Millionaire's Society Mistress

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Millionaire's Society Mistress Page 5

by Marie Kelly

  By the time he had arrived home, the meal was nearly complete and he had entered the kitchen with a smile on his tired features.

  “You didn’t have to do this Fiona” he had declared though as he had inhaled the aromatic scents he had giving her a grin

  “But I gotta say it smells good”

  She had indicated that he should grab a seat at the table as she had served up the chicken, baked potato and salad. Asking him to bring over the bottle of wine she had also picked up, they had moved over to the table, Craig decanting the home-grown wine remarking his surprise that they produced any as she had smiled with a small self satisfied look.

  “Oh you would be surprised what we do here…not such savages as you might think” Craig laughing.

  As they had eaten he had looked over at Fiona, his expression careful.

  “I know that I said that I wouldn’t interfere in your business” Fiona looking up warily

  “But I was looking at your website and to be honest it really lets the business down”

  Giving a small smile she had nodded

  “And how would you make it better Craig?” her question holding no irritation, only genuine interest, Craig frowning thoughtfully.

  “Well….I have got to say that the tour yesterday to me as an American was fascinating. Hearing the stories that you told….finding out that I had a tartan myself…I think that putting more content would make it more interesting to those outside Scotland…maybe those with links would really buy into it”

  Fiona had nodded gently

  “I don’t disagree” a small smile on her lips

  “Scott is very wary of anybody he doesn’t know or trust playing with the marketing of the Company. The boy who wrote the website was the son of a friend…and perhaps not the best person” her eyes once more laughing.

  “I have a team of online marketing specialists…would Scott be interested in their taking a look at it?”

  Fiona had looked at him in surprise

  “I…I think that is very generous of you Craig…I am sure he would be very interested” seeing the way his lips had twitched.

  “Not really Fiona. When I was researching your Company I couldn’t help but notice that you seemed to be missing a huge market…and seeing as you are now part of the Thompson group…it is only business sense”

  Regarding him carefully she had inclined her head

  “Well when you put it like that…how could we say no”, giving him another smile.

  The two had continued to eat, before he had once more spoken his voice questioning

  “So you like it here?”

  She looking at him in surprise

  “Of course” although he had noticed a strange expression in her eyes as he had pushed further

  “And this is where you want to remain?”

  Fiona giving a small sad smile back

  “Well…believe it or not Craig I do have plans”. He had remained silent as she had spoken softly

  “Do you know what walkabout is?”

  Craig nodding

  “The idea of wandering around the Australian outback to explore your surroundings I believe” he had answered as she had nodded, her expression becoming more animated.

  “That has always fascinated me, but on a more global scale. Since I was sixteen I have always wanted to explore the world…not the usual touristy bits…but the real parts of the world”

  He had looked at her in surprise, not taking her for somebody who would enjoy backpacking.

  “So have you?” his tone interested as she had given a small sigh.

  “No…my plan was to save as much as possible and then when I was 21 go then” Fiona giving a small humourless half laugh, fixing him with a sad look.

  “Have you ever seen It’s A Wonderful Life?” he nodding back with a grin

  “One of my favourite movies” as Fiona had nodded softly

  “Not mine…I feel like George Bailey. Every time I am about to get on a plane…something will happen” her eyes moving to look sightlessly down at her plate.

  “First my parents dying together in a car accident…it took both of us to keep the Company on track. Then my engagement with Donald, our plan was to go together and have an extended honeymoon…but that never happened…and then the fight with you”

  Giving another small sound she had flicked a nervous look back at him

  “Seems there is a power trying to keep me here”

  Craig had given her a small look of understanding. His research had told the story of the unexpected death of her parents, a tragic accident which had occurred over three years earlier.

  “I’m sorry….that must have been hard”

  Fiona looking sadly back and nodding

  “You deal and move on” she had said in a pragmatic tone, her eyes however still full of the sadness of the event. As more brightly she had changed the subject, not asking him about his own family, the story of the orphaned self-made billionaire one that she had read up on in great detail after they had first met.

  Craig Thompson was not a man who had ever understood what it was to be part of a family, Fiona wondering if this was the secret to his success and his ability to so casually strip companies down ignoring the human element. Flicking a look up at him she had once more reminded herself that he was dangerous, not a man to be crossed or caught up in, already feeling the raw sensuality and power of the man lifting her glass to take a large gulp of the wine to quell the flash of awareness that had coursed through her.

  After dinner the two had moved into the main living room, Craig putting on some music, Fiona pleasantly surprised to find that the two had similar tastes as she had pulled out her computer as he had his, the two working quietly together.

  After a couple of hours having responded to the mountain of emails waiting for him he had looked up, his eyes watching Fiona carefully, seeing the way she had been so engrossed in what she was doing, her tongue visible at the side of her mouth as she had concentrated hard, her legs drawn up under her as the laptop had sat precariously on her knee.

  “May I ask what you are doing?”

  His soft voice had make Fiona jump, laughing nervously.

  “Well I thought I would make a start on pulling together some content…as you suggested”

  Sitting up straighter she had looked shyly at him

  “Would you like to see?”

  Craig had nodded as he had moved over to sit beside her. Fiona instantly so aware as he had leant in closer to take a look at the document she had pulled together, his aftershave washing over her as her eyes had closed slowly as she had tried to ignore his closeness.

  “I used all my own pictures … and some publicity shots”

  Her voice becoming weaker as he had draped a hand over her knee to move between the pages she had created.

  “That looks great…exactly what I pictured” Craig reading some of the stories she had already placed inside her template.

  “You tell a good story”

  Turning to look at her, their heads had been close, Craig surprised to see the discomfort of the woman beside him, his eyes trailing down her lovely face, as she had closed the computer, trying to give a small laugh.

  “Wow…is that the time?” her tone unnaturally bright as she had tried to rise. With a smile, he had put his arm out to stop her, dropping his head to allow his forehead to touch hers.

  “Don’t go yet” his sensual whisper had sent tremors skittering through every part of her as her mouth had suddenly become so dry, her eyes meeting his.

  “I…I really think I should….” she had returned, his soft laugh more seductive than mocking as he had moved even closer, Fiona feeling the heat of him against her as she had stiffened beside him.

  “I … I don’t think this is a good idea” her tone lacking conviction as his mouth had moved against her cheek in small kisses.

  “Why is that?” he had murmured against her, Fiona shivering with the torrent of sensations that were crashing
through her. Pulling back from him she had faced him, steeling herself.

  “This was not what we agreed to Craig….pretending remember” her tone full of more anger than she really felt, bristling as he had given another laugh.

  “Do you really think that I ever intended our relationship to stay platonic Fiona?” knowing that the time was right to lay his cards on the table.

  “From the moment I laid eyes on you…I fully expected us to be more…so much more, and you know it too”

  Shaking her head violently she had once more tried to rise, as he had moved his arm around her pulling her in closer to him.

  “Why are you fighting this? Why else would I agree to work with you and your brother if it wasn’t for the way you make me feel, the way I picture making love to you. No Fiona…we both know exactly how this will end”

  With eyes full of shock about to reply, he had pulled her in harder against him, his mouth covering hers, as she had tried to push him from her, her head screaming at her to get as far away from this man as possible. As his kiss had softened, her attempts to push him away had weakened, and groaning she had fallen harder against him, her hands flying around his neck as she had kissed him back.

  Taking the computer from her knee he had moved her backwards onto the couch, his hands sliding around her caressing her back as she had whimpered softly against his cheek as he had licked the lob of her ear, Fiona shuddering violently against him as her hand had began to caress his sides.

  “You know you want this” he had whispered softly as unable to stop she had nodded, hearing the small laugh as his mouth had dropped to kiss along her neck.

  “Come to bed with me” Fiona now beside herself with the need for this man, her mind feeling so confused only able to concentrate on the way his hands had so expertly moved down to caress her bottom, flames of desire licking at her.

  “I…I” she had managed as the loud ringing from his mobile phone had broken the almost mesmerising hold he held on her, sense flooding back into her befuddled mind. With a loud groan of pain, she had pushed him from her, Craig caught off-balance releasing her, as Fiona had scrambled to her feet and with a whimper had fled to the other side of the room unaware of how her eyes stared at him so wide and green, her lips red with his kisses as she looked at him with a haunted expression.

  Ignoring the phone he had risen to his feet, making to move towards her as she had held up an arm to stop his progress.

  “Stay away Craig…….I mean it” Craig frowning with confusion

  “What are you doing?” his tone tinged with frustration and annoyance

  “You want this …. you know you do”

  Fiona shaking her head furiously as she had edged closer to the door

  “No…no I don’t. Stop confusing me”

  Craig giving an annoyed sigh

  “Stop behaving like a child Fiona…”

  Interrupted by the now angry woman before him

  “A child!! Who the hell do you think you are Craig Thompson? You made a deal with me that we would ‘pretend’ to have an affair…I damn well have no intentions of starting a real one…not with you”

  Fiona had known she had hit a nerve as he had stood taller, his body rigid as he had glared back

  “And what does that mean “ not with me”? What’s wrong Fiona don’t I meet up to your blue blood expectations?”

  Frowning with confusion, she had stared back

  “You and I are completely different Craig. You are a shark and I’m…not”.

  Giving her a withering look he had pulled out his phone, his voice now full of ice as he had started to check who had called, his tone clipped and full of a seething rage.

  “Go to bed Fiona. Wouldn’t want to taint your reputation, not with the likes of me” before giving her a cold look

  “Oh that’s right, you already sacrificed that pure reputation of yours haven’t you…but hey at least you can stay on that self righteous pillar of yours”.

  Fiona opening and closing her mouth had not known what to say backing out of the room before turning and fleeing upstairs to her room locking the door behind her.

  As she had slid to the floor, tears had run down her face, Fiona pulling herself into a small ball. Ever since Donald she had not let any man into her well fortified heart or her bed. She had kept every man at arm’s length and yet Craig Thompson seemed to be sweeping away all her defences with an ease that was terrifying to her, not understanding why he would affect her in such a way.

  Groaning softly she had still felt the way her body buzzed at the memory of his kisses, shuddering remembering his mouth softly sucking her ear, determination filling her that she would keep this man at arm’s length repeating to herself, just one month, just one month.

  Downstairs Craig had paced angrily across the floor, his fingers flying over the smart phone as he had sent a blistering response to the question that had been left in voice mail. How dare she look down on him? He owned both her and her Company and she had no right to look down on anybody, least of all him as though he was something beneath her.

  Growing up had been hard for Craig, in an orphanage by the time he was six, with no money and no family, he had had to fight for everything his whole life, quickly teaching all those who had looked down on him lessons. With his mouth set angrily he had snapped the phone shut, a coldness filling him. So Fiona Campbell thought herself so much better than him did she, well he knew how to deal with people like her.

  Fiona had slept little that night, hearing several hours later as he had moved into his own room, her heart beating wildly as he had passed her locked door, confused when he had not stopped she had felt a strange disappointment. As the daylight had peeked through curtains, she had finally given up on sleep moving to the en-suite bathroom to shower before moving silently downstairs. Pulling the door open she had heard the soft laugh behind her, gritting her teeth as she had turned to face a fully dressed Craig.

  “Sneaking out?”

  Fiona raising her chin defiantly, her eyes flashing angrily at him

  “No, I don’t SNEAK out…why you are up?”

  With a knowing smile he had lifted the coffee cup he held, taking a sip before answering slowly

  “I have a meeting. One which I can’t avoid…what about you?”

  She had grasped the handle tightly trying not to show how flustered she felt.

  “This is the last day before the Factory closes down for the holidays. There is a lot to do, and I wanted to have breakfast with Scott before he goes down to Glasgow”

  Inclining his head, his smile had been full of mockery.

  “Well give him my best…what time is the party?”

  The question had taken her aback as she had stuttered softly

  “It…it officially starts at eight…but nobody will really be there until nine”

  Craig nodding softly

  “Well I’ll be back in plenty of time…so I will see you then”

  Turning he had moved back down the hallway towards the kitchen, not once commenting on what had happened the previous evening, Fiona stunned that he seemed to have completely forgotten the incident.

  The day had passed in a blur as Scott and Fiona had ensured that the Business had wound down smoothly. At lunchtime as was traditional, the staff had all congregated at one of the local hotels for lunch, the wine flowing freely as they had celebrated both the holidays and also the knowledge that the Company was not going to be broken up.

  The two siblings however, both having plans for that evening had not drank but greatly enjoyed the celebrations. As the party had wound down they had hugged their employees, before moving out together. Standing at her car Scott had looked carefully at his sister.

  “Is everything OK Fiona?” he had asked gently, seeing the way she had hesitated before giving a bright smile.

  “Fine…nothing I can’t handle”

  Scott pausing to look carefully down at her

  “Hmmm, and what exactly is it that you m
ight need to handle?”

  Fiona fidgeting nervously as she had wrapped her arms around herself shivering slightly in the cold air

  “Let’s just say you might be right about Craig Thompson”

  Her brother’s expression had become angry as he had bitten out

  “Did he do anything…if …”

  Fiona shaking her head, knowing that it was best he not know the events of the previous evening

  “No…but he did make it clear that he … well he wanted more”

  With a frown Scott had seemed uncomfortable

  “Fiona…perhaps it would be better if you didn’t stay at his house. Maybe just meet him for meals and parties. Craig Thompson, is I believe a man of honour but he is also a man used to getting what he wants”

  Giving a small note of disdain she had looked back proudly at her brother

  “We both know that would not work, people already know I’m staying at his place, if I move out now then the gossip will kill us. Don’t worry Scott I can handle him, and men like Craig need to get used to not always getting everything they want”

  Giving a small laugh Scott had pulled her into his arms.

  “Be careful Fiona…you are playing with fire” giving a laugh

  “Although he does have my sympathy if he thinks that you are going to be a pushover”

  Giving him a playful smack she had pulled back

  “Well…don’t worry about me…just make sure that you bring Nat and those kids home with you where they belong”

  Her brother nodding as he had opened the car

  “I will do my best…my very best. You have my phone number - use it”

  Fiona nodding as she had waved him goodbye as his car had moved from the car park. Looking at her watch she had given a small gasp, not having realised how late it was the time being well after seven.

  Chapter Five

  Arriving at his estate nearly twenty minutes later, she had been met by an angry looking Craig, his mouth set firmly.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  Fiona bristling at his tone as she had breezed past him, moving up the stairs as he had glowered at her from the landing.


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