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Love Me Like You Do: Books That Keep You In Bed

Page 185

by Fields, MJ

  What does he expect when we get there? Does he think I will invite him in? Should I invite him in? Do I want to invite him in? I’m not sure of any of the answers. This is why first dates suck.

  Turns out, I shouldn’t have worried. Jake makes it easy on me. He gets out and walks me up the stairs to make sure I get in safely, and as I unlock the door and turn to invite him in, he places his hands on either side of my face and leans in for a sweet, lingering kiss. Just one.

  “Thank you for going out with me tonight. I hope you had a good time.”

  “I did.”

  “Good, because I plan to take you out many more times.”


  He gives me one more quick kiss. Then, he starts backing down the stairs. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “All right.”

  “Be sure and lock the door behind you.”

  “I will.”

  Then, he is gone, and I can finally let out the breath I have been holding since we left the pier. I walk in, and Dawn and Kelsey are on the couch in their pajamas, waiting up for me.

  “Come sit and tell us all about it,” Dawn says as she scoots over.

  So, I sit, and I tell my friends all about my wonderful night. Just like any other girl.


  Gabby - Past

  School has been tough. I think half the problem is living with Adriana. I love her dearly, but buckling down and doing the hard work is not her forte. I swear, that girl talks me into putting off studying and going out more than I should allow.

  My date with Jeremy went really well. He is sweet and funny, and even though I have no desire to settle down with anyone at the moment, it is nice just to go out without any strings attached.

  Tonight, I have a study date with one of the guys in my Critical Thinking class. We are meeting at a local coffee shop, then we plan to walk down to the Wine Cellar for the live music and a light meal. I love New York City in the fall. Warm days and cool nights.

  After a few hours of studying and several cups of coffee, we are seated at a comfy couch in the corner of the wine bar, we give our server our drink order, and Wes excuses himself to the restroom. The acoustic guitarist is setting up, and I take a moment to look around. I spot Dante across the room with a couple of guys and a beautiful blonde. His head is bent to her, and she is whispering something in his ear, but all of his attention is focused on me. I smile and give him a little wave, and he winks at me. Then, he says something to his table as he stands and then heads my way.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” he says as he sits down beside me.

  “Fancy seeing you here. Are you following me, Mr. Calvacanti?”

  We laugh because it has become an inside joke how often we run into each other. It seems we have the same taste in food, music, dance clubs, and apparently, wine.

  “I’m beginning to think you are following me,” he says with a smirk.

  “Hardly. My date actually picked this place out. I think he knows the owner.”

  “Date, huh? I guess your brothers have eased up some?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. They would probably like to keep me in their pockets forever, but they can’t.”

  “So, when are you finally going to agree to have dinner with me?”

  It’s a brazen move to ask me out on a date while I am in the middle of my current one. That’s Dante though, and as much as it is a ballsy move, I admire his confidence.

  “Well, I’m free this weekend. Perhaps we could meet somewhere for coffee?” I offer.

  “Coffee? All right, I will take it. All I need is an inch, Gabby.”

  So damn cocky.

  Wes makes his way back to us, and Dante gets up and shakes his hand as he bids us a good evening.

  “I’ll call you this week and confirm our plans.”

  With that, he makes his way back to the blonde, who is obviously put out by the attention he was giving me.

  “He seems … determined.”


  “Looks like he was trying to pick up my date while he himself is on a date.”

  “No, he is an old friend; that’s all,” I lie. No reason to make Wes feel awkward.

  “Really? He looks at you like he wants to take a bite out of you or something. Not that I can blame the guy.”

  I laugh and tell him he is crazy, and we settle in for a great night. The music is amazing, and so is the wine. Dante and his crowd leave about an hour later, but we stay and close the place down.

  * * *

  I walk into the bakery to meet Dante.

  He wasted zero time in taking me up on my offer to meet him for coffee. By the time I made it home from my night out with Wes, I already had two voicemails from him, trying to nail down a time and place. He wanted to pick me up, but Adi and I have a hard-and-fast rule that no new guy in our life is allowed to know our apartment address until at least the third date. It helps to ferret out the creepers, and even though I have known Dante for years now, I still feel like the rule should apply until I decide if there will be a second date.

  “Hi, gorgeous.” He kisses my cheek as I arrive at the table and sit in the chair he has pulled out for me. He is nothing if not a gentleman. He stands behind me with his hands on the back of the chair, and he looks down at me. “You wore pink. I fucking love you in pink. Stunning.”

  I look down at the simple pale pink off-shoulder linen jumpsuit I have on. It’s nice, but I didn’t realize it looked that good on me.

  He runs a finger over my bare shoulder and adds, “It looks so good against your olive skin and dark hair.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for coming.”

  He takes his seat across from me, and we order a couple of pastries and two lattes.

  “I do like a girl who eats.”

  “I’ll tell you a secret,” I say as I pop a big bite of a fresh croissant into my mouth. “All girls eat. Some just do it in hiding for some weird reason.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yep, but those girls are nuts. I am not going to sit in my room, eating stale crackers, when you can bring me to this delectable place with all this goodness on the menu.”

  I moan as the next bite melts in my mouth and then proceed to lick the buttery goodness from my fingertips.

  He chuckles and calls the server back over to our table. “We will take one of everything on your menu.”

  “One of everything, sir?” she asks, surprised by his request.

  “One of everything.”

  I look at him, wide-eyed. “We will never be able to finish all of that.”

  “Probably not, but I will enjoy every second of watching you try, and then you can box up whatever we don’t finish. I can’t have my girl living on stale crackers.”

  “Your girl?” I question with a raised eyebrow.

  “Working on it,” he says as he sips his latte.

  * * *

  “So, how did it go?” Adi asks as I waddle my way in.

  I’m thoroughly stuffed, and I have two boxes of goodies in tow. “It was nice. Actually, it was really nice. He is taking me to dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Thank goodness. That boy has been hounding me to talk you into going out with him forever. I swear, I was about to have my number changed if you didn’t agree soon.”

  “Maybe we can double date with you and Jamey sometime.”


  “Yes, Jamey, Dante’s friend that you were into that night at the springs before Cross and Angelica showed up to break up the party.”

  She stops and wrinkles her forehead, like she is trying to recall the night. A night I could not forget if I tried. The night of my first kiss.

  “Oh, him. Girl, I haven’t talked to him in ages. I let him feel me up one night, and he was all thumbs. He couldn’t find my clit if I drew him a map. No, thank you.”

  “Jeez, Adi.”

  “What? I’m not training a man to pleasure me. It’s their one job. If they suck at it, then I a
m out. Aren’t you?”

  Sometimes, I wonder how we are best friends. We are so different.

  I blush. “Sure. I mean, who wants to deal with that?”

  “Damn straight.”

  * * *

  Dante and I have been out on two more dates. I think I might actually be starting to really like him.

  Tonight, we are headed to dinner at my favorite Cuban restaurant, Havana Central, and then to a party at one of his friends’ apartment. It’s the first time I’m meeting any of his friends, so I made an extra effort when getting ready tonight. I’m wearing a short winter-green swing dress with some long, beaded silver chains around my neck and black high-heeled leather ankle boots. I have my hair down, and I used a wand to create long, wavy curls down my back. I went a little heavier than usual on the makeup, doing a smoky eye and nude lips. When I meet him at the door, I can tell he appreciates the effort.

  “Damn, you look amazing.”

  I spin for him, and then I ask if I should bring a coat. The nights are getting colder here, and I am not sure how much walking we will be doing.

  “No, ma’am. I have my car, and I’m more than willing to keep you close and warm.”

  On our way to dinner, he pulls me next to him and slides his hand in my hair. He always finds a way to do that. It’s one of the reasons I wore it loose tonight. I know he likes it. He brings my head to his and presses a kiss to my mouth. This is new, the kissing, but I like it. His mouth is soft and gentle with mine. I open for him and let his tongue glide with mine. He tastes of tequila and lime.

  “I’m excited about the party tonight,” I tell him.

  I have been so engrossed in fall exams that I have had very little time for much more than late-night study sessions and sparse sleep.

  “Me, too. I have a feeling it’s going to be a night neither one of us forgets.”

  He kisses my lips one more time before we hop out of the car, and he hands the keys to the valet. My stomach growls as we head into the restaurant.

  “My girl,” he whispers in my ear, “always so hungry. I’ll tell you a secret; the way you look tonight, I feel a little ravenous myself.”


  Brie - Present

  “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away,” I sing to Cassian as I walk and bounce him.

  He is snuggled into my bosom, and his little eyes are growing heavier and heavier with sleep. He has had a rough go the past few nights because he is teething. I insisted Melanie leave him with me tonight. I don’t have class tomorrow, and I can stay up and walk the floor all night with him if that is what he needs. She was exhausted, and she relented fairly quickly. So, here I am, up with a fussy infant, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be. As soon as he finally falls off into a fitful slumber, I tightly swaddle him and lay him in the bassinet beside my bed.

  The next morning, the girls take turns in walking the screaming baby around the apartment while I make breakfast and guzzle coffee. They love him just like I do, but I can tell they are weary from lack of sleep. The baby was up every couple of hours, and try as I might to calm him, he always managed to wake one or the other up. I’m feeling a bit guilty now. I think that, from now on, when I want to give Melanie and Rick an overnight break, I need to do it at their house. It’s not fair to bring my nanny troubles to my roommates’ doorstep. Neither complains though, and it’s one of the many reasons I love them so.

  After breakfast, I get Cassian bundled up, and I take him home. Melanie looks like a new woman when she answers the door. Rested and vibrant.

  “Hi, Brie. How did he do last night?”

  “Not too bad. He was up and down and a little fussy, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”

  “Liar. I can see the dark circles under your eyes. Thank you for keeping him. Honestly, I don’t think I realized exactly how sleep-deprived I was. That good night’s sleep has completely recharged my batteries.”

  “You’re welcome, and you know, anytime you need that reprieve, all you have to do is tell me, right?”

  “I do.”

  I leave the baby with his mother, and I head to the club. I’m not working today, so I thought I would hit the pool with Dawn and Kelsey for a while. I can even catch a nap while I am floating around.

  The girls are already there and have our lounge chairs reserved when I arrive. I peel off my dress, exposing the bikini beneath, and I begin to layer myself with sunscreen. The pool is lively this morning for a weekday. Lots of mothers relaxing while their children are in school I surmise. I feel a little out of place here, which is crazy. Back home, my parents were club members, and I spent most of my childhood summers in swim or tennis lessons. My mother loved to lie by the pool with a daiquiri in hand and gossip with her friends while we swam till our hands and feet were pruned. But here is different. Here, I’m an employee of the club, and I could never afford a membership. I’m only allowed to use the pool as a guest of Dawn, Kelsey, or Daniel, and I feel like the other employees are judging me when they have to bring me a drink or a towel or anything.

  I am lying on my stomach, letting the sun hit my back, and drifting in and out of sleep when Jake sits down on the lounge beside me. I jump when his hands tickle up my bare sides.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. You just looked too irresistible, lying there, for me not to touch you.”

  Ever since our first date to the pier, we have been seeing each other pretty steadily. He’s kept to his word, and he hasn’t been the least bit pushy, so I’m now very comfortable with him and his touch. In fact, I find myself seeking his touch more and more.

  I lean over and plant a kiss on his lips. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  “Well, I wasn’t planning on it, but when I got your text, saying you and the girls were heading this way, I thought I would drop by and say hello while I was at lunch.”

  I get up and gather my things. “You want to head inside and get a bite to eat then?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I ask Dawn and Kelsey to save my spot, and I pull my dress back over my swimsuit. Then, I take Jake’s hand, and he leads me into the club’s restaurant. We pass a table full of girls, who are drinking pitchers of mimosas and laughing as they chatter away.

  “Jake?” one of the girls from the table, a gorgeous redhead, calls to Jake as we pass. Then, she gets up and comes over to wrap her arms around him before placing a kiss right on his lips.

  What in the hell? I’m standing right here with my hand in his. Jealousy flares, which catches me off guard. I don’t know exactly when I became territorial over him, but here I am, one second from tearing her arms from her body if she doesn’t remove them from around his neck.

  “Carlie. Hey,” he says, and he sounds a bit startled by her ballsy attack.

  “I haven’t seen you in ages, baby. Why haven’t you returned my calls?” she purrs at him.

  And it dawns on me. She is the girl he was meeting the night Julie and I ran into him. They must have been dating.

  “Sorry. I have been busy. You remember Brie Masters, don’t you?”

  She turns to look at me as if she is just now noticing someone else is standing with him. “Oh, yes. Brie, is it? Don’t you work here?” She gives me a once-over, and I can feel the disdain dripping off of her.

  “Yep, I sure do, but today, I’m having lunch with my boyfriend,” I say sweetly as I innocently bat my eyelashes at her.

  The blow hits the mark because her face instantly turns as red as her hair.

  She turns to Jake. “Can I have a word—alone?”

  Jake is obviously amused by our little confrontation.

  “I don’t think my girlfriend here would appreciate that, and she is obviously a bit hangry, so I’d better get her fed. It was good to see you. Tell the girls hello for me.”

  He leads me away and to a table out of sight.

Ugh, she has some nerve. I mean, who does that? She could clearly see you were holding my hand. It takes a major bitch to walk up to a man who is with someone else and kiss him. Right in front of me. She is lucky I like my job, or I would have punched her right in her high-dollar nose job for being so disrespectful.”

  I keep ranting as we are seated, and the waiter fills our water glasses. I look up to find a very amused Jake grinning at me.

  “What?” I snap.

  “So, I’m your boyfriend. I knew I would eventually wear you down.”

  That’s when the weight of what I said comes down on me. Oh my God. Oh my God. Jake and I are officially a couple. I did this. I just declared it out loud to him, and I can tell by the way he is looking at me that he is not going to let me take it back. Oh well. In for a penny, in for a pound.

  “I … well, I mean … do you want to be my boyfriend?”

  He looks at me like I have gone mad. “Baby, I have been yours for a while now. I have just been waiting for you to realize it.”

  We order, and I wait for the panic to rise, but it doesn’t. All I feel is content and happy. We finish our food, and Jake walks me back toward the pool, but before we make it there, he stops and guides us into the sauna. It is empty, and he clicks the lock but doesn’t turn on the heater. Then, he backs me up to one of the benches, and he fists the hem of my dress and pulls it over my head.

  “You know, I really love this bikini on you,” he says hoarsely as he peppers kisses down my neck and across my chest.

  I lie back and relax and give him full access as he follows me down. I start clawing at his shirt to free it from his pants and pull it over his head. I love his chest. I love how hard and defined it is. I run my hands across it as he comes back down on top of me. His lips take mine in a heated kiss as his hands skim down my sides and under my ass, and he lifts me to him. Um, delicious contact. I press against him and kiss him harder and deeper. He glides his hands into my bottoms and grasps my ass with both, kneading and pulling me up to meet him. I gasp at the sensation, and I lift my right leg and wrap it around his back to bring us more fully together. My need is great.


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