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Millionaire's Society Mistress

Page 6

by Marie Kelly

  “I will be ready in ten minutes” she had cried, hearing the note of disbelief from him as she had closed the door behind her.

  Fiona knew how seriously Claire took her parties, and had spent time putting on makeup to really show off her large eyes, gloss making her lips shine. She had pulled her hair into a loose knot, pulling bits free at the side giving a sexier tousled look, before donning her costume. Seeing the skimpy top which showed off her midriff she had frowned not sure if she was comfortable displaying so much flesh. With a sigh she had regretted allowing the girl in the store to choose a costume for her having no time to spend searching herself.

  The skirt, a red fake leather material was also mini, sitting high above her knees clearly showing the black stockings which showed off her long perfect legs. Pulling on a pair of stilettos she had stood before the mirror savaging her lip. Damn that sales girl, she was sure she had asked for a costume not too revealing…this was certainly not it her eyes looking nervously at her reflection, regretting not having checked it the previous evening knowing that the events of that night had pushed the thought of trying on the outfit from her mind.

  Taking a deep breath she had known that there was no way that she could get out of the party. Craig needed to speak with Bob MacKenzie and the sooner he had dealt with whatever business had been so important he had gone to so much bother, the quicker he would leave and be out of her hair.

  Ten minutes after moving up the stairs she was ready, and grabbing her jacket and bag she had stepped out of her room moving carefully down the steps to meet him. In the hallway Craig had stood his attention on a phone call, Fiona surprised to hear him talking in fluent French. As she had moved to meet him the call had ended and with a smile he had turned to face her.

  “Wow…ten minutes it can be…” his voice stalling as he had finally seen her, the smile melting slowly from his face as he had looked at the woman before him. Gone was the neat primly presented Fiona Campbell and instead stood a sexy siren. His eyes had travelled down her resting on the smooth toned stomach, her back perfectly arched with the skirt accentuating her bottom. She was stunning and he had bitten down the small groan turning quickly from her with a nervous laugh.

  “Now I think that you are just trying to tempt a man of the cloth young lady” aware that his hands had started to shake slightly with the overwhelming desire to push her against the wall and kiss her making both of them miss the party, once more reminded of the way she had kissed him back the previous evening.

  He had heard her soft moan as she had moved with him to the car

  “God, I swear that the sales girl is an idiot. I specifically asked for a more…reserved costume…how on earth could she think this was…sorry”

  Craig firing up the car trying not to look at the way her long legs had filled the passenger side, his body tightening with awareness.

  “Don’t be sorry…It’s not exactly hard on the eye”

  Fiona, again feeling the flush rise on her cheeks at his comment had prayed that he did not take it as any way encouraging his behaviour of the previous evening.

  On the hour long journey to the party she had told him about the MacKenzie family, Craig noting that she did not add what had happened between herself and Donald MacKenzie, not pushing her for information sensing that it was something she did not want to talk about.

  As the drive had progressed Fiona had relaxed, Craig not making any reference to the previous evening, and soon the two were joking happily together. The party had been held in the MacKenzie’s large castle home, Craig whistling as they had driven up the long driveway.

  “Now that is impressive” he had smiled, taking in the turrets and imposing stone building.

  Nodding Fiona had grinned

  “Yes, I believe that it was gifted to one of the MacKenzies by the king himself in the times of James the sixth” giving him a small smile

  “That would be James the first for England”

  Craig looking at her inquisitively

  “Is there a difference?” looking in surprise at her as she had laughed.

  “Oh yes…huge difference….I will tell you the story sometime if you like” seeing as he had flashed her another of those heart stopping smiles which once more had seen her stomach flip disconcertingly.

  “I would like that…very much”

  Pulling into the area which had been cordoned off for the guests parking the two had moved to knock on the door, answered by a tall bubbly woman who had screamed on seeing Fiona stood, throwing her arms around her hugging her tightly

  “Oh my God Fiona…it has been so long. I’ve missed you” chuckling, Fiona had hugged her back

  “I missed you too Claire” her eyes full of honesty, the two women grinning at each other, before Claire had turned to look up at Craig stood just behind, her mouth opening in stunned surprise.

  “OK … definitely going to miss you if you are going to bring hunks like this with you” her hand pushed out as she had smiled seductively at him.

  “Hi…I’m Claire, and am badly in need of some one-to-one counselling Vicar”

  Fiona laughing loudly as she had smacked the younger woman playfully

  “Down girl…you have not changed Claire”

  Taking her coat Craig had asked where they could leave them, moving in the direction Claire had pointed.

  As he had moved off the taller woman had become more serious as she had pulled Fiona to the side

  “Do you know about Donald?”

  Fiona frowning softly as she had shaken her head

  “No…Donald and I have been over for a years’ now Claire. We don’t communicate”

  Claire nodding softly

  “He and Sarah split up”

  Fiona had frowned softly a look of concern filling her lovely features

  “I’m sorry…really sorry…what about their son?”

  Claire giving a soft sigh “She is crazy Fiona and he is fighting for custody”.

  Fidgeting uncomfortably Fiona had not wanted to hear any more as she had looked around for Craig seeing as he had watched her from close by, wondering if he had heard what had been said, his face unreadable.

  Giving a shaky smile she had squeezed Claire’s hands

  “I hope that they work it out Claire I really do…Scott is going through something similar himself. I should go…”

  Claire holding onto her hand, flicking a look around not seeing Craig

  “He wants to see you Fiona…he told me he does, but he just doesn’t know how after….”

  Shaking her head firmly, Fiona had looked back.

  “No Claire. It was over a long time ago between Donald and me. Please drop it…I have to see Craig”

  Claire had sighed sadly as she had let the other woman go, her eyes pleading

  “Think about it Fiona…he really has changed…grown up…he needs a friend right now he can trust…just someone to talk to”

  Nervously she had agreed to think about it before moving to meet the man waiting patiently for her, seeing as he had already attracted a great deal of interest from the many young women, many already trying to catch his eyes.

  “Wow…it looks like the room tilted” she had laughed softly having to push through several woman to get to his side, Craig giving a lopsided grin back

  “Yeah, better let them know that I’m not alone”

  Chuckling she had opened her mouth

  “And how are you going…” the words interrupted as he had pulled her in closer to himself and dropped a kiss on her mouth, Fiona caught off guard as she had fallen in against him, her hands holding onto the lapels of his jacket

  Pulling back he had seen the fire that had sprung into her eyes, his eyes holding hers as she had groaned softly a small blush rising to her cheeks.

  “Erm…yes…stupid question” still feeling as he continued to hold her against him.

  Trying not to show the way just being in his arms affected her, she had given a nervous laugh falling back on humo
ur as she had pushed herself from his hold.

  “Please Vicar….I’m a working girl…no freebies”

  Craig laughing softly leaning in to whisper sensually against her ear

  “Well we will have to see about that Miss Campbell, might have to put you on the payroll” his eyes flashing wickedly as she had not known what to say, looking around for anything to focus on. With relief her eyes had fallen on Bob MacKenzie, her tone becoming more officious as she had pointed to where the imposing man stood, holding a whiskey in his hand as he had watched the party, his expression bored.

  Moving out of the reach of the man bringing such disruption to her, she had led him over to the gruff man.

  Bob MacKenzie’s face had lit up as Fiona had greeted him, pulling her in for a large hug.

  “Fiona…you are truly a sight for old eyes” his voice full of honesty, as she had smiled warmly back at him

  “It is nice to see you Sir” she had replied, as he had waved away the formality.

  “Since when did you call me that young lady…Bob…to you always Bob”

  She had nodded, feeling warmth fill her at the sincerity of his welcome as she had moved to introduce Craig.

  “Bob…I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Craig Thompson”

  Seeing the surprise on his face his eyes becoming harder had rested on the American by her side, surprise on his voice.

  “Your …boyfriend? I was under the assumption that Mr Thompson was…” his eyes more steely “the enemy”.

  Craig had pushed out his hand to the older man.

  “Ex-enemy Sir Robert” he had replied his tone even, as the insult had washed over him taking the peers hand in a firm shake.

  “I see” Bob Mackenzie’s eyes flitting to Fiona who had given a small smile.

  “Craig is helping to sort out the problems we have been having. He has wonderful ideas and well I guess we just hit it off” seeing as he had given her a grin nodding in agreement.

  Giving a gruff snort the older man had regarded both before smiling softly.

  “In that case it is a pleasure to meet you Mr Thompson”

  Craig nodding back

  “And you too Sir. You may not know it, but I have been trying to get in touch with you for several months”

  Robert MacKenzie had held his look nodding

  “Oh I know you have Mr Thompson…but that was when I thought you were out to destroy Fiona here….and this young girl is like another daughter to me”

  Craig had felt the laugh rise up deeply within him. The irony not lost on him. He had gone after Fiona and Scott’s Company as a means to get closer to the man before him, and by doing so had ensured that the man would have no dealings with him, his eyes moving to Fiona who had stared at Robert with disbelief.

  “Oh no….please Bob, I hope that this misunderstanding can be put behind us”

  The older man regarding her thoughtfully, before smiling broadly as he had turned once more to Craig.

  “Perhaps you and I can talk soon Mr Thompson?” Craig nodding

  “I would like that Sir” moving off with Fiona as others had moved in to talk with him.

  For the next three hours Craig had watched as Fiona had been welcomed by so many people, quickly realising that most had not seen her for many month. He had wondered why that was. Her warm greetings showing that she was well loved. As he had finally managed to pull her onto the dance floor he had asked her, seeing discomfort come to her beautiful features.

  “When Donald and I broke up…it seemed best if I just backed away from all contact” giving a sad smile

  “It isn’t that I actively avoided people Craig. I just had my work and all that happened with my parents…I guess time just got away”

  Giving her a knowing smile he had looked around, cutting right to the truth of the situation.

  “So you wanted to make sure that Donald had no chance of catching up with you” he had said softly, Fiona fidgeting nervously, not wanting to talk about her old relationship.

  “Seemed better that way” she had said with finality in her voice, as he had pulled her in closer a small scowl on his face suddenly so interested in what had happened in her past.

  At midnight Robert MacKenzie had moved over to talk to Craig pulling him to the side as Fiona had once more been dragged into a discussion with friends, her look apologetic a big smile on her lovely face as he had waved her on.

  “You have the best girl in the world there Craig…the very best”

  Craig nodding, fixing the peer with a curious expression.

  “Yes she is amazing. I understand she was nearly part of your family” the older man nodding with a long sigh

  “Did she tell you about it? Damn son of mine is an idiot”

  Shaking his head he had seen the smile on MacKenzie’s face

  “No…I imagine she didn’t” his voice thoughtful.

  “It all happened as my knighthood was being discussed. She could have caused a lot of problems…but not Fiona” his voice full of respect

  “She came to me and told me that she wished me the best, and that she promised not to talk to any of the press about what had happened”

  Looking over at Fiona with a fond expression

  “And she never did”

  His eyes once more fixing on Craig

  “I am having a Ceilidh next week. Perhaps you and Fiona could attend, I have so many people stay over and could put your names on the guest list, perhaps give us a chance to have that talk you have been trying to set up”

  Nodding softly Craig had shaken Robert Mackenzie’s hand

  “I think that sounds like a plan Sir Robert…look forward to it”

  As the two men had looked understandingly at each other he had caught sight of Fiona as she had moved from the laughing group of women, only to be stopped by a good looking man who had obviously had one drink too many.

  “Fiona!!!” his arms grabbing her as he had pulled her in for a hug, Craig’s eyes narrowing seeing as his hand had moved to grab her bottom, Fiona taking his arm from around her as she had chastised him good humouredly.

  Excusing himself he had quickly moved over to join her, seeing the way the other man was still ogling her even as he had apologised

  “Sorry…sorry … didn’t mean anything by it…but you have a smoking body Fiona”

  She giving him a frown at his inappropriate comments, jumping as Craig had moved up behind her.

  “Everything OK?” he had murmured softly, seeing as the young man had looked up at him struggling to focus

  “Hey…don’t move in, the lady has pulled”

  Fiona groaning softly feeling Craig stiffening beside her as she had looked pleadingly up at him

  “Allan I would like you to meet Craig…my boyfriend”

  The young man’s face comical as he had taken time for the words to sink in before looking so down-crested, his hands coming up defensively

  “Damn…sorry, my bad”

  His eyes once more returning to Fiona, his expression sad

  “When will it be our time Fiona…when?” Before shuffling away none too steady on his feet.

  Looking up at Craig she had seen as his eyes had followed Allan, his lips curled in a grin.

  “Time to go” he had whispered in her ear as she had looked enquiringly at him

  “Did you get what you needed?” his smile answer enough, as he had placed his hand on the base of her back, the warmth and feel of it sending strange tremors through her.

  Once more sitting in the car she had looked across at him.

  “Sorry about Allan, he really isn’t normally like that”

  Craig looking over at her in surprise, his face holding a hint of confusion

  “You Scottish blue bloods confuse me” he had finally bitten out, as with a small irritated sigh at his once more use of the phrase ‘blue bloods’ she had asked why

  “During the daylight hours and whenever I need to deal with you, you are polite, kind even, but al
oof. It is easier to get into a new restaurant on opening night in New York than to get inside your ivory towers. Yet behind open doors your parties are…not what I was expecting”

  Giving him a quick sideways look she had asked

  “And what were you expecting?”

  Craig had paused, realising that he was so used to the many tedious cocktail parties, in which the settings were muted, polite and meant as venues for business conversations to begin. The party he had left however, had been loud, vibrant with everybody knowing each other, all chatting about their lives, the realisation hitting him that it was personal. Not even Sir Robert MacKenzie, a well known businessman had been prepared to talk business at the party, this confusing him.

  “I suppose I expected your party to be more…..polite, sophisticated”

  Chuckling softly she had looked back at him with laughing eyes

  “I would have thought that the costumes might have prepared you Craig”

  Still serious his eyes had once more flicked over Fiona

  “You are case in point”

  Giving a small smile she had considered her reply before speaking softly

  “We are an old country Craig. We trust what and who we know and look at newcomers with suspicion. Given our history we have every right to be that way. Also I suppose that we would prefer to support those that we know, not new brash ‘promise you the world’ types”

  Frowning softly he had moved the car out of the estate, his voice questioning

  “So I suppose that you consider me brash?” Fiona nodding gently.

  “Your reputation proceeds you” he frowning softly

  “What does that mean?” Fiona biting her lip gently as she had continued

  “You buy companies, strip them down for their assets and move on. Make a quick buck here at the expense of others” seeing as his frown had deepened

  “Why do you think we fought you so hard Craig? The people who work for us have worked there in the most part since they left school. We are a nation of builders. We create businesses that run in families for decades and along comes somebody like you threatening that. One thing you should know about Scots is that we go down fighting”.

  Giving a dismissive snort he had given her a sideways look


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