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Honey Flava

Page 8

by Zane

  The beat of her heart was racing. Never had a man wanted so much, and more. Her body arched toward his as her gaze gave him everything she was.

  “Yes. That is my Ginger; full of spirit and fire. Give me it all.” He stepped behind the pillar to his right and came back with more ropes and a box. He set the box gently on the ground and began to unwind another gold length.

  Her body was roped from center to collarbone and down each leg. She hadn’t noticed the rings in the floor until she was secured in this spread-eagle position.

  He stepped back from her, seemed to admire his workmanship, before he took the dais again. He leaned down and took the box from the floor. Inside was a small jar full of powder and a delightful pink puff. Blotting the strands in the fine grains, he shook the excess off. Ever so slowly, he approached her and teased the tips of her nipples, brushed the powder over her belly and again between her thighs.

  Heat bloomed almost instantly and she strained forward toward him.

  “What…” she began before her breath was taken away.

  He moved in and whispered in her ear, “Ginger.”

  Heat bloomed into heat and the dragon’s breath took form. She arched in titillation and almost pain, as a hand gently loosened the grains.

  Moans escaped from her mouth, one after another. He drew himself against her and rubbed his body into the fire. His flesh joined hers and cock entered cunt. Together, they became joined as his body moved with hers.

  She was on fire with the heat of the powdered ginger and him, and as his body rubbed, it drew the dragon onto him. Together, they shared the fire, and her gaze steadied into his, her body grabbed his cock and milked his seed from him. As she cried out her sheer pleasure, she climaxed on him and the dragon. But still she grabbed him, her body seeking more, needing more than heat.

  “My hungry lady of fire, I see that want in your eyes. Do you trust me to bring you more than desire?”

  “Yes, master.” The words tumbled from her lips fast and tight.

  His lips caught hers and rewarded her bravery, her truth, and her desire.

  He pulled out and clapped his hands in a short burst of sound.

  She didn’t jump this time, only looked around.

  Men streamed from the doors, young and old alike. They stood reverently in the center as if she were a goddess to be praised and was already so adorned. Then they bowed down, and something in her mind and between her legs gave. Perhaps it was the appearance of being so vulnerable, rawly displayed—her emotions on her face and her body open—but the men bowing to her made her body begin to tighten and moisten, making wet drip down her leg.

  Breath caught in her throat as he—the master—took to the stand. With boldness, his hands stroked over her, owned this moment in front of them.

  She raised her head and stared above all the heads. It declared her power with the force of her stance. This was a testimony to her strength, her prowess, and her ability to be as she was.

  He nodded his head in agreement, approving of her steeled spine and calm face. Winked at her, before he moved behind, reaching hands around and down between her legs.

  She convulsed at his touch. Her senses wringing rapture from her mouth, her cunt wet in its decadent display, she performed the command—his, hers, and both of theirs as one.

  He stepped away and clapped his hands again. The men disappeared as quickly and quietly as they had once come in.

  Alone again, she stared into his eyes, feeling stronger, yet unsure.

  As if reading her mind, he laughed. “Don’t you know my greatest pleasure is pleasing you. Every time an orgasm slides from your throat, I am renewed.” He reached to the floor and drew a small knife from his robe. “I feed on passion, like air streaming against the dragon’s wings and energy through spirit’s eye. You are my burst of breath, and I have a thousand ways I wish to raise and feed both of our desires.”

  The knife slid against rope and ring, freeing first hands, then feet, until released, she was free of pillar and floor.

  Gently, he lowered her bound form to the ground.

  Her breathed whooshed out in a soft huff. Cold jade touched heated flesh, shocking, then easing the places where the blood was held, where the rope had plumped her skin higher.

  He put the knife away and slowly began to unwind the rope. First one, then another, working his way up. He freed her torso, then removed the ropes from her arms. Hands rubbed continually in light or heavy strokes as needed. She couldn’t articulate anything, just felt the surge of rushing blood.

  He was hovering over her, pushing his cock in, sliding on the wet warmth and fitting so tightly, caught in her wedge.

  She felt him bumping to the top of her cervix, a darling and heated kiss. Again and again, he hit that spot, making her arms grab for him. The sensations were so overwhelming, blood pumping so hard and him inside, that by the time her limbs obeyed her, all they could do was grab him and hold on for the ride.

  Nails sank into his shoulders, and she heard a noise of protest, but he didn’t adjust or move her, just pushed deeper.

  The pulse in her womb joined the pulse in her veins, and her body tightened hard. She screamed on the near-pain sensation. Orgasm spilled through her, her pussy catching his cock and squeezing tight. It gripped him as if this were their last second on earth and their climaxes took them apart.

  His cries echoed hers, as he was trapped with ferocity in her sheath. Muscles bulged on his arms, and his seed spurted deep.

  The heat of the dragon held them, let them pulse in each other’s arms, cascades of orgasms bringing sighs in equal parts. She hardly dared close her eyes for fear of missing a moment of the pleasure on his face. This was the man she had vowed to love, and it rekindled the newness of the lovers’ embrace. “Will every time be like this?” The words came before she could stop their exit. Too dear had been the moment, and she didn’t want it to be spoiled.

  His grin was that of the boy, and for now it stayed on his face. A gleam of inquiry hinted at the corners, though his will was seated firmly and indelibly in place. “What is it you seek, my sweet Ginger? You only wished me master for a day.”

  “Perhaps I should examine the idea more closely.” She blushed. “I feel the best of me rising. There is more of me now than there was earlier today. I feel strength where there was trepidation.”

  He rolled them over, so she lay on top and his heated skin touched the cool of the jade. Hands rubbed along her flesh. “You’ve already taken the first step to be taught, if you believe it is so. Tell me what you desire.”

  “Bring me to the dragon and let me breathe his fire.” This time the words felt right and she knew exactly what she sought. “I want you, and the best of me. I can’t define it and I won’t. But I know what released in me: the touch of great power.”

  The curiosity behind his question drained from his eyes. “Yes, a goddess who encompasses warrior energy. My sweet Ginger welcomes desire.” Hands squeezed her shoulders. He laid his lips to hers. Against her mouth he vowed, “Always, I protect what I treasure, the sweetness of my Ginger, and the pleasure of her fire.”

  May I Ask a Favor of You?

  Onegai-shite-mo iidesu-ka


  I DREW THE BLINDS so that just a hue of light shone through. I had to create a certain ambience for myself that allowed me to escape the walls of my exquisitely furnished office suit and journey to the realms that only Wang could take me. I know it must sound silly to name an inanimate object, but I liked to have a personal relationship with anything and everyone that I had such intimacy with. Wang and I had been through so many difficult times together. He was there during my first two breakups, my divorce, and the passing of my best friend. He was also there for the good times. He was with me during my first promotion, we celebrated my thirtieth birthday together, and he sang for me and my last assistant when she found out her husband was cheating on her.

  Her name was Sakura. She was actually with the company pr
ior to my coming on board. She captivated me the moment I met her. She wasn’t the timid Asian woman that was often portrayed on television. She had style, class, and confidence. She introduced me to the world of Jimmy Choo and Manolo Blahnik.

  Sakura wasn’t the average height for an Asian woman. I was five feet six inches, and without her heels she still towered over me. When you’d see her, the first thing that came to mind was model in every sense of the word. Her ebony hair was a beautiful contrast to her flawless, light skin. She wasn’t skinny but had natural curves, and even her 36D bosom didn’t look out of place on her size 4 frame.

  Over the next few months, many employees came and went, which opened doors in higher ranks for Sakura. She and I had become fast friends, and I felt guilty for my previous thoughts about her. She was not the bitch that I’d presumed her to be. She was warm and genuinely shinsetsu, kind.

  Sakura confided in me that she thought Garver was cheating on her. I, too, sensed that he was probably having an affair, although he never approached me other than as a total professional. His travels became more frequent while Sakura stayed at home.

  Garver was bisheinen, handsome and suave. He tried to hide his Asian ancestry behind blond hair and blue contacts. I always had a thing for Asian men. They exuded intelligence, confidence, arrogance, and, more times than not, money. Other than for his almond eyes and tanned skin, one wouldn’t have known that Garver, who I later found out was birth-named Takahiro, was Asian at all. There was no coincidence that my favorite play pal was aptly named Wang.

  It was late one evening when I received a call from Sakura. I could tell she had been crying so I invited her over to talk. Truthfully, she was the only friend I had made at the company. The other women in our department were so damned phony that I didn’t bother trying to make them part of my circle. They weren’t worthy of my friendship or the company perks that came along with it.

  An hour or so had passed when the slamming of the front door startled me. I was silent as Sakura pounded on my floor screaming with such pain that I felt it in my very soul. Bastard…son of a bitch…ass… all yelled in her native tongue. I knew her worst fears had come true.

  I clung to her every word as she spewed the details of seeing Garver with another woman. I felt bad for my friend, but I was getting turned on as I listened to all the details. I decided to make us some tea to help calm her nerves. While I was in the kitchen, I heard my CD player come on. I opted for wine and grabbed two bottles of my favorite sake, Ozeki, from the wine rack. Sakura was swaying to the mellow tune with her eyes closed trying to drift away.

  I sat both glasses on the table, which brought her out of her trance. We sat on the love seat and finished the first bottle in less than thirty minutes. I began to get a little loose and bopped to the music as well. I commented on her sensual selections and she started sobbing once more. Through the sobs, she told me it was a CD for Garver. Suddenly she hopped off the couch and retrieved her bag from the table. She handed me a pink Victoria’s Secret bag and instructed me to open it while she poured us glasses from the newly opened bottle of wine. I held up the tiny garment.

  “This is what he is missing.” She continued, “Wanna see what it looks like?”

  She disappeared into the bathroom and returned moments later. The moonlight shone on something so beautiful that not even Harunobu himself could have captured its detail. Sakura was utsukushii, beautiful. Her long tresses were pinned up, her makeup was flawless, and the silk kimono was absolutely beautiful. She stood there for a moment with a little sassiness as she switched from side to side.

  “Nani? What? You like?” she asked.

  “Zettaini sou desu. Absolutely.” I nodded.

  “Wait.” She slowly let the kimono fall to the floor.

  I watched as she slowly walked toward me. I tried desperately not to stare at her breasts bulging from the bra. I noticed an opening in the bra that allowed her bronze nipples to wink at me. She twirled around and I almost salivated when I saw the thin thread of her thong disappear between her smooth ass cheeks.

  “You like?” she asked once more.

  I nodded. At least, I think I did.

  Sakura sat on the love seat and patted the space beside her. I tried to maintain my composure and not let on how much I wanted to reach out to pinch her nipples and my own. She shivered slightly as she scooted back on the cool leather. Even in the dim light, I could see the cool air teasing her flesh, making her strain against her already tight bra.

  Sakura propped her newly pedicured feet across my lap. She wiggled her toes, which indicated she wanted me to rub her feet. Her voice coolly guided my hands farther and farther up her thigh. I held my breath when I reached the folds of her sex. I didn’t have the nerve to tread farther, so massaged back down her leg and rested it on my right thigh. I went through the same process with her other leg, but this time I allowed my index finger to glide ever so slightly down the crevice of her cunt as a moan escaped her aka, red-glossed lips.

  “Now I do you,” she said as she swung her feet to the floor.

  I attempted to prop my feet across her lap as she had done mine, but she stopped them in midair.

  “No, I show you what I learn. Kinasai, come,” she instructed as she pulled me from my seat and led me to the guest room I had prepared for her.

  “You take clothes off and lie on bed.” She sounded forceful but graceful in her orders.

  I took off my shirt and proudly showed off my blessed bosom. I hesitated with taking my bottoms off. This was one moment that I wished I had worn underwear.

  “All off. Now!” Her words cut through the overly lit room.

  On instinct, I dropped my sweats to the floor and stood there naked. I prayed that she didn’t notice the glistening trail my juices coated my inner thighs with.

  “Lie down on back,” she said as she grasped my shoulders and eased me to the edge of the bed.

  The chill in the air kissed my body with its cruel lips, lingering more on my nipples than any other area. I looked at Sakura as her eyes burned into my flesh.

  “Miryoku-teki. You are attractive woman, but we have problem,” she said, reaching into the bag.

  “You lie still. Ochitsuite, relax.” Her words eased my worries.

  I closed my eyes tightly. I felt something cold and hard traipse down my chest. The metal against my body caused me to flinch and heightened my senses. It stopped at my mound, then I heard the shears open and close. With each movement I felt my pubic hair being cut away like overgrown hedges. I had never thought about shaving myself until I’d noticed Sakura’s smooth mound while I rubbed her feet. Then, I heard the buzzing of the clippers. I felt a skillful hand, starting at the top, sweep down first the outer areas and then the middle. Sakura’s soft hands followed each newly smoothed area.

  Suddenly I felt the clippers move closer to my clit. The vibrations sent waves of ecstasy through me, and I knew Sakura could see the dampness between my legs. I felt a warmed washcloth wipe away the remaining traces of hair. I let out a long, deep sigh.

  For a long moment, nothing happened. I peeped around and Sakura was nowhere in sight. Disappointed, I left the guest room and heard Sakura faintly sobbing on the love seat. I went into my bedroom, slid between my black satin sheets, and tried to relax. As much as I fought the urges, I reached into my nightstand, and Wang was right there ready as usual to never judge, but always satisfy. I hesitated because I knew he could be a little loud at times. After much debate, I didn’t care.

  I let Wang explore my freshly shaved sex, and he approved so much that he brought me to my first orgasm in seconds. I was so involved with Wang whispering beneath my blanket that I didn’t notice that Sakura was sitting across from me on my chaise lounge. I stopped abruptly and turned off my vibrator.

  “Don’t stop. I enjoy.” Sakura continued, “Move blanket. I want to see.”

  I slowly removed the blanket, then the sheet underneath. I massaged Wang and finally he was turned on. The sensual soun
d of his humming always relaxed me and prepared me for whatever destination he desired to drift me away to.

  I watched Sakura as she watched me. We moaned in unison as she sucked her fingers and mimicked my motions. I imagined it was my fingers swirling around her tongue one at a time. I closed my eyes as my cunt throbbed with excitement.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I glided Wang to my hot spot. I glimpsed Sakura and noticed her head back and her eyes closed as well. I realized that she was furiously rubbing her sex, but she didn’t seem to be getting any relief.

  I watched her head sway side to side as her hips pumped against her hand in no particular rhythm. She fought with herself, trying to reach the euphoria that came with satisfaction. I saw the frowning and the anxiety and then finally the tears as she tried unsuccessfully to release her tension. I walked toward her.

  Wang had never touched any woman’s body other than my own. I could practically hear him begging me to allow him to caress, tease, and please Sakura the way he pleased me. My heart was beating so fast and loud that I was almost certain that I would disturb her or embarrass her if I stood too close. I conjured up the nerve to stroke her right cheek with the back of my hand. She slowed her rhythm and rubbed her face against my hand. I felt the dampness that her tears left behind.

  Wang grew impatient with me. He wanted Sakura that very moment. I tried to calm his urges, but his voice roared louder with rebellion the moment I allowed him to kiss her lips. I watched as she parted her mouth and allowed him to enter. I couldn’t help but touch myself as I watched Wang make love to Sakura’s mouth. The deeper she sucked him in, the farther her legs spread apart.

  I don’t know what came over me, but I was getting jealous of Wang having all the fun. The next thing I knew, I latched my mouth around the one nipple that had managed to escape from her sexy bra. I suckled her like a newborn baby. I played with her between my teeth as she stroked my hair.


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