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Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Avery Gale

  Alex sat up and looked at Mitch for long seconds before asking, “Cut to the chase, Mitch, how much danger is this young woman in? And how do we help her?”

  Mitch’s next words were like a gut punch to Jamie. “A lot. Bree Hart is in danger on at least two fronts and likely more. We’re working on back tracing each of the devices and we’ll get them all done by midafternoon tomorrow at the latest. But I’m sure the greatest threat is from her parents and/or their superiors. Likely there is data on that chip in her shoulder that they don’t want in the wrong hands and any hands other than theirs will be considered the enemy. My guess is the kidnappers were waiting on their higher-ups when your team snatched her out from under them, so they’ll be looking for her hot and heavy also.”

  Jamie had noticed there was considerable silent communication taking place between Alex and Zach Lamont and Colt Matthews. He’d been a member of their teams long enough to know that meant it was likely there was more—probably a lot more—to the story. But he’d also been trained to be the best this country had to offer when it came to black ops, so he knew exactly when to wait it out. When he glanced at Jantz, he could tell those same thoughts were racing through Ethan’s mind as well. But he wasn’t sure Ethan was going to be able to hold his tongue for long.

  Colt Matthews finally took the floor, speaking in what they all called his “Team Leader” voice. “As I’m sure you can imagine, the minute this young woman came on our radar we started working on this case. And I’m not talking about when she drove that POS car through the front gate either.” Looking directly at Jamie and Ethan he said, “Get your woman a safe vehicle, gentlemen, that thing she drove up here scares the shit out of me!” Smiling at their nods he turned back to the rest of the group. “As soon as Catherine told Alex she wanted to send Bree this way we started to work and our sources tell us there are several factions involved in this mess and depending on the data there may be more players than we’ve anticipated.” Turning his gaze to Dylan Marshall, Colt said, “Now, that being said, we’ll ask that you and your officers be particularly diligent about watching for anybody new in town. Likely her parents and their merry little band of banditos will be the first ones to show, but that’s just our best guess.”

  It surprised Jamie when Zach spoke up, saying “Creed…Jantz…we’ve got her back. I can tell by your expressions that you’re worried and I just want to get this out on the table. Let those thoughts go and concentrate on being present for Bree, she’s been through unimaginable shit and she’s going to need you in the days to come.”

  Mitch had been half listening while his fingers raced over the keys of the laptop in front of him when Jamie saw him suddenly stiffen and sit up straight. When he cocked his head slightly to one side in what they all recognized as his “Listening” pose they all froze but he gave them the signal to continue speaking while he moved slowly to the door to the back hallway which wasn’t completely closed. Jerking the door open quickly, he reached through and Jamie heard a gasped squeak just before Grayson pulled a very startled-looking Bree into the room.

  Chapter 13

  Blinking rapidly at the bright lights in the room, she stood in stunned silence, taking in the looks on the faces of the men and lone woman in the room. The woman she remembered as Mia smiled at her warmly, and her hosts’ tight smiles told her that they were well accustomed to dealing with an unpredictable woman. But it was the stormy looks she was getting from Jamie and Ethan that captured and held her attention.

  Jamie moved across the room, quickly reaching her not more than a heartbeat before Ethan flanked her on the other side. Jamie spoke first, saying, “Chère, please have a seat before you faint. You are white as a sheet.”

  Just as Jamie’s words registered, Ethan scooped her up and made his way to the small sofa to the side of Alex Lamont’s desk. As he settled her on his lap Ethan whispered in her ear, “We’ll address your disregard for our instructions when we return to the suite, love.” The zing of arousal that shot through her should have seemed out of place but it didn’t. And instead of scaring her, it caused her pussy to flood with wet heat and her nipples to tingle in anticipation.

  Catching herself before she moaned aloud she tried to recover some semblance of decorum, which wasn’t easy considering she was sitting on Ethan’s lap in front of a bunch of former government agents. But now that she thought back on what she’d overheard, she wasn’t entirely convinced they were “former” anything. It had sounded an awful lot like they were still very “connected” and she caught herself wondering if perhaps that was why Catherine had been so adamant that she would be safe here at ShadowDance.

  When she realized the room around her was silent, she looked up into the concerned faces around her. Deciding they were waiting on her to “reengage” she took a deep breath and let it slowly drain away the tension she knew she’d been holding in and said, “I’m sorry, I really hadn’t planned to eavesdrop. I got turned around when I left the suite and when I stepped up to the door I heard what Mr. Grayson was saying about the chip and I just froze.” Taking several more steadying breaths, she finally continued. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for bringing this trouble to your door. I will leave as soon as it’s light enough to see. I’m sorry to admit I’m scared to drive these roads in the dark.” Then with a tension-filled chuckle she added, “You must all be very skilled drivers to have survived driving here, mercy.” She relaxed a bit when she heard soft chuckles around the room.

  It surprised her that Zach Lamont was the first to move forward and speak to her. “Bree, please believe me when I say that while we are very concerned for your safety, we are not overly concerned for the safety of anyone else, including our family, because we have complete faith in the abilities of the men in this room to protect them.” Then, smiling sweetly at the pregnant woman sitting across the room, he added, “No disrespect intended, Mia, but no one here expects you to be involved except in an advisory capacity, and I’m betting your husband is going to be imposing some mighty stringent guidelines in that regard as well.”

  When everyone in the room seemed to laugh, Bree could almost feel the shift in the energy and she was very grateful that Zach had known how close she’d been to making a break for it. She had spent her entire life working toward her goal of caring for and treating children as a physician and the thought that she might be endangering the three tykes upstairs or their parents was almost more than she could fathom. She suddenly realized Zach was still kneeling in front of her and had he had taken her hand in his. “Bree, I know that fight-or-flight look. I can see it in your eyes, sweetness, and I swear if you try to run I’ll personally help the two men beside you paddle your sweet ass. You are safe here and here is where you will stay until we are all convinced it’s safe for you to go. And if you are still of a mind to leave at that time, we won’t hold you captive. But it’s painfully obvious that our friends here have staked a claim to you, so I don’t figure they are going to make it easy for you to go.” He chuckled before adding, “And if push comes to shove, I’m sure they’ll bring out the big guns and sic Kat on you.” That brought a roar of laughter from most of the men in the room and before Bree realized what she was doing, she’d leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Zach’s neck and hugged him.

  When she realized what she’d done, it was too late to do anything but plow on ahead so she gave him one last tight squeeze before sitting back and saying, “Thank you so much for everything, but especially for your insight and friendship. Your mother’s right, you know? This is a very special place, filled with amazing people.” She took a deep breath and then met Alex’s and Colt’s gazes before returning her attention to Zach. “Now, tell me exactly how I can help take down these ass-hats.”

  * * * *

  Jamie was sure he’d never been more proud of anyone in his entire life. Bree was obviously way out of her element and terrified, but she had just stepped up to the plate and hit it out of the park. When he looked at Ethan he knew his longtim
e friend was working hard not to show the emotion that was so clearly moving through his eyes. Jamie had never seen Ethan Jantz so near to losing his infamous “cool” but at this moment he seemed to be working very hard to swallow back the emotion, just as Jamie was.

  Looking up at Zach, Jamie could only smile when the big man grinned from ear to ear and said, “Good enough. Welcome to the team, Bree.” After Zach stood up and moved back to his usual position near the fireplace, they all proceeded to fill Bree in on all the details they’d learned so far. And even though she had very little to add, she was able to provide some dates and locations that might prove valuable.

  Just as the meeting was beginning to wind down, Jamie noticed Zach step aside to answer his phone. When he saw that Zach was visibly shaken he started to step forward to ask him what had happened but Zach stayed him with a quick gesture. Watching Zach confer with Alex, who also seemed concerned, Jamie asked what the problem was just as the two men stepped up to Bree.

  Alex Lamont spoke first and even though his voice was pitched low, there was no doubt he was deeply worried. “Bree, my brother and I have just been told that all three of our children are ill. They are running fevers and have developed an odd rash.” Watching as Bree’s eyes widened he continued, “Would you mind looking in on them? We have a call in to their regular pediatrician and also to Doc Woods, but haven’t heard from either of them yet. While we hate to impose upon you, we are very concerned.”

  Jamie watched Bree’s entire persona shift from the “Warrior Princess” who had just moments before been helping map out a plan of action to “Compassionate Physician” reaching forward to offer a reassuring pat on the arm to a couple of very worried daddies. The change had happened in the blink of an eye—it was the kind of special-effects shift that George Lucas lay awake at night trying to mastermind.

  Bree was immediately on her feet and turned so that she was facing them both. “Of course I’ll be happy to check on them. I’ve been anxious to meet them anyway.” Grabbing one of each Alex’s and Zach’s hands, she added, “I think I know what we’re dealing with. Please don’t worry, because if I’m right, it’s really nothing serious. It looks ever so much worse than it actually is.”

  Chapter 14

  Bree breathed a huge sigh of relief as soon as she saw the Lamont triplets. Both boys were sporting the bright red cheeks so typical of fifth disease and were running low-grade temperatures. Little Mary Catherine seemed to be exhibiting the worst symptoms and she was also the quietest which worried Bree a bit. When Bree had explained that the children had a fairly common virus that would pass soon enough all three of the parents seemed to relax. Bree picked up Mary Catherine and noted that she felt a lot warmer than her brothers but she didn’t want to alarm the little girl’s parents so she tried to subtly take the little girl’s temperature. Alex and Zach immediately flanked her and started asking questions. Sighing and then chuckling softly, Bree answered all their questions and then said, “I should have known better than to try and fool a couple of Doms.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, Bree regretted speaking out loud because she noticed Ethan and Jamie both stiffen. They had both been standing off to the side but they’d gone on alert at her attempt at humor. Finally deciding to just ignore them and focus on the baby, Bree asked if it would be alright with Katarina if she gave all three babies a small dose of a non-aspirin pain reliever and she told her new friend that a nice cool bath would help get Mary Catherine’s fever down faster. The minute she mentioned the bath, Alex scooped the baby out of her arms and headed to the nursery’s bathroom with Zach hot on his tail. Kat looked up at Bree and just smiled. “They are just a bit overprotective of their little princess. The pain reliever is in the medicine cabinet, if you would write down the dosage after you give it to them, I’ll be able to do it through the night. Oh hell, I know full well those two husbands of mine aren’t going to let me do this, would you mind waiting until they are out of there so you can explain it to them directly? Because sure as a bear shits in the woods, they’ll be pounding on your door if they have to get the information secondhand.”

  “Katarina…Language!” Alex’s sharp words were spoken from the bathroom and Bree nearly laughed out loud at Kat’s obvious wince. Alex walked back into the room without the baby so that he could speak with Bree. And she’d no sooner explained everything to him than Zach entered with a wet, but much more alert baby snuggled in his arms. Smiling, Bree just started explaining everything once again, knowing Zach wouldn’t be any happier with secondhand information than Alex would have been.

  * * * *

  Standing aside watching Bree tend to the Lamonts’ children had been a great opportunity for both Ethan and Jamie to learn more about the beautiful woman they planned to make their own. She’d handled the children and all three of their parents with a sense of grace and compassion that was obviously her true nature. She hadn’t hesitated to give the same information multiple times and had all the while kept her hands moving over the children. While the parents had been focused on her words she had been assessing and reassessing the children’s condition until she was satisfied they were going to be fine and turned to where he and Jamie stood waiting and asked if they were ready to go. Ethan watched as Jamie stepped forward and simply wrapped his arms around her and spoke close to her ear. When Jamie released her, he had turned her right into Ethan’s welcoming embrace.

  Ethan hugged her close and whispered, “You are one amazing woman, Bree Hart. This is exactly what you should be doing. The children of this world don’t have enough adults that love them and are willing to see to their needs. We need to see what we can do about getting you back to practicing medicine.”

  As he and Jamie led Bree from the room, he heard Alex and Zach voice their agreement. And Alex assured them that he would make phone calls first thing in the morning to their contacts in Washington, DC, to see what could be done about getting her medical license switched to her new name without it tracing to her past. Ethan well knew that Mitch Grayson had the computer know-how to hack in and get it done without ever breaking a sweat, but he had to admire the Lamont brothers’ attempt to do it properly…first.

  Chapter 15

  As soon as they entered Bree’s suite, she felt the energy shift and knew both men were now donning their Dom personas. I wonder if they stand in front of the mirror and practice that look? Are Doms born or created? Who teaches them how to do all those things to their subs? Someone must provide classes or something because otherwise there would certainly be a lot of ER visits and that would surely get a lot of press. Do you suppose they get a diploma? Would you frame something like that and hang it in your home or office? Bree suddenly realized both men were staring at her. Damn, I did it again. I really have to start staying in the moment. These guys are going to think I’m a flipping loon. Gasping as she felt a slap to her right ass cheek, she looked up at Ethan and snapped, “Hey! What was that for?”

  Ethan’s eyes darkened until they looked like black discs and without conscious thought, Bree started to step back but froze at Ethan’s sharp “Don’t you dare move.” When she looked at Jamie he looked just as formidable and she suddenly realized that Ethan must have been trying to bring her back from the little mental road trip she’d taken. She could tell they were waiting for her to figure it out or at least to pay attention for more than a few seconds.

  Deciding she had waited long enough she sighed and spoke to them both. “Look, it’s pretty late and I’d like to get some rest so that I can check on the babies first thing in the morning before your doctor friend arrives. So, if it’s all the same to you I think I’ll say goodnight now.” It wasn’t that she had really expected her words to work, but she sure hadn’t expected the feral grin that she saw on the faces of both men.

  Jamie was the first to respond. “Oh, chère, I don’t think so, but that sure was a good try, I’ll give you that.” She figured they couldn’t blame a girl for trying, but she would have been wrong about
that also. Sometimes she just couldn’t seem to catch a break. When she realized she was about to slip back into her own little orbit, she made a concentrated effort to focus on what was happening with the two men standing alongside her, watching her as if she were the most interesting insect specimen they’d ever seen.

  She knew she should just stay quiet, but when she was nervous she tended to rattle on and it didn’t look like tonight was going to be any exception. “Well, if you have a problem with me, I suggest you just come straight out with it. We’ll sort it through and then you can let me get some sleep. Oh damn, I bet I know. You’re miffed because I came downstairs without calling on that intercom thingy, right?”

  She would have sworn she heard Ethan growl and just as she was about to step back Jamie grabbed her wrist in his enormous hand and pulled her toward a straight-backed chair positioned near the window. She was surprised when he sat down and pulled her to a stop on his right side. Jamie was so tall that even sitting he was able to look her in the eyes when he spoke. “You disobeyed a direct order, Bree. That order was in place for your safety so miffed doesn’t quite cover it. We’ll be patient while you learn all about the lifestyle that we know you are drawn to and we’ll be happy to explain things along the way when they do not relate directly to your safety. Security, as it relates to any woman and particularly our woman, will always be our top priority. When you disregard your safety you will be punished, it’s just that simple. Do you understand?”


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