Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron

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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron Page 35

by Nick Braker

  “Still listening,” Alexandria said.

  “If I lose, there will be war. The Kron have teleportation now.”

  “Ruth Dixon,” Manushri said. “You must fight for Kron. If you assist Magnus in any way, you will be killed as well.”

  “No worries there,” Ruth yelled. “I won’t.”

  What the hell? Is she playing a ruse? They will kill her if they suspect any foul play.

  “Oh, my god,” Alexandria said, “was that Ruth? She’s helping them?”

  Magnus splashed more water on his face. “Long story. Gotta go.”

  “Leave the line open,” Alexandria ordered.

  The four women stripped their outer garments off, revealing Kron-gray swimming suits. Ruth must have warned them ahead of time about their clothing. They ran at Magnus. As expected, their movements were hampered by the water and Earth’s gravity but Magnus had also hoped they would not realize their clothing would create a problem.

  Damn you, Ruth. What are you doing?

  Magnus’ plan was falling apart but it wasn’t over yet, this could still work. He waded deeper into the lagoon as they rushed him.

  “Stop him before he gets too far,” Ruth yelled. “He’ll swim under.”

  Magnus dove. He looked back as his head went under. Ruth was in the lead. She dove, too, trying to catch him. Ruth was a better swimmer than Magnus and she would catch him if he weren’t careful. Would she help him? He couldn’t count on it. He had to avoid her or fight her.

  Still underwater, Magnus looked around trying to ensure he’d lost them. The murky water put visibility at around ten feet so there was no way they could find him unless they were right on his tail. Only Ruth would know to follow the trail of bubbles. He had to stay ahead of her enough to get to the Kron women. He looped around and swam back to the shoreline, pushing himself along the bottom.

  If Magnus got too close to the shoreline, they’d be able to see him. He stopped and stood up slowly, letting only the top of his head come up at eye level. He was behind and to the left of Chortia about twenty feet. He took a fresh breath and dropped quietly back into the water. The three Ryikoda females had spread out, staying in the water about hip deep. They were facing outward from the shoreline looking for him. Their hair was dry. They had not gone under yet. Would they?

  Magnus swam along the bottom of the sandy lagoon, closing on Chortia from directly behind her. He lunged upwards. Chortia started to turn, swinging her razor-sharp claws. Magnus wrapped his hands around her head and twisted. Chortia collapsed into the water as both Poressa and Forasia lunged toward him. Magnus wanted to dive back under and swim away but his instincts told him they’d be on him before he could. Magnus backed up, going deeper into the lagoon. The water was chest deep, he didn’t get far. Poressa reached him first, swinging her right hand claws at his face. He jerked his head back but it had been a feint. She wanted to get on his right side, letting Forasia catch up and attack from the left. They were going to double team him.

  Forasia reached him and swung at his face, too. He dodged but it was another feint. Forasia was fast and kicked him in the stomach. Her talons punctured his abdomen. Poressa swung at the same time as Forasia. As his right arm went up to block Poressa, Magnus snapped his left hand out, striking Forasia across the cheek with his knuckles. Her cheekbone broke. Forasia spun from Magnus’ blow, but she recovered and continued the spin. She swiped across his face with her right claws followed by her left. Poressa shifted to her left, moving behind Magnus. He couldn’t see her attack but he gambled she would use her claws. He brought both arms up to block Forasia’s attack as he kicked out behind him. Poressa’s claws cut deep into the back of his head, one of them partially severing his neck muscle on the back right side. His heel connected, crushing her ribcage.

  Poressa screamed, wading backwards. Both Ryikoda women were breathing hard, struggling against the higher gravity and the water’s resistance. Forasia’s face betrayed her rage. She kicked out under the water at Magnus. Her talons punctured his ribcage this time. He couldn’t take much more of this. Blood poured from the wounds as he dropped under the water. He crouched on the bottom and lunged in a twisting motion back at Poressa. She struck downward into the water at Magnus. She sliced the flesh on his back as Magnus’ fist connected with her broken ribcage. He crushed her lung. The wound was mortal, but she would live a few moments longer.

  Magnus dove down and did an immediate U-turn swimming to shore. One of them managed to attack him, cutting into his left hamstring. The wound stung but it wasn’t deadly. Magnus needed to breathe. His lungs and body were starved for oxygen. He came up for air ten feet from the shoreline. He stood knee deep as Forasia waded closer to him. Poressa hadn’t moved. She struggled to breathe, taking shallow breaths. Blood began to pour from her mouth. Her lungs were filling with blood. Poressa was moments from death. Magnus had one more to kill.

  “I should let you bleed to death but cutting you open as you die would be far preferable,” Forasia said.

  Ruth was fifty feet behind Forasia as she swam with everything she had toward them. Magnus didn’t have much time. Forasia had to die before Ruth reached them. He had to talk to her. There had to be a solution.

  Magnus staggered to his feet. His legs gave out and he fell. His limbs felt like lead. Magnus was exhausted. He rolled to his knees and pushed up with one arm. Blood poured from his wounds. The back of his neck was cut, he had puncture wounds to his ribs and abdomen and several other nasty slashes. His body needed more air and he needed to rest. He was bleeding to death.

  Forasia reached him. He managed to stand as she spun her legs around scraping across his face. Her talons shredded his nose and right eyelid. He barely managed to avoid a deeper cut by jerking his upper body backwards. The move left him exposed. Forasia struck again. She thrust both hands into his abdomen. Her claws sank into him. She grinned as Magnus grabbed her wrists.

  “Die, human,” she said, struggling to breathe.

  Her claws were still inside him as Magnus held her there. He struck Forasia with a head butt to her face. Her eyes rolled back and she looked wildly around, stunned. Still holding her wrists, he struck out with the heel of his foot aiming at her sternum. Magnus screamed with the effort. His leg snapped up as he drove his foot into her chest. Her sternum broke. The strength of his kick allowed his foot to continue forward. Her chest cavity folded around it. He let go and Forasia fell backwards into the water, dead.

  Magnus dropped to the ground, landing on his butt. He sat their holding his abdomen, trying uselessly to contain the flow of blood. He knew the Aliri augmentation was the only reason he still lived but even it couldn’t help him now. Like Poressa, he would be dead soon. He heard Ruth approaching him.

  “I have to do this,” Ruth said.

  “Do what?” he managed.

  “I’ll be queen,” she said, starting to cry.

  “What?” he whispered, barely able to speak. “How?”

  Magnus couldn’t focus. He felt cold and exhausted. He was angry, too. He had failed and, once again, people he knew were going to die. Too many people. He had lost Beth, his friends and now his world.

  “Forasia is dead. I’m the only champion left,” she said, weeping. “I checked the laws of their ritual.” Ruth wiped her nose with the back of her hand, sobbing. “It’s never happened before but the rules cover it.”

  “What are you... saying?” Magnus asked. His vision blurred as he stared up at her.

  “I can save Earth... as queen, I can stop all of this,” Ruth said. She sobbed even more.

  Magnus couldn’t understand Ruth. His body had lost too much blood and his brain was starved of oxygen. He would die soon and he welcomed the rest it would bring. Beth was the only person in his life he’d ever given his heart to and she’d never be back. Beth was dead and he was about to join her.

  Ruth looked up at the sky, weeping uncontrollably. “God,” she wailed into the air, “please forgive me! I’m sorry, Magnus,” Ruth said. S
he could barely speak as she kicked him in his head. “I’m sorry.” The blow knocked him back. Ruth straddled him. “I’m so sorry...”

  She had a large seashell in her hand. Ruth raised it over her head and swung it down. “I’m sorry,” she screamed, wailing even more. “Dear god, I’m so sorry.” It hit him in his forehead. Ruth groaned as she swung again cracking the front of his skull.

  Beth was gone. Warren and Brock were gone... so much loss and pain. Magnus opened his eyes as Ruth raised the seashell. Blood obscured his vision. Magnus wasn’t even sure it was her now. Someone was attacking him, trying to kill him. His enemy wanted him dead and he had to stop it.

  “You enemy,” he said. His voice was raspy as his body morphed. Pieces of his flesh, still shredded and laid open by his earlier attackers partially healed, closing the skin in several places. The blood that still poured from his abdomen slowed to a trickle as the wounds sealed as he continued to morph to Ryikoda.

  Magnus’ arms and legs lengthened several inches. His claws extended out from the tips of his fingers. He thrust them into his enemy’s chest cavity. The razor-sharp claws punctured deep into its heart.

  His enemy’s eyes opened wide in horror. It tried to speak but only grunts and gushes of air escaped its lips, followed by blood gurgling out of its mouth. The seashell dropped from his enemy’s hands as its arms fell to its side. His enemy’s head fell forward.

  The fog over his thoughts lifted and his head cleared as the trigger Katerra had taught him took hold. Magnus held Ruth there, his claws inside her as her blood poured down his hands and arms.

  “Ruth?” he said, his senses returning. He pulled his claws out. Ruth collapsed to the side, face first into the water. “What have I—”.

  His skin had a strong white pallor to it. The blood loss combined with the transformation overwhelmed him.


  Chapter 30


  Kron - Citron

  Sunday, December 6, 1987 - 07:05pm


  Magnus dreamed of swimming in rivers of red blood, drowning in spiraling pools of the thick, sticky liquid. Ruth hovered over him, pushing him down every time he managed to come up for air. Her tears and screams of anguish echoed in his ears as she repeatedly told him how sorry she was. Ruth had loved him and he had killed her.

  Someone touched his shoulder. He snapped his hand up to grab their wrist. He held on to it with a viselike grip, keeping it there. His eyes opened, seeing Katerra. He relaxed. She stood next to him, grinning.

  “I’ve never seen you smile like that,” he mumbled, straining to speak.

  “Kron is secure again,” Katerra said.

  “Where am I?”

  Magnus looked around. Monitors watched over his vital signs and large metallic cuffs encircled both of his forearms. Tubes filled with various colored liquids were attached to the cuffs and led away along the side of the bed and then above his head, out of sight. It was their medical bay. They had brought him here again to recuperate and heal.

  “The best medical facility Kron can offer,” Katerra answered.

  Magnus’ stomach was hollow and knotted. It ached at the thought of Ruth. Magnus knew the answer, but he had to ask.

  “Did Ruth make it?”

  “I am once again ruling queen of Kron,” Katerra said. “I’m sorry. I know she meant much to you.”

  Why? Nothing made sense. Kron was supposed to be the enemy. He was supposed to kill Katerra and her death should have ended all his torment inside. He was so close to finding closure only to learn his real enemy had pretended to be an ally... and they were nowhere to be found. According to Katerra, no one even knew what they looked like, only vague details of size and technological prowess. He had a name though, Alestron.

  “Did you... are Giselle and Joannah okay?” Magnus asked.

  “I promised an alliance,” she said. “They are fine. I have some good news, though I’m sure it will likely mean little to you.” She put her finger on his lips, gently silencing his reply. “Your choice to fight on Earth was brilliant but it came with a price. The Aliri know you are alive. There is no longer any point in forcing you to remain on Kron, you or your team. All three of you may return to Earth.”

  “Does the rest of my team know?” Magnus asked.

  “I think I understand your question but I will answer you in two ways. Your team watched the fights and know of Ruth’s fate. Varuuk has informed them they can return to Earth.”

  Magnus turned away. “Do they want to see me?”

  “They believe that I am responsible,” Katerra said. “You’ll have to meet with them to learn more.”

  Magnus lifted his arms and examined the cuffs. “Medicinal?”

  Katerra’s eyes furrowed. “Yes, they allow fluids to flow in or out of you, as needed.” Katerra walked slowly around his bed to stand on his other side, facing him again. “You are not my prisoner. Magnus, you should have died but your human metabolism did not stop, even after a substantial loss of blood. It defies medical science on Kron and certainly on Earth.”

  Magnus turned away from her again. Katerra suspected something. She wanted information that he had avoided telling her before. Did anything matter right now? What the hell, he might as well tell her.

  “The Aliri did this to me,” he finally said.

  Katerra stopped and stared at the back of his head for several seconds. He could feel her eyes on him.

  “No matter,” Katerra said, “their mistake. You have taken the Aliri gifts and used them against them. Tell me, Magnus. Does our alliance still hold?”

  “I came here to save Earth,” Magnus said. “Regardless of what I’ve done...” The words caught in his throat. He had killed Ruth and, even now, he could see her above him as his alien claws held her aloft while her blood flowed down his arms. Could he blame Katerra? Did she know what their virus would do to him? Did it even fucking matter? “Regardless, Earth and Kron must work together. We are the same species.”

  “We are,” she said flatly. “I have spoken truthfully to you. I hope you will speak likewise.”

  “I should have mentioned the Aliri shit but—”

  “But you didn’t know if you could trust me,” Katerra finished. “If Earth does not oppose Kron, your world is safe.”

  Magnus nodded.

  “And what of us?” she asked.

  Magnus turned back to stare at her. What did she mean? If she was asking what he thought she was asking... what the hell?

  “Us?” he asked. “With your own word, clarify?”

  “It is our culture, like the Baal-Shir ritual. I do not play games. I am asking for you to be my life mate. The alliance between our worlds will be that much stronger with you by my side.”

  Magnus’ couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What the hell was wrong with her? He had almost died, she was responsible for killing the people he held closest to his heart, and he had to kill an innocent woman so Katerra could retain her hold on her people. He did it under duress knowing it could save Earth. Was she incapable of feeling or of understanding what she asked? His face turned red.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind? This has got to be the worst goddamn time for you to ask me such a question.” Magnus snapped. “Ruth is dead. I killed her because of you.” He raised his voice. “You want to talk politics and alliances? You say you don’t play games? Well, let me do likewise. I murdered someone I cared for to save Earth. She’s dead because you infected me. You want to marry me? You are the most insensitive, self-centered bitch I’ve ever met.”

  Katerra stepped back, surprise evident. Her face blanched and he thought he saw a tear well up.

  “I thought... I,” Katerra took another step back, turned and left.

  Magnus lay there fuming. What had just happened? Did he miss something? He had to think this through. The woman he met when he first arrived was confident and self-assured. Katerra cared little for etiquette and only when he pointed it out did she eve
n consider it... and then, only once. His assessment of her was that she controlled everything on Kron, nothing escaped her notice. Today, she seemed different. The more he thought it over, as he compared what he knew about her then and how she seemed recently, it dawned on him. She was different. How different? In hindsight, he thought she was here to learn how he regenerated so quickly, but now... now, her real need was to affirm their relationship.

  Magnus did a virtual face palm in his mind. Katerra cared for him. How? Why? Her reputation was that she was the most ruthless being in the universe. Even if the Aliri were the real enemy, she and her kind had admitted to killing a hundred other species.

  As he replayed the conversation over in his mind, it was that question that truly drove her. She needed to know if he cared for her. Worse, she might have needed to know if he loved her.

  Shit, was it their half-Human, half-Kron children that were making her feel this way?

  Katerra said she had learned to control the emotions they generated across her telepathic link. Until the children matured and the link severed on its own, she would continue to feel their effects. Was she wrong about blocking or had Katerra changed, too? The virus had affected Magnus. What if human emotions had affected Katerra?

  Holy shit.

  They affected the Omarii when they projected into human hosts. Was this similar? Katerra might actually be in love with him. Wait, another thought occurred to him. What if these stronger, human emotions were new to her? Clearly Katerra had no experience with them. They crippled her for weeks which was the catalyst for the Baal-Shir ritual. She didn’t anticipate such an affect. He knew her well enough to know she thought through any plan with meticulous care. This was something that blindsided her.

  Human emotions destroyed the minds of some of the weaker Omarii. Had they affected Katerra to the point she had changed... permanently, perhaps? Katerra didn’t understand the raw force of human emotions. She felt attraction to him so strongly it blinded her judgment. She wasn’t being callous. Katerra simply didn’t know any better.


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