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TRUTH Page 25

by Sherri Hayes

  “I didn’t think I’d seen you around before. Cal here was telling us you and he grew up together.”

  Justin’s continued scrutiny made me uneasy, but I tried to remember that this was a social get-together. We were all supposed to talk. “Yes.”

  He smiled and leaned in as if confiding some sort of secret. “Do you have any dirt on Cal we should know about? Any skeletons in his closet?”

  Jade punched him in the arm.


  Everyone at the table laughed, except me.

  “Stop bothering Anna with your silly questions. You’re just mad about your birthday.”

  The entire group, minus Stephan and me, snickered.

  “You would be, too!”

  Cal rolled his eyes. “Oh, stop whining. It’s not my fault your mom decided to drop by unannounced.” At that, the snickers turned into full-blown laughter.

  Philip noticed our confusion. “Justin’s just a little sore because Cal threw him a big bash for his twenty-fifth birthday party last month that included some . . . female entertainment, and his mom showed up right as it was getting good.”

  “Yeah. And she didn’t talk to me for a week after that. My own mother wouldn’t even take my calls.” Justin sank down in his chair.

  Female entertainment?

  My heart pounded in time with the words as they repeated over and over in my head. The palms of my hands began to sweat, and my breathing accelerated.

  Suddenly there was a sharp tug on my arm, and a hand gripped the back of my neck. “Breathe, Brianna. Deep breath in. Now let it out. Again.” I did as he said, taking one breath at a time.

  When I opened my eyes, Cal was staring right at me.

  “Good girl.” Stephan’s words pulled me out of my trance, and I turned to face him. He ran a finger down the side of my face, making me forget about everyone around us.

  “Hey, you all right?” Mandy broke into our world with her question.

  Stephan didn’t take his eyes off me. “She’s fine.”

  “I didn’t mean to make you—”

  “He said she’s fine.” There was finality in Cal’s voice. Everyone at the table stopped talking.

  “Well, it looks like we’re going to have to go fetch our own drinks.” Mandy placed a hand on Philip’s and Justin’s shoulders. “Come help a girl out.”

  There was a brief exchange where Stephan told her we’d just take some water, and then they were gone.

  “I’m so sorry, Anna. I wasn’t even thinking when the subject of Justin’s party came up.” Jade’s voice was full of regret.

  By that point, I was resting my head on Stephan’s shoulder, and he was playing with my fingers as they lay in his lap.

  Cal leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “What can we do to make it better, Anna? I wanted you to have a good time tonight.”

  Stephan laid his cheek on my head, holding me close. “She’ll be all right.”

  “Anna?” Cal didn’t seem to be taking Stephan’s word for it that I’d be okay. “Talk to me. Please.”

  Without lifting my head, I shifted so I could see Cal’s face. “I’m fine. I didn’t . . . I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

  “Forget about me. I’m only concerned with you.”

  I smiled, trying to reassure him, but it was weak.

  Activity on stage dragged our attention in that direction. The band was taking their places.

  “You don’t have to stay.”

  The thought of going was appealing. I could go back to the condo and hide with Stephan. It would be safe.

  Without introduction, the band began to play, filling the room with sound and making talking difficult. Mandy, Phillip, and Justin rejoined our group a few minutes later and placed two waters down in front of us. Stephan picked up one of the glasses and handed it to me. I took it and drank. He did the same with the other glass.

  As the band continued playing, I got caught up in the music. They were good. Some of the songs I recognized. Others were completely foreign to me.

  Every now and then the lead singer would make a comment or tell a joke between songs, and I found myself laughing at some of them. I was having a good time. I didn’t want to go home.

  Chapter 26


  Brianna had finally calmed. As the music filled the club, and people’s attention was redirected to the entertainment, her breathing mellowed. It was good to see her happy and content, especially given where we were and how many people were around us.

  I’d shifted our position slightly. We were both facing the small stage, with her back against my chest. The leash was draped across my lap and loosely looped around my wrist. No one could see it unless they were looking, which Ross was. Every few minutes, he’d glance in our direction. Occasionally we’d make eye contact, but more often than not he’d look at Brianna then down to where the leather circled her wrist. He would frown, close his eyes, and then refocus on the band. It happened so often I was beginning to wonder how much attention he was paying to the concert.

  When the band announced they were going to take a break, people began milling around again, and Brianna stiffened almost immediately. I was going to do my best not to let her mind get the better of her, though.

  “Do you like the band?”

  She nodded.

  “Use your words, Brianna.”

  “Yes. I like them.”

  I kissed the side of her neck in a show of approval. “They’re good. I can see why there’s buzz about them.”

  All the guys, including Ross, left the table and headed toward the bar along with roughly half the club’s patrons.

  “Did you want anything to drink, Anna? The guys went up to get us something. I’m sure Stephan could get you something, too, if you wanted.”

  Jade was tilting her head to the side, and raising her eyebrows, making it obvious that she wanted some girl time with Brianna. I wasn’t thrilled about leaving her alone in this crowd, and I shook my head, silently telling her what she wanted wasn’t going to happen. She looked disappointed but didn’t push it. I handed Brianna her water and nodded to Jade in thanks for not pressing the issue.

  “So what do you think?” Mandy had a wistful look on her face as she gazed toward the stage.

  “They’re better than I expected them to be.”

  She shifted her attention back to us. “Yeah. Brian’s really good at finding local talent. I don’t know how he does it, but he always does.”

  I felt the need to keep the conversation going. The activity at our table was helping to keep Brianna from getting overwhelmed. “How long has your brother been the manager here?”

  Jade finished off the last of whatever it was she was drinking. “It’s been about two years now. He really loves it.”

  I’d caught sight of Jade’s brother a few times throughout the night. He floated from one side of the club to the other, making sure everything was as it should be, but it was done in a way that wasn’t intrusive. Jade was right. Brian did appear to be good at his job.

  We talked some more about the band. Brianna listened for the most part. The one time she spoke up was when Mandy asked her if she’d had a favorite song. “Forever,” Brianna mumbled, before blushing and hiding her face against my neck.

  The song was one of the last the band had played before taking their break. It was a love song about unlikely lovers. Brianna was a romantic. I wasn’t surprised with her choice.

  Phillip and Justin returned to the table, followed by Ross, who set a glass filled with dark liquid in front of Brianna. “I considered getting you something stronger, but I figured he wouldn’t let you have it anyway if I did.”

  I quirked one eyebrow up at him in question.

  “Relax. It’s only soda.”

  He acted as if I were a tyrant. Jade must have gotten the same vibe from his statement that I had, because I saw her elbow him in the side in response. I smiled.

  I handed Brianna her new drink. She looked up
at me, uncertain. I nodded, motioning toward the glass, letting her know it was all right.

  The band retook the stage not long after Ross and his friends returned to the table, and our attention once again was on the performers. Brianna leaned back against me, her soda still in her hand, and listened to the music.

  It was ten forty-five by the time the band called it quits for the night. For the second half of their act, they’d mixed it up with some cover songs and originals. To be honest, if I hadn’t recognized the cover songs, I wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. They were that good.

  Brianna finished off her soda, and we stood to leave. I turned to Phillip, Justin, and Mandy. “It was nice meeting you.”


  “Yeah. We should get together again sometime.”

  I let the comment go without responding. Without speaking to Brianna first, I wouldn’t make any type of commitments for the future. When it came to her, everything was one step at a time. She needed to socialize, yes, but not at the expense of her well-being. She also needed to get to the point where the leash wasn’t necessary. It was one thing to have a submissive on a leash at a party. It was another to have to use it so Brianna felt safe enough to be in a crowd of people. I wasn’t sure of the best way to accomplish that, but it was something we needed to work on.

  Jade moved around the table toward us and hugged Brianna. “If I don’t see you before Monday, happy birthday.”

  “Thanks.” Brianna looked down, embarrassed.

  Then it was Ross’s turn. “I got you something for your birthday. I was hoping I could stop by on Monday and bring it to you.”

  She nodded.

  Ross smiled. “Good.”

  Outside, the temperature had dropped, but it felt good after being inside the warm club for the last four hours. We found our car, and I opened the door for Brianna. Once we were both inside, I reached to remove the leather collar.

  “You did well tonight. I’m proud of you.”

  She smiled.

  I was grateful we didn’t have to be up early the next morning, because I had no intension of allowing Brianna to sleep anytime soon. We needed to shower, talk, and the desire to be inside her after having her so close tonight and keeping my hands to myself was increasing with each passing moment. Maybe I could accomplish two things at one time.

  Leading her into the bedroom, I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her into my lap. “How did you feel tonight being around all those people?”

  “At first it was scary. When that lady . . .” A visible tremor flowed through her body.

  “The leash and collar helped.”

  “Yes.” She paused. “Thank you.”

  I lifted her hair and pushed it over onto one shoulder. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. I knew tonight was going to be challenging, but you did so well.”

  Kissing a line up her shoulder and around to the back of her neck, I began unzipping her dress. The clingy fabric slowly pulled away from her skin, revealing the pale perfection beneath.

  “Tell me what your favorite part of the evening was.”

  “The mu—sic.” She gasped as my fingers slipped beneath her dress and around to palm her breasts. I pushed the cups of her bra out of the way and kneaded her flesh, paying extra attention to her nipples. I knew before long she’d be wiggling against me, looking for friction.

  “Hmm. Yes. You did say you enjoyed that song. Forever, was it?” As I spoke, I tried to make it a sensual experience by keeping my voice low and even while nipping and sucking on her exposed skin.

  “Yes,” she hissed as I took both of her nipples between my thumbs and index fingers, twisted, and pulled. Her back arched away from me, and I couldn’t help but smile. I knew her response was to my question, but her body also confirmed she was in complete agreement with the direction I was heading.

  “What did you like about the song?”

  Releasing one of her breasts, I inched my hand down her abdomen until I reached the edge of her silk panties. I’d watched her dress, so I knew they were a dark blue. I ran my finger along the top, teasing her, before slipping my hand underneath the material. The warmth and moisture that met my touch had my already-erect cock pressing eagerly against my pants.

  She adjusted her position slightly. It was subtle but enough to confirm she was ready for more.

  My fingers teased her entrance. “Answer the question, Brianna.”

  It took her almost a minute to answer me. “He . . . they . . .” I smiled watching her trying to concentrate on answering me while I continued to tease her. “No one . . . wanted them to be together. But . . . but they found a . . . a way.” With her last words, I thrust two fingers inside her.


  I couldn’t think. How was I supposed to think when he was touching me like that? His hands never seemed to stop.

  Then they were gone.


  It took me a moment to understand what he’d said, but when I did, I obeyed.

  He followed me, helping to remove my dress. My bra and panties soon followed, until I was standing naked before him while he remained fully clothed.

  Stephan circled me, as if inspecting. I felt his finger outline my shoulder blades, my spine, and the curve of my hip.

  Returning to stand before me, he looked down upon me with eyes that left no question as to his desire. “You like the idea of forbidden love, do you, Brianna?”

  “I like . . .” He stepped behind me again. “I like the idea of their love overcoming everything.”

  A shiver ran though me. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was actually cold or if it had more to do with knowing I was standing in the middle of his bedroom, every item of my clothing removed.

  He returned to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up against him. His erection pressed against my backside. “We are going to try something new tonight, Brianna. Do you feel me like this? Do you feel my cock against your ass?”

  I swallowed. New? We were going to try something new?


  “Tonight, I’m going to take you from behind.”

  I felt panic rising until he slipped his fingers down between my legs and slid them inside me.

  “That’s right. Relax. It’s still me. Nothing we haven’t done before, except I’ll be behind you and you won’t be able to see me.”

  I nodded and tried not to let my imagination get away from me. It was Stephan. I’d be fine.

  “Get on the bed.”

  He released me, and I walked to the bed.

  “On your hands and knees. Face the headboard.”

  Taking a deep breath, I moved into the position he wanted. I could do this. It was just sex. With Stephan. I loved sex with Stephan. It wasn’t any different. It wasn’t.

  The mattress dipped as Stephan climbed onto the bed. When he pressed against me, I realized he was no longer wearing any clothes. I gulped in a strangled breath and closed my eyes.

  “Relax. Deep breaths.” In addition to his erection, something cold touched the side of my hip. Then there were vibrations. “Do you remember this, Brianna?”

  Opening my eyes, I looked back to where his hand was on my hip. The silver vibrator he called a bullet was encased in some sort of plastic or rubber and attached to his index finger.

  Stephan didn’t wait for me to respond to his question before he slowly dragged the bullet up my stomach to my breasts. He circled each one in turn. First the outsides and then my nipples, staying long enough to make sure they were hard and aching for more.

  As he continued to use the vibrator on my breasts, he slid his other hand between my legs and moved his fingers up and down my folds. Every time the vibrations came close to my clit, he retreated. The teasing was beginning to drive me insane. I wanted him inside me.

  “Patience. I’ll take you when I’m good and ready, and not before.”

  He lowered the bullet down my torso, circling my belly button before glidi
ng it between my legs. I tensed, preparing myself, but instead of going where I wanted it to go, he began outlining the creases of my legs. I closed my eyes again and fisted the sheets.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, the bullet found its target. I jumped as he pressed the vibrator directly against my clit.

  “Is that what you were wanting, pet? Hmm. I like seeing you on edge, waiting for it.”

  The vibrations increased. My orgasm was building. It was right there. I just needed a little more, and his permission, and I could . . . I could . . .

  Suddenly, the vibrations were gone, and I felt his length against my backside. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped me. I was nervous. What if I didn’t like this? What if . . . what if it was horrible, and I hated it, and then it made me hate sex like I did before?

  He ran his hand along my back, soothing me. “Calm. It’s only me, and I’m not going to hurt you. Shh.”

  His voice and his motions helped to release the tension in my muscles. I loved him. I trusted him. I could do this. I could give him this.

  Without my saying a word, he seemed to know I was ready. He placed one hand on my hip, and then I felt his penis. He was right there . . .

  As he eased inside, I realized it didn’t feel that much different. It wasn’t exactly the same, but it was still him. I still felt stretched and full and . . . right.

  He began to move in and out. It was then I realized the difference. He was . . . deeper than he normally was. It wasn’t bad, just more.

  Then the vibrations started again. First at my hip and then between my legs. After that, thought left me as he circled my clit with the bullet and thrust harder. With every inward motion, I inched closer to my climax until it was right there. I just needed . . . I needed . . .

  Stephan pressed the vibrator firmly against my clit and at the same time grabbed a fistful of my hair. “Come for me.”

  I was on the verge of my orgasm, and then I felt this . . . I didn’t know what it was, exactly. It began just as all my other orgasms had, but then I saw white and my arms gave out.

  When I became aware of my surroundings again, Stephan lay holding me, cradling me against his chest. “Feeling better?”


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