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Millionaire's Society Mistress

Page 13

by Marie Kelly

  The designer, Greg, had been a down-to-earth Scotsman, Fiona somehow feeling almost a kinship to the man as before eating they had discussed different places they were both familiar with. Craig frowning softly seeing that this had been the first time since she had arrived that he had seen her normally animated features portray real happiness, wondering why this worried him so much. Greg’s designs had been very true to the heritage that the store would be trying to portray, Fiona sure that his roots had helped with this and the three had poured over the blueprints, Fiona making some changes which both men had nodded at.

  Returning to the apartment that night, he had taken her hand leading her to the rooftop where they had watched the pinpricks of light from the traffic below, the sound of horns and other street noises still reaching them in their lofty position. Looking up the stars had only been visible, Fiona giving a soft sigh, missing the darkness and bright stars in the Scottish night sky.

  “You will learn to love it here” he had whispered against her, as she had turned into his arms, a warmer smile sitting on her perfect mouth.

  “I am sure I will. Just need time to adjust” Craig giving her another of his breathtaking grins as he had pulled her in closer, Fiona shivering as his breath had tickled the small hairs in her ear.

  “Mmmm…well I am all about the adjusting, but sometimes you have to ease in slowly” his voice full of sensual innuendo “Perhaps fall back on what works…like” his head dropping to run his tongue along her neck, Fiona shivering as her whole body had responded.

  Giving a return throaty laugh her hands had moved to slide along his shirt, flicking buttons off as she did “Go on…your take on ‘fitting in’ is fascinating to me” here lovely eyes dancing with his.

  With a low masculine sound he had bent and swept her up in his arms, moving back into the main house and down to his room “Oh I like fascinating…I have a whole lot more to show you on fascinating”

  Fiona laughing, feeling less homesick as she had writhed in the arms of the man she loved.

  Waking early the next morning, she had groaned softly hearing the shower, her mind returning to the previous night. Their lovemaking had been as intense as ever, she marvelling at the way this man could take her to such heights of pleasure, her body jumping to attention at the thought. Hearing as the shower had stopped, she had moved into the bathroom, Craig stopping as he had closed his eyes seeing a very naked Fiona move towards him.

  Groaning, his eyes had swept over every inch of her, the desire so evident in his look.

  Nibbling playfully on her lip she had flicked her gaze to the towel slung around his midriff, a small wicked smile on her lips as she had innocently looked back up into his eyes.

  “May I use your towel?”

  Craig grinning as he had shaken his head

  “I don’t think so. I have a meeting in an hour…and if you touch this towel…I know I’m going to be late”

  Moving even closer, she had given him a playful hurt look

  “What if I promise to make it worth your while?”

  Slowly dropping to her knees, till she had looked up at him, Craig raising his head to the ceiling as though in search of strength, not able to look down on her, feeling as his resolve had melted like butter in the sun. Running her hand along the protruding bulge she had heard as he had mumbled incoherently before pulling the towel from his waist and allowing it to drop to the floor.

  With a small chuckle she had kissed along his thigh, Craig’s whole body twitching with the need for her as her small hands had caressed his legs. Running her nose along the length of him, she had looked up, his eyes holding hers as she had partially closed her own with pleasure, before running her small tongue along the tip of him.

  With a loud sucking of air he had reached for her head, his hands entwining in the long black curtain which brushed against his body

  “Oh my God Fiona…why do you affect me the way you do?”

  She giving a small sound of triumph as she had taken him into her warm moist mouth, Craig groaning and moaning with the sensations of her actions. She had tickled him and tasted him, swirling her small tongue around the hardened head, looking up into his black eyes, feeling as he had pushed against her, his hands encouraging her with every small movement until he had pulled away, falling against the tiled wall groaning

  “Stop…you have to stop”

  Fiona remaining where she was, her lovely face upturned to smile serenely at him. With an almost animalistic groan he had lifted her to her feet, pulling her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, before positioning her over his hardness and dropping her onto him, her tight muscles enveloping him as they had both cried out with the intensity of the penetration.

  With his hands on her bottom he had thrust so deeply within her, Fiona clinging to him before the two as one had exploded in the other’s arms, each crying out as they had panted, Fiona groaning as he had pushed her against the wall, his legs suddenly so weak, kissing her mouth with lips that trembled. Pulling from her, he had allowed her to slowly slide to the ground, both still holding the other, both so unable to speak as once more they had marvelled at the way they could pull such responses from each other.

  Looking deeply into his eyes, she had wanted to tell him she loved him, to let him know that she would do anything for him, the warmth in his look filling her. Before she could speak however, he had bent forward kissing her mouth softly, killing the moment as his head had moved back, his face shining

  “You are a wicked, wicked woman….you Scottish temptress”

  Swallowing hard she had dropped to quickly grab the towel, laughing seductively

  “Well you should have just handed over the towel” a gleam in her green eyes before moving under the shower herself. Shaking his head with a wide smile he had watched her shower through the smoked glass, a feeling of floaty satisfaction enveloping him as he had turned to brush his teeth.

  As Fiona had moved from the bathroom, the towel wrapped around her she had seen Craig standing checking his phone, his smile greeting her, laughter on his wonderful mouth.

  “Mmmm I think that is my favourite towel ever” Fiona sticking her tongue out playfully at him as he had dropped some cards on the table.

  “I had some accounts set up for you. Credit card, Debit card and the accounts for the business are in progress”

  Frowning softly, she had shaken her head

  “There is no need…I can use my UK accounts”

  Craig had given her a patient smile.

  “Well, I know that you are an independent woman Fiona, but we have a lot of social events coming up and you need to go out today and buy lots and lots of nice dresses, about seven of them, so you have a credit limit that will make that possible…and 10 thousand in the bank…let me know if you need more”

  Moving forward as he had spoken to her, he had pulled her into his arms, kissing the words of dissent from her mouth.

  “That plus…it makes it easier for me to set up a standing order”

  Groaning softly she had raised her hand to her head

  “Why….why would I need a standing order Craig?” her eyes holding his with trepidation, frowning as he had again smiled as though talking to a small child

  “Because that way you will be able to buy all those things you need without having to ask me…I just know how much you would hate that”

  About to tell him that she did not like the idea of him paying her he had groaned, quickly looking at his watch

  “Knew it…gonna be late” flashing her a large grin

  “But it was worth it….oh, there is a car downstairs at your disposal, have a great day”, before moving to the private lift that served the apartment, not taking in the wary look on Fiona’s face.

  Dressing she had pulled out her computer, reading the latest stories of New York society and the fashion scene. Making a list of stores she had moved out of the apartment. When he had told her how much money was at her disposal, she had been horrified not s
ure why he would ever give her so much. However, a search on some of the stores had quickly revealed why, Fiona stunned to see how much they were asking for the beautiful dresses and accessories.

  Moving down to the foyer, the friendly driver had moved forward to meet her

  “Miss Campbell, I am James and will be your driver today”

  Giving the man a smile she had shaken her head

  “Please…my name is Fiona. I’m really not one to stand on formalities” extending her hand and shaking his. She could see the surprise in the man’s eyes before he had given her a broad return smile.

  “Then it is a pleasure to meet you Fiona” guiding her outside to where the large black car waited on the kerb.

  “I understand that you are to be shopping today”

  Fiona nodding, holding out the sheaf of paper she had printed out with the list of stores most likely to provide the outfits she would need. Looking down the list James had nodded, before giving a small frown

  “What time are your appointments Fiona?”

  She looking back at him with confusion

  “Appointments?” giving a quick grin “No, I am just shopping”

  Opening the door for her to step into the backseat he had moved into the front turning to face her, a look of humour on his kindly face

  “Can I assume that this is your first time shopping at these stores?”

  Nodding he had pulled out a mobile phone giving her a reassuring look

  “These stores do not allow people to walk in off the streets, but I’m sure with your connection to Mr Thompson that they will be able to fit you in”

  Wide-eyed she had listened as he had called many of the stores, hearing as they would most often give times weeks from that day; however the minute Craig’s name was mentioned suddenly finding an opening for her. As he had turned back to look her, James had given her a reassuring wink

  “It is not what you know…it’s who you know in this town”

  Giving him a small smile Fiona had sat back in the seat, uneasiness filling her.

  The day had passed in a blur as she had tried on some of the most exquisite dresses she had ever seen. She had selected only a couple in each store, instinctively knowing that variety was most definitely expected in the large metropolis. Biting her lip, she had also chosen several suits. When she had agreed to join him in New York, she had not expected him to talk her into opening up a Showroom for the Company and had not brought the correct attire. Savaging her lip, she had known that she should have paid for the outfits from her own account, but one look at the price tags had soon ended that thought.

  By six she was ready to return home, more exhausted than she would have ever thought possible from just shopping. James had been excellent company his interest in her home country enabling Fiona to talk about home, he seeing the light that had filled her eyes as she talked about it. On the way home she had asked him to pull into a delicatessen the need to do something so normal filling her. She had chosen fresh bread and vegetables along with steak and wine and with her spoils had returned to Craig’s home.

  Moving from the lift Craig had smelt the aroma of food, his stomach flipping with the mouth-watering aromas. When he had called her to tell him he was on his way, she had seemed mysterious as he had asked where she wanted to dine. With a small smile he now knew why. Moving into the kitchen, she had the music playing, her hips moving to the beat as she had stirred something on the stove. Leaning against the door jamb he had watched her, a smile on his face before she had turned, jumping in fright seeing him stood there, before laughing

  “How long have you been there?” her hand on her breast as he had grinned back at her

  “Long enough. You are quite the sexy little dancer” he had smiled moving towards her, as she had laughed back, once more turning to move something on the large range cooker. Sliding his hands around to her belly and pulling her in tight against his groin his other hand had pulled her hair from her long neck, his lips dropping to slide along the curve. Shivering she had chuckled, writhing against him her whole body tightening in awareness of this man while dropping her head to give him more access.

  “How long will that dinner take?” he had questioned sensually, as she had flicked eyes full of fire back at him

  “Well I can put things onto simmer…guess it is lucky I hadn’t put the steak on yet”

  With a rumble of laughter he had turned her around in his arms

  “Oh red meat is good. I am so going to need that soon” his mouth dropping to hers as he had lifted her higher in his hold, Fiona laughing happily as she had lent back to turn off the rings, before with as deep a groan as he throwing her arms around his neck, their kiss incendiary.

  An hour later, she had resumed the cooking, this time wearing only his shirt, the length falling to her knees as she nimbly moved around the kitchen plating up the delicious meal. Craig had placed the decanted wine on the table. Wearing only pyjama bottoms, the first thing he had found on leaving the bed in which earlier they had both clung to the other, their rasping breaths struggling to be brought under control as once more they had brought each other to heights of pleasure that neither could understand.

  Leaning back against the table he had watched her. She was a complete mystery to him. Aloof blue-blood one moment and sensual tigress the next, she fascinated him.

  Bringing the food to the table, she had sat beside him, Craig wrinkling up his nose as he had looked at himself.

  “I have never sat down to dinner like this” he had chuckled, Fiona once more feeling as her body had reacted to his naked broad shoulders and muscular torso, a heat deep in the pit of her belly spreading within her. Dropping her eyes to spear a potato she had flashed him a small grin

  “Yes…we will be outcasts…not welcome in any civilized society”

  Fixing her with as much humour in his voice as hers, he had nodded

  “True…very true…although I have to tell you I am not hating it”

  Fiona giving a nod as she had grinned back.

  Chapter Eleven

  Over the next few days, the two had settled into a routine. Craig surprised how easy it had been living with Fiona. Each day they would both go to work, he to his office and she to meet with different designers and builders. They had all found Fiona to be decisive and insightful, her comments and praise welcomed by all. At night she had insisted on making them a meal, Craig finding himself enjoying the intimacy and chance to talk through his day, enjoying the way she would listen so attentively her beautiful face concentrating on his ever word. It felt good.

  As the weekend had come around, they had prepared to attend a gala event; Fiona excited to have the opportunity to wear one of the many dresses which had been delivered throughout the week. Choosing the figure hugging red, the back dropping to the base of her spine, she had pulled her long hair up into a playful knot securing it with the ornate clips included with the dress, elongating her wonderful body. As she had put on the bracelet he had bought for her Christmas she had stood back, admiring her reflection, sure that she would not embarrass him in front of his friends.

  The hiss of breath behind her had made Fiona spin around, her eyes questioning as his had slid down her, his expression solemn

  “My God Fiona…You are ….”

  Twisting her lips into a smile she had moved towards him, the heels allowing her to stand taller against him as her arms had moved around his neck.

  “That had better end with ‘acceptable’”, her wonderful green eyes dancing with mischief, Craig smiling as he had dropped his head to kiss her lips, those wonderful lips, his body buzzing with the desire to slide the small shoulder straps down. Stepping back, a smile had spread through his handsome face

  “Well…nearly acceptable” his eyes full of fun, as she had looked at him with confusion, not sure what was wrong with the wonderful outfit.

  Pulling the box from behind his back he had held it out to her, as she had looked back, moving to open it her arms flyin
g to her mouth

  “Oh Craig…it…it’s beautiful”

  Her eyes rising to his

  “I…I can’t accept something like this. It’s too much” as her eyes had looked at the diamond necklace. She had never had much jewelry in her life, but she knew expensive when she saw it, and this was off the radar. Giving a smile, he had removed it from the box

  “Oh you have to take it. The woman in the shop said that if you didn’t …then her children couldn’t go to see Mickey Mouse”

  As he had spoken he had draped the exquisite piece of jewellery around her throat, the design matching that of the bracelet to perfection. Turning her around, she had looked into the mirror, the diamonds catching the light and sparkling as she had turned. Speechless, she could only stare, his hands on her shoulder as he had kissed the nape of her neck

  “Not nearly as shiny as your eyes”

  Fiona’s lips twitching as she had looked deeply into his

  “I cannot believe you just used that line” Craig laughing with her, his insides swelling with something, something he could not understand.

  The party had been in one of the oldest most expensive hotels in New York. The music had been muted and the people had milled around in their finery, Fiona introduced to his business colleagues as they had slowly made their way around the room. All had talked of investment opportunities, listening attentively to Craig’s advice, she finding herself out of her depth at the financial discussions, making smalltalk with the other wives and girlfriends, most taking the opportunity to let her know about themselves. She had been polite and attentive; quickly winning the approval of the other guests, although inside she had been bored, desperately wondering when it would all end.

  As they had left one such group, Craig had pulled her in close to drop his head as he had murmured softly into her ear

  “You look stunning”

  Fiona giving him a smouldering look

  “You don’t look so bad yourself Mr Thompson”

  Her eyes flashing with such promise, Craig giving a small groan

  “OK…We need to stay an hour…then maybe we should have an early night”


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