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Natalie's Choice

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Lola and Paris ended up being taken by one of the club’s enemies. They’d had a few of them over the years. Their enemy had raped and beaten them before they could get to them. They’d lost a great deal over the years even as they’d found so much as well.

  “Losing her parents and the ranch, it must have hurt her a lot.”

  “According to Paris, who went to school with her, Natalie never fit in. She was always drawing in her notebook, always wore boots for working. Rarely did she have the time for guys or even the girls. She didn’t play, or care about getting attention. Since her father died and she sold the ranch, she’s not been back yet.”

  Devil still had men maintain the ranch until they could figure out what to do with it. The club made a vow to her father to protect her. He’d fallen in love with her long before then.

  “I want her, Lex. I love her more than anything in the world. I can’t even begin to describe how much she fucking means to me.” He paused. “What do I do?”

  “You don’t give up,” Devil said, coming into the house.

  Lexie turned toward him, smiling as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

  Whenever Lexie was in a room, it was like his Prez couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

  “Do you really think Butler is interested in her?” Devil asked.

  “He’s not backing down. You saw him.”

  “I also saw the way he looked at our new cleaner, Mandy.”

  Slash had seen that as well, but Mandy had taken some time off to go and deal with family, and a new woman, a married woman with a spiteful bite and bitchy attitude, had taken her place. “Yeah, well since Mandy left, he’s turned his attention back to Natalie, and I don’t give a fuck what you say, he’s going to stay on her case.”

  Devil shrugged. “I don’t want a war brewing inside my club over a woman.”

  He didn’t say anything. What could he say? Just because Butler eye fucked a different woman didn’t mean shit.


  Butler stood in the post office as Natalie arrived with Simon in tow. The kid wouldn’t stop talking, even when they got to the counter. He watched as Natalie placed a small package to send to Lucius there. The club knew that the brother had gotten in touch with Natalie, and continued to text her.

  No one had interfered. Even though Lucius was part of the club, he wasn’t. He was a Chaos Bleeds, but he didn’t follow any rules. The Nomads didn’t have a Prez or any kind of leader. They lived by their own rules, but when they needed them, they came, it was as simple as that.

  “Is Lucius all right?” he asked, stepping up behind Natalie, and placing a hand at her back.

  “You scared me,” she said.

  “Natalie has a date,” Simon said.

  Butler glanced at Simon, who paid the clerk for his letter.

  “Traitor,” Natalie said.

  “You have a date?”

  “Yep,” Simon said. “As soon as he found out that I wasn’t her kid, he was all over her just like he was all over the fruit in the produce section.”

  “You accepted a date with a stranger?”

  “A creepy stranger,” Simon said.

  She finished paying for her package and they all left the post office together. “Lucius is fine. He’s … dealing. We don’t really talk all that much. Sometimes he apologizes, which I think he does when he’s really drunk because he can’t spell when he can’t see his cell. He just wanted a few items for his next stop.”

  “I don’t care about him.”

  “You asked.”

  “Yeah, then Simon mentioned the creepy stranger.”

  “Yep, I did. Can we have ice cream? It’s so hot right now, and I really could use an ice cream.”

  “Sure.” They walked the few feet to the stand, and Natalie sighed. “He worked at the ranch. He’s not a stranger. He’s just a guy I know from a long time ago.”

  “So, he’s an old dude who intends to take advantage of you.”

  “There’s nothing to take advantage of. It’s a date, and I’m hoping it will be fun.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, and he saw her cheeks were flaming red.

  “Why not ask me or Slash to take you out?” he asked.

  “Look, with everything that is going on, I’m not … I don’t want to be the cause of something.”

  “You think it’s easier to date a stranger?”

  “Yes, I do, because one day you and Slash will ask me to make a choice, and I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be torn between the two of you. You’re both my friends, were my friends. I…”

  She didn’t get to finish as the ice cream man opened up. She’d tried to keep them at arm’s length. He got it. Natalie didn’t want to hurt either of them, but going after a different guy, or trying to be with someone else, wouldn’t cut it.

  It was either him or Slash, no one else.

  Chapter Three

  “Do we even know this guy?” Devil asked.

  Natalie took a bite of the steak, and felt so many different gazes on her. Chewing on her meat, she glanced up, catching Slash’s eyes. Immediately she looked away as she saw the hurt within them. She didn’t want to hurt anyone.

  This thing going on between Slash and Butler scared her, and she wanted no part of it. She’d heard Paris talk about the Chaos Bleeds brotherhood as well as Lola, and that was something she refused to come between.

  “He’s a guy that used to work at the ranch.”

  “How come I don’t know about him?” Devil wouldn’t back down. “I know every single man working that ranch right this second, Natalie.”

  “He’s one of the men that used to take the summer job. A few years older than me, and we’d hang out when he was around the ranch. He’s a good guy.” She saw the tight grip Slash had on his knife, and once again she was swamped by guilt.

  You refuse to come between them.

  “We’re going out on Friday night to see a movie. It’s nothing bad or anything.” Why was she giving excuses or reasons? Devil wasn’t her dad. No, you don’t have one of those anymore. “I need some ketchup.”

  She got up from her seat and entered the kitchen, grabbing hold of the edge of the counter in an attempt to find whatever sanity she had left. This wasn’t supposed to be hard or difficult.

  Her life couldn’t get any more complicated. It was going to be a simple date. That was all.

  “You okay?” Slash asked.

  She closed her eyes, counted to ten quickly, and spun around to see him staring at her. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She reached into the fridge to grab the ketchup.

  “Devil worries.”

  “He’s not my dad.”

  “But your father asked him to take care of you. In all of the years I’ve known him, Devil doesn’t do anything by half measures.”

  She’d come to see that. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to apologize to me. He’ll be an ass for some time. Probably put your date through the wringer.” Slash shrugged.

  Holding onto the ketchup, she couldn’t bring herself to look away from Slash. She’d always found him to be a really handsome guy, and licking her lips, she was drawn to the firm line of his.

  Can’t happen.

  “I wanted to apologize to you,” he said.

  “What about?”

  “You wanted to sell the ranch for a long time. It was never your dream, and instead of listening to you, I ignored you, and I shouldn’t have done that. I wanted to apologize for that.”

  “Oh, well, that is fine. Honestly.”

  “It’s not. I knew you were unhappy, but losing something you’ve had all of your life, it’s not easy. I should have understood that you’ve only ever done what your father wanted you to do.”

  “Thank you.” She’d always felt a little guilty because he’d told her to wait, and she’d gone against him, selling it. Cutting herself free from the chains of her past. “Have you ever lost anything?”


  “You never talk about your l
ife before the club.”

  “I don’t need to talk about my life before it, babe. It’s simple. I didn’t have one before I joined Chaos Bleeds. No family, no hope, nothing.”

  She rubbed at her temple. “The Nomads never want to settle down.”

  “For the longest time we were Nomads. We all moved from place to place. Partying, causing shit.” His smile had her pressing her thighs together, alarming her.

  Slash was a sexy guy. If it wasn’t his smile or the wicked glint in his eyes, it was his body. He was so hard, muscular. She’d caught him working out many times, and it had thrilled her each time to see it. The way his arms bulged as he lifted weights. One of the best sights in the world as far as she was concerned.

  “Then you came here.”

  “Then we came here, and those of us that were finding it a little tiring decided to settle down.” He spread his arms wide. “Piston County became our home, and the rest is history.”

  “You wanted to settle down?”

  “I wanted to find a place to call home. I guess moving around has its place, but at the heart of everything, you want a place to call your own. This is our home.”

  Silence fell between them, and Natalie was becoming all too aware once again that she was a woman. She’d always been able to ignore the changes inside her because they didn’t mean anything. Boys in high school never appealed, and her nights and weekends were often at the ranch hauling hay, cleaning out horse stalls, and doing all kinds of different jobs at the ranch.

  Now that had changed.

  She was living her dream, designing clothes, having more time for her art, and just enjoying her life. Still, something was missing.

  Her stomach decided to growl, and Slash reached out, taking her hand. The moment he touched her, she got a little zip of electricity from him. Every single time Slash touched her she got a buzz of something.

  Entering the garden, she pulled her hand away because of all the curious eyes and took her seat. Once again, Devil began to ask questions about the man she’d agreed to go on a date with.

  “Why haven’t I seen him?”

  “His name’s John, you don’t have to keep calling him date guy.”

  “Fine. Why have I never seen John if he’s worked at the ranch?”

  “I told you before I went for ketchup. He used to work during the summer. A couple of years ago he went away to college only he dropped out, and he’s been traveling across Europe before getting back home.”

  “And now that he’s home he wants to take you on a date.”

  “He’s been gone long enough that he was surprised an MC club owned my father’s ranch. I think he felt guilty for asking, seeing as my parents are both gone. He was a nice guy when I knew him, and I don’t see what the fuss is about. Can we not talk about this right now, please?” she asked.

  From the brief conversation with Slash, her emotions were all over the place, and she couldn’t figure out why, and that scared her. She didn’t want to feel anything for him. It was one of the reasons why she stopped watching him work out. It was easier than her body coming to life at the sight of him.

  It never has for Butler.

  He was safe, and she was sure the only reason he was near her was because she was safe to him. Not once when they’d been together had he tried anything. They were friends. Pushing those thoughts aside, she finished her meal. While the guys gathered around to have a smoke, and just generally talk, she helped Lexie do the dishes.

  “I’m sorry about Devil giving you the third degree,” she said.

  “It’s fine. Really, I’m getting used to it.”

  Lexie laughed. “Taking care of you is something serious to him, and he doesn’t want you to be hurt.”

  She nodded, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t mind, not really. I know he means well.”

  Lexie moved up toward her, and cupped her face. “Are you happy to be going on this date?” Lexie was always very motherly. She was always there for everyone, taking care, being the old lady that Devil needed.

  Natalie appreciated her strength. She was a fighter.

  “It was a little unexpected because I’ve never been asked out before, and I didn’t know what to say or do, but yeah, I’m happy.”

  “I know you don’t want to come between the club.”

  “I won’t, Lexie.”

  “Don’t do something you’ll regret, okay? I know it may seem easy to move on, but when the heart wants what it does, there’s no getting away from that, and no one will blame you afterward.”

  “You’re a wonderful woman,” she said.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  They finished doing the dishes, and after she helped Lexie get the kids ready for bed, she went to her room and began to sketch once again.

  She was halfway through a second design when there was a knock at the door. “Come in.”

  Natalie looked up to see Devil entering her room. He was still in his jeans and shirt from earlier. His leather cut was gone, though.

  She sat up, and he shook his head. “You don’t need to get up.” He closed her door, and took a seat at one of her chairs, which he spun around so that his arms rested across the back.

  “What’s up?”

  “Your father put his trust in me to take care of you. I’ve got a couple of girls I take care of. I’m not trying to make your life difficult. I’m taking care of you the way I imagine your father would any other girl that was entrusted to him.”

  This made her smile. “You’re right. He wouldn’t let them out of his sight without giving the third degree.”

  He pointed at her. “I know you’re a grown woman, and can make your own decisions. I even respect that, but I’ll still continue to take care of you even when you don’t want it. I gave a man my word. My word means fucking law around here, and you can hate it, but I’m not going to change.”

  “So, I’ve got to learn to like it?”

  “Yeah, you do, because I’m not changing.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “You’ve got my numbers, and the club’s. If at any point during your date you feel scared or threatened, you call me. Go to the toilet. Pretend to have the shits for all I care. You’ll be collected and safe, Natalie.”

  “You’re an amazing man, Devil.”

  “Thank you, I do try.” He gave a little bow as he went toward the door.

  “I won’t break up your club,” she said.

  He turned back to her.

  “Between Butler and Slash, I won’t have them fighting.”

  Devil sighed. “I think you and I both know who the real winner would be, honey.”

  He left her alone, and she sat back.

  For the first time since moving in, she felt … whole.


  “Could you be any more of a pain in the ass?” Snake asked.

  “Fuck you,” Slash said. He glanced at the clock and saw it was only a little after eight.

  Natalie had already gone on her date. Devil had texted him to let him know she was gone, and it pissed him off.

  “If it was going to bother you this much, why didn’t you tail her?” Ripper asked, coming to take a seat at the bar. It was rare for Ripper to be without his woman, Judi, but they were all just finishing their work. Each of them took turns between the nightclub with the girls, the shop that Lexie managed, and several of their other projects. This week Ripper had the ranch, along with several brothers.

  All of their income now came from legitimate businesses. There was a time they ran drugs, guns, all kinds of shit. They once ran anything that Ned Walker needed from them. Since settling down, and having one hell after another happen, none of them were interested in stepping on the wrong side of the wall.

  In a way, it created a larger divide between the club and the Nomad Chapter. The brothers that stayed in Piston County could no longer have any vices like drink or drugs. Devil made a decision to get the entire club clean, especially as there had been a co
nstant threat that could separate the club.

  None of them were stupid enough to go against Devil. United they fight, divided they fall.

  Slash had tasted drugs, but they’d never really done anything for him. The high had been great, but afterward, coming down with a mighty thud wasn’t what he wanted to experience again. Life was too fucking challenging without adding drugs to the mix.

  “Shouldn’t you be home?” he asked, looking at Ripper.

  “My woman is spending time with Lexie. You know, her mother. So I’m waiting until she calls me to collect her.”

  Even though they all still had their bikes, several of the club brothers had to invest in a family car, Devil especially.

  “You still didn’t answer my question,” Ripper said.

  “I’m not tailing her.”

  “I thought you said you liked this woman,” Snake said.

  “You think if I like her I have to tail her? Watch her with her date?”

  “It’s what any sane man would do,” Dick said, jumping up onto a stool and deciding to join in the conversation. “I wouldn’t let Martha out of my sight, or for that matter, allow another club brother to think they can have her.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” he said.

  “Come on. We all know that Butler is just trying to create a shit storm. He’s not really interested in Natalie. She’s … safe to him,” Dick said.

  “Now a certain cleaner, that is a whole other thing all together.” Spider joined in the conversation, and Slash wasn’t finding it the least fun when they all seemed to be finding his annoyance … fun.

  He knew that Butler wanted the cleaner, Mandy. At least he’d thought that, then of course, Mandy hadn’t turned up for a few weeks because of personal problems, and now he had to deal with putting a spanner in the works with his own feelings for Natalie. He’d seen the way she looked at him in the kitchen the other day. The way her gaze had traveled down his body, and he’d even seen her pressing her thighs together. All telltale signs of a woman aroused, and instead of pulling her into his arms, he’d just left it.


  “What I think needs to happen is you grow some balls,” Dick said. “Once you got them, you’ll be able to take Butler, and you’ll both live happily ever after.”


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