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Baby Mine (Hunter & Lennon duet Book 1)

Page 27

by Kennedy Fox

  Lennon invades every part of me, more than ever before, and after tasting her lips, I’m worried I’ll lose my self-control. Though I can’t. Things can’t escalate, no matter how badly I want it. Lennon needs a friend, someone she can trust and rely on.

  Not to mention, I’d forever live with the remorse of betraying my best friend. Though there’s one secret of his I plan to take to the grave. I can’t lie to Lennon, not if I want to stay in her life, but it’s one thing I promised Brandon. He’s no longer here to propose, and I don’t know if knowing would hurt her worse or give her closure. She’s in better spirits from a few weeks ago even though I know she’s still grieving. With that, we’re now going to pretend to be married, so how in the hell do I mention Brandon bought her an engagement ring and was ready to ask her to be his wife on this very trip?

  Hell, if I knew, then I’d know what to do with the damn ring that burns a hole in my nightstand.

  Ever since I found the ring in their bedroom, I’ve gone back and forth on what to do with it. Give it to his mother? Let her decide? Keep it for when Lennon’s ready to know, if she’ll ever be ready to know. I hate that I’m left to make this decision when either one could hurt her, or worse—have her running from me.

  Each night over the past week, I’ve dreamed of Lennon and our fake marriage. It feels so fucking real, I don’t realize I’m dreaming. She looks at me as if I’m the only man in the room, and then as soon as I touch her, Brandon’s face appears. Every damn time, I wake up gasping, ready to take a beating from him because that’s what I deserve.

  I’m so fucked.

  Battling my emotions has been the hardest part of agreeing to this arrangement. I didn’t even take a second to think about how this plan would affect me before blurting it out, but I don’t regret it. I’d do it over and over again if it meant keeping her happy and stress-free.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” I greet as soon as I hear Lennon’s feet pad into the kitchen. I love being able to sleep in a little on Saturdays, but it’s never much. After I start a pot of coffee, I make breakfast, knowing Lennon needs food to fully wake up.

  “Ugh.” She leans against the counter, her blond hair a mess on top of her head. She looks freaking adorable.

  “Rough night?” I arch a brow, glancing at her over my shoulder as I cook an omelet on the stove. “Looks like you got into a fight with a toaster in the shower.” I smirk when she looks up at me and glares.

  “It’s not fair that you literally wake up like that…” She waves her arm up and down, motioning to my body.

  I chuckle. “It’s a curse.”

  Lennon snorts, moving around me to reach the fridge. “I had a hard time falling asleep. My nerves are shot, not to mention it’s getting uncomfortable to sleep. My boobs are annoying and sensitive, and I feel like a beached whale.”

  I shoot her a look, linger over her breasts, then move my gaze down to her belly. “You have the tiniest bump.”

  She takes the jug of orange juice and slams the door shut. “Well, it doesn’t feel tiny when I’m trying to sleep.”

  Oh hey, hormonal Lennon. I snicker, her death glares always cracking me up.

  “I heard a body pillow can help during pregnancy. Want me to find you one?” I ask casually, expecting to catch heat for reading up on this kind of shit.

  “I was thinking about it actually.” She pours juice in a cup, then takes a long sip. “Wait. How do you know about those?” She pauses, then continues before I can respond. “Never mind. I should know the answer to that one.” Lennon laughs, then gives me an appreciative smile.

  “I like reading up on stuff so I have more knowledge about what you’re going through. You know I’m not going anywhere, so I want to educate myself.” I flip the omelet once more.

  “Well, it is your apartment, so it’s not like you’d leave anyway.” Lennon takes a seat at the table, and I shoot her a glare before turning off the stove.

  “Yours too since your name’s on the lease,” I mutter softly, grabbing two plates from the cabinet.

  “What?” she asks loudly.

  “I put your name on the lease,” I repeat, emphasizing each word. “So it’s not just my apartment. It’s yours too.”

  She gives me a quizzical look, glancing up at me from her glass. “When did you do that?”

  I place an omelet on each of the plates, grab two forks, then bring them to the table where I set one in front of her and take the other. “About a month ago.”

  Lennon stares up at me. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

  I shrug, not seeing why she’s so rattled about this. “I guess it just hasn’t come up till now.”

  Digging into my food, I take a huge bite so I have an excuse not to speak. Lennon’s eyes burn into my skin, and after a minute, I can’t take it any longer and stand to get myself a glass of juice. By the time I sit back down, I’m happy to see Lennon’s eaten half of her omelet.

  “Hunter.” Her scolding tone has me bringing my eyes to hers. “You really added my name to the lease?”

  I set down my fork and give her my undivided attention. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”

  She looks around and blinks. “Well, I don’t know. It just seems kinda significant.”

  “I said it before, and I’ll say it again in case you’re experiencing forgetful pregnancy brain,” I begin, which makes her chuckle. “You aren’t going anywhere, and neither am I. This place is just as much mine as it is yours. You and the baby and me…as weird as that is, I don’t give a shit. This works.”

  Lennon frowns, which is the opposite of what I was expecting. “That’s a big commitment from someone who can’t commit to the same pizza place.”

  “That’s different,” I tell her. “Not to mention, I like a variety of pizza.”

  “And what happens when you’re ready for a change?”

  “Then I order Chinese food instead.”

  “Hunter!” She bursts out laughing. “You know what I mean.”

  “Do you trust me?” I ask her again, just as I did last night. She nods, keeping her lips tight. “If we’re pulling off a fake marriage, then don’t you think my wife should be on the rental lease?”

  “Who the hell is going to check that?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me,” I mock.

  “Pfft. It’s my apartment, remember? So I actually added you to my lease when we got married.” She snickers. “Except you didn’t think of this plan until a week ago.”

  “Lennon,” I warn. “Drop it.”

  Thankfully, she does, and we go back to eating in silence. Once I’m done, I rinse my plate and load the dishwasher. Then I make a cup of coffee, and Lennon glares at me.

  “You can’t hate me for drinking caffeine,” I tease.

  “No, but I can still scowl about it.”

  I smile as I take another sip. “You can have one cup, Lennon,” I remind her. “If you want.”

  “Of course I want, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. The last thing I need is a hyperactive toddler running circles around me.” She places a hand on her little bump.

  “I don’t think it works that way, but suit yourself.” I wink. “Let me know when you’re ready to finish those notecards.”

  She takes her last bite, then slides her plate next to mine. “Thanks for breakfast.” She smiles at me. “I’m gonna shower, then I’ll be ready to play wifey.” She groans, rolling her eyes, and frowns.

  “You sure know how to make your husband feel good,” I say as she saunters off.

  Lennon stops before leaving the kitchen. “Oh sorry, did I bruise your inflated ego? Figured that was impossible.” She makes a face at me, then walks down the hallway.

  “Pretty sassy for a pregnant woman!” I holler so she can hear me, but I can’t stop smiling as I drink my coffee.

  Deciding I better take this opportunity to call Hayden since we’ve only randomly texted over the past few months, I grab my phone. I haven’t filled him in on the details of what’s been going on since
Brandon’s death. Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin. He texted me a few days ago, and it totally slipped my mind to call him when I got off work. I wait until I hear the water running and Lennon singing before I dial his number.

  “Hey, bro,” he answers. “I was wondering when I was gonna hear from you again.”

  “Shit, I know. I’m sorry. Lots going on,” I tell him, walking into the living room.

  “I bet,” he says with insinuation in his tone. I ignore it and decide not to call him out on it. “Well, I’m glad you called either way. I have some news.”

  I pause and wait. “Well, you gonna say it, or do I have to guess?”

  Hayden laughs. “Sav and I are officially getting hitched! I popped the question, and she said yes!” he announces, loud and proud.

  “I told you she would!” I’m smiling so wide, my cheeks hurt. “About goddamn time! I was wondering when you were gonna do it, considering you picked that ring out two months ago.”

  He laughs, and I can hear how happy he is. “I know. I just wanted the proposal and everything to be perfect and special for her. Donny helped me plan it actually. It’s still soon, but I think we’re gonna get married in California next summer so everyone can make arrangements and be there.”

  “Wow, that fast?”

  “It’s been over ten years, Hunter.” He chuckles.

  I roll my eyes at his exaggeration. They haven’t been together for ten years, but them finally getting engaged has been a decade in the making.

  “I’d get married tomorrow, but she wants her parents there and the whole big fancy white wedding, which is understandable. So I’m going to do whatever she wants because her happiness is all that matters to me.”

  “Well, I’m excited as fuck for you guys. Seriously.”

  “Thanks, man. If you would’ve texted my ass back, you would’ve known the day it happened…” He doesn’t finish his sentence, but he doesn’t have to for me to know what he was going to say.

  “I know. I’ve been preoccupied. I’m sorry. Congrats to you both, though! I’m really glad you two are finally gonna tie the knot.”

  “I get it. I really do,” he sympathizes. “And thanks. Sav’s pretty fucking thrilled.”

  Since we’re chatting about our lives, I decide to spill my own truths. “Well, then there’s something I need to tell you, but you can’t judge me.”

  “Hunter, what’d you do?”

  I roll my eyes at his accusing tone.

  “Nothing. But—”

  “So hubby…you ready to do this?” Lennon comes into the living room at the worst fucking time possible.

  Son of a bitch.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose, knowing Hayden heard her.

  “Oh sorry, you’re on the phone. I’ll finish packing for our honeymoon while you’re chatting.” She laughs to herself, then walks back to her room.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Hunter! What the hell?”

  Hayden chews my ass just like I figured. In fact, he fucking roars.

  “Are you done?” I ask nonchalantly.

  “Don’t make me jump on a plane just to come kick your ass,” he threatens.

  Guess not.

  “It’s not what you think. Fucking relax.” I lean forward on the couch, grabbing my mug and chugging the rest of my coffee.

  “I heard ‘hubby’ and ‘honeymoon.’ Not sure how that can be interpreted any other way.”

  “We’re faking it,” I explain.

  “Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly say anything stupider, you do. Christ, Hunter. What the hell does that even mean?”

  Inhaling a deep breath, I begin to tell him. From Lennon finding out she’s pregnant, to the story of her parents and their religious background, to the plan that has us flying to Utah to fake our marriage. I tell him everything. He’s the only person I trust with my life, so I know he won’t rat me out, but there’s no doubt he’s judging me pretty hard.

  “Well?” I ask after he doesn’t say anything.

  “Hmm. Part of me wants to pat you on the back for helping her out and doing what you think is best, while the other part wants to shake some sense into your puny brain for even suggesting it. You know this isn’t going to end well.”

  “It wouldn’t end well either way, Hayden,” I tell him honestly. “At least this way her parents won’t disown her, and she’ll have support for the baby.”

  “Yeah, and what does that mean for you?”

  “I’m not worried about me right now.”

  “Clearly.” He scoffs. “You’re in love with her, Hunter. How the hell do you plan to pretend? I mean…”

  “I know,” I grit, not wanting to say anything Lennon can overhear. “I owe her. I owe Brandon. This isn’t about me, I promise.”

  After a beat of silence, he sighs. “Okay, well I wish you the best. I’m just worried about you, but you’re a big boy, so I trust you know what you’re doing.”

  Do I know what I’m doing? Christ, I hope so.

  We chat for another couple of minutes before ending the call. I’m excited for him and Sav, but part of me is so envious he gets to be with the love of his life. He deserves it all, and I can’t wait for the wedding. When I was a teenager, I watched him self-destruct after their breakup, and it was a wake-up call.

  Don’t trust women.

  Mostly, I didn’t. It was proven to me time and again that they’d chew you up and spit you out without a second thought. Then Lennon entered the picture, and everything changed.

  “Hey, if you’re done, I wanna show you something,” Lennon calls from the bedroom.

  “Yeah, sure,” I shout.

  Moments later, she steps into the living room wearing a knee-length sundress that fits her perfectly. I can’t even see her bump from this angle. It’s not until she turns to the side that I really notice there’s one.

  “What do you think? I want to look nice so they don’t ask me a hundred questions about how I feel about Brandon or the pregnancy. So if I look decent, they’ll assume everything is great.” She shrugs, and I see the sadness in her eyes.

  Pushing myself up, I stand and walk toward her. I smile and nod. “You look amazing. Really good.”

  “Yeah? Okay, well thanks. I need to dress the part,” she says on a groan. “Now that I’m a ‘wife’ and all.”

  “I don’t even wanna know what that means.” I shake my head, the nerves setting in about meeting her parents tomorrow evening. Tonight’s our last night of normalcy—well, normal for us—and then everything’s gonna change.

  “No, you don’t, but don’t forget to pack some dressy clothes. You’ll need them for dinner and whatever else they drag us to.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Okay, perfect. Well, I’m going to change back into some comfy clothes so we can continue looking over those notecards and finish packing.”

  She goes to walk away, then stops and turns back to me. “I know I’ve said it a million times, but thank you.” Lennon closes the space between us and wraps her arms around me. I wrap one around her, pulling her to my chest, and kiss the top of her head.

  “Whatever you need, Lennon,” I promise.

  “Oh, that does remind me of one more favor…” She pulls back so our eyes lock, and she bites her bottom lip.

  I raise my brows, wanting her to just say it. At this point, nothing she could say will shock me.

  “We’re gonna need to sleep together tonight.”

  Okay, except that.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Hunter looks as though he’s seen a ghost. He takes a step back, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and squeezing.

  “Come again?”

  I know he heard me.

  “I need you to sleep with me. In bed. Together.”

  His throat moves as he swallows deep. “Why?”

  I chew the inside of my cheek, twisting my lips side to side. I hate how I’m constantly asking him for shit.

/>   “Quick version: we’re going to be expected to sleep in the same bed at my parents’ house.”

  Hunter narrows his eyes. “And they’re going to be watching to make sure of that?” he asks, his voice edgy.

  “Pfft. Seriously wouldn’t doubt it, but no. And the bed is only a full size.”

  His eyes widen, finally understanding.

  “So we might want a practice night.” I suck in for air. He held me that one night shortly after Brandon died, but that was different.

  “How the hell are we going to fit in a full size?” Hunter raises his brows. He’s well over six feet tall and twice my build, so that’s a really good question.

  “Uh, well…being very, very close?” I grimace, shrugging. “I’d say one of us can sleep on the floor and pack an extra pillow, but the doors don’t lock so they could walk in at any minute.”

  He tilts his head, studying me. “The doors don’t have locks? What the hell kinda environment did you grow up in?”

  I flap my arms up in the air and down. “I told you! They’re crazy! They wanted to control everything, which meant a lack of privacy.”

  “That’s just fucking nuts, Lennon,” he says. “Are there cameras in the bathroom I should know about too?”

  “No!” I push his arm. “But I did warn you! I told you we were really gonna have to sell it because they’ll pry into everything.”

  He blinks, taking a step back. “Alright, it’s fine. I’ll do whatever it takes. But if I squish you and the baby in the middle of the night, that’s on you,” he teases.

  “Ha-ha. I won’t think twice about shoving your ass off the bed,” I warn playfully.

  “Fair enough.” His tone is weak, almost as if he’s in pain. I’ve been asking a lot of him, but as soon as we return from this trip, things will go back to normal, and we can both forget this ever happened. Or try to.

  My phone rings from the bedroom, so I tell Hunter to hold on and rush to answer it. As soon as I see Sophie’s name on the screen, I pick it up with a pleasant hello.


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