County Lines Rider

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County Lines Rider Page 6

by Samantha Bassett

  “Your friend?” He smiled. “Well, that is my car, however, I don’t remember a young lady in it. And, I am sure, if she was as pretty as you, I would have done. I’m sorry.”

  “Oh…” I paused, embarrassed, blushing at the unexpected compliment. “Oh, I’m sorry for having wasted your time.”

  “Quite the opposite, you’ ve been a very pleasant distraction. Perhaps you would like to come back later when we are open so that I may buy you a drink?”

  “Oh…” I stuttered.

  “You know where I am and now you know my name. Just ask for me. I would be charmed to see you again, maybe in something more fitting for my establishment.” He smiled. “You have an advantage over me.” I gasped. “I didn’t catch your name?”

  “Oh… I’m Amanda…”

  “Well, thank you, Amanda. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” He gestured to one of the other men. “Please show Amanda to the door. Until later perhaps.”

  Stepping back onto the street my knees buckled and I needed to grasp hold of a lamppost to steady myself.

  “What would you like me to do?” Patrick hovered in the office doorway. “Should I deal with her?”

  “No…” He chuckled. “She intrigues me. That’s the one that stood up to me. I like her, she has fire in her heart, yet she knows nothing, you never know, she may prove to be useful.”


  “Where have you been, you’ve a lesson starting in a moment!” Anne called across the yard.

  “Sorry, I was trying to find where Liz went so I spoke with that nice man at the club.”

  Anne went white. “What?” She gulped, grabbing my arm. “Oh, God Amanda… Please tell me you didn’t. Leave it alone, I beg you…” She sobbed.

  “Oh, Anne… I’m sorry… I’ll leave it now… However, he’s asked me out for a drink…” I looked back as I walked into the indoor school and was puzzled by the look of horror on Anne’s face. Why would she not be happy for me to have a drink with someone? Perhaps, I should reconsider, I resolved to speak with her later.


  The living room was quiet as the person stepped into the room looking around. The coast was clear as they approached the stove. Lifting the lid on the pot bubbling on the hob they poured in a splash of a clear liquid from a bottle. Looking around they shook their head and poured in the remainder of the bottle.


  “Soup?” ‘Chelle groaned. “I hate soup, it’s never very filling.”

  “Here.” Sue dropped a loaf of bread on the table in front of her. “Stuff yourself with that.”


  Silence, she stepped inside. The staff were unconscious, slumped at the dining table. “Crap…” She looked at the bottle, her intention had for them to fall asleep in bed and not want to go out not to leave them comatose. She tried to move them, but they were too heavy and unwieldy.

  She took out her phone and sent a text.


  I woke feeling sick, my head spinning as I tried to sit up from my bunk. Looking down I wondered why I had gone to bed fully clothed and could not remember anything of the evening after dinnertime. Sue groaned, standing up before her knees crumpled and she slipped to the floor, staggering back to her feet crying out in pain.

  “Oh God my head again…” She rubbed her eyes. “What the hell is wrong with us?”

  “Hello?” Anne walked into the room. “Are you all okay?” She looked nervous, her eyes darting between us.

  “Oh, God Anne…” Sue suddenly bent double, rushing to the toilet to be sick.

  “Look, if you are all ill, I’ll do the stables the best I can. Rest, it must be food poisoning.” She rushed from the room before any of us could say another word.


  Wooing a Groom

  “Very good Victoria!” I smiled as the rider performed a near-perfect twenty-metre circle.

  “Now that’s how it should…” I stopped dead. Standing in the open doorway was the man from the club. I quickly looked myself up and down, my hair was sweaty and flat beneath my riding hat, I’d been mucking out and no doubt stank and hadn’t been able to find any clean breeches so the pair I had on was dotted with hoof oil stains and worse. “Hello? What the hell are you doing here?”

  Edwin smiled, “What a pleasant greeting. I was waiting for you to come to the club for that drink, but, as you wouldn’t come to me, I thought I would come and take you out.”

  “I’m not sure. Oh, I am flattered, however, if you remember the first time we met, you did sort of threaten my friend.”

  “Ah, I wanted to say sorry for being so aggressive that time. It was wrong, it had been a stressful day” He opened his arms, shrugging. “But it was so long ago, and anyway, you’re a beautiful young woman who intrigues me. I would hope you would like to take me up on the offer of lunch. Even just for a free meal, you look starved.” He watched smiling as I gave myself an appraisal, he laughed as he could tell what I was thinking.

  “I can’t go out now, I look a mess! And I stink, I’ve been mucking out.”

  “Not at all, you look beautiful.”

  “You liar…” I blushed. “I look terrible…”

  “Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. As I said, I would like to take you to lunch. Nothing more, just to say sorry and to try to restart our friendship on the right foot this time.”

  “Oh okay. That’s very nice of you, and I have to admit I’m starving. But I have to finish up here first.” I glanced at my watch. “It’ll be at least twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll wait in my car.” He smiled and waved.

  “Oh, God!” Anne swore under her breath as she watched Edwin step out of the indoor school. “What’s up?” She trembled as he reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “There is nothing wrong. I just want to take one of your staff.”

  “What!” She yelped. “What has she done?…”

  “For lunch…” He smiled. “You seem overly nervous. I have to assure you that there is nothing for you to worry about, as long as you keep our arrangement. And, I know you will. So please, allow me this, indulgence.”


  I tapped on the window of the car, it whirred down and Edwin smiled. “Get in…”

  “Look, It’s so nice of you, but really I can’t go out. As I said, I smell really terrible and I’m filthy.”

  “Amanda… I missed you when you didn’t take up the offer of a drink. Please don’t make me wait again. You look delightful, the picture of the modern equestrian and I’m sure you smell delightful.”

  “Okay, I’m sure you won’t say that when you have shared a car with me, you can leave the window open. But I have bus fare for when you throw me out.”

  Edwin laughed, gesturing for me to join him on the back seat. Anne watched as the car pulled away.

  “What is she doing with him?” Sue hissed.

  “I couldn’t stop her.” Anne sighed. “And Sue, I really tried.”


  “Look I’m flattered, but unless you are going to take me to a burger van I don’t think there is anywhere which will let me in looking like this.”

  “You’re so modest. I own a lovely little place, where you’ll be more than welcome.”

  The car pulled up at a small restaurant, there were tables outside on the street and pretty plants lining the windows. Edwin held the door open and the staff bustled to clear a table in the window. He led me to the table and helped to sit with a crisp napkin placed on my knee.

  “Oh, this is lovely Edwin…” I added as a whisper. “Did you say you own this place?”

  He laughed. “Yes, I do. Oh, You’re so delightfully naive. Tell me about you.”

  “Oh…” I blushed. “Well…”


  “Oh God. I’m sorry, I’ve never been asked about me. I’m an orphan, I lived in care for years before I came up here. I’ve been working here for a year or so now. Look, Edwin, there’s nothing to tell. I’m boring.”
  “Oh…” He was taken aback. “You’re beautiful.” He stopped himself, oh goodness he was acting like a besotted teenager with this girl. She was pretty, but there was something else about her, an innocence which delighted him. Of course, he had relationships before, but this girl wasn’t interested in his money or power like so many of the women he had spent time with. She wasn’t painted with excessive makeup, instead, she had a ruddy, natural complexion which was captivating. He stuttered, oh this was madness, why was he like this with her. He glanced across, she was deep in concentration, her eyebrows knotted as she read the menu, he wanted to take her in his arms. “Pull yourself together…” He sighed below his breath.

  “Sorry?” I looked up.

  “Oh… Nothing…” He smiled. “What would you like to eat?”

  “Oh…” I blushed. “I’ve not been to somewhere as posh as this. Why don’t you order for me?”

  He was delighted by her naivety, he smiled. “Of course.” He gestured to the waiter and placed an order for them both. He looked across, she was staring at him.

  “Look, I am so sorry… I’m not used to being in a posh restaurant, this is only my second time.” Edwin smiled, pouring chilled white wine into my glass. I sipped the liquid, again it was not something I had drunk before, however, this was sweet and delicious, I had to stop myself draining the glass. I placed it down carefully on the table. “So do you own many places like this?”

  He shrugged. “I have a couple of night clubs, a hotel and three restaurants, it is far from a great empire, however, I do well enough.”

  To be honest, I was no good at small talk, Edwin was a powerful man, I was in awe of him, but he put me at my ease. Chatting away about food and life, I was soon relaxed and laughing at his jokes. The meal passed delightfully and all too soon we were back in his car at the yard.

  “I like to see you again…” Edwin held my hand.

  I turned to face him blushing. “Why?” It was a natural question. His laugh was natural, he took my hand.

  “Well… I think you are very beautiful, and you interest me.”

  “I interest you?” I giggled.

  “Yes, you’re a mystery and I’d like to find out more about you. I’ll call for you.”

  With that, he stepped back into his car and drove away. Anne was watching from the office, I waved, but she ducked into the door before I could make eye contact.

  “Well, well, you’re batting well above your weight there!” Sue put her arms around my shoulders.

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “He’s a very handsome and powerful man and more importantly, he’s falling in love with you.”

  “What?” I span around, looking into Sue’s eyes. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that he fancies you something rotten. I can tell just by the way he looks at you, even dressed like that.” She laughed. “He’s attracted to you…” I laughed, but Sue shook her head. “No, you naive thing, I think you’ve just found a sugar daddy.”

  “A what?”

  “Look it up… However, I think you could do very well out of this relationship.”


  “Oh, you’re back.” Patrick glared. “I did have meetings booked for you.”

  “And I cancelled them.”

  “Oh… You are infuriating.” He snarled. “Be careful with that girl. Don’t get carried away with some waif and stray you’ve found. It could complicate things.”

  “Quite the opposite.” Edwin sat down behind his desk. “I think she could be very useful.”


  Anne caught up with me as I was finishing for the night, she pulled me into the tack room and sat me down. She stood over me, swaying slightly, her speech slurred.

  “Amanda, I need to warn you.”

  “Warn me?” I gulped. “Oh goodness! What have I done?”

  “No, you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s that man. He’s dangerous. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “To be honest Anne, I really don’t. He wanted to take me out for a lovely lunch, but nothing more.”

  “Please, be careful.” She sat next to me. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” She paused. “Now run along, you must be tired. I’ll lock up.”

  Anne watched as I left the room, pushing the door too before pulling out the last of the bottle of vodka. She unscrewed the cap and took a deep slug of the clear liquid. She would do her best, but was under such pressure.


  Presents From an Admirer

  “Delivery!” Sue barged into the tack room. I was there taking a break between lessons, waiting for the kettle to boil for a much-needed cuppa after yelling at riders in the school for the first few hours of my day. She placed a large bouquet in my hand before Michelle came in with three parcels.

  “What the hell is this? It can’t be for me.” I read the labels and yes, it was addressed to me. The flowers ‘to my beautiful Amanda’. I started to open the parcels, they contained beautiful clothes. Silk blouses, dresses and jackets and a selection of high heels. “Oh goodness…”

  “I told you, Mandy, someone’s in love with you.”

  “I think he’s just telling me he wants me to dress in something better than torn breeches and a polo shirt covered in hay and horse slobber!” I giggled. I pulled out some of the clothes and held them against myself. “What do you think?”

  “Well… I think he is missing out on someone with more experience.” Sue sniffed.

  “Jealousy will get you nowhere!” Michelle laughed, earning a slap on the shoulder from a pouting Sue.

  “Look, I’ll put the flowers in our living room. The horses will eat them otherwise, and well, the clothes. Shit, I’ve never walked in high heels.”

  “Oh, we’ll have to give her lessons ‘Chelle!” Sue laughed.

  I took the flowers and clothes to our accommodation, the flowers certainly helped make the front room look brighter and conquer some of the horsey smell from the sofas and carpet. I laid the clothes on my bed. It was clear that Edwin liked me, however, that made me nervous. Was he expecting something I wasn’t ready for?


  I had a text later that afternoon saying Edwin would collect me at six. I rushed nervously to Sue who assured me she would help me with my hair and makeup. So at the end of the day, pink from a hot shower I sat being preened by the other girls. My hair was brushed and sprayed and Sue applied make-up, chiding me for fidgeting. As I stood up and glanced in the mirror I saw a grown-up lady looking back at me, no longer the down at heel groom. I felt nervous that I had better return by midnight to prevent it all turning back to a grim reality or perhaps a pumpkin.

  The girls gathered as Edwin’s car pulled up. His double-take as he looked at me was something else. His mouth fell open and he was speechless for a moment as he approached me.

  “I was expecting to meet Amanda, but instead there is this beauty.”

  I blushed stuttering before falling into his arms. “I’m sorry, I really don’t do high heels.” He laughed, I could feel it rumbling through his body as he embraced me and then he reached down for a kiss. No, not ‘a kiss’, my first kiss. I had always imagined this moment, but nothing had prepared me for the reality. Our lips touched and he so gently allowed his tongue to explore my mouth. I gasped, my body tingling all over with excitement, I sunk into his arms and allowed him to guide me to the car.

  “Are you crying, Sue?” Michelle looked up.

  “No…” She sniffed, looking away to wipe her eyes. “I think our little chick may be flying the nest.”


  We pulled up outside a theatre, again this was a new experience, I was like a child in a sweet shop. Edwin had booked a box so we were ushered through to a private area. To be honest, I don’t remember much of the play as we spent much of the time kissing and cuddling. Afterwards, he took me to a small restaurant.

  “Not one I own.”

  “So I can’t complain to you if the food is no good.” I
giggled. Again the food was delightful, I did wonder for a moment what the girls would be enjoying, but put it from my mind as an amazingly complex dessert arrived with layers of cream and sugar. I smiled as I licked my spoon clean and just resisted picking up the bowl to lick that. “What?” I looked across to see Edwin chuckling.

  “You are so delightful.” He smiled, taking my hand. His warmth and soft touch sent shivers through my body. “So natural, so unspoilt…”

  I laughed. “Oh go on…” I smiled. “I’m naive and inexperienced, however, I think I am pretty spoilt.”

  “You will be…” He smiled.

  Again we chatted into the early hours, travelling back across London to his home. A nervousness passed through me, this too soon. He felt my tension. “I would like to invite you in, however, that is not an expectation on my part. I would love your company but we can stay in separate rooms if you are not comfortable, or my driver can take you back to the stables if you wish.”

  “I’m just…” My voice faltered. “I haven’t…” He placed his finger on my lips.

  “Shh…” He smiled. “We won’t rush things.”

  In the end, we sat up and enjoyed more cuddles and generous kissing before my eyes started to close. I felt myself being carried upstairs, my last memory of the evening was being carried into a beautiful guest room and laid on the softest bed I’d ever felt.



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