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Millionaire's Society Mistress

Page 9

by Marie Kelly

  “You…look really nice” she had whispered softly, Craig smiling seeing the way she was trying not to stare at him, just as he was her as he had taken her arm leading her to the waiting car.

  The evening had been a magical one for Fiona, as they had enjoyed a delicious meal sitting in the rotating restaurant with the whole city below them. The show later had only added to the magic of the night, Fiona enjoying the show as had Craig who had gained so much pleasure in the little things. The way that she would lean over to him including him in some little insight making him smile, her comments often making him laugh. As they had returned home, he had known that he had had a great night, flicking a look at Fiona knowing why it had been so enjoyable.

  As they had returned to the hotel, he had taken her into his arms gently kissing her cheek

  “I had a wonderful night” she nodding, her eyes sparkling, as in an almost involuntary action her eyes had fallen to his mouth Craig cupping her cheeks with his hands

  “You were wonderful” he had whispered tilting her head as their eyes had met, his eyes drinking in everything about her face, the way her nose had tilted slightly in the cutest way, dimples appearing as she had smiled, groaning softly as their lips had met, raw need filling them both.

  Sweeping her into his arms he had moved into the bedroom, placing her onto the large bed as though she were fine china as his mouth had explored the softness of her creamy neck and shoulders, Fiona pushing the jacket from him in the need for this man.

  Whimpering she had whispered his name, her voice sending shivers through him as he had pulled back to look down on her, a strange look in his eyes

  “You are driving me crazy Fiona Campbell” his voice sending tremors down her back as she had stroked his cheek, biting her lip softly before dropping her arms above her head, arching her back against him her voice almost a purr as she had chuckled

  “Then prove it to me Mr Thompson”

  Craig with a small manly growl doing exactly that.

  Waking the next morning Fiona had stretched languorously along the soft smooth sheets instantly remembering where she was as she had turned to see Craig, so serene in sleep. Pausing for a few seconds she had watched his handsome features, her eyes sliding down to the hair splattered chest once more feeling the licking flames of desire rise within her. Moving from the bed she had smiled

  “You are turning into such a hussy” she had joked softly to herself, pulling on his t-shirt, the clothing falling to her knees, his smell engulfing her. Moving over to the large window she had this time taken in the hustle and bustle of the Parisien City below in the daylight. With excitement boiling deep within she had grinned at where she was. Not in Scotland, but in Paris. Paris the city of love. Frowning softly she had looked back over to where he still slept. This was not love she had reminded herself, a small smile lighting her lovely lips seeing the discarded expensive clothes from their frenzied need for each other the night before. Moving to lift the clothes and place them on hangers she had felt the wide grin on her face. No it was certainly not love, but it was not bad either.

  As she had finished putting away the clothing she had heard him stir, once more sliding into the bed beside him. This time as he had woken, blinking from the light which now flooded the room, it was Fiona who had looked down at him, her lovely eyes twinkling with happiness.

  “Good morning” she had whispered seductively as he had lain on his back, surprised as she had moved over him, straddling him his hands resting on her thighs as he too had smiled

  “Good morning to you too” his eyes slowly covering every inch of her, a small chuckle on his lips

  “Now I believe that this is my t-shirt Miss Campbell” his tone sensual as she had nodded, her lips curved in a heart stopping smile

  “I believe that it is Mr Thompson” her reply as he had smiled widely, in one move pulling it back over her head

  “Well I think I want it back” before discarding it, as sitting up his arms had wrapped around her waist pulling her in harder to him. Squealing loudly she had wrapped hers around his neck, a look of mock shock flitting over her face

  “What do you intend doing kind sir” his laugh more evil as he had flipped her onto her back, his mouth descending to hers

  “Oh there is not a lot I don’t intend doing” he had laughed back as once more the two had lost themselves in the desire for the other.

  An hour later, she had lain in his arms, her head resting on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart as their fingers had entwined. Kissing her forehead softly he had given a soft sigh.

  “OK…what do you want to do today? We could call for room service for breakfast and later shop till we can shop no more”

  Moving to sit up she had looked back at him with surprise.

  “Shopping? We are in Paris… and you want to shop?”

  Giving a small frown of surprise he had regarded her

  “I thought all women loved shopping?” a small teasing note to his voice as she had given a small pfft sound, her eyes sparkling

  “I have never been here before….can we see the sites? I so want to see the Eiffel tower…Notre Dame…the Champs-Élysées…..Oh……Versailles! “

  Craig throwing his arms around her again laughing

  “Oh my God…it sounds exhausting” hearing as she had laughed beside him

  “And….can we start by going to a French coffee shop for breakfast? I have always dreamt of eating croissants and coffee in a real French patisserie”

  Beside him she had felt him nod, not seeing the way he had smiled at her infectious excitement of the city. Craig had been to Paris on several visits, some for business some even for pleasure. However, he had not really taken the time to explore the city’s many wonderful sights, merely glancing at them as they had passed by. His dates had preferred to spend his money on clothes and jewellery and suddenly the thought of wandering around and exploring had filled him with a strange sense of anticipation.

  In bed that night, Craig had listened as her breathing had become deeper, his arms once more wrapped around her naked body. That body that he seemed never to be growing tired of. The day had been one of the best he could ever remember, Fiona’s wonder at everything giving him so much unexpected pleasure.

  Starting with their croissant in the quaint and so French patisserie where they had poured over flyers of the different tourist spots, she making a long list of the sites that they would see in a logical order for efficiency as she had put it, Craig laughing at her need to organise.

  However, he had enjoyed wandering around Notre Dame, the architecture and stain glass windows exquisite. Fiona had produced a digital camera, and soon he was mocking her with the amount of pictures she had taken, some with the two of them as they had stood beside well known landmarks. The trip down the Seine had been both cold and relaxing, both leaning against the railings, hugging each other for warmth. All the while she had chatted, so open and natural about everything, Craig finding himself opening up more to her too, the two laughing the whole time as she had told him silly jokes and he had responded with some of his own, never tiring of her large smile and musical laugh.

  As they had moved from site to site she had bought small gifts for Scott, the kids and her friends, Craig groaning seeing some of the tat she had insisted on purchasing declaring them to be memories as he had rolled his eyes heavenward.

  At lunchtime they had found themselves in the large shopping mall, Fiona giving him a wicked smile.

  “OK…one hour…see who can find the tackiest French souvenir” Craig looking back with bright eyes

  “Are you challenging me!” her face smiling as she had grinned the two of them moving off in different directions on their quest, Craig hardly believing the amount of fun the small quest was giving him.

  Exactly an hour later the two had met back in the food court, he raising an eyebrow at the many bags she had carried

  “Just how many tacky things did you find?” he had laughed
her smile quizzical and mysterious as she had hummed softly pulling the bags away as he had tried to peek inside one.

  “No, no, no” sitting down, her chin resting on her hands

  “Well? What did you find?”

  Craig remembering as he had sat smugly across from her producing his spoils, a small vase with a picture of the Eiffel tower and a pen with a wiggly Quasimodo top.

  “Beat that Campbell” as she had pulled out her own, Craig groaning at seeing the thimble with a beret wearing Mickey Mouse and a spoon with a plastic Eiffel tower as the handle

  Bowing softly he had admitted defeat

  “You win…you are truly the queen of tat” Fiona bursting out laughing.

  Pulling her in closer he had kissed her head as his eyes had closed also, a smile playing on his mouth. It had been a great day.

  The next morning Fiona had woken early, turning to see the clock showing seven, biting her lip with barely concealed excitement. Gently pushing Craig till he had groggily woken, his eyes blinking open, she had stretched beside him, faking having just woken up.

  “Mmmmm…Is it that time?” she had whispered softly seeing as he had raised himself a small frown creasing his handsome brow, his voice still so sleepy as he had dropped back down onto the pillow

  “It’s too early” he had groaned softly “go back to sleep for a few hours” Fiona sitting bolt upright, Craig looking at her in confusion”

  “W…what’s up?” his sleepy tone concerned as she had flipped onto her knees, her lovely eyes sparkling brightly.

  “It’s Christmas Craig….It’s Christmas” he feeling as the sheets had been thrown aside, Fiona pulling on his t-shirt as she had stood by the side of the bed bouncing excitedly from foot to foot.

  Rising also he had reluctantly stood up, his face questioning.

  “But…it’s early…….”

  Just managing to pull on his boxing shorts as she had grabbed his hand dragging him from the bedroom to the living room, quickly putting the lights on the tree as she had knelt before it her wonderful smile making her radiant.

  “Oh…looks like Santa has been” she had chuckled, Craig flopping down beside her. Hearing this he had felt himself sit up with interest, grinning back.

  “You got presents” Fiona chuckling

  “You don’t really think that it would take me an hour to beat you at tat for tat” he giving her a smile

  “You sneaky little thing”

  She inclining her head before delving under the tree and pulling out a box, quickly handing it to him, a shy smile on her face

  “It’s not much….but”

  Craig taking it before ripping at the paper, strange warmth filling him before laughing seeing the two large silver bookends, looking at her in surprise.

  “I noticed in the library in your house…your books were all kind of falling over the table…thought it might help you sort them…and be a reminder of Christmas”

  He had smiled in thanks, looking more closely.

  One end the Eiffel tower had not surprised him but the other had seen him look up

  “The statue of liberty?” his eyes questioning as she had grinned broadly

  “Oh yes….your lady liberty is a French chick” she had chuckled, “a present from Francais”.

  Holding up her hand she had laughed again

  “OK…not impressed” again she had disappeared under the tree, her wiggling bottom making him wolf whistle softly as she had pulled out another present, Craig smiling happily

  “Two pressies” taking it from her and again ripping the paper to reveal the book of poems , turning it over and smiling seeing the name of Robert Burns, his name everywhere in Scotland.

  “I…thanks” his face genuinely happy as he had flipped through a few pages, reading a couple of the poems, the facing sheet breaking down the meaning of the words. Laughing he had looked up at her

  “And I really appreciate the translated versions too” Fiona looking at him with laughter in her eyes.

  “If you want to hold your own in a conversation with Bob MacKenzie…you better read a few of those, he is the Baird’s biggest fan”

  Leaning forward he had kissed her mouth

  “I love them Fiona…you shouldn’t have”, Fiona looking shyly back at him muttering something about “Christmas”, not sure why his use of the word “love” should be sending strange tremors through her.

  Standing, he had told her to stay as she was a mischievous look on his face before he had returned from their room, his hand behind his back as she had tried to look around him.

  With a sigh he had rejoined her, pulling the long box from behind him

  “I only got you one thing”

  Fiona taking the gift from him, eyes so bright as she had like him ripped the paper from it, seeing the long velvet jewellery box. Opening it she had gasped in surprise.

  “Oh Craig….I…it’s beautiful” his fingers taking the diamond tennis bracelet from the box and fastening it around her small wrist, Fiona groaning even as her eyes had watched the way the light sparkled as it hit the facets of diamonds.

  “I’m glad that you like it” his voice soft and low “I don’t need an hour to find tat either”

  Giving him a look as she had laughed.

  “Well in that case…there was one more thing I got for you”

  Craig looking surprised

  “Another present for me? Fiona…you really didn’t have to”

  Fiona giving him a sensual smile pulling one more box from under the tree

  “Oh…this is more a …sharing present”

  Craig again ripping the Christmas paper from the box to reveal a flat box. Lifting the lid a grin had spread across his handsome features, removing the lid completely as he had lifted the Christmas teddy from the tissue paper. Looking at her with a smouldering fire in his eyes

  “OK…for the record…you buy THE best presents” passing it over to her “and in the interest of sharing…I think that you should show me this ….on.”

  Jumping to her feet she had taken the silky material from his fingers, moving to the bedroom, as she had curtsied to him

  “Yes Sir” her voice mocking.

  Waiting for her, Craig had touched the presents, a strange lump in his throat. While he had had presents before, none had seemed as personal Craig frowning at this thought.

  Hearing a soft cough from the bedroom, he had looked over to where she had draped herself against the door, her fingers entwined in her long hair as she had playfully lifted it allowing it to fall over her eyes, her tongue running seductively along her lips

  “Monsieur Thompson” her French accent making him laugh as his eyes had travelled over her, groaning at the way the red silky material had hugged her perfect figure, seeing her long legs, the teddy sitting high on her thigh.

  Jumping to his feet he had moved towards her

  “Oh Mademoiselle Campbell…time to open this present” Fiona giving a throaty laugh as he had lifted her high up against himself, her arms moving around his neck as he had moved backwards.

  “Now should we open it from this side….or this side” The woman in his arms wriggling helplessly as he had tickled her, ever moving back towards the bed, before she had wrapped her legs around his waist kissing him. As he had kicked he door closed his last comment had been “OK this side then” the two falling together onto the bed.

  That morning the two had ordered room service, before they had moved to one of the few places open that day, the Eiffel tower. Standing in line for the lift to take them to the top, Fiona had regarded him with a solemn expression

  “You want to take the lift?” Craig looking at her in surprise.

  “I didn’t think that you would want to walk up all those stairs” he had begun as she had shaken her head furiously.

  “No…I want to experience everything about it …we need to walk” her eyes looking at the queue “besides, look at this line…walking will keep us warm”

  Grinning wit
h surprise, he had moved with her to the stairs. As they had got to each level, there had been a plague with facts about the structure they stood on. Both had read the information attentively Craig knowing that half the fun of enjoying the view from the top when they had got there had been the journey up, Fiona smiling with satisfaction as they had walked around the tower.

  Later they had sat in an almost empty French cinema watching an old black and white movie, Fiona only catching half of the words as she had filled in the blanks with her own hilarious version of the narrative, Craig joining in, both of them constantly laughing.

  For their final evening in Paris they had again dressed formally, this time she wearing a long blood-red dress, her long hair pulled up elegantly, adding drama with red lipstick which had showed up so well against her porcelain skin.

  In another tuxedo, he too had had stood looking handsome, his eyes appreciative as they had slowly trailed over her

  “You are a beautiful woman Fiona” his voice serious and full of such honesty as she had joined him, giving him a warm smile back.

  The two had enjoyed a traditional Christmas meal together, Craig laughing at her insistence on wearing the small tissue party hat that had come from the cracker provided as part of the meal, shaking his head

  “You are such a child” he had grinned, although he too had put on his hat, smiling widely. That evening their lovemaking had been less frantic and slower, both taking their time as they had brought the other to another mind blowing climax, both of them clinging to the other, no words needing to be spoken as they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Eight

  Returning once more on the same plane the two had sat comfortably in the others company, Craig reading the poetry book she had given him, laughing at some of the words, Fiona correcting the way he would pronounce them, her large eyes full of humour. He had however, found himself enjoying the book, smiling at some of the stranger poems, once more thinking how Scottish they were as he had began one poem, his voice careful in the way he had pronounced the words.


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