Book Read Free


Page 4

by Alexa Rynn

  “I have to go, Jessica’s on the prowl,” I hissed into the receiver.

  “Ugh, sorry girl. Get at me later.”

  The line went dead and I tried to come up with an excuse I hadn’t used before as to why our rent was so late. Check got lost in the mail? My mom got sick last week and couldn’t make it to work that many days so her check was lacking? Are you sure you didn’t get it? Because I could have sworn I sent that out and it posted in our account.

  All the excuses blurred together after a certain period of time and I couldn’t remember what I had or hadn’t used. But in the end a fake excuse was better than no excuse, it was better than the truth. Because Jessica never wanted to hear the truth when it came to money, especially when that truth was that you didn’t have any. Not having any meant that you couldn’t pay and if you couldn’t pay, then you were useless to her.

  I made my way over to her slowly, dreading the conversation with each step that I took closer and closer to her. I learned from the past it was best to start talking before she had a chance to, once she got going it was hard to shut her up.

  “Jessica!” I said with a huge fake smile plastered on my face. “I was just telling my mom how I was going to be looking for you today! I needed to talk to you about the rent I-“

  “Mm-hmm,” she said, cutting me off. “If I were you I would have a lot more to talk about then your rent, young lady. I have a bone to pick with you.”

  “I know,” I told her, taking a deep breath. “The thing is that mom got paid late this month and it threw all of our bills out of whack making it hard to know what was do when.”

  She smiled that big smile I only saw on the rare occasion we paid on time and waved me off. “Oh, child, please. I could care less about all that nonsense. I have all my money now plus next month's rent! All is well that ends well!”

  I tried to pull my mouth up off the ground after I processed what she had just said. How was that possible? My mom wouldn’t even get paid until next Thursday, and there was no way that one of her checks would cover three months rent, it couldn’t even cover one.

  “No, that’s not the bone I have to pick with you! Child, where on earth have you been hiding that fine young man? I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend, let alone one that handsome.”

  “Excuse me?” I asked her, even though somewhere deep down I knew exactly who she was talking about.

  “Oh, don’t act modestly on my benefit, dear. I may be old but I’m not blind and that young man is very handsome and so polite, too. Told me to contact him directly if your rent check is even a day late again and he would personally make sure it was taken care of. Such a gentleman that one.”

  Oh, he sure was a gentleman. That was one way of putting it.

  I couldn’t believe the nerve of him getting involved in my family business like that. What the hell was the matter with him? What did he think I needed his charity or something? We were perfectly capable of getting by on our own. We weren’t anyone’s charity case.

  “What was his name again?” Jessica was asking now. “I have it written down somewhere… Thomas? Or was it Todd?”

  “Trigger,” I offered up helplessly.

  “That’s it! Trigger! You hang on to that one girl!” She shook her head back and forth. “What a looker! Well if I was a little younger…” She trailed off and winked at me.

  I forced a smile between clenched teeth. “Yes, well, speaking of Trigger I think its time a pay him a little visit. Drop these off in front of my mom’s door, will you? I’ll text her and tell her to come on out and grab them.”

  “Oh, of course, Jennifer.” She grabbed the bag of groceries out of my hand and started to move her big body faster up the steps then I had ever seen her move before. “You tell that Trigger hello for me!”

  Oh, I would tell him all right.

  Everyone knew where Trigger’s townhouse was. It was literally a block outside of the city but nicer than any of the places around our neighborhood within a ten-mile radius. Everyone talked about it or made a point to walk by it. It was kind of sad actually; the way people lived through him and his brothers. Most people in our city could only dream of living in a place that nice, working their whole lives to live in a place like that. And here he was, only 18 and he already had it. No wonder so many people were jealous of him. If I was being honest being this close to it made me kind of jealous, too.

  I had been so confident and sure on the long walk over there, but once that I was face to face with Trigger’s perfect townhouse I hadn’t been feeling so sure as before. What was I supposed to say? How dare you do something nice for my family and me? It wasn’t so much the gesture but the meaning behind the gesture. What did he want from me? Did he think I was going to be thankful and bow down to him or something? Or maybe he had done it before our conversation that morning and now he wanted that money back? How the hell would I ever pay that kind of money back?

  I took a deep breath and tried to gather up my courage. There was really no need to be nervous. It was just Trigger. I wasn’t nervous about him fingering me but I was nervous about having a simple conversation with him? Didn’t make much sense even in my warped mind.

  I was still trying to gather my courage up when I saw Trigger’s stepsister Kat come walking out of his front door. Her long hair was flowing around her face fiercely and she walked fast with her head held high like she was on a mission. That was what I needed to be like, fearless and on a mission.

  I waited until she got into her car (some blue sports car, jeez where did this family get so many fancy cars from?) and took off before I started to walk toward Trigger’s front door. I tried my best to have the same fierce and bad bitch walk that Kat just had on my way but I wasn’t sure I was pulling it off too well. When I reached the door I started pounding on it as hard as I could before I lost my nerve.

  Trigger opened the door right away. He looked completely unsurprised to see me; like he knew it was only a matter of time before I came crawling to his doorstep begging for his attention. He was so full of himself.

  Trigger shook his head back and forth. “Word of advice, don’t ever come pounding on anyone’s door like that. You know who comes at you pounding on your door like that? Your enemies, you’re lucky I didn’t open the door with a gun pointed right at your pretty face.”

  I rolled my eyes and pushed past him inside of the door. “Don’t try and flatter me.”

  He grinned. “Sure, Jennifer. Come on in.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Trigger. Is that annoying? Just coming into your personal space without asking for your permission? Just inserting myself in your life when I wasn’t wanted?”

  Trigger slammed the door shut and swung back around to face me, completely unaffected by my attitude. “I’m going to take a wild guess that you’re heated about the whole paying your rent thing?”

  “We don’t need your charity, Trigger. We’re perfectly capable of paying our own bills.” I could hear my tone rising with each word, just like my anger.

  “You called it charity, Jennifer, no one else did. I saw a situation that I could help with so I did what I thought was the right thing. Sorry that you don’t appreciate it.”

  “How did you even know that we were behind on our rent?” I demanded.

  Trigger half laughed and started to walk across the floor toward the living room. “Don’t ask stupid questions. I know every time someone does or doesn’t pay anything.”

  It amazed me how much he knew about our city. It was like he was a cop or something. It was actually kind of scary, no one really knew how much of their lives were being watched by Trigger and his brothers. Privacy was a privilege in our city. That much was becoming clear.

  “I’ll pay you back,” I told him, unable to fully understand what I was feeling toward him anymore. One minute I hated him the next I wanted to jump on him, the whole thing was way too confusing and fucked up for me to deal with.

  He shrugged it off. “Don’t worry about it.”

nbsp; I took the opportunity to look around his house. It was just as nice on the inside as I thought it would be; leather sofas and chairs, huge T.V., long wood table. It was surprisingly clean for a guy’s house. I would love to own a place like this someday, that was the goal once school was over and I had a real job.

  “It’s so nice in here,” I admitted.

  Trigger nodded, taking in the view with me. “I know. It blows my mind, sometimes, that I actually live here.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised. “I would have thought you would be used to it.”

  Trigger shot me a look. “That’s part of the problem.”

  “Explain,” I said softly.

  “Na, you wouldn’t understand.” He flopped down on the sofa and motioned for me to follow. I hesitated a second and he rolled his eyes. “It’s just sitting down, Jennifer, not an invitation into bed.”

  I felt myself start to blush and then followed him onto the couch. “I don’t know why you’re coming off as salty, most people would kill to be a part of your family and club. Look at everything you get, you have way more than most people around here twice your age.”

  Trigger sighed, leaning back and rubbing his hands through his hair. “Did you ever wonder what I was doing in that class the other day? Why I would even want to go to college when my brothers have it all figured out for me?”

  I nodded. “I did, actually. Especially since you never seemed like you paid much attention in high school.”

  “Yeah,” he kept rubbing his hands over his eyes, “that’s because I would hand my work in on the low and pretend that every test I got back was an F.”

  “Why would you do that? It makes no sense.”

  Trigger pulled his hands away from his face and I could see for the first time all the pain and confusion that lived there. “It makes perfect sense. The Ford brothers don’t do well in school, they don’t go to college, they do what they’re taught. They run the club and get this money. College isn’t part of the deal.”

  I couldn’t help but move closer to him, I felt the need to be closer to him. I reached out and started rubbing his back; his toned muscles stung my fingertips. “That’s not fair. You should be able to have the life you want.”

  I could feel his chest moving up and down slowly.

  “Tell me about it. I was actually kind of relieved to see you in class the other day.”

  “How come?” I asked, unable to keep my hands off of him.

  Damn what was wrong with me?

  “It was a relief to not have to carry the secret around with me any longer, to just be able to talk to someone about it.”

  “You can always talk to me.” And it even surprised me how much I meant it.

  Trigger looked at me and I could see the pain in his eyes, the pain he must have been carrying around for years without anyone really seeing it or him. I couldn’t imagine what that felt like; I couldn’t imagine what it was like being him. He leaned in closer to me and I couldn’t make myself move away from his taste as his lips met mine.

  The kiss was electric and I could feel myself start to burn up at just his taste. I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to enter mine. I let out a sound of pleasure and deepened my mouth into his, not wanting him to ever stop kissing me.

  God, I had been kidding myself about how good his touch was.

  His hands were in my hair and I bit his lip gently. He groaned, pulling me closer to him. I reached down and started to rub his dick through his shorts. I was surprised and excited to find that he was already rock hard. I couldn’t keep my hands off his hard cock, rubbing the tip back and forth through his shorts.

  “You want that?” he asked me between kisses.

  I gasped. “Yes.”

  He kissed me again hungrily. “Say please.”

  He was trying to dominate me and I hated how much I liked it.

  “Please,” I moaned.

  “Please, what?”

  “Please, can I suck your cock?”

  He pulled his shorts and boxers down fast, revealing his long and thick member. It was all swelled up and hard and I felt myself gasp at its size, suddenly nervous that I had to fit it in my mouth.

  “Jerk it off,” he demanded.

  I started to slowly stroke it up and down and he grinned, enjoying the feeling.

  “You gonna take the whole thing in your pretty face, Jennifer?”

  I nodded nervously and he grinned.

  He placed his hand on the back of my head and moved me down toward his lap. I opened my mouth and let his hard cock slide into my mouth. I sucked it in and out slowly for a few minutes; he let me go at my own pace. But after a few minutes, he started throbbing my head up and down faster, jerking his dick off with my mouth while he moaned. He shoved his cock so far down my throat that I gagged and he let out a loud gasp in pleasure.

  “Oh, yeah, gag on my dick. That’s so fucking hot.”

  He shoved it down hard again and I felt myself gag again.

  I could feel my pussy getting wet at just the thought of making him feel good. I kept sucking for as long as I could, refusing to come up for air unless it was absolutely necessary. I usually hated giving head but it was different with Trigger. I had this need to please him, this want to make him feel good. He kept slapping my ass as I sucked his dick, grabbing it harder and harder. It made me almost cum in my panties.

  “I’m going to cum, Jennifer.”

  I kept sucking faster and faster until I felt his warm cum fill my mouth and then I swallowed every drop. I clasped on his chest as his heart slowed back down to normal. He pulled his pants and boxers up slowly then wrapped one of his muscular arms around my shoulder letting me rest my head on him. It surprised me because he didn’t seem like the type to let me stay with him in that way.

  “That was… that was really something,” he told me.

  I didn’t say anything for a second; letting the emotions I was feeling consume me. It had seemed so simple this morning, to tell myself to stay away from him, but I knew it was different now; I was consumed by him more than I had wanted to admit.

  “I thought you didn’t chase bitches.” I couldn’t help myself.

  “Shut up,” he said, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

  I was such a foolish girl.

  There was only one way this could end and that was bad.



  I couldn’t get Link out of my mind after last night. The image of me bouncing up and down on his dick in the storage closet popped into my mind again, just like it had been on and off again all night and morning. I was probably the most basic girl in the city to let him hit it the way I did, especially under the circumstance I was in. Who overheard someone plan a murder, got caught listening, got held against her will until said murder was carried out, and then fucked the shit out of the man holding her there and planning the murder?

  Only a crazy person; that was who.

  Ding, ding, ding. Good job, Lacey.

  “Lacey! Hello! Lacey, you in there today?”

  The voice snapped me out of my daydream.

  “Damn, what’s up with you today?” One of the other waitresses, Gia, asked me. She was holding a few plates of food that belonged to one of my tables in her hand. “Don’t worry, I got these, you worry about pulling yourself together, girl.”

  I was unable to say anything as I watched her go. People had definitely noticed a change in me that morning. I was normally so over the top and on point when it came to work that I came off as annoying, most of the other workers couldn’t stand me sometimes. Today it was like I could have cared less if things got done or not.

  It wasn’t my fault, though; it was stupid Link Ford and his dangerous smile all up in my head. I hated how bad I wanted to fuck him again; how I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he felt when he was hard inside of me.

  It was stupid since the amount of girls he had been with would probably put any other man to shame. But even if it was stupid,
it was still mine. Still, my moment where I had been fearless and daring and hadn’t worried about anything else, where I was one bad bitch.

  It made me feel exciting.

  “Lacey! New table in your section!”

  I shook my head and told myself to pull my head out of my ass today.

  I started to walk toward my section that I had been neglecting way too much that morning and told myself I needed to push all the thoughts of last night out of my head. I mean, damn, I was lucky I was even alive right now. Jay had wanted to shoot me in the head the second he found me kneeling behind that shelf.

  At least Link had kept his promise and his brothers had let me go home last night around one in the morning. I knew knowing what I knew was wrong but I also wasn’t an idiot. Telling the cops or anyone else what I knew would only grant me a death wish.

  Plus you don’t want to do that to Link.

  I hated the thought for even being anywhere in my mind but it was. I loved how I was thinking crazy thoughts like that like I even really knew this man. Damn, I had been such a hoe last night; fucking Link Ford inside of the supply closet at work was such a nasty hoe thing to do.

  It was crazy how little I seemed to care.

  I promised myself I was going to stop obsessing over what happened last night, that I was going to push all thoughts of Link Ford and his intense life out of my thoughts for the rest of the day. It was an easier thought than reality though since he was sitting at the new table that just got seated in my section.

  And, lord, did he look good.

  Link smirked in the same sexy way he did last night before I even reached the table and I could feel my heart start to race at how fucking hot he is. God, how could one man be so good looking?

  He was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a tight fitting t-shirt that showed off the front of his toned chest. He had a leather jacket zipped up over it and black boots on his feet, a hat covered the top of his head. He looked confident and cocky as he watched me walk toward him. The menu was pushed to the other side of the table, his eyes only on me.


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