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Irrevocable (The Exiled Eight MC Book 1)

Page 19

by Addison Jane

  The moment Ripley touched me, even just to take my hand or to kiss me, instantly electrified my senses. And he was about to not only explore the most sensitive part, but he was going to be on a mission to drive me fucking crazy at the same time. Because he was an asshole like that. And he got off on tormenting my body. But the scary thing was, so did I.

  He scooped out some of the frosting with his fingers, and while I knew it came out of the fridge, when he swiped it across my right nipple, my back instantly bowed off the table, and I screamed. “Oh, my, shit!” I gasped, staring down at my nipple that now felt like it was completely frozen and tingling in a way I’d never felt before.

  “Three,” Ripley counted in delight as he leaned over and swiped at the frosting with his tongue. It took everything inside me to hold my body on that fucking table and to keep my hands from reaching for his cock. His tongue swirled around the hard bud for a moment before he took the entire thing into his mouth, the heat eased the sting of the cold and making my body shudder. “More?”

  “Please,” I conceded.

  This time he trailed the frosting around my other nipple before trailing it down the center of my stomach, my eyes glued to the way his fingers trailed across my skin. His other hand reached for his jeans, unbuttoning them and dragging the fly down before letting them fall to the floor. There was nothing underneath. His cock sprung free, and he stepped forward allowing it to bump against my pussy.

  My body jerked, and my instant reaction was to reach for my breasts. I wanted to touch them. Squeeze them. Pinch them. Knowing that they were so sensitive they would send my body off like a damn rocket. But before I could do anything, he snatched them up and whipped them over my head. His body came over the top of mine, his now free cock slipping between the folds of my pussy, which was now coating it with wetness, and he pushed his hips forward and back.

  “Ripley…” I moaned but he quickly stole that too, slipping his tongue into my mouth, dueling with my own as I tried to fight back. He pulled away just enough to leave a breath of air between our lips.

  “That’s four.”

  “Spank me, fuck me, I don’t care, please,” I pleaded, lurching forward and pressing my lips to his, not able to get enough of his kisses and the sweetness on his tongue. He pushed his hips forward again, and his cock bumped my clit which with the way my body was alight, was already enough to almost make me come. He pulled back, not even bothering to answer as he picked up the frosting and dug out a handful.


  He swiped the entire thing all the way down my stomach to the top of my pussy before wiping some on my ass cheek and looking over at me with a smirk. His eyes stayed connected to mine as his head dipped and his tongue caught my clit for a brief second—a fucking tease, just to torment me—lighting every single nerve ending in my body on fire before he continued on up my stomach, scooping up the frosting as he climbed my body. His cock teased my pussy while he licked at my lips, his tongue colored pink making me smile.

  Then he thrust forward burying his cock deep inside me with no warning. My back bowed off the table, and he tugged my bottom lip with his teeth as he drew back and thrust sharply again making the entire table shake.

  “Goddamn,” I mumbled, grabbing hold of his cut in my hands and clutching it tightly as he continued to pound away inside me, each thrust building an explosion, piece by piece.

  He stood up, grabbing my legs and pulling my ass toward him so it was hanging over the edge of the table. “Can’t fucking control myself around you, Dakota,” he growled. I moaned loudly as he flicked his thumb over my clit, making my entire body jerk. He chuckled softly. “That’s it, pixie? That what you want?”

  He did it again.

  “Yes,” I cried, throwing my head back and gasping for air as the electrical currents shot through me.

  That was his switch. He flicked it again, thrusting harder and faster.

  “Please, Rip,” I groaned, my hands moving to my breasts. The frosting made them slippery and smooth, and my finger slid across my nipples in the most delicious way.

  “Fuck!” Rip cursed, and pulled out, stepping back and grabbing my hand to pull me from the table. He fisted my hair, not caring that I was pressing frosting all over his colors as he devoured my mouth and slipped his hand between my legs. His fingers found my clit, and he started to strum at it while holding me captive.

  My legs started to shake instantly, and the need to come was like a tidal wave hitting my body.

  No warning.

  No time to prepare.

  He tugged my hair back, dropping his mouth to my breast as I came, my entire body shaking like it might crumble to the floor. I held on tightly to him, and just when I thought it was done, he grabbed my hips and spun me around, forcing my front onto the table and my ass in the damn air. My pussy was still clenching, and twitching when he slammed his cock back inside me.

  “Oh my God,” I groaned, pressing my forehead to the table and holding on for dear life as he rode me fucking hard.

  The sharp sting of his hand on my ass forced me to jump and made my pussy practically scream in delight. Then he moved to the other cheek. “Fuck!”

  “That’s two, pixie. You want the rest?” he asked, breathing heavily. I could tell he was close, his hand clasping my hip like he was trying his best to hold back.

  “Yes, please,” I moaned loudly, throwing my head back and squeezing my eyes shut as I could feel the second wave begin to crash over me.

  Three, four, five, six.

  The sting was sharp and exactly what I fucking needed.

  “Come, baby,” he growled as my pussy tightened around his cock, choking it, and pulling at it. He pressed in hard, holding it there as he came, the deep, coarse moan that left his lips almost enough to have me wanting to go again.

  If my body would stop tingling.

  And if my legs would stop shaking.

  I was holding onto the table below me, scared to let go because I knew I’d just crumble straight down onto the floor. My heart felt like it was never going to slow down, and as Rip pulled himself out of me, I let out a soft moan, my hips wiggling on their own like they missed him.

  “Fuck that’s a sight and a half,” he admired from behind me. “My woman. Thoroughly fucked. Covered in frosting. And wanting fucking more.”


  My body jumped. “Fucking bastard,” I snapped, but still didn’t move.

  “That was one for luck.” He chuckled.

  Rip moved around the table, picking up a container that seemed to have stayed intact and opening it. “Why did you make so many? They’re going to go to waste.” He shook his head, lifting one out and taking a huge bite. It was a couple of chews before his face screwed up and he turned to the side, the chewed cupcake falling out and onto the floor. “Oh, my fucking God, are you trying to murder someone?”

  I looked up at him and grinned. “So, I never said I was a good baker. I just said I baked.”

  He looked at me, horrified.

  “Jesus Christ, what the fuck have I got myself into?”


  I turned on the shower, holding my hand under the water and waiting for it to heat as I watched Dakota struggle to pick tiny bits of frosting out of her hair. Her nose was scrunched up like a little rabbit as she focused on one specific strand, her eyes narrowed and determined. I wasn’t even really sure how the pink, sugary substance got there.

  I thought I’d done pretty well with the small amount of control I had displayed, but I was also extremely afraid to go back into the kitchen and really survey the damage. This shit between Dakota and me, it was a fucking hazard, I swear. The moment I got her within reach, every bit of common sense leaps out the goddamn window and makes a run for it.

  It’s never been like that with anyone else. I was always the one in control, I was always the one dictating the rules. But with Dakota, the entire game had changed.

  “Are you actually going to get in the shower? Or are you just
waiting for it to run out of water and get cold so you can hose down your soldier?” She stepped close, looking right up at me with a sparkle in her eyes, daring me to throw something back.

  “My soldier likes to be prepared in case he’s needed again,” I replied, hooking my finger under her chin and tilting my head slightly in question.

  She snorted and shook her head before climbing over the edge of the bath and into the almost scalding water. “You can tell your man to stand down. I have frosting in places which were never meant to be frosted and right now, all I need is someone who’s going to help me wash it away, not make it worse.”

  I smirked as I climbed into the bath and settled in behind her taking the soap from her hands before she could begin to use it. She seemed to let that go freely, leaning her head back on my shoulder as I swiped the soap across her stomach. The water instantly began to turn pink as it swirled down the drain.

  “Thanks,” she whispered softly as I meticulously moved my hands over her pale, slightly freckled skin and washing away that sickly sweet smell. Her body leaned back into mine, and she yawned loudly.

  I chuckled. “That’s what you get for day drinking.”

  “Your sister…” She let the words hang there, and I could hear her mind working overtime to find the right sentence that would explain how she felt, without insulting anyone. Because while Dakota was a little rough around the edges, and generally didn’t give a shit about who or what she said, when it came to the people closest to her, it pained her to think that she might hurt them. “She’s a fucking machine. But man, she crashed at like 3:00 p.m., and she won’t be getting up before her alarm tomorrow.”

  My hand brushed across her nipple as I moved up her chest and every muscle twitched, her body jumping a little. “Did you drink less?”

  She shook her head. “I just don’t sleep.”

  “But I found you in my bed.”

  “And was I sleeping?”

  No, she wasn’t.

  “Why don’t you sleep?” I asked curiously as I turned her body around. She pressed her forehead to my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist while I washed at the semi-hardened frosting which was smeared across her ass cheeks. The way she wrapped her body around mine and leaned into me felt so fucking natural that I wouldn’t even care right now if the water went cold.

  I’d stay there.

  Because it felt good.

  And because fuck it. I wanted to let myself just stop and stand for a moment where I actually felt fucking good.

  Dakota shrugged. “I’ve always been that way since I was little. My dad thought maybe when I was younger that it was because I was waiting for my mom and dad to come back and get me.”

  “And were you?”

  Her eyes looked up at me. “No. I don’t remember them. Their faces, their voices, their smell, but even as a toddler I knew they weren’t coming back.” Her nose screwed up a little, and she pursed her lips together, wiggling them side to side as she thought about what she was saying. “It’s almost like… something happened while I was young, something really bad, but my brain decided it was going to protect me from that, so it deleted the memory, and just left me with this weird knowing.”

  My entire body shuddered dramatically, and she instantly pulled back in surprise.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, looking at me in concern.

  It was like she had read my story, it was like she knew my mind. I couldn’t answer right away. The water at this stage was bordering on warm, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until it went completely cold, so I put the soap down at the edge of the bath and stepped out, grabbing a towel and holding it open for her. She looked hard at me for a few seconds before she finally switched off the water and stepped out and into the towel allowing me to wrap it around her before I reached for my own.

  I could tell she thought it was a little weird, she was still getting used to that side of me that wasn’t cracking lines at her, or being a total ass. Instead, I was being the fucking gentleman. No, I was being the man my father had taught me to be when it came to those people who held more than a special place in our lives. And it was becoming glaringly obvious that person was Dakota.

  We moved across the hall to the bedroom, and Dakota began digging through her drawers, pulling out a new pair of panties and bra, slipping them on before pulling over a baggy T-shirt that looked a few sizes too big.

  I pulled on my briefs and tossed the rest to the side. I’d have to wait until I got back to the clubhouse to get dressed since I left my duffle bag there in my hurry to get this woman home.

  “I have nightmares,” I murmured before clearing my throat and trying to force out the rest. I hated talking about them. The nightmares made me feel weak like I wasn’t strong enough to get past what happened, or like people would point and laugh if they knew I still had bad dreams.

  “I know,” she noted, sitting up in the bed and folding her legs in like she was a child sitting on the mat at school.

  “You know?” I questioned, suddenly feeling a little too exposed. I moved to climb back off the bed, but she grabbed my arm, her small fingers wrapping around my wrist. I looked down at them, my gaze following the trail up her arm until I reached her face.

  She tried to smile. “When we were at the clubhouse… there was a couple of times I woke up to you talking, thinking you were talking to me.”

  I should have left it.

  But my mouth moved on its own. “What did I say?”

  “Momma,” she whispered, looking me directly in the eye with this sadness and pity that I hated. This time I pulled away completely, climbing off Dakota’s bed and putting some space between us. “Rip, honestly, tell me… I want to hear about them.”

  The embarrassment got the best of me, my mind instantly going back to the place of self-defense. I was heading for the door when I turned and looked over my shoulder. “If you thought this was some moment where we’d have pillow talk and braid each other’s hair then you were fucking mistaken.” I reached for the handle.

  “Don’t you dare,” Dakota snapped. She scrambled to get off the bed, unashamed of her near nakedness and staring straight back at me across the room, her shoulders back like she was ready to take on fucking anything. “You fucking walk out that door, don’t come back, Rip. I don’t need another coward in my life who dumps me on my ass the second shit gets hard, or things get rough.”

  I spun around, my heart skipping as I took two giant steps toward her. “The fuck did you just say?”

  “I’ve already been tossed aside in my life. You want to walk out, go right ahead, but just know I won’t be chasing after you, and I won’t be waiting up at night for you to come back for me either.” I could see the way her eyes were sparkling with unshed tears.

  She called me out.

  Of course, she fucking did.

  Why the hell would I expect anything less?

  I couldn’t answer, my throat was clogged, and I was looking at this woman standing in front of me like she was some kind of warrior. Ready to stand her ground even though I could see the way her tears fell onto her cheeks at the proposition.

  I continued to just stare back at her, my heart and my mind in total conflict with one another. My heart not ready to let go of her—the person who seems to know my pain almost as well as I did—but my mind not sure if it’s ready to share the thoughts and images I’ve spent so long burying as deeply as possible.

  “You know my demons, so why won’t you show me yours?” she whispered, her chest heaving.

  “Because your demons are still where you left them, right there in the past. Mine are still in here.” I jabbed at my temple with my finger squeezing my eyes shut tightly. “And they continue to drag me right back to that night. Almost every single night, I have to go back to being that petrified six-year-old, the one who found his mom’s body in the bathroom, the one who sat there for hours wondering why I wasn’t good enough for her to stay.”

  She stared.

  I k
new she’d heard the story.

  Dakota lurched forward, grabbing my hands and getting right in my face, so I couldn’t miss what she had to say. “I’m so fucking sorry you had to go through that,” she whispered, her fingers tightening when I tried to pull away. “I told you before, I’m not going to sugarcoat shit and pretend like that will make everything all better. But I need you to know I don’t fucking care.”

  My brow knotted together in a confused frown.

  But before I could question her, she continued. “I get it, they make you feel like a child again, they make you feel vulnerable and scared, and they’re a constant reminder of the pain.”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. It was like she could see every goddamn secret I was trying to hide. It was as if she just fucking knew, like she could not only read my mind, but read my soul. And I wasn’t sure if I should be scared to death or attach myself to her and never fucking let her go.

  “I get that it’s a part of you, but it’s a part that I would never change, and that I would never change because it’s made you into the man you are today, and I’m falling for that man, so fucking hard.” A tear dripped onto her cheek as she pushed up on her tiptoes and tucked her face into my neck. “So, if you need to leave, leave. But just know that if you stay, I will take you, those damn demons, and the bad attitude that I knew came with the package when I signed up for this.”

  Fucking Christ.

  This woman.

  If there was one thing I’d learned from my dad, it was that the woman who you chose to be your Old Lady, you needed to honor her like she was your queen. You showed her the respect she deserved for putting up with your bullshit, and you had her back just as often as she had yours.

  Dakota though, she was already a queen. A no bullshit, creates her own rules, building an empire, off with their head, fucking type of queen.

  The way she caught fire and burned so bright, it always made me want to stand back with a smile and watch her blaze. It was beautiful and enchanting. She was the kind of woman who men in the club wanted. She stood proud, she didn’t shy and held her own, and she was just as strong without your dumbass as she was with.


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