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Fashion History

Page 29

by Linda Welters,Abby Lillethun

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  References to figures are displayed in bold.

  Adams, Abigail, on fashion, here

  Africa, fashion in,

  sub-Saharan Africa, here–here

  see also beads, trade networks

  African American dress, history of, here, here–here

  Agins, Teri, “end of fashion,” here

  Akoko, Amonia, here, here

  amber, here, here

  Anawalt, Patricia, here–here

  ancient civilizations and fashion, here, here, here, here–here, here–here

  see also Andean culture, Byzantine Empire, China, Egypt, Greek fashion, Han fashion, India, Persian fashion, Roman Empire, Roman fashion, Roman hairstyling, Taklamakan Desert, Vecellio

  Andean culture, fashion in, here–here

  anthropology, and fashion history, here, here, here, here, here

  anti-fashion, in hippie ethos, here

  Aoki, Shoichi, here

  apparel, as term, here

  Appiah, Kwame Anthony, here

  apron, Attica, here–here

  Arcades Project, here, here, here

  archaeology, here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here–here

  Arnold, Janet, here

  art history, and fashion history, here

  Asian influences in western fashion, here–here

  Atlantic world, as historical subject, here

  Aymara, here–here

  Aztec culture, fashion in, here–here

  backstrap loom, here, here

  Bai Juyi, here–here

  Baizerman, Suzanne et al., here, here, here

  Ball, Jennifer, here, here–here, here

  “barbarians,” here, here

  Barber, Elizabeth, here, here

  bark cloth, Hawai’i, here–here, here

  see also lace bark cloth

  Barnard, Malcolm, here

  Barthes, Roland, here, here, here, here

  Barton, Lucy, here

  batik, here, here, here–here, here, here–here

  Baudrillard, Jean, here

  beads, here–here, here, here

  earliest evidence for ornamentation, here

  glass, here, here

  shell, here, here, here–here, here, here, here

  Beat culture, here

  Beaudelaire, Charles, here

  beauty marks, Chinese, here, here

  Benjamin, Walter, here, here

  Birmingham School of Cultural Studies, here

  bliaut, here

  blogs, here, here–here

  bloomer costume, here–here, here

  Blumer, Herbert, here–here

  body as scholarly focus

  See habitus

  body marking, here–here, here–here, here–here, here

  bone pins, here–here

  Bosman, Willem, here–here

  Boucher, François, here, here, here

  Bourdieu, Pierre, here–here

  Brannon, Evelyn, here

  Braudel, Fernand, here–here, here, here–here

  Breward, Christopher, here

  bricolage, in hippie fashion, here

  bridal dress, Attica, Greece, here–here, here

  Bronze Age, here, here, here–here

  bumster pant style, here, here, here

  burial sites, here, here

  Native American, here–here, here, here,

  Peru, here

  see also, Sungir, Téviec, Yingpin Man

  bustle style, here, here, here

  Butler, Judith, here

  Byzantine dress, in Europe, here

  Byzantine Empire, fashion in, here–here

  calicoes, here–here, here

  call for research, here

  Cambodia, fashion in, here–here

  camelids, in South America, here

  Cannon, Aubrey, here–here

  capitalism, here, here, here–here

  Caribbean culture, fashion in, here

  Carns, Paula Mae, here–here

  cashmere fiber, here

  casta painting, here–here, here, here, here

  Castiglione, Balthasar, here

  Central Asia

  coats of, here

  influence in India, here

  see also trousers

  Challamel, Augustin, here

  Champlain, Samuel de, here, here

  Chanel, Coco, here

  Chase, William Merritt, here, here


  fashion in, here, here–here, here–here, here– here

  influence in Japan, here

  influence in Korea, here–here

  Chinese language, fashion terms, here, here

  Chinoiserie, here

  chiton, here–here

  chopine, here, here, here


  influence on scope of coverage, here, here, here, here

  missionaries, here, here, here, here–here

  westernization of dress, here, here, here, here, here

  “civilization” associated with European dress, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Cixi, empress dowager, here–here

lassic, as term, here

  clothing, as term, here–here, here, here

  coats, here

  and Native Americans, here, here

  Byzantine, here, here

  Central Asian, here, here, here, here–here, here

  Chinese, here, here

  see also kebaya, kimono, jacket, robes

  codices, here–here, here

  collective selection (fashion theory), here–here

  colonialism, role in European fashion diffusion, here, here–here


  and fashion in Africa, here

  and fashion in Cambodia, here–here

  British in India here

  Dutch in Indonesia, here


  batik dyes, here–here

  blue, here–here

  changing preferences, here, here, here, here

  parti-colored hose, here, here–here

  symbolism in China, here

  conspicuous consumption (fashion theory), here

  see also Veblen

  Constantinople, here–here, here–here

  Cook, Captain James, here

  corporal schema, here

  corset, here


  Byzantine Empire, here–here, here, here

  China, here–here, here, here– here

  Persia here

  costume books, here–here, here, here, here

  costume history, See fashion history

  Costume Society of America, here, here

  Costume Society of Great Britain, here

  costume, as term, here–here, here, here

  Costume (journal), here, here


  in Central and South America, here, here

  Industrial Revolution, here

  printed, here–here

  trade, here, here, here, here–here

  courtly societies, fashion in, here, here, here, here, here, here–here

  Byzantium, here, here

  Cambodia, here

  China, here–here, here–here, here, here

  European, here, here–here

  Hawai’i, here–here

  India, here–here

  Javanese, here–here, here–here, here

  Korean, here–here

  Ottoman, here–here

  Persian, here–here

  Seljuq, here

  Courtauld Institute of Art, here

  courtesans, here, here, here, here, here

  see also prostitutes, Theodora


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