Millionaire's Society Mistress

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Millionaire's Society Mistress Page 4

by Marie Kelly

  Craig chuckling as he had shaken his head with determination.

  “Got to tell you Scott…not hating it…kind of like it…never thought I would say that about myself in a skirt”

  The three other people in the room had taken deep breaths as they had shaken their heads

  “Never refer to the kilt as a skirt Craig…never, never, never”

  Craig surprised at the reaction, giving a smile.

  “OK…lesson one…never liken a kilt to a skirt” the others smiling and nodding as finally having pulled herself together Fiona had moved to the door her voice once more officious.

  “You need some ghillie shirts too” her eyes moving to the fitter who was trying to hold down the smile.

  “Gavin…make sure Mr Thompson had several ghillie shirts…make them black…We will wait outside” leaving to allow him to change back into his suit.

  As she had waited Fiona had paced backwards and forwards not understanding the way this man, this despicable man who was more interested in who she knew than who she was, could make her feel so…she had stopped not able to precisely put a word to how he made her feel – angry, frustrated, irritated yet all he had to do was to look at her with the darkest eyes she had ever seen and her whole insides seemed to flip. Breathing deeply she had muttered to herself

  “Keep it together Fiona. Do not let him get to you” Spinning around and blushing as the man so in her thoughts had whispered so close to her, praying he had not heard her.

  “I have a question for you?” Craig having entered the room unheard had asked with humour in his tone.

  “A…anything” she had managed trying not to show how flustered she was.

  “Now is it true what they say about what a man wears under his kilt?”

  Fiona’s mouth twitching at the question

  “Well yes…true Scotts men wear nothing under their kilt…but I would not advise it”

  Craig raising his eyebrow in surprise

  “Oh? And why is that” seeing as she had smiled broadly back.

  “Well firstly…you are NOT a true Scotsman but most importantly Scottish girls have a tendency of looking”

  Craig laughing loudly as Scott had also entered the room, moving closer to Fiona Craig had whispered conspiratorially in her ear, his soft breath fanning the small hairs of her ear making her shiver softly.

  “Well perhaps I might not mind certain ones looking”

  His look full of mischief as she had blushed once more, Craig enjoying embarrassing the gorgeous woman.

  As the tour had ended, Fiona had followed his car back to the country house he was renting for his stay. She had gasped recognising the MacDonald estate, the small smile playing on her lips. She had of course been to the home often as a young girl having been friendly with the youngest daughter of the family, the estate now let while the family were living abroad for several years.

  Parking, he had lifted her case out of her old beaten up car, grimacing at it with concern, Fiona aware of the difference as it sat beside his top of the range jaguar.

  “Is that thing safe?” he had asked, as she had looked at him haughtily

  “Of course it is….passed its MOT with flying colours”

  Following him into the grand entrance she had chuckled

  “Besides which… should be more worried about inviting a Campbell into a MacDonald home as a guest”.

  Craig looking at her with interest

  “Oh? why is that?”

  With a grimace she had then retold him the story of the Campbells and MacDonalds and the Massacre of Glencoe still so vivid in the minds of the Scottish people as he had led her up the stairs.

  “Wow…not very hospitable of your predecessors”

  Fiona grinning

  “Nope…very much frowned on” her eyes laughing up at him “And yes …. people here do hold a grudge”

  With a return smile he had ushered her into a large bedroom.

  “Well Miss Campbell I will tread warily and consider myself warned”.

  The room was stunning, huge as was her own room back home, but decorated opulently, the large four poster bed in the centre of the room unmissable. Putting her case down he had moved over beside her, Fiona so aware of where they were as she had given a small cough.

  “This will be fine” she had managed as he had nodded.

  “Good…would not want you uncomfortable”.

  Giving a nervous half laugh she had quickly left the room

  “I’ll unpack later” moving down the large sweeping staircase needing to be away from the bed for some inexplicable reason.

  “Do you mind if I make some tea?” she had called back to him, disappearing down the corridor where she knew the kitchen to be. Following closely behind he had looked surprised.

  “Can I assume that you will not be needing the 50 cent tour?” Fiona shaking her head as she had smiled back

  “No…I know this place well Craig, The MacDonalds were good friends” he moving to sit at the large kitchen table “Of course you do” his voice full of sarcasm “I swear to God that you all live in each other’s homes” Fiona chuckling as she had made some comment about friendly hospitality, before giving a soft sigh.

  “I have always thought this to be the most beautiful estate around here”

  Craig smiling “Glad it meets your approval”

  As she had poured herself tea and him coffee she had looked at the man across from her. He was checking messages on his phone giving her the chance to drink in everything about Craig Thompson.

  The first time they had met she had not known who he was and like all of her friends at the charity event that evening she had been stunned by the entrance of the American. Tall with thick black hair cut fashionably around his handsome face she had been stunned by him. When he had asked her to dance she had been happy, her friends throwing jealous looks in her direction as he had held her loosely in his arms. She could still remember her arm resting against his broad shoulders his hips moving against hers sending strange signals to Fiona, normally one so reserved with newcomers. He had chatted so warmly to her that soon she had opened up swapping jokes and enjoying being held by him, much more than she was prepared to admit. As they had returned to her table she had looked up into his face, that handsome, proud and sensual face remembering how her stomach had flipped at the way he had looked back at her with dark black eyes surrounded by long lashes, Fiona feeling her knees buckle as she had struggled for something to say, before politeness coming to her rescue.

  “I’m Fiona Campbell” she had told him as he had with the most wonderful smile she had ever seen on a man taken her hand, his warm and firm before dropping the bombshell that she had not seen coming.

  “I’m Craig Thompson”

  From that day on she had stayed as far away from him as possible, snubbing his every attempt to talk to her, Fiona knowing that she had been more than impolite on many of the occasions, not something she could normally be accused of. She had frowned softly wondering why she had been so hard on him, when she could normally have been polite and distant, her mind telling her that she knew exactly why she had been that way. She had been attracted to him, and his underhand strategy had filled her with an anger and contempt that had managed to keep that attraction at bay. However, now she was in his home and while she still felt contempt towards him she was becoming more and more aware of the effect he was having on her an effect she was determined to master. Craig Thompson was the enemy an underhanded snake who had stolen her family’s business and she did not intend to be next on his list of conquests.

  “I have been thinking about your contact request”

  Her words had seen Craig look up, an eyebrow rising

  “In what way?” he had asked softly

  “Well If you tell me if there are any particular people that you need to meet up with, then maybe I can organise meetings more efficiently”

  Looking across at the woman before him he had given a small frown, not sur
e if he wanted to lay his cards on the table, however knowing the logic of what she was saying. After a pause he had leant forward.

  “Do you know Sir Robert MacKenzie?”

  Gasping her eyes had grown wider?” seeing as Craig had frowned

  “I take it that you do know him?” his voice wary as she had pulled herself together suddenly feeling less confident in what was being asked.

  “Yes…I knew…know his son” she had muttered, her features taking on a more guarded look.

  Scowling, Craig had watched her, sensing that something was not right.

  “Would you care to expand on that…is this something I need to worry about?”

  Dropping her eyes to her cup Fiona had lifted it before nervously placing it back down onto the table, sighing wearily.

  “Donald and I were engaged once” she had finally stated seeing the surprise on his features.

  “I see” he had said softly, his eyes questioning and wary

  “What happened…why did the engagement end?”

  Fidgeting on her chair her eyes had looked beseechingly into his

  “I would really rather not talk about it…”

  Craig interrupting her, his tone harder and insistent

  “I am really not interested in your love life Fiona…only if this is going to be a problem with meeting MacKenzie”

  Raising her eyes in defiance she had spoken sharply.

  “Don’t worry Craig. When the engagement ended Bob was very supportive and is still a good friend. He always ensures that my name is added to any events” feeling a strange anger towards the American who had nodded his head slowly seeming oblivious to her discomfort.

  “Good…that is all I need to know” he had said before his attention had once more returned to his phone, Fiona looking out of the window once more playing over the events that had ended her engagement with the rich and powerful Donald MacKenzie only a year ago. Sipping slowly on her tea, her eyes had shown sadness as the memories had filled her, unaware as Craig having finished checking his phone, had watched her with a soft frown on his face.

  Fighting the overwhelming desire to move his hand to take her hand in his he had pushed back his seat rising quickly, Fiona looking around in surprise.

  “I need to do some work…I’ll let you get settled in…then maybe we can get dinner somewhere nice”

  Giving her another of his heart stopping smiles

  “Somewhere…public…’cause there is no food in this house”

  Giving a return chuckle she had nodded

  “Well I see you took my brother’s warning to heart”

  Craig laughing as he had shaken his head.

  “I fear Miss Campbell that even boiling an egg is a skill I failed to master…I always threw myself on the tender mercies of the gentler sex”

  Silently watching as he had left the kitchen, no doubt to use the study, she had wondered just how many women had been happy to administer to his needs over the years, the thought making her blush. Sighing softly she had moved up the stairs to unpack chastising herself “focus Fiona Campbell…he is only interested in your contacts…and you are only interested in getting back your Company” although the latter not said with as much conviction as she would have liked.

  Chapter Four

  Later that evening, Fiona had led Craig into the restaurant by the side of the Loch, the locals all smiling and waving at her as she had them. Their waitress, an obvious friend of Fiona’s had led them to one of the best tables with a breathtaking view of the water, her eyes all over Craig as she had given her widest smile.

  “Hello Fiona, long time no see” her eyes not once looking at the woman her comments were directed at as her hand had extended to Craig’s.

  “Who is your handsome friend?”

  Craig laughing at her forthrightness as Fiona had rolled her eyes.


  The other woman, certainly attractive Craig had thought, turning her look to Fiona, an innocent expression on her lovely face


  With a laugh Fiona had shaken her head

  “You are hopeless…Isla I would like you to meet Mr Craig Thompson.”

  A comical look had instantly come to the other woman’s face.

  “Craig Th…but I thought…” her voice tapering off with surprise as Fiona had chuckled

  “You thought that we were in dispute with Craig?”

  Her eyes turning to look at him, a sensual murmur now in her voice

  “Oh that was a long time ago…a lot had changed since then”.

  Fiona moving her hand to allow Craig to entwine his fingers into hers, his smile one of mystery, as the other woman had laughed

  “Does this mean that you and your brother are not out of business?”

  Craig this time taking up the story

  “Absolutely not. I was in a position to offer support to Scott… and Fiona” he had added seductively “lucky me” a wicked grin on his face as he had raised her hand to kiss her knuckles gently.

  Giving a long sigh Isla had pulled out her pad

  “Why do guys like you never wander into my restaurant when you are single” both Fiona and Craig laughing as they had given their orders.

  Finally alone Fiona had chuckled

  “Isla is the biggest gossip in this whole area…this time tomorrow everybody will know that we are dating”

  He had raised his eyebrow at the old fashioned use of the word “dating” but said nothing. Scotland seemed a million miles away from the fast paced life of New York he was most used to, the people of it older fashioned too, realising that he had come to find that one of the many things that he liked about the place.

  As their meal had arrived she had given him a playful look.

  “So, I looked at the invites that have arrived this month, and as luck would have it Bob’s daughter Claire is having a birthday party…and I am invited. I phoned Claire today and asked if I could bring a date and she said that she was very much looking forward to meeting you”.

  Giving a surprised grin he had regarded her with respectful eyes

  “Wow, that was fast” seeing as she had chuckled

  “Oh you might not be so happy when you find out what kind of party it is….Claire likes themes” her eyes alive with laughter, Craig looking back questioningly.

  “Oh? And what is the theme of this one?” smiling as Fiona had started laughing

  “Have you ever been to a vicars and tarts party?”

  Frowning slightly he had looked back blankly

  “Vicar and tart…no what…”

  Fiona once more chuckling

  “Well…it is where you dress up as either a vicar or as a tart” his eyes widening in shock.

  “Oh…I see. So…you are telling me we need to dress up?”

  Fiona nodding, a wicked smile once more playing on her lovely lips

  “Question is which do you want to be?” Craig laughing back

  “Hmmmmm…hard one but I think I’m feeling more saintly right now”

  Regarding him with eyes that shone she had not commented, only nodding

  “Then that makes me the tart. I will organise for costumes…Party in two days”

  Craig had looked back at Fiona not imagining that anybody could ever mistake the woman in front of him as in any way tarty, classy to her very fingertips.

  That evening as they had returned to his estate she had refused the drink he had offered, feigning a headache and tiredness, strangely nervous to be alone with the American, quickly fleeing to her room as he had silently watched her from the foyer area before turning and moving back into his study, back to the mountain of paper work waiting for him. Although the month he knew he was to be in Scotland was officially a holiday, he still found that he spent many hours each day dealing with work, even now preparing for a conference call, sighing realising that the more laidback lifestyle of the Scots was becoming very tempting.

  As he had waited for the call to come through Crai
g had played over the day, his mind returning to the woman just across the hall from him, giving a content smile as his plan had come together. So far things had worked out well, Fiona’s closeness to Robert MacKenzie an added advantage. She had played along so far with his light flirtation, but soon she would find out that he had far greater expectations of their relationship. Closing his eyes he had once more seen the light in her eyes as she had stood before him as he tried on the kilt, Craig sensing so much passion within Fiona Campbell, looking forward to unleashing that passion, a small smile playing on his lips.

  The following day Fiona had quickly left the estate knowing that it was the last week before the holidays, so aware that the day would be busy with outfits having to be picked up for the holidays, for presents and rentals. With a small shake of her head she had once more marvelled at how quickly Christmas was upon them again, the holiday meaning very little to her, not really able to get excited about that time of the year. With only herself, Scott and his wife and children left of her family and with Scott spending that time travelling down to be with his estranged wife and children, she had expected that she would have curled up for the week and overdosed on sentimental movies and too many take outs. She had not intended going to any of the many parties that both siblings were invited to.

  With a soft smile her mind had gone back to Scott. The tension of the court-case had been the last straw for his wife Natalie, who had taken her two nephews back to her parents only a month ago, Fiona missing the children very much along with Natalie who she had always been friendly with.

  The fact that Scott was going down to Glasgow to be with them had filled her with hope for their marriage. Fiona had hoped that he would not return alone, determined to rent or perhaps even buy herself a small cottage if they did return, to allow the couple to really be a family. With a smile she had known that Nat would have told her that it was not necessary.

  After picking up the outfits for the party the following night, she had returned to the estate laden with food for dinner. Craig’s car had not been there and she had let herself in, quickly moving to the kitchen to prepare dinner for that evening, not sure why she felt the need to do this small domestic chore.


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