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Irrevocable (The Exiled Eight MC Book 1)

Page 10

by Addison Jane

  The sexual tension between the two of us was fueled more and more every time we came close. It was like static electricity. The more we rubbed up against each other, the more sparks we created, and the more we knew that the one shock we were going to get would be huge.

  And it seemed like we’d finally reached that point.

  “Last chance, Dakota,” Rip murmured as we stood in the middle of his room, my body still wrapped around him. His eyes stared directly into mine. Right now, they reminded me of honey, sweet and smooth, the golden color on the inside pushing back the usually dark shades that cloud the edges. They made me feel warm, they gave me comfort and made me feel like I just couldn’t get close enough to him.

  He held me up so easily, his arms wrapped under me so even when I unwound one of my arms from around his neck and brushed my fingers through his hair, he didn’t even wobble or waver.

  “Why do you keep offering me escapes?” I asked with a whisper, surprised at how the tone between us had changed slightly.

  I was horny as hell, desperate to touch him, feel him, and test this obvious crazy surge of energy we’d both tried to fight up until now. But I was also enjoying this slow pace, these few moments where there was peace swirling around us instead of storm clouds and the way that neither of us were really in a hurry.

  “Because you’re fucking beautiful and you’re amazing. And you’re a girl who deserves a man who’s going to make all kinds of vows to you,” he explained, his words washing over me like a gentle summer breeze, one you just want to bask in and enjoy. “I’ve never been the sweet words and confessions kind of guy, Dakota. You know that. I’m an asshole.”

  “A sexy asshole,” I teased.

  “An asshole who wants to fuck you until you scream my name, anything beyond that I can’t make you any promises.”

  “I’m not asking you to propose,” I jested as my fingers traveled down the side of his face, enjoying the feel of his rough five o’clock shadow against my fingertips. “Have you ever known me to be that kind of girl? The one who wants to exchange compliments, or the girl who needs to be told that she’s special.”

  “You are fucking special,” he argued, his brow knotting. “Fuck! You’re sexy, you’re fierce, you’re strong, and goddamn if I hate the idea of any other asshole treating you any less than you deserve.”

  My tongue swiped out and wet my lips as they became slightly dry. I wasn’t sure what was going on. This Rip, he was different, and I wasn’t quite sure where he’d come from.

  “It’s a good thing I’m the type of girl who would never let a man treat me that way,” I teased, taking his long hair between my fingers and pulling it gently until his eyes sparked alight. “I don’t need promises, I don’t need to be questioned. Here are my expectations. You make me come. I give you the same courtesy. And when we’re done, you can tell me how amazing I am.”

  I was playing it off, and I was doing a damn good job of it too.

  I was fucking petrified.

  Just his kiss had made me lose my mind, and here I was thinking that jumping into bed with him was going to change nothing?

  I was fucking kidding myself.

  His eyes opened, just barely, but enough to let me know he was surprised by my response.

  He turned my body, pressing my back against the door and pushing his hips forward. The thick ridge of his cock beneath his jeans pressed against my pussy. It was hard. It was huge. And my heart rate was suddenly rising and rising higher.

  “How about this. Expectations. I make you come. I shoot my shit deep inside that hot little pussy. And then after your voice is so raw from screaming my name, you can beg me to do it all over again?”

  I pulled my bottom lip back in between my teeth as I tried not to grin like a maniac. “Oh my God,” I whispered, pulling my body forward so it was plastered against his naked chest. “And I thought for a moment I’d lost you. But there you are.”

  His shit-eating grin grew wider.

  I should have known better than to underestimate a guy like fucking Ripley.

  The thud of his jeans hitting the floor surprised me, not just because they sounded so fucking heavy, but because I had no idea how he’d managed to get them down. Then one of his hands slipped between my legs, instantly making me gasp as he grabbed the inside leg of my panties and yanked it to the side.

  I didn’t even have time to wonder what the hell he was up to before his arms slipped from under my ass to under my knees, instantly spreading me wide and practically dropping me straight down onto his cock. I gasped loudly, my nails digging into his skin as he thrust his cock inside me, using the door at my back to hold me up.

  He laughed softly, the sound driving me crazier because he knew that I was totally at his mercy. He pounded hard inside me, the wetness from my last orgasm still very much present and making it almost too easy for him to slip in and out and hit exactly the spot that he’s searching for.

  “Fuck yes,” he hissed, pausing for a moment before slamming hard and deep inside me and making me cling to him for dear life as my body came alight. “This what you wanted?”

  “Yes,” I gasped, my body shaking as he did it again.

  “Feel like I’m gonna break you,” he hissed between his teeth as he started sinking in and out torturously slow.

  I didn’t care, though. “Then break me.”

  His eyes lit up in surprise. “What’s that?”

  “Just fuck me, Rip,” I whispered, knowing that the words were barely audible but refusing to let him win just yet.

  “Goddammit,” he cursed, suddenly pulling me away from the door and carrying me over to the bed, kicking his jeans away in the process. “Take your clothes off and get on your knees.”

  He let me fall onto the bed, and I crawled to the center, my ass in the air swaying and my pussy glistening, desperate to come.

  Sitting up on my knees, I grasped at the bottom of the hoodie I had on and tugged it up. Just when I wondered how I was going to get it over my head without hurting myself, two hands pushed mine away, and he took over.

  Unconsciously, I lifted my arms over my head and allowed him to raise it straight up and off, his gentle touch surprised me, but I was appreciative of it as he carefully maneuvered the hoodie over my head without pulling at my hair.

  The offending garment was tossed into the corner of the room

  I looked at him over my shoulder as he pulled back slightly, his eyes like a predator, watching me, his eyes skimming over every part of my naked skin, ready to grab me in case I tried to run.

  I couldn’t help myself. “Staring at it isn’t going to make it come.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked almost excitedly as he crawled in closer, spreading my legs as he settled in behind me, his cock pressed right against my ass. His hand trailed up the side of my waist and across over my chest. “I didn’t quite hear you?” he teased, just as he swiped his fingers across my hard nipple.

  That could have made me come alone.

  My back arched, and I leaned back into him, my head resting on his shoulder.

  “Fuck,” Ripley cursed. “Goddamn, you’re fucking perfect. Like a damn pixie.” One of his hands continued to tease my nipple, while the other brushed my hair to the side exposing my neck.

  The room was suddenly very quiet.

  He wasn’t demanding my obedience.

  Or testing to see how far he could push me before I gave in.

  “Dakota, dammit, you fuck with my head. This was meant to be different,” he whispered, his fingers tugging softly at my nipple before trailing over my waist and slipping between my legs. I took in a sharp breath as he flicked his finger over my clit. Then he leaned forward, his body covering mine, his mouth peppering kisses across my shoulder blades as he once again set my body on fire and forced me onto my hands. “Part of me wants to fuck you so goddamn hard.”

  I wanted to nod or scream yes, do it, fucking please.

  I could feel him lining his cock up, sliding the head thro
ugh my lips a few times just to torment me.

  “But I know if I do, it will be over, it’ll be done, and I’m just not ready to stop fucking touching you.”

  “Then don’t,” I whispered, not ready to have him stop either.

  I could tell he was struggling.

  I was too. This was more than before. This was us sharing our bodies, this was us discovering one more thing about the other, and this was one thing we couldn’t take back after.

  Before we could have pretended like we didn’t notice the sexual tension swarming around us. We could have told ourselves that it was nothing, just our imagination. But both of us knew now that it wasn’t. And both of us knew now that the spark we felt before was quite capable of lighting a fire.

  My body already craved more of his touch.

  The fire was raging around us, it was going to be up to us whether we decided to put it out and go back to pretending, or let it rage around us and hope it didn’t burn us to the ground.

  “I need to hear the words, Pixie,” he rasped. The nickname was new, but it still warmed me.

  I licked my lips. “Ripley,” I murmured softly. “I want you to fuck me, please,” I pleaded, not caring that he’d won now.

  I wanted him.

  My body was aching for him.

  And this was possibly the only night I would have him.

  “Dammit,” he cursed as he thrust himself inside me, his hands gripping my hips as he pulled back and drove in again.

  “Fuck!” I cursed, throwing my head back. My hands gripped the sheets beneath me, twisting them in my fingers, trying to hold on while he fucked me harder than I could ever remember anyone using my body. And I loved it, I fucking loved it.

  Hearing him curse under his breath only brought me closer and closer to the edge. I didn’t know what he was saying, but I knew he was going just as crazy as I was.

  “Ripley,” I moaned.

  “Can’t hear you, Dakota.”

  I knew much louder and my best friend who lived about five rooms down might possibly hear, but at that point, I would have done anything he asked me to do if it meant he would keep making me feel that way.

  “Rip!” I groaned, my body beginning to overheat, catching fire. My pussy started to clench, and my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest at any moment.

  Then just to push me over the edge, he reached for my breast and pinched my nipple. Every single nerve ending was suddenly tingling, my body shaking as it struggled to hold me up while my release washed over me. I dropped to my elbows, burying my face in the sheets as I fought the urge to release a very loud, very long line of expletives.

  Ripley continued to drive his cock inside me while I convulsed around him. “Dammit!” he growled, pounding harder and harder and stealing my breath. Just when I thought I was done, everything began to build again, but this time so quickly that I didn’t have time to even prepare for how hard it hit me.

  “Oh, God!” I cried out as my entire body shuddered, and I fell to pieces beneath him. My hands hurt from gripping the sheets so tightly, and I felt like I might never be able to find my breath.

  He growled loudly, thrusting hard inside and holding my hips captive. “Holy fuck, woman,” he cursed, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to my back. It was hot and did nothing to cool my burning body.

  Every movement with him still inside me made my muscles jerk.

  Everything was so sensitive. One tiny brush against my skin felt intense.

  There was a hard slap across my ass cheek, sending a short sting across my skin before his hand moved across, soothing it.

  “Ripley!” I snapped, partially wondering why the hell that actually felt good, partially ready to pull his fucking head off.

  He chuckled softly as he pulled out and moved back, leaving me fucking exhausted and unable to move in the middle of his bed with my ass in the air.


  Another sharp sting was quickly soothed by the press of his lips.

  Damn this fucking guy.

  Every part of Ripley gives me whiplash. From the moments where he’s condescending and arrogant to the times where he’s so gentle and attentive that my soul warms.

  I’ve never wanted more to punch someone and then kiss it better.

  Multiple times.

  Between his fucking legs.

  His lips moved up and over my hip. “Stay there, I’ll get something to clean you up.”

  He climbed off the bed and left me there, but I’ll tell you one thing, I found it strangely fucking sexy to have a man offer to get you something after he’d fucked the shit out of you and came inside you.

  It’s not exactly sexy to have to place your hand between your legs and make the run to the bathroom so you don’t leave shit everywhere.

  Not many guys fucking get that, and to be honest, I never would have imagined that he would have been one of them. But it seemed like Ripley was destroying a lot of already perceived ideas I had about him tonight.

  It made me want to know more.

  There was no doubt in my mind that Ripley was the asshole he showed to everyone, but I was starting to see things below the surface which told me that wasn’t his entire story. I should know because I tended to use a lot of the same tactics to hide my own. I knew it was dangerous to dig deeper. But strangely, it wasn’t because I was scared of finding something that terrified me, or that I didn’t like.

  What if I found more than that?

  What if I found something that I could love?

  What the hell had I gotten into?


  “Aunt Dee!” a little voice called in delight from the doorway.

  I looked up to see my niece, Evie, trying to navigate the stairs that lead up to Austin and Amelia’s house.

  I stood there grinning from ear to ear as I watched her take them one at a time, the concentration and determination on her little face so intense that I didn’t want to steal her thunder by rushing up and whipping her into my arms like I so desperately wanted to. It took her at least an entire minute to navigate the staircase, but when she got to the bottom, she took off running at full speed toward me.

  I knelt down and opened my arms wide to catch her, but it had been a few weeks since I’d seen her, and I swear to God she’d grown about three inches in that time. So when she hit me, it threw my entire body off balance, and I fell back with a thump onto the concrete path right on my ass. Evie landed on top of me with a wide smile, her hands in the air like we were on some kind of ride.

  I groaned. “Ouch, kid. What the hell has your father been teaching you? How to be a linebacker?”

  Soft laughter from the house drew my attention, and I looked up to see Amelia jogging toward us. “You’re actually not entirely wrong.” She grinned as she lifted the large three-year-old from my lap. “Austin decided kids self-defense classes were a good idea, and she’s spent the last two weeks practicing her new tricks on us.”

  I cringed. “Only Austin.”

  She hooked Evie onto her hip and rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. Luckily though, last week’s lesson was foot stomping, and he suffered for it.”

  “Good job.” I laughed as I locked my car and followed her inside.

  Evie was off like a flash heading for her playroom, while Amelia and I chatted and headed in through the house.

  Rounding the hall and into the kitchen, I instantly got a whiff of a smell that picked me up and dropped me straight back into my childhood—my mom’s chicken pot pie. “Thank the Lord above,” I groaned in delight as I skipped up beside her and wrapped my arms around the woman who didn’t give me life, but who was the reason I was alive? “Hey, Mama.”

  Her soft laughter was warm and comforting. While staying at the clubhouse wasn’t so bad, they really needed to get a woman in there who knew how to cook because I feel like I’d gained about twenty pounds this week.

  “Hey, my beautiful girl,” she replied, turning her head and pressing her lips to my cheek. Sh
e froze for a second before pulling back and narrowing her eyes. “Why do you smell like cigarette smoke?”

  Amelia looked up, her eyebrow raised in question while my mother narrowed her gaze at me, waiting for my answer.

  The answer was because I’d been sitting outside with Ripley for the past couple of hours while he tried his best to avoid Lauren. I could tell she was driving him crazy, constantly fighting for his attention, but also looking at the other club members around the place like they were less than even though they were still letting her stay there when she really had no need to be there any longer.

  Sure, it wasn’t Ripley’s club, but he respected the fact that they were letting us all stay there. Even though Meyah was Rip’s sister, they still didn’t have to let all these outsiders in.

  “No, I haven’t taken up smoking,” I defended, leaning back when she moved in further. “I’ve been at the clubhouse, and one of the boys smokes.”

  “And how close were you to this boy that his smoke is lingering on your clothing?” Amelia questioned with a bright ‘caught you’ smile on her face. “Is he hot?”

  “Is he nice?” Mom added a little louder.

  Unlike my brother, Amelia and Mom had no weird anti-MC feelings. They had both met Meyah and Ham right alongside Austin, and both agreed they were sweet and polite. Ham may have been the VP of the club, but he was raised with good manners and a kind heart.

  “I’m not having this weird conversation with you,” I answered pulling away from my mom and stepping around her to the stove where there was a pot of soup cooking.

  “So, there is someone?” Amelia laughed in excitement before stopping mid-giggle. “Oh, Lord help us all when you tell Austin you’re dating a biker.”

  “I’m not dating anyone,” I protested, snatching the ladle from inside the large soup pot and pointing it across the room at her. “I am not dating anyone. I’m just spending time at the clubhouse.” If you consider sneaking around the clubhouse at night and sleeping with Meyah’s brother just spending time there like I had been for the past four days, then sure.

  Mom snatched the soup ladle from my hand and dropped it back in the pot. “Your pathetic protest is getting soup all over my floor.”


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