP.”

  He stopped writing in his pad for a moment and looked up at Sheila. “EDP?”

  “It’s a data storage company that I use to back up all of my operation critical information,” she said. “It uploads everything to
them every night at midnight.”

  “And where is this EDP located?”


  The officer looked down at his pad, jotted down another quick note, and then slid it in his shirt pocket. “Okay then,” he said. “Is this door electronically monitored? I didn’t see any video surveillance gear, so I’m assuming not. ”

  “No,” said Sheila. “Do you want me to open it now?”

  “Carefully,” said the officer. “If you can, try not to touch the door with anything other than the key.”

  “Maybe you better do it,” Sheila said as she offered him the key.

  “It’s okay,” the officer said. “I just want to see how easily it opens with the key alone.”

  Sheila positioned the key in her right hand so that the only part she touched was the very end of it. It slid in easily. She held the rest of the keychain with her left hand so it wouldn’t dangle or touch any part of the door as instructed. She took in a deep breath and held it. As she turned the key slowly clockwise, the door handle started to turn with it. She stopped, held the key in place and looked up at the officer. “I can tell the door’s unlocked already.”

  “Okay, now listen to me very carefully,” he said in a calm but serious tone. “Don’t move the key any further, and don’t release it.”

  “Oh, shit,” Sheila gasped.

  “Don’t be alarmed. Just do as I say and hold it where it is. Can you do that?”

  “Y—yeah,” Sheila stuttered. She looked down at her hands, which instantly started to sweat at the palms. She squeezed her thighs together and felt the urgency in her bladder return with a vengeance.

  The officer grabbed his radio microphone and pressed the button. “Jarvis, you got a copy?” he said loudly, taking Sheila by surprise.


  “Shhhh!” the officer interrupted. “Just concentrate.”

  Sheila gasped again and started to panic. A thousand images raced through her mind as she saw the look on the officer’s face turn from blank to serious. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and started edging their way down his temples.

  “Jarvis, you got a copy?” he repeated, but got no answer.


  As Augie and Colleen tried their best to wipe away tears, Leah appeared at the door again. “Did I hear my name?” she asked as she entered the room with another nurse following behind her.

  “I swear you’re psychic,” Colleen said with a laugh.

  “No kidding,” Augie added.

  “Was there something you needed?”

  Augie suddenly pulled her covers up to her chest as she saw the other nurse. She had her arms full of sheets and towels. Colleen noticed Augie’s sudden movements and emulated her. For a few moments, an uncomfortable silence filled the room, which made all four women feel uneasy.

  “I’m sorry,” Leah said, breaking the silence. “This is Yanette, your CNA.”

  “Hi,” said Yanette as she smiled first at Colleen, then at Augie.

  “Hi, Yanette,” Augie said with a sudden tone of familiarity. “Sorry. I didn’t recognize you.”

  “That’s okay,” said Yanette. “It’s nice to see you again, Ms. Riley.”

  “Nice to see you too,” Augie said as she nodded her head. “I want you to meet my new friend, Colleen.” Augie motioned toward her roommate.

  “Hello,” Colleen said.

  “Hi, Colleen,” Yanette replied. “I’m here to help you with your bath, is that okay?”

  “Ugh,” Colleen replied. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

  “And how about you, Ms. Riley?” she asked as she turned toward Augie.

  “Yes, please,” replied Augie.

  “Do you mind if we take care of Colleen first?” Leah piped in.

  “Not at all,” said Augie. “I’ll just take me a little nap until you’re done.”

  “Sounds good,” said Leah.

  “I feel soooo scummy,” said Colleen. “I’m sure I still smell like horse shit.”

  “I wasn’t gonna say anything,” said Augie.

  “Why don’t you kiss my ass?” Colleen quipped.

  “Wow,” Leah said as she moved between the two beds.

  “Sorry, Yanette,” Colleen apologized as her face turned pink from embarrassment.

  “Oh, that’s okay,” said Yanette. “I have heard lots worse this morning.”

  Augie giggled and then pushed her pain button. The PCA pump beeped and Leah closed the privacy curtain. Yanette set the linens on the recliner, moved to the sink and turned on the hot water. Leah closed the door with a heavy thud and Colleen waited patiently as Yanette appeared with a mauve-colored plastic basin. Leah joined her at the head of the bed. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Not too bad,” replied Colleen.

  “It sounded like you needed something when I got here,” Leah whispered.

  “Just another one of your hugs,” Colleen whispered back. “We were thinking of pimping you out once we get out of here.”

  Leah chuckled as she put on gloves and lowered the bedrail. Colleen shifted and tried to sit up straight.

  “You don’t need to move or anything,” Leah said. “Let’s get your gown off first.”

  “Okay,” said Colleen. “What should I do?”

  “Ummm… nothing really.” She carefully removed Colleen’s sling and then unsnapped the buttons that held the gown together along the shoulder. Colleen leaned forward to an upright position while Leah untied the string at the back. The gown slid down Colleen’s left shoulder and Leah carefully pulled the left side of the gown from her lower back and left buttock. Leah inhaled a sharp hiss through her teeth.

  “What?” Colleen asked. She looked down.

  “Ohhh, honey,” Leah said with an empathetic squint.

  “Oh, fuck my life,” Colleen said with a hint of disparity as she studied her left shoulder and breast. Just below the left collarbone was a perfect, strawberry-colored imprint of an upside-down horseshoe. The surrounding area was swollen and dirty, and above her breast was a group of several deep purple splotches.

  “What’s going on over there?” Augie asked.

  “Augie… you gotta see this,” Colleen said. “Leah, can you pull back the curtain for a sec?”

  “You sure?” asked Leah.

  “I’m sure.”

  Leah left Colleen’s bedside and went to the end of the privacy curtain. She turned and looked back at Colleen one last time and received a nod of approval. Leah slid the curtain back toward the head of the beds. Colleen looked up at Augie, who was sitting in the upright position, leaning slightly forward.

  “What… in the hell… is that?” Augie asked.

  Yanette turned around and looked at what everyone was looking at. She gasped through her teeth the same way Leah did a few moments before.

  “Ringworm, I think,” Colleen said smartly.

  “Ho—ly shit,” Augie said. “Will that go away?”

  “I sure hope so,” said Colleen, shaking her head. “See how it’s upside-down?”

  “Yeah… bad luck,” Augie added. “You got any other tattoos like that one?”

  “Ugh,” Colleen said and then swallowed hard. “I feel nauseous.”

  “You all right?” Leah asked as she let go of the curtain.

  “Yeah.” Colleen leaned back and swallowed hard again. “I will be… in a minute.”

  “Take a deep breath,” Leah instructed.

  “I’m okay,” said Colleen. “But I know one horse that won’t be okay if this… thing doesn’t go away.”

  Augie giggled and put her right hand to her mouth. Colleen and Leah turned and looked in her direction, just as she turned her head away from them.

  “What’s so damned funny?” Colleen asked.

  “I was just thinking that you should take a picture of that and put it on your Facebook.”

  “Very funny,” said Colleen. “Now I’m a fuckin’ freak, is that it?”

  “Well, the men might like it
if you show your boobies,” replied Augie smartly. “Are them things real?”

  “You bet your ass they’re real,” said Colleen. “Are yours?”

  “Ha ha ha,” Augie mocked. “Now who’s being funny?”

  “Okay, Leah,” said Colleen. “Show’s over.”

  Leah chuckled and grabbed the edge of the privacy curtain.

  “Wait!” Augie chimed in. “Don’t you want to see my boobies?”

  “What for?” asked Colleen, mockingly. “Are they signed by the NBA Commissioner?”

  “Ha!” blurted Augie.

  “Even I get that one,” Leah said as she pulled the curtain.

  Leah and Yanette worked quickly and methodically as they helped the two patients bathe their broken bodies. The dynamic duo of nurse and CNA changed the bed linens before moving on to their other patients, and all was quiet again as Augie and Colleen settled in for a mid-morning nap.


  Sheila closed her eyes and tried as hard as she could to concentrate on the issue at hand. The uniformed officer stood silently for a moment and waited for a response on his radio from Jarvis. Sheila had a million random thoughts racing through her head, but they all kept crashing into one another like old cars in a demolition derby.

  She asked herself question after question as she tried to concentrate. Who was Jarvis? Why did she have to keep the key still? Where was her staff? Why didn’t she pee after she was nearly scared to death the first time? Who were the three missed calls on her cell phone?

  “I’ll be right back, Mrs. Jones,” said the uniformed officer.

  Sheila opened her eyes and heard her neck crack as she looked up in horror at the officer. The beads of sweat that ran down his temples became noticeably larger, and Sheila noticed dark patches of perspiration at his armpits. “Oh my God! Where are you going?”

  “Just keep still, don’t move, and everything will be fine,” he said calmly. “We’ll be done soon.”

  “Done with what?” Sheila asked.

  He frowned and said, “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  “Sh—shit!” Sheila spat. She took a deep, labored breath and held it in, making her face turn red. Her knees shook as her fingers started to cramp from holding the key in place.


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