Heaven Sent

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Heaven Sent Page 9

by Tania Sparks

  It quickly becomes apparent that our clothes are getting in the way of our exploration, so Ash drags his mouth away from mine and grabs the hem of my tank top, slowly pulling it up and over my head. His eyes hungrily roam my body. “Fucking perfect.” he growls.

  His palms stroke up from my waist and over my ribcage spanning from one side of my body to the other. His touch moves up to my breasts, squeezing them softly in his palms over the top of my bra, dipping his fingers slightly under the edges. His hands are warm and I can feel the roughness of his calloused fingertips rubbing against my skin.

  I clutch the bottom of his t-shirt and unhurriedly start to gather it in my hands, lifting it slowly as I savour the sight of his well-toned stomach as it comes into view inch by perfect inch. Unable to wait, he speeds up my progress by helping me, he grabs hold of his t-shirt and in one fluid movement he smoothly removes it, dropping it to the floor.

  As my eyes move over his torso, I gasp in surprise as I see a tattoo of an angel over his heart. My fingers automatically move to the tattoo as I inspect the beautiful piece of art that’s permanently etched onto his skin. The angel has long dark flowing hair and is kneeling with her head lowered looking at her clasped hands which are resting on her knees. She looks peaceful, beautiful and ethereal. She has a look as if waiting, as if wishing and hoping. I find it difficult to fathom how so much sentiment can be instilled into one image.

  Is it a coincidence that Ash’s tattoo is of an angel?…Angel…the nickname Ash has always called me? I question myself as to whether this otherworldly tattoo could represent me somehow. I look up into Ash’s eyes and he regards me with such adoration and worship that I have no doubt that his tattoo has something to do with me. My body starts to tremor and goose bumps run down my spine and arms. I move my eyes back to the tattoo. I need to see more. I need to look more carefully. I can’t look away, the more I study it the more I recognise the similarities between my own features and that of this heavenly creature engraved over his heart. He whispers, “It’s so I can always keep you close to my heart Angel.” I look back up so our eyes meet.

  “When did you get it?” I ask quietly in wonderment.

  “About six months after we broke up.” he answers.

  I sit there looking at him in shock as he stares back at me watchfully. Moisture pools in my eyes as tears threaten to fall. I sigh confused, “Six months after we broke up? I thought by then you had moved on and had forgotten all about me!”

  He whispers back shaking his head, “Never Angel, I’ve never moved on, I’ve never forgotten you.” He places his hand over mine, covering the tattoo. “I’ve always had you right here in my heart.” We sit in silence, the tenderness and longing radiating off us.

  “Why did we wait so long? We’ve wasted seven years Ash.” I sigh exasperatedly.

  “I know Angel. I was a fucking fool. I should never have let you go. But we’ve found each other again now, that’s what’s important.”

  Ash’s arms surround me and his chin rests on my shoulder. I lean away slightly and his hand comes up to my chin as he leans in and kisses me softly, our lips move together sensually. As the craving between us intensifies, our lips part and our tongues explore each other’s mouths, tasting, sucking, nibbling. His fingers dance across my stomach and move lower to reach down between us to undo my jeans. I move backwards lifting myself up so he can slip my jeans from my legs. I move forward again kneeling in between his knees. I’m only wearing my red lace bra and panties and male appreciation radiates in his gaze as his eyes scrape over the curves of my body, slowly admiring every inch. His fingers sink into the flesh on my hips as he grips me firmly. I reach down, unbuckle his belt, undo his jeans then move backwards to allow enough room to remove them. He helps me by pushing his jeans down past his hips, I pull them off and they drop to the floor. He sits up so we’re both kneeling facing each other. Our hands roam and explore over each other’s bodies. He brushes the straps of my bra off my shoulders and reaches behind me to unclasp it, dropping it to the floor. He cups by breasts with both hands, rubbing my hardened nipples with his thumbs as I moan in pleasure. Our breaths are coming out in pants as our hearts race and the chemistry we’ve both been fighting to subdue crashes through us like an electrical storm.

  I reach down and lower his boxer briefs, taking his steeled hardness into my hand as I rub slowly up and down his length. He hisses, “Holy shit Angel, that feels like fucking heaven.” We’ve been together many times before all those years ago, but this undeniable combination of lust and longing is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I continue to move my hand over his length, slightly twisting my wrist and massaging the tip with my thumb. Ash closes his eyes and sucks on his lower lip. The look on his face is one of pure carnal pleasure. He inhales sharply, his eyes snap open and he grabs my wrist removing my hand. He shakes his head in frustration, “You need to stop Angel or you’ll make me come … and I really fucking want to be buried balls deep inside you when I do.”

  He places his right hand behind my neck and his left hand on my shoulder. Lightly pushing, he encourages me to lie down, gently guiding me. He kneels between my knees as his hands trace down my body all the way from my shoulders to my breasts, across my rib cage, over my hips and down my legs. “So beautiful.” he murmurs. He leans over me, holding one breast firmly in his hand, he draws my nipple into his hot wet mouth, teasing it, nibbling and pulling gently with his teeth, licking seductively with his tongue and sucking erotically with his lips. Sounds of satisfaction rumble in my throat as desire takes over my every feeling and thought.

  Slowly sitting back up he gazes over my body possessively as if figuring out where to continue with his exploration. He tucks his fingers under the edge of my panties and with a devilish smirk, he looks down at me and asks, “You particularly fond of these Angel?” Before I get a chance to ask him why, they’re ripped from my body in one swift motion. I inhale in shock, but my surprise is quickly replaced with pleasure as his fingers move through my curls to discover my sensitive bud. He strokes, presses and circles my clit with his rough fingertips, driving me crazy. He slowly slides downwards to discover my wetness and slips a single finger inside me. My hips grind to get more as he pumps and rotates his finger while his thumb continues to apply pulsating pressure to my clit. His biceps ripple with movement as I grab onto him in desperation as he drives me higher and higher. He adds a second finger stroking my inner walls. I can’t think of anything except the sensations coursing through me and the wetness dripping and soaking between my thighs. I look up to watch his face and see the desire that clouds his eyes, a look of unadulterated lust and determination is etched on his features.

  Hell, I desperately need him inside me. I gather all my willpower and pull his hand away from me as I sit up and push him down so it’s now him who’s lying down as I straddle over his hips. His hands move to my waist, he grips me firmly, his fingers digging into my flesh. Our eyes fixed on each other. I lift myself slightly and hold his hardness in my hand stroking him firmly a few times along his entire length. I rub my thumb over the tip that’s now dripping with pre-cum as he pulses in my hand. I slowly lower myself onto him, guiding him into me, stretching my inner walls and creating ripples of sensation to course through me. “Fuck Angel!” he moans.

  I slowly start to move up and down his length, he urges me with his hands to alternate between rotating my hips and rocking back and forth. “Oh my God Ash!” I groan.

  We gradually pick up speed and my body already feels like it’s about to explode. I hear Ash mumble, “Are you close Angel? You’re so fucking incredible, I don’t think I can hold off for long.”

  “I’m close Ash, really close.” I stammer.

  “Come for me Angel, I want to feel you.” My body obeys, trembling as waves of ecstasy ripple from my core, intensifying and moving through my body like jolts of electricity that shatter into pieces like broken glass. My eyes flutter closed and bright white light bursts in my vision. I scream, “Holy

  I hear Ash roar, “Fuck Angel, I’m coming, oh damn, that’s...holy fucking Christ…” His body presses into mine so he’s entirely encased inside me. He stops thrusting and holds himself deep as his cock continues to pulsate with his release, both of our bodies throbbing with pleasure.

  I collapse in exhaustion onto his chest and we lie there as the tremors slowly subside and our breathing returns back to normal.

  Ash traces patterns on my back. “Angel?” he whispers.

  “Yeah Ash.” I murmur as I lift myself up slightly to look into his eyes.

  “I didn’t use a condom.” he says apologetically. We had both got so carried away neither of us had even considered it. “I’m clean Angel.” he says sincerely, “You’re the only one I’ve ever not used a condom with and I get tested regularly. I promise…I can’t believe we did that. It was so stupid of me!, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay Ash, I trust you. I’m clean too. I’ve always used a condom. I’m on birth control to regulate my cycle, so we’re fine.” I whisper coyly.

  After a few minutes we grudgingly sit ourselves upright and clean ourselves up. He leans across into the front, turns off the music and we snuggle under the blanket together. After a short while we both drift off to sleep blissfully in each other’s arms.

  Early the next morning, I’m woken by the sun streaming through the car windows and the sound of the surf crashing on the beach. I’m curled up with the blankets half covering me. Ash is sitting up and my head is resting on his lap. “Mornin beautiful.” he says looking down at me warmly.

  “How long have you been awake?” I ask.

  “Oh, only about half an hour or so, I’ve been watching you sleep.”

  “Ash!, creepy much!” I laugh.

  He leans down and kisses me softly on the top of my head, “You just looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.”

  I sit up and stretch. I suddenly realise that I don’t know what the time is and my shift at the hotel starts at ten. I grab my phone to look at the time, to my relief it’s only seven. “Gosh, it’s so early Ash. I don’t have to be in at work for my shift until ten, but I’d like to get back for about nine so I can have a shower and get ready, but we’ve got plenty of time to grab some breakfast before we head back.”

  “Sounds cool to me Angel.” Ash smiles, “Perhaps we can find a pancake house around here somewhere?”

  “That sounds awesome Ash.”

  We get dressed, luckily I remembered to bring a hairbrush, some lip gloss and mascara, so after spending a couple of minutes making ourselves presentable, we’re all set and ready to go.

  We drive back towards San Francisco, stopping off at a pancake house for breakfast on the way. It feels just like old times. We snuggle up close in a booth at the restaurant and share a plate of pancakes, maple syrup and bacon which we wash down with copious cups of coffee. We get back on the road and head back to the city. We hold hands across the gear shift and listen to some music. It’s comfortable and I have an overwhelming feeling of happiness.

  Ash glances over to me with a solemn look. “You’re going to tell him tonight aren’t you Angel?” He asks.

  I squeeze his hand and reassure him, “Yes, definitely Ash. My shift ends at six, Richard’s scheduled to fly in and get to the hotel by about four. As soon as my shift finishes I’ll go up to the room and tell him it’s over. I promise.”

  “That’s good Angel.” he sighs. After a few more minutes, he squeezes my hand, “We’ve got a special concert tonight at Bottom of the Hill. There’s only about a thousand people coming, it’s a small intimate venue for some special fans, some of them won tickets in competitions, others purchased VIP packages on our website. We should be finished by about half ten. After that we’ve got a special after-party back at the hotel for the band and crew to celebrate the end of this leg of the tour before we head back to LA for a few days holiday. How about after you tell that guy it’s over between you and him, you meet me at the after-party? I’ll make sure Pete knows to expect you and lets you through.”

  “That sounds fantastic Ash!” I say excitedly.

  Ash glowers over at me, looking very serious, “Make sure you bring your luggage Angel, you can spend the night in my suite, because there’s no way in hell you’re spending it in your room with your fucking ex.” he scowls at me.

  “Sounds like a plan band boy.” I smile at him cheerily trying to lighten his mood. It seems to work as his frown disappears and he smiles back at me. We sit in silence comfortably listening to the music, both caught up in our own thoughts. My mind is whirling with things bouncing around in my head, although I’m 110% sure about me and Ash, I’m really not looking forward to my discussion with Richard. It’s not going to be easy, we had a good relationship, we had always got on really well. But he was the one that needed a break away from me, I’m sure it was just his way of letting me go gently. As far as I’m concerned the relationship is completely over and this is just a formality, but it’s going to be a difficult conversation. I’m not looking forward to it at all.

  Before I know it, we’re pulling back into the hotel. Ash helps me grab my bag and hands his keys to the concierge to park his car. We walk through the lobby holding hands. Ash escorts me back to my room and is very gentlemanly as he hugs me softly and gives me a soft kiss goodbye. “I’ll see you tonight Angel, just come up to the penthouse at about eleven, I’ll make sure Pete knows to expect you. Have a nice day sweetheart.” He smiles.

  “See you later.” I say as I stretch up on my toes to give him another kiss. I open my hotel room door and watch as Ash turns and heads down the corridor, looking back to give me a wave when he reaches the elevator.

  Chapter 8

  After getting ready, I head downstairs to start my shift. Today I’ll be overseeing a large conference the hotel is holding for a group of fifty lawyers. Apparently they’re regulars, meeting at the hotel every three months, they spend a shit-load of money, but expect impeccable service in return for their custom. The Event Manager is away on a training course, but before he left he told me that all the details for the conference were organised and that he didn’t expect any problems. The hotel has a Junior Event Coordinator on staff, but due to the size and importance of the lawyers’ conference, they thought it better that a senior person be available ‘just-in-case’. That’s where I come in. It should be quite a stress-free day, so I take my time walking through the lobby to the back office.

  As soon as I get close I can hear the sounds of chaos and panic coming from the office and I can sense that something is seriously wrong. I open the door and various staff are running around looking panicked. “Thank God you’re here Eve!” I hear someone yell from across the room. Eliza, the Junior Event Coordinator rushes across to me.

  “What’s the problem?” I ask.

  “Well you know we have that big lawyers’ conference on today…”

  “Yeah.” I say hesitantly.

  She looks at me with a look of horror on her face, “Well, the lawyers are due to start at 12…”

  “Yes…” I say.

  “Well, a group of seventy insurance managers have just turned up for their conference today too!”

  “I don’t get it.” I look at her confused.

  She replies in a panic, “We had the insurance managers booked for next week, but they insist that they had today booked…this is such a mess, what the hell are we going to do Eve!...they’re both really big accounts, the hotel can’t upset either of them! Oh my God!, oh my God!” She starts to hyperventilate.

  I look around the room at the chaos ensuing. I lift a couple of fingers to my mouth and whistle my loudest to get everyone’s attention. The room goes silent and everyone looks at me. “Right everyone!” I say loudly waving my arms to indicate I want them to gather around, “I need everyone’s attention. It seems we have a double booking.” The room of people mumble and gossip amongst themselves. Before they get a chance to return to bedlam, I qu
ickly continue in my most confident voice, “Look guys, this is no problem, we just need to do some fast work, a bit of shuffling around and with a team as good as you guys, I’m sure we’ll get this all sorted in no time.”

  After about ten minutes of going through the booking details and delegating various tasks to different people, I make my way out to explain to the insurance managers that we’ll have their conference room available in time for their midday start. I offer them some free drinks and direct them to the hotel lobby café/bar where we’ll come and get them when their conference room is ready. They don’t seem to mind at all and seem rather enthusiastic about the free drinks.

  After a lot of running around and coordinating, everything runs really smoothly. The lawyers start on time and are non-the-wiser that their room was double booked. The insurance managers start on time too, and their conference goes ahead with no further hitches.

  Throughout the afternoon various staff come by my office and thank me for sorting out the double booking mess. It really was no problem at all. That’s what I’m here for, I’m quite used to sorting out problems and handling chaos. I’m sitting in my office catching up on some report writing. Just after 2 o’clock I get a text, it’s from Richard.

  Hi baby, I miss you and can’t wait to see you. My flight gets in about four. See you soon. Love Richard xx

  I don’t reply. I’m in shock. His text makes it sound like we’re still together. It’s really quite confusing. It makes me wonder what the last month away from me has meant to him? I know from my viewpoint and after a lot of heartache and soul searching, I had come to the conclusion that he no longer wanted to be with me and us meeting here in San Francisco was just going to be a formality to confirm we’d be going our separate ways. But his text makes it sound as if we’ve never been apart. We really need to talk!


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