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Love Me Like You Do: Books That Keep You In Bed

Page 138

by Fields, MJ

  This is truly the first day of the rest of my life, and I want every day to end just like this.


  A good luck bracelet at the age of nine

  Now a tattoo to show you my love

  Knowing our hearts will forever intertwine

  For in you, I have the best of.

  - Trevin Allen

  Lily – Trevin’s 24th Birthday

  Escape Velocity is gaining traction, but it’s taking a lot of work. Ever since I graduated school, I’ve made Trevin’s band my main focus. We’ve been on the road for the better part of a year, playing any gig the band can get. They’ve opened for some big names and played smaller venues as the headliner.

  I had to quit being a dance instructor due to our travel schedule, and when I look down at the body that used to be tone with lean muscle, I now see curves and bulges I never had before. Trevin says I’m crazy, but he doesn’t see what I see, so I just went and purchased some new clothes, which were needed to fit my role as his girlfriend anyway, and try not to think about it. I’ll get back to my right size when everything slows down since there are more important things to worry about right now.

  Especially on a night like this, a special night for us. Tonight, Escape Velocity is headlining a show at the Fillmore in San Francisco. The venue is smaller, only holding around two thousand people, and we’re hoping for a sold-out show.

  But that’s not what makes tonight special.

  The Fillmore is where everything started for Trevin. Where I took him on his eighteenth birthday to try out for Sony Records. Now, six years later, we’re here, together, and he’s going to be on the stage once more. Stone Cold was too big of a band to play here, so this is his first time back since he auditioned that day.

  Even though we’ve been living on a small tour bus with three other guys, life has been great. Alex, the bassist, Dylan, the drummer, and Trent, the other guitarist, are pretty decent guys for being rock stars. Most of the time, they hang out, playing video games or watching movies while Trevin and I cuddle, talk or fool around in the back of the bus as we travel from show to show.

  They haven’t bitched much that I tag along, but really, with Trevin as the front man, they know not to say much. He’s made it known that I’m his and I go wherever he goes.

  I thought after seeing him perform so many times, I’d get sick of his show, but I know I never will. His voice does things to me that should be illegal. I can’t believe he never wanted anyone to hear him sing. I swear, his voice tears into my soul, putting a hold on my heart that makes it hard to breathe. I have to close my eyes, allowing his voice to rush through me like it’s feeding my need to live.

  He has a unique sound that’s soothing one minute then deep, rough, and sexy as hell when he fluctuates his tone to make a point in the lyrics. He doesn’t scream his lyrics but almost growls them like when we’re making love. That’s why it hits me so deep. I know his music is just as important as I am, and I thank God every day we finally took the step to be together. How I lived for so long without him inside me, I’ll never know.

  I take my spot on the side of the stage, wrap my arms around myself, and wait to fall into the trance his voice sets me in as I watch him do what he loves. Pure happiness is the only way I can explain what I feel when I see him up there.

  Just like every show, Trevin bounces around, playing his guitar, and sings as though his life depends on it. He’s amazing to watch and the crowd eats up every second—they all move with the music, singing the lyrics they know.

  Not me, if I’m not one hundred percent transfixed on the man I love, I’m closing my eyes, letting his voice take me away to a place in my heart that will forever be his. At the end of every show, he sings Simple Man, and points to the sky, saying, “I love you, Mom.” And when the song’s over, I melt. It’s by far my favorite part of their show.

  After the performance, Trevin is more hyped than normal, and since it’s his birthday, he wants to celebrate.

  “I have an idea,” he says, rubbing his sweaty face all over me.

  “Ew, come on.” I push him back, reaching for a towel. “What?” I ask as I wipe off my forehead.

  “Let’s get tattoos.” He gives me that sexy smirk that gets me every time.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I laugh back.

  “Come on, we can get matching ones. Something only for us. To remember tonight, six years to the day that you changed my life forever.”

  He’s impossible to turn down. “Okay, a small one. Maybe. What did you have in mind?”

  “You’ll see.” He grins and pulls me toward the door where a car sits outside waiting for us. It’s supposed to take us to the hotel so we can have a normal night off the bus for his birthday, but I guess he’s got other plans first.

  “Haight Street, my man,” he directs the driver.

  “Really, you want me to get a tattoo on Haight Street?”

  “Hell yeah, I do. Come on, I just played at the Fillmore, of course we’re going to hang out on Haight Street now.” He has a point. I still have to pinch myself that this is my life now. My life with Trevin.

  The driver pulls up to Haight Ashbury Tattoo and Piercing, and the nerves in my stomach start to turn uncontrollably. I’ll admit, in the past year and a half, I’ve changed a little. I dress a bit more the part but still try to maintain who I am inside. I don't have any piercings or tattoos, which is very different than the other girls I see with the rest of the band. They all have the quintessential “tramp stamp” along with short leather skirts and high heels I would break my ankle in.

  We enter the tattoo parlor, and the person standing behind the counter instantly recognizes Trevin. Turns out, he was a huge fan of Stone Cold and has been following Escape Velocity ever since they started.

  “Dude, anything you want. This tattoo’s on the house,” the guy says after he has Trevin sign his autograph.

  Trevin looks at me, winking, before looking back to the guy. “Well, this is my girl, Lily Pad.” He smirks when I hit his arm. “It’s my birthday, and you see here”—he holds up his wrist to show him the bracelet he continues to wear—“she made this for me when we were nine years old and has had to make me a new one every time it breaks. So I was thinking, maybe I’ll just have it tattooed on me so it’s there forever.”

  I wrap my arms around him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “And I’ll get the same,” I say.

  He turns and our lips meet in a sweet kiss before he looks back at the guy. “You think you can do that?”

  “Hell yeah, we can,” he responds.

  “Then…” He shows him his wrist. “Where the string hangs down here, I want it to say ‘Lily.’”

  My eyes go wide when he says he wants it to say my name.

  He starts laughing at my surprise. “Yes, just Lily, no nicknames for something that means this much.”

  “And I want mine to say Trevin,” I say, intertwining his hand with mine.

  “You got it.” The tattoo artist leads us back to a room where he proceeds to draw the bracelet around my wrist, giving it a thin braided look and Trevin written on the inside of my wrist.

  Trevin holds my hand and kisses my lips as the guy starts on the inside of my wrist since that will be the most painful spot. It can only get better from there. I’d like to say it hurt like hell, but having Trevin’s lips pressed against mine made the pain disappear and washed the fear away.

  Before I know it, the tattoo is finished and it’s Trevin’s turn. He’s gotten so many tattoos he’s used to the pain and tries to show off a little for me as well. I decide to mess with him, straddling his waist, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him with everything I’ve got and grinding into his crotch ever so slightly.

  The tattoo artist had to stop a few times when we got carried away and Trevin couldn’t keep his arm still, which made it all that much more fun.

  “Happy birthday, baby.” I place my forehead against his and move to sweep my lips against his so

  “I love you, Lily,” he whispers so only I can hear, keeping this moment ours alone.


  Join me, take my hand.

  Enter my world so you can understand.

  Fly with me, so high away.

  I'll show you there's no other way.

  - Trevin Allen

  Lily – Age 25

  “Lilies, come on, time to get up,” I hear Trevin whisper in my ear as I lay in bed.

  “My head.” I pull my hand up to see if it will stop the pounding caused by last night’s festivities. “What time is it?”

  He laughs. “It’s one thirty in the afternoon.”

  Ugh! Really? That’s just wrong.

  This has become my life. We party the night away, then sleep till noon, only to start the process over again. It’s mornings like this that I sometimes wish I was the good girl who never drank like I used to.

  Escape Velocity is getting more publicity but still looking to make their big break. They’re on the road constantly, playing any gig they can get, and it’s paying off—for every aspect except my head.

  I’ve gone from someone who never drank or partied to someone who gets wasted almost every night. I’m embarrassed to admit that Trevin has become the more responsible one between the two of us.

  “Come on, I made breakfast—or lunch I guess it should be now.” He jokes as he hops in bed, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into him when I pull the sheet over my head.

  I peek out of the sheet only to kiss his lips and curl back in bed to sleep a little longer. When I finally emerge from the room, Trevin is in his normal spot, laid out on the couch playing with some new songs on his guitar. They’ve only got a couple more songs needed to finish their new album.

  “There she is.” He sits up, allowing me to lay on the couch as he moves to the floor in our everyday spot in the living room.

  “Stop it. Don’t make fun.” I try to keep my voice low so I’m not talking too loud.

  He gets up to get me a plate of food and a glass of water. “Here you go. This will make you feel better.”

  I sit up to put the plate on my lap and pour the syrup on the pancakes and sausage he warmed for me. The thought of him standing in the kitchen with no shirt, humming songs, makes me sad I missed my favorite part of him cooking.

  “So where are you playing tonight?” I ask before I place a bite in my mouth.

  “Nowhere. We have the night off, remember? It’s Trent’s birthday so everyone’s coming over here.”

  “Oh, yeah…okay…” I hold my head with my free hand and use my other to bring food to my mouth. “I might have to take a night off from drinking.”

  He gives me a heartwarming smile. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea for you. It’s okay. We can still have fun.” He kisses my forehead before sitting back down on the floor to work on his song again.

  * * *


  “How are you doing?” I whisper in Lily’s ear and wrap my arms around her from behind.

  “I’m good. Now I know why I hardly ever went to parties in high school or even college. They aren’t anywhere near as fun when you’re sober,” she laughs.

  It’s getting late and poor Lily has been sitting here just hanging out all night. It’s obvious she’s been bored, but I don’t want to push her to drink since she already said she wanted to take the night off, so I have another idea.

  “Here, open your mouth.” I hold the little pill up in front of her.

  I feel her tense, questioning, “What’s that?”

  “It’s X. Trust me, I’ll be right here keeping you safe.”

  She opens her mouth, fully trusting me to take her to a different high she’s never felt. Flipping her around, our lips meet as I kiss her, excited for what’s to come. X has been my favorite drug for years, though I’ve never offered it to her.

  We’re in such a perfect place right now and the effects ecstasy offers only brings loved ones closer—it’s the most intense joy, love, and overflowing emotions for the people you’re with—sensation overload.

  And she’ll be with me.

  Not even an hour later, the party starts to wind down and only a few of us are left hanging in the living room. With everyone either drunk off their ass or rolling, the vibe in the room slowly changes when Trent and some girl start kissing on the couch next to us. Normally, that’s not a big thing, but the effects of X bring a longing for human touch. Any other time, you can ignore it, but when you notice their soft, exploring hunger to be with one another, a part of your brain starts to take over and you feel that same need deep down in your soul. It’s euphoric…spiritual.

  A groupie named Shannon gets up to turn off the light, leaving us basking in the blue glow of the moon, then starts to walk toward Lily. I sit up straighter in my seat, surprised to see the attention being shown to my girl.

  Lily’s tucked in my lap in the corner of the couch, sucking on a lollipop. I watch, mesmerized by the clenching of her jaw and the intense pleasure she’s getting from my fingers running up and down her arms and through her hair, proving to me she’s rolling hard.

  I watch as Shannon sits on the floor next to Lily. She reaches out to grab her hand, interlacing their fingers and rubbing her thumb softly over Lily’s, sending what I’m sure is pure ecstasy through Lily’s body. Her skin rises with goosebumps in response.

  I’m riding my own wave, so once I’m comfortable that Lily is okay, I sit back, enjoying the high and the intense joy I get watching my girl.

  She seems to be enjoying Shannon’s advances, so when Shannon looks at me for approval, I nod with a smile on my face and watch as she reaches up to kiss Lily. It’s just a tiny peck, and Lily smiles when Shannon pulls away. She leans in again, kissing her longer, softer, intertwining their lips and tongues.

  Blood flows directly to my cock at the sight of the woman I love with another girl, but I sit back, waiting to make sure Lily’s down with what’s happening. When Lily’s hand runs through Shannon’s hair, pulling her closer, kissing her stronger, excitement rushes through me. I’d never push—or even ask—Lily to do anything like this, but she appears into it and I’m more than ready to play.

  Lily sits up straighter and I move more behind her, caressing her body with my hands and kissing her neck.

  Shannon slowly reaches down and starts to remove Lily’s shirt. I pause, anticipating Lily’s reaction, but to my surprise, she lifts her hands, allowing Shannon to completely remove her top. I continue my intimate assault on her neck, cupping her breasts from behind before Shannon leans in. She unhooks Lily’s bra from behind and removes it completely. Lily’s lips stay locked with Shannon’s and a sight I’d never thought I see flashes in front of me when Lily reaches down, removing Shannon’s shirt as well. Once it’s off, Lily’s hands reach behind to grip my knees, pulling me closer into her.

  “I’m right here, baby.” She wants the reassurance I’m with her—that I’m close.

  She breaks the kiss with Shannon, only to turn and match her lips with mine. The taste of Shannon’s cherry lip balm peeks through, but I still taste my Lily, my forever.

  Shannon tries to break our kiss and reach for my lips but I turn away. No matter how drunk I get, or how high I am, that’s a promise that won’t be broken—my lips are for Lily only. She smirks when she realizes even like this she won’t get a taste of me and opts for Lily by standing her up, unhooking her short jean shorts and pulling them down her legs until she’s stepped out of them completely.

  Beautifully naked, Lily stands in our living room with everyone around, yet no one seems to notice. I look up to see Trent, Alex, and some other guy mixed up with a handful of girls themselves, so I’m not concerned if they see her like this.

  Shannon’s eyes reach mine as we share a quiet moment of approval again before she drops to her knees, running her fingers around Lily’s pussy before leaning in to lick her ruthlessly. I stand up, only for Lily to fall back against my chest, letting out
the sexiest moans as one hand reaches up to pull my hair and the other grips Shannon’s head in front of her.

  I hold her tightly as her body starts to roll with the waves of ecstasy running through her veins. Her sounds are loud and primal, making me wish I was buried deep inside her. Her hands move lower, grabbing my cock, gripping hard, and I know she has the same thoughts I do.

  I rub my hand over Shannon’s head to get her attention. With my eyes, I nudge her to join the other guys so I can have Lily to myself. She smiles in acknowledgment and stands up, walking away toward the rest of the group so I can make love to the woman I’m crazy about. Turning her in my arms, I wrap my lips around hers, claiming what will be mine forever.

  I feel as she tugs on my pants, undoing my zipper before pulling them down along with my boxers and pushing me back against the couch. She climbs on top of me. As she holds my cock in place, she lowers herself down, slow and steady.

  I watch as every centimeter of my dick enters her and causes more fire to rip through her body. She’s losing control of her mind, her heart, her soul. This is exactly what she’s done to me since the first day I laid eyes on her behind that fence. The fact that we’re here, together like this now, makes me believe there is a God in heaven looking down on me.

  Her forehead leans down, touching mine, and we stare at each other, loving one another as she rides my cock slowly.

  It’s by far the most intense time we’ve ever had together, and I know it’s the X poking through, but it only shows what’s truly there, what I already knew in the bottom of my heart.

  Lily will always be my forever, and I intend to make that final here real soon.


  You say I let you down?

  I protected you

  Loved you


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