Grove Captain: Scythe Grove Academy #0.5

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Grove Captain: Scythe Grove Academy #0.5 Page 4

by Laura Greenwood

  "Penny for your thoughts?" Tobias asks, dropping down onto the sofa beside me and holding out his arm.

  I slide over so I can rest my head on his shoulder and snuggle into him. I love it when he does this, it makes me feel protected from the world around me, even if there's nothing I want protecting from.

  "Just think about whether or not we've done enough," I admit. "I'm not sure."

  "Me neither, but I'm trying not to worry about it. We did what we needed to do, and that should be enough to cinch it. And if not, then it's good practice."

  "I know. I'm glad we helped Rupert."

  "Do you really not mind if we don't win?"

  I shake my head. "We'll try again next year. And we'll know what to expect so we can go into it a bit more prepared."

  "Except that we can't, because we both know that neither of us would be willing to leave a ghost unported just so we could win a competition."

  "Sometimes, being a good student is hard," I lament.

  "I don't think it's about being a student," Tobias counters. "I think it's about being a good reaper. And I can categorically say you are one."

  "You're biased," I tease.

  "Always." He boops my nose with his finger, and I let out an uncharacteristic giggle in response. I have to admit that he's bringing out a side of me I wasn't sure I had.

  Tobias leans in and presses his lips against mine, kissing me as sweetly as I could ever want.

  "Eurgh, really? In the common room?" a voice interrupts.

  I groan in annoyance as Tobias pulls away from me and turns to face his twin.

  "What do you want?" he asks.

  Mathias grins and drops down onto the chair opposite us, leaning back to make himself comfortable. I guess this isn't going to be a fleeting conversation with him then. More's the pity.

  "Just wondering what you're doing here."

  I roll my eyes. "Or just making a nuisance of yourself."

  Mathias snorts, no doubt well aware that my frustration is only temporary. I may not have the same connection with him that I do with his brother, but I'd like to think we're still friends.

  "Maybe I just want one more chance to tease you before you become my Grove Captain and I have to do all that sucking up." Mathias cocks his head to the side. "Though maybe I'll let my brother do that for me."

  Tobias snorts. "Fat chance. If Jules is your Grove Captain, then I'll be busy with Ilex."

  "Is that why you're in our common room now? You don't want to face your future underlings?" Mathias teases.

  "Hardly. The view was prettier here until you showed up."

  "And we're not Grove Captains yet anyway," I add. "We still have the results to go. There are a lot of other capable people competing."

  "Yes, but Jennifer Carmen? You can't seriously tell me you think she'd make a better Grove Captain than you?" Mathias asks.

  I purse my lips. The honest answer is that I don't, but I can't say that. Especially not when I'm in the common room. There's no one but the three of us here right now, but that can change at any minute and I don't want to make any enemies.

  "I can't comment on that. I don't know her well enough," I say, hedging my bets. In reality, I know enough about her to be sure she isn't the right person for the job. But I don't get a say in that. The only thing I can do to make my mark on the selection of Grove Captain is to compete myself and do better than everyone else, and I've tried to do that.

  "Hmm, a likely story," Mathias says.

  Tobias yawns dramatically next to me, and it's all I can do not to laugh at how fake it is. I appreciate what he's doing and don't want to stop him.

  "I'm tired, it's been an exhausting few days. Want me to walk you to your room, Jules?" he asks.

  "That'd be great." I hope he chooses to stay beyond that, but we need to get away from prying eyes first.

  Mathias snorts. "I know what you're doing."

  "Then you won't stop us," I respond, getting to my feet and holding out my hand to Tobias, who takes it more than willingly. "Goodnight, Mathias."

  We're already on our way to the door before I've even finished speaking.

  "Night, Juliet. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he calls after us.

  It isn't until we're out of sight that I let the laughter escape from me. "He's incorrigible."

  "He just needs to find someone who understands him," Tobias responds, a lot of affection in his voice.

  "Aren't twins supposed to have some kind of freaking twin connection that helps in these situations?" I ask as we round the corner to get to my dorm room.

  "We do. But that's not the kind of connection I was talking about."

  "Oh?" I raise an eyebrow as I turn and lean against my door, bringing the two of us surprisingly close together. "And what connection would that be?" I ask, my voice dipping more than I intend it to.

  A mischievous grin spreads over his face. He leans in until his lips are level with my ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin there. "Maybe I'll show you tomorrow to celebrate winning," he whispers, then steps back and starts to leave.

  "Tomorrow?" I echo.

  The corner of his mouth lifts up. "Tomorrow," he confirms.

  "I don't think so." I reach out and tug him to me, crushing my lips against his. I fumble for the door handle, but he has to come to my rescue and push it for me, letting the two of us into my room. Tomorrow can wait for all I care.

  Chapter Eight

  I gasp the moment I walk into the main grove of the academy. Lights are strung up through all of the trees, making it appear as if there are fairies dancing in them. It's almost romantic, though I know that isn't the intention. The grove is made to look like this to highlight the beauty of the trees which are so integral to our jobs as reapers.

  Tobias squeezes my hand. "Good luck," he whispers.

  "You too."

  I wish we could wait for the results together, but for the results, we stand with the rest of our Grove candidates, which includes Jennifer for me. Hopefully, none of what I said to Mathias has gotten back to her. I doubt it has. He isn't the kind of person to spread idol gossip, especially about his friends.

  Professor Montgomery taps a cane on the ground, calling everyone assembled to order. Anyone can attend the Grove Captain ceremony if they want to, but not a lot of people actually do, just friends of those who are competing. Even so, there are enough people to make a small racket, meaning the Professor has to do it again before everyone quietens down.

  "Good evening," he says, his commanding voice booming through the grove. "And welcome to the Grove Captain ceremony. We've had exceptional results this year, possibly the best in the entire history of the competition."

  Noises of appreciation come from those gathered to watch, but all of the potential candidates around me stay silent. We're all too nervous about what's coming. In that moment, I realise there's only one outcome I'm going to be happy with, despite the reminders that I'd be fine losing.

  I catch Tobias' eye and shoot him a small smile, though I suspect it comes across nervous instead. That's certainly how I'm feeling.

  "The four captains for this year have proven themselves to be exceptional during the course of the competition, truly exhibiting the art of teamwork, not just between the Porter and Seer duo, but also with other students." there a chance this can actually be us? I've been under the impression that we didn't have a high enough number of bounty points to even be in with a chance of becoming captains. But we did work with other students, so maybe I'm wrong.

  "Without further ado, I wish to introduce you to your new captains," Montgomery continues.

  To my surprise, he dives straight into the presentation. I thought there'd be more pomp to it, but I'm glad there isn't, I don't think I could take the nerves of waiting.

  "...your new captain for Grove Banksia is Eleanor Van Beek..."

  A small cheer goes around the assembled students.

  "...for Grove Hawthorn, Rosie Barnes..."
  I find myself clapping along, pleased to learn that Eleanor and Rosie have gained their positions as captains. Both are worthy choices.

  I dig my nails into the palm of my hands as I wait for the next announcement. Whatever it brings will give me an answer.

  "...for Grove Ilex, Tobias Carey..."

  That just leaves me. There's a small chance one of the other Sakura candidates has outearned me in bounty points, but it's unlikely. Still, I don't want to assume anything until everything is finalised.

  "...and finally, for Grove Sakura, Juliet Dixon."

  Relief crashes through me at the sound of my name, with disbelief following swiftly behind. Me. I know I worked for it, but that doesn't make a difference to the way I feel.

  "Captains, please step forward." Montgomery waves at the four of us.

  I'm almost in a haze as I make my way to the small dais waiting. Tobias brushes his fingers against mine, and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad any more. I have someone going through it all with me, who I can rely on to tell me honestly when he thinks I'm doing something wrong.

  I hold my head up high and accept the Sakura Captain's badge like the true honour it is. I don't have to look at it to know how beautifully it depicts the pink blossoms of our Grove, bordered by blue and guarded by twin scythes. It's an emblem I've looked at every day since I arrived here, and now I get to wear it.

  "Thank you all for attending," Montgomery says to the audience. "Grove Captains, please enjoy your weekends. We will have a meeting on Monday to discuss your roles at the academy." He nods to each of us in turn.

  I bow my head in response, as do the others.

  "Congratulations," Rosie says.

  "You too," Tobias responds.

  "I have to admit, I'm surprised," I admit. "Not that the two of you got it..."

  Eleanor chuckles. "If you're not surprised that we got captain, then why are you surprised that you did too? I'm guessing all four of us put the same things on our reports about Felicity and Rupert."

  I nod. I gave them all the credit they deserved for that one.

  "I'm guessing we all got the full bounty points for both of them," Rosie says. "We all helped with the process, so we all get them."

  "And the academy does enjoy teamwork," Tobias adds.

  "Exactly, so no doubt we got even more points because of that," Eleanor says.

  "Huh. Well I guess it's a good thing we can all work together, then." Especially if I'm going to be doing a lot with the three of them regarding our duties around the academy.

  "And I expect it'll be hard work," Eleanor agrees. "But not until Monday. Right now, I want to celebrate."

  "What do you have in mind?" her friend asks.

  "Dancing," Eleanor responds brightly. "Lots of it."

  Rosie smiles indulgently. "Your wish is my command." She pauses. "Do the two of you want to come?"

  I exchange a glance with Tobias, then shake my head when I see the answer reflected in his eyes. "No thanks, I think we'll have our own celebration."

  "Suit yourselves." Rosie shrugs before linking her arm with Eleanor's. The two of them almost skip off into the rest of the academy, presumably to get ready for their night of dancing.

  "So, how do you want to celebrate?" Tobias asks once we're alone.

  "I was thinking takeaway and a movie."

  "How lowkey."

  "The rest of the year is going to be the complete opposite of that," I point out. "I want to make the most of our last few days of peace and quiet."

  He shakes his head in bemusement, but pulls me close and kisses the top of my head anyway. "It sounds perfect."

  It does. And I look forward to dozens more perfect evenings like it to come, even if our days are busier with other tasks.


  Several months later...

  * * *

  I flip through the book I've brought with me to occupy myself while I wait for Mathias to bring the new student. I'm supposed to greet her as the Grove Captain now she's been chosen for Sakura, and I intend to do my duty the way any other good reaper would, especially because she's the first student to enter the Grove since I became the Captain.

  "Welcome to Sakura House," Mathias says as he steps into the common room with a dark-haired girl next to him.

  Even from this distance, I can tell she's nervous, I don't blame her, I was nervous on my first day at Scythe Grove. Though admittedly I was a lot younger at the time.

  I pull myself from my thoughts and hop off the table to walk towards them.

  "This is Juliet, our House Captain," Mathias introduces.

  "Hi," I say as brightly as I can, smiling and holding out my hand.

  The new girl hesitates, but takes it anyway. It's possible to see the thoughts stream through her head, just the same as everyone else who meets me. She thinks I'm perfect, but not in the good way. She doesn't want to trust me because of how I come across. That's fine. I'll just do the same as I do with everyone else and convince her.

  "Pleased to meet you," she mutters.

  "Juliet, this is Syxe," Mathias says, introducing the two of us on her behalf.

  "Welcome to Grove Sakura." I drop her hand. "Would you like a tour?"

  She shakes her head. "It's been a long day, do you mind showing me where I'm going to sleep..."

  "Of course." I smile as reassuringly as I can. I really do want her to think of me as a friend, and not just because it's one of the things members of Sakura Grove value above all else.

  "Thanks for bringing me, Mathias," she says softly, something akin to affection flitting over her face.

  I raise an eyebrow at my boyfriend's twin. His cheeks flush.

  Hmm. Apparently, he has a thing for the new student. Interesting, I don't think I've ever seen Mathias interested in someone for more than a date. This is going to be interesting.

  "You're welcome." He shifts from one side to the other with nerves.

  It's almost impossible to contain my smile, but somehow, I manage.

  "If you come with me, I'll show you to the dorms. Do you have your stuff with you?"

  She nods and gestures to the weekend bag at her feet. Is that all she has with her?

  It doesn't matter. I'm not about to make her feel self-conscious about the amount of things she has, that would be an awful thing to do.

  "Why don't I grab your bag?" I move in and pick it up before she can say anything.

  "Thank you."

  We leave the common room in silence, and not the comfortable kind. I need to do better.

  "How did you find your first day?" I ask.

  "Overwhelming," she admits. "There's so much I don't understand."

  "Can I help with any of it? I'm always here if you have any questions. Mathias is too."


  I chuckle. "What do you want to know about him?"

  "Is he really as nice as he seems?"

  I gesture to the stairs in front of us and we begin to climb.

  "I suppose that depends what you mean by nice. He's charming, intelligent, and easy to get along with." I can't keep the affection out of my voice.

  "Oh, so you and him..."

  Oops. Too much affection it seems. "Definitely not," I assure her. "I'm dating his twin."

  "Sorry," she mumbles.

  "Don't worry about it, all you did was ask a question."

  "Why..." she trails off, piquing my curiosity.

  "We need to go to the left here," I tell her. "Why what?" I prompt after a moment.

  She sighs. "Why aren't you more annoyed about this?"

  "This being you asking about Mathias, or that I'm showing you to your room?" I keep half an eye on the room numbers as we walk down the corridor. I don't want to drag her any further than she needs to go when she seems so tired.


  I glance to the side in time to see a slight smile tugging at her lips. Ah good. She isn't completely on edge around me.

  "Mathias may be my friend, but he's more than c
apable of looking after himself. And you don't need to worry, he hasn't had a serious girlfriend in the entire time I've known him."

  "Ah, so he sleeps around."

  I snort. "No, I don't think so. He just likes to flirt, but secretly, he's a bit of a romantic." And maybe this girl is going to encourage that to come out more. I can see it happening, especially with how he was looking at her. "This is you." I gesture to a door with one-hundred-and-fifty-seven written on it.

  I slot the key into the door and pull it open, then gesture for her to enter.

  She smiles at me as she slips into her new room, and this time, it's a bit more genuine. If I have to guess, then I'd say that she's warming to me. I hope we can become friends in time, especially if Mathias is going to try and date her.

  "Would you like to come in?" she asks after another moment. "I have a few more questions."

  Oh yes, the two of us are going to become good friends. I can't wait to get to know her properly.

  "Absolutely," I respond and step inside her room. I have a good feeling about Syxe.

  Thank you for reading Grove Captain, I hope you enjoyed it. If you want more reapers, you can find the first book of Syxe's story (which will feature more Juliet!) here:

  Author Note

  Thank you for reading Grove Captain, I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into life at Scythe Grove Academy. The concept for the series has been going around my head for nearly two years already, and I'm really excited to finally be bringing it to life through the eyes of Juliet and Syxe (who will become friends!) I've loved delving into their world and working out how some of the Obscure World reapers work!


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