Millionaire's Society Mistress

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Millionaire's Society Mistress Page 3

by Marie Kelly

  That night she had called Craig, the sound of his voice sending a strange tremor through her, as inexplicably the memory of his kiss had filled her mind.

  “Craig?” she had murmured softly, hearing an almost warmth fill his voice.

  “Greetings Fiona Campbell” Fiona feeling her mouth curve at his playful tone

  “I spoke to Scott and he is in agreement with the plan…and we would like for you to come over to our home tomorrow morning for breakfast …if that suits you?”

  She had felt the surprise from the other side as he had finally replied

  “I think that would be very nice…thank you Miss Campbell. Would eight O’clock be OK?”

  She had agreed, glad that he had not pushed the point that it was not actually their estate anymore, this filling her with hope that they could reach an amicable solution.

  As he had hung up the phone, Craig had stared at it, his handsome features frowning. He had not intended making the offer he had. Scott Campbell had put him to a lot of expense and trouble and the plan had been to remove him from his way as soon as possible. Fiona Campbell’s entrance however had changed all that. Groaning softly at the memory of the incendiary kiss. He had felt the way she had begun to stop fighting him, knowing how close to falling against him she was. He had ended it with difficulty knowing that he wanted so much more from her, wanted her to smile at him the way she had on the one time they had danced together.

  The offer of her being his mistress had been one to keep her close, a means to an end. Being young powerful and excessively rich he did not often come across many things that he could not have with just a request that including women. However, she was different and Craig had known that he would not be happy until he had her in his bed, willingly.

  Sighing he had sat back. He could control Scott Campbell, and if he persisted in being difficult then he would find a way of removing him even if that meant selling on the Company. He had no real interest in it. What he had told Fiona had been the truth. He needed to make connections with the real power of the British establishment, one person in particular, and while in time he would no doubt break into their very cliquish groups, it would be quicker and easier with her at his side. The memory of her standing with the sun silhouetting her perfect figure once more causing his eyes to close with the tremor of awareness that had coursed through him.

  Well now he had the chance to satisfy both his need to meet the rich and powerful and to bed the woman who had been driving him crazy for months, with a small smile playing on his lips he had thought to himself that all in all the day had been a good one…a very good one.

  Chapter Three

  At five to eight the following morning the doorbell had rung Fiona running quickly to answer it, holding down her nervous excitement, not entirely sure why her heart had jumped hearing the noise which heralded Craig Thompson’s arrival.

  Looking over at her brother with a “play nice” look she had pulled the door open, smiling warmly at the man who stood before her.

  Craig had swallowed down the small lump in his throat as her whole features had shone with the genuine smile, finding himself staring at her as her brother had moved to join her at the door.

  “Let the man in Fiona” he had spoke as Craig had pulled his eyes from her to the tall good looking man beside her. Scott Campbell stood stiffly, ill at ease he could tell, understandable given the circumstances. With a small nervous laugh she had stepped allowing him to enter.

  “Welcome to our home” she had smiled, ignoring the fact that he had already been there the day before when the atmosphere between the two had been very different. With a small smile he had held out the large bunch of flowers he had brought with him

  “Not entirely sure what you bring to breakfasts here” he had grinned, as Fiona’s eyes had laughed back

  “I’m pretty sure that flowers are never a bad start” she had chuckled, moving to lead them into the large dining room.

  Scott had motioned for Craig to sit on the one side of him as he had taken his seat at the head of the table, Craig hoping that this was not how he intended to set the tone of the rest of the meal. He could smell the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs and all manner of other breakfast items coming from the hostess trolley at the side of the room, wondering who had made the spread having seen nobody else since he had arrived.

  Fiona had smiled as she had excused herself to find a vase for the flowers, leaving the two men alone.

  “You have a lovely home” Craig had began seeing as Scott had given a small half laugh, his features uncomfortable

  “Well I very much appreciate that you said that. It takes a big man not to kick someone when they are down”

  An uncomfortable pause coming between the two before Scott had coughed softly.

  “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for” Craig giving a small smile back.

  “Well as remarks go I have heard worse” Scott laughing in spite of the situation

  “I bet you have” Craig joining him.

  “I understand that you were reluctant to sell to me Scott, I really do. But to be honest, I have no interest in running your Company. From the very beginning my sole interest in you was as a means to an end”

  Scott had considered him carefully

  “I hope you understand that given your history and reputation….” his voice trailing off not wanting to insult the man who held his family’s future in his hands.

  “I understand….and perhaps we can put it all behind us. I would rather you continued to run the Company…but given the rivalry that existed between us…I hope that you can understand the deal your sister and I have made”.

  Scott Campbell had fixed the other man with eyes suddenly so serious.

  “If I said that I was happy about it Craig then I would be lying” flicking a look to make sure that Fiona was not entering

  “I do not like the idea of Fiona being used and hurt…as you most probably know there is nearly 11 years between us, a big age gap and sometimes I feel more like a father than a brother to her and to be honest Craig I am very uncomfortable about this”.

  Sitting back Craig had regarded the other man carefully.

  “Well this arrangement is one of convenience. Not something I had foreseen, but the only real explanation that anybody is going to believe to justify why I don’t put somebody else in charge of the Company. To be honest Scott, I have neither the time nor the inclination to look for your replacement and if we can work together then I would rather go down that route”.

  Scott had nodded softly

  “I understand that” his look becoming softer

  “And If as you say you really do not want to strip the Company down or make huge sweeping changes, then yes I think that we can work together….I just do not want to see Fiona hurt”

  Giving a smile Craig had chuckled softly

  “Nope…I have zero interest in stripping down your company, and having it as is will actually add a nice exotic element to my portfolio. As for Fiona” his eyes meeting Scot’s

  “She is more than capable of taking care of herself. It would take a braver man than I to try and hurt that young lady”

  Scott Campbell’s loud laugh had filled the room as he had relaxed visibly in his seat

  “You have known her one day and realised that…in that case good luck Mr Thompson…my sister is hell in high heels” the two looking up as she had entered the dining room, frowning.

  Having rushed putting the flowers into a vase, not sure how the two would react on their own she had placed the large spray on the chest of drawers looking at the two men with confusion

  “What is so funny?” she had demanded, as they had both laughed again, a knowing smile passing between the two.

  The breakfast had been surprisingly fun Craig had realised later. The brother and sister had been attentive hosts, the conversation quickly turning friendly as the two men had seemed to settle into their unspoken truce. Craig surprised to find that it had been Fiona he
rself who had prepared the sumptuous feast, complimenting her as her brother had given her a playful look.

  “Do not be fooled Craig…she burns more. I sometimes think that the smoke alarm is the dinner bell” Fiona giving him a withering sisterly look as she had raised her chin in mock indignation.

  “Well you don’t look so bad on my cooking” Craig laughing at the siblings’ interactions, once more enjoying her sense of humour.

  As Fiona had hesitantly turned the conversation to her part as his “mistress” she had looked warily at him.

  “How should we play this?”

  With a small look over at Scott Craig had laid out his plan

  “It would be best if you moved into my home” quickly adding seeing the way brother and sister had looked at each other “I have had a room made up for you…but it will give the story some credence”

  Fiona had nodded slowly

  “Yes…I guess that is true”

  Craig relieved that she was being so pragmatic

  “Do you have a live in housemaid…cook?”, she had asked warily, seeing as he had shaken his head.

  “No, I prefer my privacy, which will make it even easier to pull off than gossipy staff ruining a good cover story”.

  Nodding she had felt a small prickle of unease, not sure why the thought of spending so much time alone with the enigmatic and attractive American should bother her so much.

  As he had left Craig had felt more confident that the plan and the agreement with himself and Scott would work. He had been surprised to be invited to tour the Company later that day, Fiona giving a shy smile as she had explained.

  “Well it would be nice for you to actually see what we do…many people will ask, plus it will give us a chance to be seen together”.

  With a small smile he had agreed, arranging a time for later that day, as he had also recommended that she move into his house after the tour.

  As the door had closed Scott had regarded his sister with a small frown.

  “He is not exactly what I expected” his comment as with a raised eyebrow she had asked him to elaborate. Looking carefully at his sister he had hesitated before continuing

  “He actually seems a nice enough guy, but you do of course realise that his intentions towards you are not as innocent as he would make out?”

  Blustering slightly at her brother’s declaration she had given a small nervous laugh before lifting her small chin defiantly.

  “After all he has put us through he cannot believe that I would do any more than the minimum that is expected of this deal”

  Scott Campbell giving a loud laugh

  “Poor Craig. He has no idea what he is getting himself into”.

  However as she had disappeared back up the large hallway he had given a small frown. His sister was smart and able to handle the many men who had tried to catch her attention, but Craig Thompson was very different from those men, Scott wondering if she truly knew what she was letting herself in for.

  Later that day Craig had entered the main showroom of the Company he had just bought over. The area was laid out in true Scottish manner, even the carpet brandishing a tartan design. He had never really taken the time to research the Company, solely interested in the fact that it was the main provider to all of the top families in the country, but he had eyed the show room with appreciation.

  His eyes had taken in the many wonderful furnishings, recognising the unmistakable design of Mackintosh furniture, instinctively knowing that they were the originals and worth a considerable amount of money. The two young assistants had looked at each other with surprise as he had entered, both he knew already realising that he was the new owner. Together they had stepped forward, both dressed in traditional kilts, Craig having to admit that they looked good in the outfits as he had smiled warmly at them both.

  “Welcome Mr Thompson” one had said with a shy smile Craig returning the look and greeting.

  “I have an appointment to meet …” stopping as Fiona herself had moved into the area. She looked breathtaking. Also dressed in a tartan skirt and crisp white blouse, her long black hair falling around her shoulders pulled up at the sides in ornate Celtic clips she had moved forward to greet him.

  “Craig…punctual as usual”

  With eyes that had travelled appreciatively down her he had stepped forward to meet her, surprising Fiona as he had pulled her in closer dropping a small kiss on her large red lips. While he had felt her surprise, she had played along, falling against him before pulling back and giving a small blush as the two assistants had stared open mouthed at the way the two had greeted each other.

  “Darling…you should warn me” she had drawled softly, her eyes flashing a small warning at him as he had grinned back “Sorry … but you know what you do to me” his twinkling mischievously as she had held out her hand for him “Let me show you around”.

  As they had moved from the main entrance, he had given a small grin, already seeing as the two young women had started to whisper fervently to each other, knowing that his plan was going to work.

  Finally alone she had dropped his hand, turning to fix him with eyes which held a more dangerous light

  “In future Craig, I would very much appreciate it if you did not do that…at least not without discussing it with me first”

  He had chuckled

  “Now how else would your boyfriend meet you Fiona?”

  Surprised to see discomfort in her eyes, looking disbelievingly at her

  “Seriously…do you make them bow and scrape to you?”

  Fiona giving him a haughty look “I expect them to be respectful…not provide public shows for all and sundry to gossip over”.

  Giving another smile he had moved forward

  “Good job this is under my rules then…and I do like public shows of affection, especially when the point is to start gossip…I hope that you can deal with that because believe me we are doing this under my rules”

  Balling her hands by her side she had glared back at the man before her, he holding her look with one full of mockery, Fiona wanting to scream at him, before she had turned calming herself. It was for a month, only a month she had told herself. She could play the game if it meant saving their Company.

  “Fine” she had managed to bite out moving forward to where her brother waited for them to give the tour of the large production Company.

  Craig had no idea that there were so many different tartans. Finding the tour both fascinating and interesting as the brother and sister had explained the significance of the brightly coloured cloth. As they had reached the fitting room a fitter had moved forward towards Craig with a respectful smile.

  “Did you know that you have your own family tartan?”

  Fiona had asked, Craig looking over at her with surprise

  “No…I had no idea. Thompson is not exactly Scottish sounding” his voice questioning, wondering if she was joking with him

  Pulling open a sample book he had been surprised to see the material with the Thompson name over it.

  “Actually you have many different patterns to choose from…….but I thought that this was the most attractive”

  Her lovely face smiling as he had looked at her in confusion

  “Well…yes…I like it”

  With a large smile she had beckoned the fitter forward

  “Good, in that case we will get your measurements for a fitting and make sure that you have everything you need”

  Looking at her with a determined shake of his head he had made to move back

  “No….I really don’t think I would suit a kilt”

  Fiona looking him up and down with a mocking look of her own

  “Oh I don’t know…. you have the build for it” her tone becoming more business like

  “Besides…if you really want to be taken seriously Mr Thompson…then you will need to dress the part. After all you did just buy yourself the biggest tartan suppliers in the world”.

  Giving a sigh of frustrat
ion he had pulled off his suit jacket inclining his head in defeat

  “Well when you put it like that Miss Campbell…”

  Fiona giving a small laugh as she had moved from the fitting room to allow him privacy for his fitting.

  Craig had been surprised with all the bits and pieces which accompanied the traditional outfit. The array of accessories: belts, buckles, hoses, brogues, kilt pin not including the outfit itself which consisted of kilt socks, sporrans, prince Charles jackets and waist coat and even the small knife which he had struggled to pronounce, the sgian-dubh. He had tried on a full outfit the fitter calling Fiona in when he was ready.

  As she had moved back into the room, her eyes had grown wide seeing the man before her. He was stunning, the most handsome man she had ever seen, resplendid in the highland outfit. Seeing her reaction Craig had been glad that he had gone through with the fitting.

  “Do I look OK?” he had smiled seeing as Fiona had dropped her eyes, moving around him in the need to pull herself together, her voice husky.

  “Y…yes…you look good” stopping before him her eyes full of a fire he had not seen there before, whispering softly “Very good” dropping her look to hide the embarrassment which had filled her.

  With a small groan he had hooked his finger under her chin, lifting it to look down into those warm green eyes. This time as he had moved his head to kiss her she had risen to meet him their kiss soft to start, before he had deepened it his arms pulling her in harder to him. The small cough of the fitter had seen the two break apart, Craig confused with the desire for this woman tearing through him, glad of the weight of the sporran, hiding his need at that moment.

  With a flick around her she had given a small laugh, stepping quickly back from the American who was bringing such chaos into her normally so orderly life. Scott who had left them briefly to take a phone call had moved into the room also, his face smiling seeing Craig in full traditional dress.

  “You look great” he had cried, his tone genuine as the other man had grinned back, Scott’s tone full of fun “Want to be the new poster boy of the Company?”


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