Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron

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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron Page 34

by Nick Braker

  Forasia chuckled softly, enjoying Magnus’ indecision. Katerra’s hand twitched, subtle but he had learned she did that when something irritated her. A nervous tic she could not control. She had done it while inside Amanda’s body right before they had sex for the first time. Katerra couldn’t decide to kill Magnus or mate with him. Katerra had confided in him of her actions on Earth that day. If it weren’t for Amanda’s physical attraction to Magnus before Katerra mentally projected into her, he could easily be dead on earth right now and none of this would be happening.

  Dead on Earth.

  What would happen to a Kron woman physically in Earth’s gravitational field? Holy hell, he had his answer. Grep would be kicking him in the ass for not thinking of it sooner.

  “Earth, Nicaragua, near the city of Managua, specifically Xiloa lagoon shoreline. We will fight in the water only.”

  “You cannot choose Earth,” Forasia said. “The Baal-Shir ritual does not allow it.”

  Manushri waved her to silence. Forasia stared at her.

  “I decide what the ritual says and does not say,” Manushri replied, getting in Forasia’s face. Manushri lingered there a moment, letting her words sink in. She turned away from Forasia to face the people of Kron. “It is written, in the book regarding the Baal-Shir ritual, that the queen’s champion is allowed to choose the location of each battle. The ritual cannot be violated and it cannot be altered.” Manushri paused, repeating Forasia’s words from the last battle. She stared back at Forasia. Manushri turned again to face the camera. “I will allow it. Magnus has chosen Earth.”

  Forasia stepped toward Manushri but stopped herself. Her hands clenched into fists and her eyes flared at Manushri. Forasia wanted to kill her where she stood.

  “Please try, my sister,” Katerra whispered, grinning at Forasia.

  Forasia took a breath and squared her shoulders. Her face relaxed into an innocent smile again.

  “Of course, Manushri,” Forasia said. “As you desire.”

  “Forasia of Citron. Who do you choose as your four champions to face the queen’s chosen warrior?”

  Manushri’s choice of words had changed subtlety. She shortened Forasia’s title and referred to Magnus as the queen’s warrior. It was significant. She made it clear to Katerra where her loyalties lay perhaps even to the people of Kron. Manushri knew she had nothing to lose now. She had already hinted to Magnus at not wanting to live any longer. She had free reign as long as it didn’t violate the law or her morality. Magnus was again impressed with Manushri. She was a woman of merit and honor.

  Forasia folded her arms across her chest as she turned to face Magnus. She glared at him, her teeth clenched in seething hatred. It faded and she replaced it with a smirk. The change bothered Magnus. It was the same look she gave when she chose Tillair to fight against him. She had changed her mind and Magnus wasn’t going to like it.

  “I will fight for Kron myself. I also choose Poressa of house Merak and Chortia of house Bolton.”

  Forasia waited.

  “And your fourth?” Manushri asked.

  Forasia delayed further, letting him sweat. She had another ace up her sleeve.

  “My fourth choice will be unusual but apparently unusual is allowed in the ritual,” Forasia said, glancing at Manushri. “I have already spoken to my fourth champion and she has agreed to help in our effort to cleanse Kron. I choose Ruth Dixon of Earth,” Forasia said, letting her smirk grow.

  What the hell?

  Magnus focused his gaze on Manushri. He needed to see her reaction. Was it allowed? Could the challenger pick an alien? Ruth wouldn’t fight for Forasia. Magnus knew the answer but his emotional desperation fought against his logical side. He couldn’t believe it, he would have to fight Ruth and he knew he couldn’t kill her. Forasia had won.

  “You bitch,” Magnus whispered, facing away from the camera. “I promise you, I will kill you.”

  “The queen’s chosen warrior will fight Forasia of Citron, Poressa of house Merak, Chortia of house Bolton and Ruth Dixon of Earth,” Manushri said, addressing the people of Kron. “The battle will commence immediately. Make your way to the teleportation room. That will be all.”

  Chapter 29


  Kron - Citron

  Saturday, December 5, 1987 - 04:30pm


  The teleportation device had nearly destroyed Kron’s energy generating systems but as Katerra had promised over a month ago, her people had augmented the system to support the additional strain. As Magnus had learned, like everything Kron did, the additional power was way more than it needed and the system’s components were hardened and strengthened to handle the transmission to Earth. He and his team were going home. Magnus needed to come up with a way to save Ruth or even himself if needed. He would not kill her, no matter the cost.

  The doors to the room opened. Two guards escorted Magnus with Manushri walking alongside him. Magnus nearly whistled out loud due to the size of the room. As Katerra had promised, she had rebuilt the new teleportation room. Whatever unknown enhancements they had done, they also included making it much larger. A circular, metal platform stood about three feet off the ground with a diameter that Magnus estimated to be half the size of a football field. Numerous computer stations and monitors sat between the circular platform and the bulkhead door he had entered. Each station was manned with Kron scientists and all of them were female. He counted over fifteen before giving up. Large, black and gray cables were suspended and strung across much of the ceiling area, interlaced through metal latticework. It appeared they had been in a hurry to construct it and had taken shortcuts on aesthetics. The floor was Kron’s typical gray, hardened rubber-like material. The room smelled of new construction and looked clean. He recognized the platinum metal that covered the walls and ceiling. They were at least consistent, drab and functional.

  A computer voice cut in, drowning out all other conversations in the room. It said something in their language.

  “What—” Magnus started to say.

  “The computer stated the ship has been decontaminated and the docking bay doors will open in thirty seconds,” Manushri said.

  “Uh... what ship?” Magnus asked.

  “The one that will teleport to Earth with each of you inside,” Manushri said.

  The wall on the opposite side of the platform lowered, revealing a ship exactly like the one that had flown him to Kron’s moon. A gentle breeze of warm air hit his face. It came from the ship’s docking bay. Due to the recent decontamination process, the exterior bay was at a higher temperature. A hint of the glycerin-like decontamination liquid reached his nostrils. They had cleaned the ship before potentially exposing the interior room to the black ash.

  The wall finished its long slide downward. The spaceship floated up several feet and hovered toward the platform. It moved like the chairs that glided across the floors. The ship slowed, stopped in place and then landed softly on the teleportation platform. Magnus shook his head. Their technology far surpassed Earth’s. Magnus thought back to the conversation where Katerra and he discussed technology exchange as part of their alliance. What could Earth offer Kron in exchange for that kind of tech? Was her offer a carrot that she would use to lead them to their destruction? Magnus had to consider the possibility. It didn’t feel right but he couldn’t go with his feelings on this one. He couldn’t trust anyone.

  Sounds of others approaching from behind him caught his attention. He turned around. It was Forasia and her three champions. Ruth was one of them. Anger filled her face. She couldn’t look at him. He had tried to speak with her earlier but the Kron refused his request. He wasn’t sure Ruth would even talk with him had they allowed it.

  “There will be no discussion,” Manushri said, “which you seem to be so fond of, Forasia. Board the ship and let us finish this. That will be all.”

  Forasia smiled, nodding at Manushri as she motioned her team to walk across the room with her. They reached the ship and b
oarded. Manushri dismissed Magnus’ guards leaving them standing alone near the bulkhead door.

  “Magnus,” Manushri said, “you will likely not survive.”

  “Thanks for the vote of—”

  “What I mean to tell you is that a Kron male would die in seconds in Earth’s gravity where a female Kron could survive several hours. In Ryikoda form, your gravity will hamper their ability to fight but it will not have the impact I think you hoped for. Ryikoda burns through our body’s caloric reserves quickly and, on Earth, I would estimate it will go even faster but until that point, Forasia and her team are still dangerous. I hope that you win, Magnus.” Manushri stepped into Magnus and gave him a hug. “As I understand it, in your culture that is considered a gesture of affection.”

  “It is,” Magnus said, nodding. “And your gesture’s significance did not go unnoticed. Manushri, it has been an honor knowing you. I have not met a more noble person as you. I—”

  “If you seek to dissuade me from joining my mate, you waste your time.” Manushri said, smiling. She placed her hand on his cheek. “You must win this for our people.”

  Magnus’ eyes widened in surprise. “You know?”

  “You think me a feeble-minded old woman?” she said. “My queen is shrewd and understands her people completely. It was an easy conclusion to reach. They must be brought along in stages. Ingrained hatred is a hard thing to recover from but if anyone can do it, Katerra is that person.”

  If this woman believed so highly in her queen, perhaps Magnus could trust Katerra. Perhaps she was exactly what she claimed to be all along.

  “Go,” Manushri said, “the battle must finish before the time ends. One last thing... should you win, you and Katerra must deal with Ckilra.”

  Ckilra was the woman Manushri had mentioned before, the one pulling the strings behind the scenes.

  Great, it never ends.

  Kron - Citron

  Saturday, December 5, 1987 - 04:35pm


  Magnus took a seat on the opposite side of the ship’s crew area. Poressa, Chortia talked softly with Forasia, looking over at Magnus several times. Ruth listened but she didn’t contribute to their discussion. The quiet in the ship unnerved Magnus. The last time, before they took off for Kron’s moon, the ship sounded alive but this one was completely quiet. A voice spoke over the intercom system breaking the silence.

  “Lead Pilot, Tessa, this is Bree at station TR1. Please standby.”

  “Fleet ship, Parsimony, standing by,” Tessa said.

  “Station TR1, power up systems,” Bree ordered.

  A gradually increasing hum resonated through the ship.

  “I can confirm full power to all systems,” a female voice said.

  “Lock target,” Bree replied.

  “I can confirm lock,” the same female voice said.

  “Target selected and locked on,” Bree said.

  “I can confirm vector changes, compensation is at 100 percent,” the same voice said.

  “Parsimony, confirm all systems are currently powered down,” Bree said.

  The lights in the ship blinked out. Darkness surrounded Magnus. For a fraction of a second, he considered the possibility they might try to kill him before leaving but he knew Forasia would not take the risk. She had the advantage and she would wait as per the ritual.

  “Station TR1, confirmed,” Tessa responded. “No power to any systems.”

  That explained it. They were transporting to Earth with no power. Magnus could only guess it might be a limitation to the system, otherwise, why do it?

  “Parsimony, countdown to teleport is thirty seconds,” Bree said.

  “Understood,” Tessa replied.

  “Report,” Bree ordered.

  “All systems nominal.”

  A wave of sound ripped through the ship. Magnus instinctively put his hands over his ears. He could feel it more than hear it but was a sound wave. Another one followed it and soon several of them shook the ship in rhythmic fashion. Wave after wave of disorientation struck his body. It was similar to the effect when they had teleported him from Earth but the waves grew in strength. The severe pain he felt before didn’t come, though his head began to throb. He massaged his temples trying to relieve the pressure.




  “Parsimony, go dark and then prepare to power up your systems,” Bree said.




  “Going dark,” Tessa said.

  “Good luck, Parsimony,” Bree said.

  Earth - Nicaragua

  Saturday, December 5, 1987 - 04:45pm


  Magnus struggled to reorient himself. The ship’s interior spun, leaving him confused. He felt weightless though his seat strap held him in place. He looked out the view port. Stars winked at him from outside. The lights inside flared to life and the engines ignited. The pilot applied thrust at the same time the gravity well generator activated and planted all of them into their seats. The ship accelerated forward. Magnus shifted in his seat to see out the forward cockpit window. A blue planet with wispy white clouds the size of a marble grew as they approached it.

  It was Earth. He was home again.

  Hot damn.

  Magnus’ heart raced with excitement as the ship descended into Earth’s atmosphere. South America and then Nicaragua came into view and quickly expanded. The bright blue color of a lagoon filled the screen next and the ship shifted ninety degrees as it hovered over the shoreline of Xiloa lagoon. They lingered there for several seconds before Manushri’s face projected inside the passenger area while addressing the people of Kron.

  “The Baal-Shir ceremony has long been used to settle any disputes of leadership. For the final battle, our hearts and minds will be focused on the future of the people of Kron. Forasia of Citron, Poressa of house Merak, Chortia of house Bolton and Ruth Dixon of Earth and, the queen’s chosen warrior, Magnus Carson of Earth will fight for the honor of serving us and protecting our futures. May the best warrior win.”

  Manushri had done it again. She had indicated her preference and had done so in front of every person of Kron. Magnus hoped her public expression would reach the minds of the people of Kron and perhaps change them. Now, if only he had any hope of winning this fight. How? He would not kill Ruth and she wouldn’t kill him. Forasia’s plan had to be to use Ruth to weaken or distract him.

  “Forasia,” Tessa said over the intercom. “I will drop your team here in the water near the shoreline. Magnus, I will drop you one hundred feet farther down.

  The three Kron women morphed, assuming their Ryikoda forms. They stood and moved to the open ramp, each taking careful steps in Earth’s gravity, adjusting their cadence as they went. Ruth followed adjusting her stride effortlessly.

  “This will be easy, Magnus,” Forasia said, stepping into the water. The other two followed Forasia. Ruth turned back to look at Magnus. They both studied each other.

  “I’m sorry,” Ruth said. “I have to do this.” She stepped out into the knee-deep water.


  Magnus reeled. Ruth was willing to do this? She had made up her mind to kill him.

  “Magnus,” Tessa said over the intercom, “we’re in position. Your turn.”

  Tessa cut the microphone and turned back in her seat to face Magnus.

  “Good luck, Magnus of Earth,” Tessa said. “There are many of us counting on you.”

  What the hell?

  Was the universe turning upside down? Some of the Kron had sided with him and their queen. Magnus sighed, he wished they hadn’t. It would have been better for all of them to hate him.

  Less people to let down.

  Magnus nodded at Tessa as he jumped, landing in the water up to his knees. It was warm with a salty smell. He oriented himself, adjusting his motions to his home gravity. He easily transitioned to Earth’s pull. The shoreline was to his left as he f
aced his opponents.

  The noise from the ship’s engines had masked it earlier but now he could hear the chaos around him. People screamed and got out of the water, heading for cover. Crowds on the beach hid among the trees and buildings lining the shore. The large alien spaceship looked menacing as it moved to hover over the lagoon father out from the shoreline. Magnus couldn’t worry about the ship or the humans, he had three aliens to kill and a huge problem to solve if Ruth survived to the end. She had to survive, but what then?

  Manushri’s face appeared again, projecting over the lagoon. Her visage was massive. “People of Earth...” Manushri addressed the crowd, with translations in several Earth languages.

  “Magnus,” Alexandria said, speaking over Manushri in his EP. “Is that you?”

  Magnus’ EP was working again. Ruth’s must be as well. Alexandria must have set up an automated signal check. She hadn’t given up looking for him.

  “Be warned,” Manushri continued, unaware that Magnus was having a private conversation. “Do not interfere.”

  Magnus slid his hand through his hair, inconspicuously tapping behind his right ear.

  “Yes. Can’t talk much,” Magnus said, pretending to wipe his mouth and hoping the action would not be noticed.

  “You will be killed instantly if you do,” Manushri continued. “Leave the fight to these five in the water. Watch if you wish, but nothing more will be tolerated.”

  “Tell me what you can,” Alexandria said, quickly.

  Alexandria took him at his word. He didn’t need to tell her where he was. His EP had already given them his coordinates. She knew he couldn’t talk but not the reason behind it. Magnus scooped some water up and splashed it in his face. With his hands, he wiped the water off, covering his mouth as he spoke.

  “Fighting aliens on Earth,” Magnus whispered. “Working on alliance with Kron.”

  “Champions,” Manushri continued, “as instructed, you must fight in the water and cannot leave it. You will be eliminated if you step outside the boundaries defined by the queen’s champion.”


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