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Saved b ythe Bear

Page 2

by Stephanie Summers

  He held her hips firmly as he pounded into her silky moist heat. Salty sweat dripped in tiny beads from his chin onto her back. Grasping the sheet, she held on as waves of pleasure continued to ripple through her.

  He groaned as he gained speed and bent against her back, arms holding her waist. He came hard inside of her as his body shuddered.

  Letting go of the sheet, she collapsed to the bed with him on top of her.

  * * *

  Seraphina awoke hours later to a loud banging at the door. She sat up and clutched the sheet to her breast, covering her naked body.

  Ryder pulled on a pair of jeans and opened the door, blocking anyone from seeing her.

  “You killed him, didn’t you, you sonofabitch?” The man stepped toward Ryder. His hands fisted at his side.

  “He attacked me. I told you what would happen next time any of you fucked with me.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the frame of the door, the bulk of his body still shielding her from the man outside.

  “Did he attack you or are you hiding someone in there?”

  “I have nothing to hide.”

  “Really? You didn’t see the girl he was tracking? Yea tall,” the man held up his hand to his chest, “petite build, light hair, most likely came this way?”

  “Now that you mention it, yes. I did see someone fitting that description, but I’ve claimed her as my mate, and she’s staying with me.”

  “Hand her over, Ryder, she doesn’t belong to you. She belongs to Westerly.”

  “Not anymore, she doesn’t.” He stood up as straight as he could and puffed out his chest. Ryder dwarfed the man standing before him in size, but the man didn’t back down.

  “Hand her over, and I won’t tell Westerly you killed one of his panthers.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you tell him. If he’s stupid enough to come after me, then so be it. I’ll kill him, too.”

  “You’ll fucking regret this. Don’t bother trying to leave because we’re watching.”

  Ryder slammed the door in the man’s face and joined Seraphina on the bed. Tears ran down her reddened cheeks as she looked at him.

  “I should’ve left while I still could. I can’t go back there!”

  “You’re not going back. I promise you that,” he said, pulling her to his chest.

  Wiping tears away, she spoke. “Wait…” She pushed herself out of his arms and looked up at him. “What was that ‘mate’ shit you were saying? I got myself out of one hell just to be trapped in another?” Grabbing her dress from the side of the bed, she slipped it over her head.

  “It wouldn’t be hell I assure you. I only said that so they would know I was serious, though, I must say, I wouldn’t mind it if you were my mate. I’d worship you and your body daily.”

  “That does sound tempting, but how the fuck am I going to get out of this without being caught.”

  “Follow me.”

  Seraphina slipped her feet into her sandals. Ryder took her hand and led her to a wall that had a large tapestry hanging across it. He pulled back the corner to reveal a secret door.

  “We’ll get you to safety through here.”

  She nodded and followed him into the darkness. A moment later he had a lantern lit. It illuminated a long tunnel that sloped downwards. The space they had to maneuver was narrow and not quite tall enough for Ryder to stand up straight. He walked hunched over in front of her.

  “Are you alright? This goes for about a mile.”

  “I’m better off than I would be going back to Mr. Westerly’s.”

  They walked and walked and just as she thought she couldn’t go any further, she spotted a light just ahead of them. The tunnel opened up behind a waterfall.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said as she marveled at the sight of the water rushing before her.

  “It is.” He turned and kissed her deeply. His heart pounded in his chest from not wanting to leave her. “Now when you get to the other side of the falls, keep the stream to your left and head straight into the city.”

  “You’re not coming with me? What if they catch me?”

  “You’ll be fine. It’s only another mile or so. When you get to the edge of town, look for Brook Avenue. Go to the tallest building on Brook; its address is 2214.” Grabbing a set of keys out of his pocket, he held them out to her. “Take this key and open the front door to the building. Take this other key and open apartment 1436 on the fourth floor.” He tucked the key ring snugly into her palm and kissed the back of her hand. “You’ll be safe there.”

  “Will I see you again?”

  “Soon, I promise. Stay there until I come for you.”

  She nodded and shimmied against the wall around to the side of the falls. Darting out into the forest, she ran as fast as she could until she reached the edge of town. Remembering his instructions, she made her way to the apartment.

  Both keys unlocked the doors effortlessly. Nerves shot through her body. What or who would she find once she got inside?

  Cautiously pushing the door open, she stepped inside and closed it behind her.

  The apartment before her was large and modern with very few pieces of furniture. In fact, the living room only had a black leather couch and matching chair. The dining room was empty, save for some modern pieces of art adorning the walls.

  “Hello?” She called out cautiously, and walked down a short hallway where a bedroom was situated. The bed was large with a plush hunter green comforter.

  Exhausted from the run, she flopped down on the bed while she contemplated what to do next. Her head lolled to the side, and she caught sight of a large bathroom attached to the bedroom.

  Shower it is.

  Slipping the dress up over her head, she tossed it to the floor and turned on the water in the shower. It heated quickly. Steam began to rise and fog up the mirrors.

  A hot shower was a luxury she hadn’t been given during her time at Westerly’s. The water was piss warm at best when she was allowed to bathe at all.

  The water cascaded over her body as she relished the heat and cleanliness. Her eyes closed as the shower beat gently across her skin. Flashes of Ryder raced through her mind, arousing her body.

  She turned to let the water flow over her back. Imagining her hands belonged to Ryder, the slid over her curves. I’m so fucking drawn to him. Why? I just met him. Never in my life have I had sex - mind-blowing, life-altering sex – with someone so fast. Her fingers found their way to her moist folds.

  She spread herself and turned. The water fell like thousands of tiny tongues over her clit as she leaned back and pushed her hips forward. Ryder’s kisses haunted her skin. She could almost feel him entering her as she rubbed herself. Hard and fast, an orgasm erupted from her pussy, rocking her to the core. She screamed out and leaned against the wall.

  * * *

  Hours had passed since she’d found her way into the foreign apartment. Ryder hadn’t found her yet, and she was starting to get hungry. With no money and no food in the fridge, she began to worry about her growling stomach.

  She had to lay low and couldn’t risk going out to find food anyway. Most people she knew in town probably thought she’d moved away, and those who knew what truly happened to her might turn her over to the Westerly’s.

  An audible click echoed through the living room where she’d perched herself on the couch. Her body stiffened and her heart thudded rapidly, echoing in her ears. The door opened slowly, and in walked Ryder, carrying two bags in one hand. She jumped up and ran to him.

  “I’m glad you found the place, Little Angel.” His free arm slid around her body and hugged her tight.

  “I was terrified… and hungry.” She laughed and pressed her cheek against his chest.

  He pulled a frozen pizza out of one bag and headed toward the kitchen. “I’ve got you covered. I hope you like pizza.”

  “I haven’t had pizza since before…” Her voice trailed off as the memories crashed into her.

  “Here. This is for you.
” He turned and handed her one of the bags.

  A pile of clothes filled it up and she smiled at his kindness. “How did you know what size to get?”

  “I guessed. Hope you like them. Give me that dress once you change.”

  Hurrying into the bathroom, she dumped the clothes out onto the counter. There were so many to choose from. He’d bought at least five complete outfits along with panties and socks. A pair of denim capris and a purple short sleeved shirt clung to her curves perfectly. She picked up the dress and met Ryder in the living room.


  Ryder took the dress from her hands and motioned for her to follow him. He opened a set of French doors that led to a large balcony overlooking the city. A stone fireplace sat off to one side. He grabbed some matches that were stored in a little cabinet beside the fireplace and got a fire burning in no time. The dress went up in flames shortly after he tossed it in.

  “The dress is gone now, but is it alright if I still call you my Little Angel?”

  “It’s growing on me.” Stroking his hair, she pressed her body against his. “I’m starving, but I want you to fuck me so bad.”

  He arched his brow and smiled a crooked grin at her. “We should get you fed soon, shouldn’t we?”

  They went back inside to the kitchen where they waited for the oven to preheat. Ryder slid the pizza into the oven once it was hot enough. The spicy smell of the sauce permeated the air, making her stomach rumble. Seraphina’s mouth watered as she thought of how good it was going to taste.

  They went back into the living room and sat down beside each other on the couch. “Whose place is this anyway?” Seraphina asked.


  “I thought you lived in that cabin.”

  “I do most of the time. I have this place for when I need use of more modern conveniences. I used to live here all the time and only went out to the woods every other weekend or so.”

  “What made you decide to live there instead of here?”

  “I inherited a shit ton of money from my grandfather. He was a shifter like me, and I was the only one besides him in the family, so I had a special place in his heart. There was no job to worry about and I found myself bored with the social scene around here. Never really found a connection with anyone. The forest is more peaceful, and I can do whatever I want. I can shift when I want, which isn’t all that easy to do in the city.”

  “Tell me more about shifters.”

  “All breeds of shifters are different. Some can shift from birth, others not until something triggers it. My kind of shifters are all born male and we’re able to shift for the first time around puberty.”

  “How is that possible if you can’t get anyone pregnant to make more?”

  “That’s where that mating thing comes in. Once a male finds a woman he wants to mate with, they go through a pretty elaborate ritual where she is turned into a shifter. She is able to shift whenever she wants after the first full moon of her transformation.”

  “Wow. Now that’s commitment.”

  “That’s why there aren’t many of us who shift into bears around. Most women cringe at the thought of not only pledging themselves to one man for the rest of their life, which ends up being quite long because our lifespans are around two hundred years, but becoming a whole new creature entirely disgusts them. It’s too much for most to handle.”

  Seraphina caught herself wondering what it would be like to turn into a bear. Would it hurt? Would it be exhilarating? Her index finger rested on her bottom lip. “Did you come through the cave, too?”

  His chin tilted up as he began to speak. “I walked right out the front fucking door.”

  “How did you manage that? Weren’t they waiting to kill you?”

  “Some of them put up a good fight, but they were no match for me. I’m bigger, stronger, and smarter than any of them.”

  “You killed them all. For me?”

  “Yes. Westerly and his son, too.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “We need to leave, and get you out of town before you’re caught.”

  “It was a bear attack, Little Angel,” he winked at her and smiled a half-grin, “but I’m glad to know you’d run away with me.”

  “You caught that, I guess.”


  “It’s just that I don’t really have anywhere to go, you know? I can’t go home because my mother was in the process of moving when they took me, and I never really saw the new place. Not that I’d want to go back to her anyway.”

  “You do have a place… with me. This can be your home.”

  “Would you be here, too?”

  “Sometimes. I prefer my other home… I can’t stand being around crowds of people anymore.”

  “What if I wanted my home to be wherever you are?”

  His eyes widened. “You’d be my mate?”

  “I’m considering it… You make me feel safe, Ryder. I have all these feelings for you bubbling to the surface, and I don’t want to ignore them. I feel like I’ve known you for an eternity instead of just a day. You’re the only man I’ve ever had in my life that made me feel protected and so much like a woman.”

  “You should probably hear the details of the mating ritual before you decide.”

  “Will it be unpleasant?”

  “Certain parts might be, but mostly no.”

  “Tell me.”

  “It involves sex… raunchy, primal, animalistic sex. After that, I shift into a bear and bite you, that’s where the unpleasant part kicks in, but it’ll only hurt for a few minutes. I shift back into my human form, and fuck you some more. Your wound will begin to heal almost immediately, and once it does, you’ll be like me.”

  “How does it heal that fast though?”

  “I honestly don’t know. It has something to do with the magic of sex.”

  “Magical sex? I’m in… But…”

  “What is it?”

  “Why would you take me as your mate? You just met me.”

  He took her hand in his and pulled her to his chest. “My grandfather always told me that I would know my true mate when I found her, and to never give her up once I did. Well, I’ve found her.” He cupped her face with his hand and feathered his lips across hers. “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you running through the woods. When that bastard almost caught you, something snapped in me, and I knew I had to protect you – not just then, but always.”

  “Ryder…” Her eyes welled up with tears as her lip trembled.

  “When can we do it?”

  “Next full moon. Two nights from now.”

  * * *

  Moonlight broke through the trees and illuminated their way through the forest to the little cottage Ryder called his home. The air was crisp and fresh. Goosebumps pimpled Seraphina’s flesh.

  They’d opted to take the easy way in, which involved a motorcycle ride to a clearing in the forest. Ryder pushed the bike along from the clearing to the cottage as Seraphina followed close behind.

  Many thoughts ran through her head. Was this what she truly wanted? Was she crazy to fall head over heels in love with a man so fast? What if he was putting on an elaborate act just to fool her into getting whatever he wanted from her?

  There was something about Ryder she trusted completely. Though logically she knew she was being foolish by rushing into this mating, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was his and he was hers. Their bodies fit perfectly together despite the size difference between them, he made her feel safe, and even his deep voice was the sweetest sound she’d ever heard.

  They arrived at the cottage not long after reaching the clearing. Ryder parked the bike out front and opened the door. He turned to Seraphina and scooped her into his arms, carrying her across the threshold.

  “What was that for?” She giggled.

  “You’re my bride, Little Angel. It’s tradition, isn’t it?”

  Her arms tightened around his neck. “But we didn’t get married.”

  “We don’t have to. After tonight we will belong to each other once again and no piece of paper can ever truly define us.”

  Seraphina’s eyebrow arched up. Her lips pursed together before she spoke. “Once again?”

  “Yes… My kind believe that we recognize our mates instantly because we’ve lived hundreds of lifetimes together throughout the ages. Our souls are drawn to one another and fight to find their way back to each other.”

  “I guess I have a lot to learn about ‘our’ kind.”

  Nodding, he sat her down on her feet. Immediately, he shucked the shirt he was wearing from his body and threw it aside. A small bottle of thick liquid sat on a shelf near the door. He picked it up and doused himself in it. A pungent aroma filled the air as it dripped off him to the floor. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and caught the questioning look she had on her face. “It’s part of the ritual, just some oils. It helps get the magical part started.”

  The scent of the oil filled her nostrils. Deep in her loins, need for him began to build. Body quivering, she ached to be touched by him, to be one with him. Her body threatened to come undone if he didn’t take her soon.

  He took her hand and led her back outside. Laying her down in the darkness of the forest floor, he brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear. He stood and shimmied out of his jeans, kicking them aside.

  Ryder stood like an Adonis before her, illuminated by the pale moonlight. Cords of muscle tightened around his body and rippled as he flexed. He began to shake and in an instant, the beast stood before her.

  Falling to all four paws, he huffed and snorted as he smelled the ground around her. The scent of her need for him brushed against his nose as he nuzzled her there.

  She closed her eyes and tried not to think about how much he turned her on, even in his bear form. Her soul cried out to him, and that was all that mattered.

  The air was earthy and charged around them. A cool breeze blew. She shivered as her fingers grazed his fur.

  Ryder roared above her like only a bear can, and changed back to his manly form. His eyes were fierce and animalistic. He tore at her dress until it was nothing but shreds around her. His big hands gripped the top of her panties and ripped them from her body


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