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Loved By Him (Tattooed Brides Book 5)

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by M. K. Moore

  “Maybe it’s from Santa Claus,” she says laughing.

  “Well that would be something,” I say flicking her bangs out of her eyes. She gives me a toothless grin, that warms my heart. Suddenly, all I can see is having Jimmy’s babies. About five of them and I’d be a happy camper. Lots of siblings for my babies so they don’t ever have to be as lonely I was.

  “Open it, Madalinn. I wanna see it,” she begs so I rip open the paper with enthusiasm.

  “Wait,” Jimmy shouts from the doorway between the kitchen and the living room.

  “What?” Heidi asks, startled.

  “That’s from me, Mads. I didn’t mean for you to open it in front of everyone, but go ahead,” he says smiling at me.

  “You sure?” I ask, more than eager to know what’s in this box.

  “More than.”

  I tear the wrapping paper off like I did when I was a little girl. To say that I am surprised by the red velvet jewelry box is an understatement. I don’t normally wear jewelry. I kept the few the few pieces that my mom had, but I never wear them. A girl in college has no place to wear such finery, in my opinion. When I open it, I am even more surprised. My eyes pop up to his, but he’s down on one knee in front of me.

  “Jimmy,” I whisper. He can’t mean this. I mean, we just met, but it feels right.

  “I realize how crazy this is might seem, but I love you and I can’t see spending the rest of my life not with you,” he says.

  “Jimmy,” I whisper. I can’t seem to think more than that, much less say anything else.

  “Marry me, Mads. We’ll make trouble wherever go.” He takes the box from my hands. Without thinking about anything other than I want this, I nod my head.

  “Yes,” I say as tears fall down my face. He slides the ring on my finger. “It fits. When did you do this?” I am in awe of this man.

  “Yesterday at the mall,” he says before kissing me. His family applauds drawing me back to the present. I have never been happier than I am at this very moment.

  We both stand and I hug him again. He spins me around, but suddenly thoughts of the university finding out about our illicit affair has me second guessing all the choices I’ve made in the last three days, though following my heart has been the right thing to do, I know it.

  Later, in bed. I remember that we need to discuss how we are going to handle this.

  “What about the university? I knew the rules going into this with you, but this? This will be hard to keep secret.” I blurt out. “I mean, I am not good with secrets, they freak me out.”

  “Calm down, Trouble. We can handle this. but for ethical reasons, I can’t advise you for your thesis, and I can get a colleague to grade your papers and exams, since I am the only one who teaches the course you need in order to graduate, but we can do this. We must keep it a secret. Once you graduate, we are free to do as we please.”

  “If you are sure we can do this, I trust you,” I tell him.

  “That means so much to me, Mads. So much,” he says before kissing all my concerns away. Whenever he touches me, I almost forget to breathe.

  “I love you, Jimmy.”

  “I love you, too.” He moves his kisses down my body. Goosebumps pop up all over my body and the hair on the back of my neck on stand on end. I need him.

  I am so wet that he slides into me with ease. Every single nerve in my body is firing at once and I can’t get enough of it. I wrap my legs around his waist and meet him thrust for thrust. My orgasm comes out of nowhere, but I want more.

  “More, please,” I beg him. He grins down at me. God, that grin does things to me. Amazing things.

  “Greedy girl,” he groans as he continues to fuck me within an inch of my life.

  “You did this,” I whine as another orgasm quickly follows the first. He grunts my name as he fills me yet again with his seed, but he doesn’t immediately pull out of me.

  Even just sleeping beside him is the best feeling Having never slept with another person, I love the warmth he gives me. Now he’s giving me the one thing I’ve been missing most in the last few months since my parents died. A huge family.

  “Where are we going to live?” I ask. “My apartment sucks,” I say.

  “So does mine,” he admits pulling out of me. He lays down next to me and pulls me closer to him. “What do you think about Savannah?”

  “It’s lovely. This neighborhood is beautiful,” I tell him.

  “Maybe we can find something around here then,” he says sleepily.

  “I’d love that,” I say snuggling closer to him.

  In the morning, we say our goodbyes in order to head back to Brunswick. On the way out of the neighborhood, I see a small white house with a dark blue front door and light blue shutters with a for sale in the yard. I can see us there for years to come. Before I can say anything, he is already pulling into the driveway.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I made an appointment to see it this morning.”

  “I don’t mind. Not in the least,” I say excitedly. This is exactly what I would have chosen for us. How can he know me so well already?

  I try to tell him that I have nothing to my name but a small credit card and a little bit of an inheritance my parents left me, and I invested, but he ignores me and makes an offer on the house.

  An hour later the house is ours and we celebrate in his crappy little apartment.

  At least in Savannah we don’t have to sneak around too much.

  It should be easy, but those are always famous last words.

  Chapter 7


  Eight Weeks Later

  Moving to Savannah and commuting to work was the best idea I’ve had in a long time and the first decision Mads and I made as a couple. Keeping this a secret is harder than anything I’ve done in my life. We are halfway through the semester and so far, we have managed to keep it quiet. We have one rule: Don’t do anything at the university. It’s worked, until today.

  We are having a rousing debate in class about free will when things get heated between Mads and the class douche, Mark. Watching her being so passionate about the subject makes my dick hard. As soon as the others leave, I drag her to my office down the hall. My office hours don't start for forty-five minutes, so we have time. As soon as we are inside, I shut and lock the door and push her against the door.

  "What are you doing?" she asks giggling as I pull her skirt up her legs.

  "Taking what's mine," I tell her.

  "We can't do this here," she says. When I start kissing her neck, she moans. "Mmm, okay, but be quick," she relents. I love when she does that.

  Before she can change her mind, my pants are down at my ankles, her flimsy excuse for panties are pushed to the side. I lift her in the air, and she wraps her legs around my waist. Soon, she is riding my dick with her back pressed against my office door.

  “Marry me tomorrow,” I demand. I hate that she keeps putting me off, always saying after she graduates. I need her to be mine now, even if no one here can know about it.

  “No,” she moans.

  “Tell me why,” I demand, keeping up my punishing pace as I slam into her over and over, not caring that the door is rattling like a damn headboard.

  “I can’t take your name yet. It won’t feel right,” she says causing me to pause.

  “Trouble,” I say before leaning down and taking her lips in a brutal kiss. I love her more than I can say.

  “Let me come and stop teasing me,” she demands and how can I refuse that? I keep fucking into her until her pussy squeezes the life out of my cock and she comes on me. Only then do I give in and fill her, groaning her name. Slowly, I pull out of her and set he back down onto the floor gently. She moves away from the door and rights herself, while I do the same. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door, and it bursts open. I thought I locked that motherfucker. I’ve barely gotten my pants up where they belong, they are hanging open, but everything is covered.

  Abigail Hanson, a TA of the English Literature
professor whose office is next door, is standing in front of me. Her eyes are wide as she immediately figures out what is going on here. Shit. The poor girl is in her first year of college, probably barely nineteen.

  “I’m so sorry,” she says backing out of the room, leaving the door open.

  “Wait. Abigail,” I shout, and she turns around.

  “This isn’t what it seems,” I tell her.

  “I thought something was wrong. I heard shouting,” she says immediately turning red.

  “Abby? Abby Hanson?” Mads says running over to her, pulling her into a hug. “I had no idea you were here

  “You know each other?”

  “She is from Iowa too. What are the odds?”

  “We went to Sunday School together.” I turn around and finish getting my pants buttoned.

  “What a small world,” I say joining them.

  “So, what is going on here?” Abby finally asks.

  “We’re engaged.”

  “Congratulations, but what about the rules?”

  “I am graduating soon, I just turned in my application. Please help us, Abby.”

  “Of course, Madalinn. Of course.”

  “I can’t believe you are here, Abby. We are going to have so much fun.”

  “I have no trouble admitting that I have been lonely here.”

  “Not anymore, friend. Oooh, come with us. We are going to Savannah. Jimmy’s sister works in a tattoo shop and we have appointments this afternoon. Then we can get some dinner.”

  “That sounds fun. Let me get my stuff.” She leaves the room.

  “We are taking her with us?” I ask.

  “She’s really nice, I promise. Well, she used to be. I am sure she still is. I can’t believe I didn’t know she was coming here. When I was last in Iowa, I was there for my parent’s funerals. I can’t go back.”

  “I understand, baby. I understand.”

  I haven’t been back to the Tattooed Vixen since I found Shaynah. This will be my first of many tattoos done by them.

  “Hey Bro,” Shaynah says as the three of us walk in. “Mads!” she exclaims running out from behind the counter to pull her into a hug.

  “I see how it is,” I grumble before chuckling.

  “Shut up. Who is your friend?” she asks looking at Isabel.

  “This is Abby Hanson.”

  “Nice to meet you, Abby. I am Shaynah, James’s sister.”

  “Nice to meet you too,” she says but she hasn’t stopped staring at the guy behind the reception desk, who clears his throat loudly.

  “Right. Since you insisted that I be the one to give Mads her thigh tattoo, this is Isaac. He’ll be doing yours. Since you are just getting Mads name on your chest, if Abby wants one too.”

  “Yes!” she shouts at the same time Isaac says yes.

  It doesn’t take a genius to figure that shit out. I keep my thoughts to myself though.

  I head in with Isaac and my chest piece includes Madalinn’s name as well as two intertwined hearts. By the time we get home from dinner, Isaac and Isabel have gone off on their own leaving Mads and I alone.

  “Let me see it,” I demand. I wouldn’t let her show it to me while Isaac was nearby, but now? Now she’s all mine.

  “Hold your horses, Jimmy. At least let me get all the way inside and get my shoes off,” she says closing the front door and locking it. Then she kicks her shoes off.

  Then she’s slowly stripping off her dress, quickly followed by her bra and those tiny panties from earlier. My gaze travels down her body and then I see it. Covered in saran wrap is my handprint on her thigh. Also written there is Jimmy and the same two intertwined hearts that I have.

  Chapter 8


  I stand before him naked, while he stares at me. Gently, I pull the saran wrap off my thigh, while he stares at me. I need him inside of me now. Just the thought of his name on my skin forever excites me beyond belief. I take his hand and lead him to our bed. I thank God that it was just Abby that burst through the door earlier. That could have been really, really bad.

  Once in our bedroom, I unbuckle his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. He kicks them and his shoes away. Slowly, I pull his boxers down until his cock springs free and he kicks those away as well. I lick my lips in anticipation. I know what he feels like inside of me and I can’t get enough of it. At least once a day, usually more than that. I need it. I am anxious to see his new tattoo as well. I unbutton his shirt and pull it down his arms. My name on his chest is the hottest thing I have ever seen. He leans down and kisses me, causing my belly to flutter. I moan as his kisses move down my body.

  “Marry me, tomorrow,” he demands between kisses.

  “No,” I say. Though I want to, more than anything.

  “You’ll have to say yes eventually,” he says lifting me and tossing me onto the bed. I giggle.

  “Yes, I will in about seven weeks.”

  “No. Tomorrow.” he says before crawling between my open legs.

  “Jimmy,” I begin.

  “Tomorrow,” he says before placing his tongue on my clit and licking me from my clit down to my ass.

  “No,” I moan. If he keeps this shit up, I won’t be able to resist him, not it the least.

  “Tomorrow,” he says kissing my thighs, my stomach, my nipples, pretty much every square inch of my body.


  “Give up, Trouble.”

  I refuse to answer this time as he sinks into me slowly. Really fucking slowly.

  “Jimmy, please don’t tease me,” I whine.

  “Don’t tease me,” he replies.

  “I am not teasing you. I am just trying to make you mine.”

  “I am yours,” I tell him.

  “You know what I mean, Madalinn,” he says stopping his movements.

  “Jimmy, please.”

  “Tomorrow. In Vegas,” he groans teasing in and out of me.

  “Oh, God. Yes. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Vegas,” I shout.

  “Good girl,” he says fucking me harder and harder. I love when he calls me a good girl. There is something so hot about that. I can’t quite put my finger on why, but it is. It really is.

  “I’m gonna come,” I shout as my pussy clenches around his cock harder than it ever has. I grip his forearms tightly. I can see my nails digging into his skin and for some reason it turns me on more. I tighten my legs around his waist, trying to get even closer to him, but it’s no use. We are as close as we can possibly be, but I want more.

  Later, when Jimmy is asleep, I climb out of bed, naked, and head into the bathroom. Since the tube of toothpaste on the counter is empty, I crouch down and root around for a new tube in the cabinet underneath. I bypass the stuff I don’t need and pull out the toothpaste. On the way back out of the cabinet, I grab an unopened box of tampons. Realization hits me that I haven’t had a period since before I met Jimmy.

  Holy shit. I sink to the floor with the toothpaste in one hand and the box of tampons in the other. My back rests against the cold ass wall as hot, happy tears stream down my face.

  Eventually, I get up off the floor, brush my teeth and take a hot shower. Since I was completely unable to sleep, first thing in the morning, before we leave for Las Vegas, I borrow Jimmy’s car and run to the pharmacy while he is still sleeping. I am at home and in the bathroom in less than ten minutes. Three minutes later I am staring at a positive result. Holy shit seems to be the only thought I have at the moment.

  Grabbing the test off the counter, I run back out to the bedroom and practically jump on it.

  “Wake up, Jimmy,” I say excitedly, shaking him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks groggily.

  “I have some news. You have to be fully awake for it,” I tell him. He sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes.

  “What’s up?” he asks. “Why are you dressed already? What time is it?”

  “I am pregnant,” I say holding up the test, ignoring his other questions.

nant?” he asks, smiling.


  “We have to get married today,” he says.

  “We were already going to do that, if you’ll get out bed lazybones,” I say moving to stand up, but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. I fall down beside on the bed.

  “I love you,” he says making me feel all warm inside.

  “I love you too,” I say accepting his kisses. “We really have to go. The flights you made reservations for in the middle of the night leave in four hours.”

  “Fine, but tonight we celebrate.”


  Six hours and twenty minutes later, I am his wife and everything and I do mean everything is right with the world.

  Now we just have to get through the next seven weeks, and we are home free.

  Should be easy, right?



  Four Years Later

  Making it through the rest of the semester four years ago, wasn’t as hard as we thought it was going to be. Even married, we never got caught except for Abby. When our daughter was born, Mads put her teaching career on hold. I tried to talk her out of it, but she said she was meant to be home. In the years since, we've had two more children, both girls. I am outnumbered and I love it. Working at the university after her graduation, didn't exactly work out. Despite the fact that Mads graduated and I did make sure I wasn't violating any ethics; they were still pissed. I was fired for cause and they didn't make a fuss about Mads diploma. Now, I am teaching at an at-risk youth nonprofit. I made some investments when I was younger, so while we aren't rich, we are more than comfortable. I love my wife more and more each day. She's pregnant again and today we get to see what we are having. Either way, happy and healthy is all we care about.

  Doctor Evans is waving her magic wand and seconds later our baby's strong, loud heartbeat fills the room.

  "Are you guys ready to find out the sex of your baby?"

  "Yes," we day at the same time.


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