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Honey Flava

Page 13

by Zane

  She could sense Brody was close to ejaculating so she began to furiously rim his asshole. His cock was pressed up against the wall so he started to hump it. To add to his pleasure, she firmly held his balls. It was too much for him. Within minutes, he growled and spewed the wall with his white cum.

  “Mmmmm, yes,” she moaned as she licked the cum off the wall.

  Once all traces of cum were gone, she stood up and removed the gag from Brody’s mouth. He was panting as he stared into her eyes. She could see the pleasure, the confusion, and the excitement floating around in his eyes.

  “You can’t be Nerdy Shirley. There’s no fucking way you’re her,” he breathed.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because there’s no fucking way a nerd could make me cum that hard.”

  “Believe what you want then.” She walked away. She went to the minibar and poured herself a glass of red wine.

  “It was just innocent fun, nothing to be taken seriously,” Brody explained.

  “I cried so much over what you all did to me. I hated school and I always thought about killing myself.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not, so don’t even bother.”

  An awkward silence fell upon them. Grabbing the keys for the shackles, she unlocked him from the wall. Brody’s arms fell down and he relished his freedom.

  “I hope you had fun, Brody,” she said as she gathered her clothing from the floor.

  “Wait! That’s it?”

  “I can’t go on anymore.”

  “Look, high school was so many years ago. I don’t remember much of it. It was a different time. I must admit, I’m very amazed at how much you’ve transformed. From what I can remember in high school, you were just an easy target, and I knew deep down inside you secretly loved the attention. Now, you’re so hot and one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life. I look into your eyes right now and I see a woman who loves herself and is confident with everything.”

  “Really?” she asked, blushing from his words.

  “Yes,” he said, closing the gap between them.

  “Or are you saying all that just so you can fuck my pussy?”

  “That, too.” He smirked.

  Shirley thought for a moment, then glanced at Brody’s huge cock. It looked like it was calling her name. Her pussy twitched and ached for a fucking.

  “Go lie on the bed then,” she commanded.

  Brody did as he was told and lay down on the king-size bed. Shirley climbed on top of him and sat on his washboard stomach. She lazily traced patterns around his chest. Leaning down, she stuck out her tongue and licked his nipples. She then moved her tongue upward and locked her lips with his.

  They madly kissed each other, and Mistress Charisma moaned into the kiss when Brody’s hand brushed the outside of her pussy. She let out a loud moan when his middle finger slid inside her.

  “Oh, Brody, that feels so good,” she cried out in pleasure as she rotated her pussy around his finger.

  Mistress Charisma’s pussy was now soaking wet from Brody’s touch. Craving his tongue, she removed his finger. She shifted her position so that her pussy could hover over his lips. He eagerly pulled her down onto his mouth and feverishly lapped the juices oozing out of her. Her whole body was in euphoria as he licked her at lightning speed.

  “Fuck, don’t stop!” Charisma exclaimed as she grabbed his head and rode his face. A surge of pleasure ran through her as she came, and she squeezed her thighs around his head.

  After catching her breath, she took her pussy off his face and smiled when she saw her pussy juice smeared all over his skin.

  “Now it’s your turn to cum,” she said as she guided his thick cock into her pussy and slowly began to ride him.

  This was surreal to her. She was having sex with a man she loathed to death years ago. Looking down, it gave her a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of great power to see him beneath her. Taking hold of his wrists, she lifted them to the bedposts, and with the rope that was already there, she tied his wrists to them. He didn’t resist; in fact, it made him thrust much harder into her.

  “Your pussy is so fucking good,” he panted.

  “Oh, oh, oh, oh!” was all she could muster for a reply.

  Faster and faster their motions went. Having Brody tied up actually made him more enthusiastic. He was fucking her so hard that she thought she would be sent up through the ceiling.

  She was swirling in a world of pleasure, and before she knew it her pussy tightened around his cock. A loud moan came out of her mouth as her orgasm hit her. No client of hers had ever made her cum that hard before.

  Seconds after she came, Brody followed by shooting his sperm into her. The added fluid gushing into her body prolonged her ecstasy.

  “I’m definitely coming back. Maybe next time we can role-play? I’ll be the football jock and you’ll be the naughty Asian tutor,” Brody suggested, which caused Shirley to laugh.

  “Maybe,” she said playfully.

  Brody ended up staying longer, and Shirley really gave him the full Mistress Charisma treatment.

  The Seduction of Nguyên Lang Ha


  DURING THE LAST FIVE days, Nguyên Lang Ha had driven over twelve hundred miles and made ten sales calls. Not sales calls in the usual sense, but more like customer relations. Her father had grown up in Vietnam and had brought the Asian way of doing business with him when he came to America. He believed that by making friends with his clients they would help him succeed. Lang had continued her father’s tradition after he became too old for the road.

  Her parents were among the lucky few who had escaped Vietnam during Operation Frequent Wind. They had launched their import and distribution business with a small loan from the U.S. government, then busted their asses to make it work. Lang was fiercely proud and humbly honored to carry on in the wake of their success, so she never argued about the exhausting trips. Sales always improved after her customer visits, so she supposed there was something to be said for her father’s way of doing business.

  During the last two years, she had actually started looking forward to the trips. She and her husband were childless, and once he’d learned of his infertility, he had quickly become impotent. The doctors said it was psychological, but the problem remained. His attraction to alcohol only made it worse. They hadn’t made love in months. In desperation, Lang had purchased a vibrator and used it often, especially when she was away from home where no one could hear her moans of much needed relief.

  For reasons she didn’t understand, her need for sexual release had become increasingly urgent since turning thirty. She ached for a silken, hard penis to completely quell her inner itch, but the opportunity never seemed to arise. Men often looked at her, but none ever approached. Perhaps it was because she was Asian, or maybe she somehow gave off signals that she was unapproachable. It didn’t help that her breasts were quite small, at least according to American standards. She glanced in the rearview mirror. With her glossy black hair, almond eyes, and slightly flared nose, she looked like every other Vietnamese she’d ever seen. Maybe she was just plain ugly, despite what her father had always said.

  As she neared her hotel, she noticed an Applebee’s across the street. It took but a second to convince herself that she deserved a drink after the grueling week. She headed straight to the bar and grill.

  She ordered a rum and Coke, took a deep breath, and waited for the day’s tension to float away. She had barely settled into her seat when a man strolled in and sat a few stools away. She glanced briefly in his direction, then turned back to her drink. The man was young, probably in his midtwenties, certainly younger than her. His hair and complexion were dark. He could have passed for Asian, except his eyes lacked the classic epicanthic slant. Her second guess was Latino, which seemed to fit.

  His clothes spoke of exquisite taste. He appeared neither fat nor lean, but solid, like someone who exercised frequently. And
he was handsome, in a rough, bad-boy sort of way. But she expected that he would ignore her just like every other man she’d ever encountered while traveling. Besides, men were nothing but animals who only wanted to use a woman’s body for a few minutes before going to sleep. At this point in her life, she had no need for a man, especially her husband with his mostly useless penis. Her vibrator didn’t stop until she climaxed, and it never drank so much it couldn’t perform. That automatically made it better than a man. Her thoughts rambled on in an attempt to convince herself that she was better off alone and sexually frustrated.

  Just as she finished her drink, another appeared on the bar. “I didn’t order this,” she whispered to the bartender.

  “It’s from him.” He pointed toward the dark stranger. “He paid for your first one, too.”

  Lang stared over at the man. He was watching a sports show on the television. She wished he would look in her direction so she could at least nod her acknowledgment, but he kept his head turned away.

  She shrugged and sighed. “Tell him I said thanks.”

  The bartender walked to where the man sat, talked for a second, then went to serve another customer. The man looked over and smiled. By reflex, Lang smiled back. A moment later he stood and walked confidently in her direction.

  “Thank you for accepting the drink,” he said. “I was hoping for the chance to tell you what a beautiful woman you are.”

  Lang blushed at his compliment; her heart performed mini-flip-flops. She tried to think of something clever to say, but nothing came.

  “Where are you from?” he continued.

  “Chicago,” Lang said, recovering her voice.

  The man laughed. “I meant your ancestors, but Chicago is close enough.”

  His smile was alluringly sexy, vivid white contrasting against amber skin. Her blush faded as she began to relax. “My family is from Vietnam. I’ve been there, but I’ve never lived there.”

  “Vietnam. I thought so. You remind me of a Vietnamese girl I fell in love with when I was seventeen. She moved away a year later, and that was the end of that. I never completely got over it.” He paused reflectively and said, “Sorry for my bad manners.”

  Lang blinked. “What bad manners? You mean because you had a crush on an Asian girl?”

  “No, only because I said it to you. My father told me never to talk about past romances in the presence of a beautiful woman.”

  “Your father is a very smart man.” Previous fantasies of having an affair returned to Lang’s thoughts, launching soft butterflies in her chest. “Would you like to sit down?”

  He smiled. “I thought you’d never ask. You work near here?”

  “I’m here on business. My family owns an import company, and I’m the road warrior. I’m staying at the hotel across the street for tonight and driving home tomorrow.” She didn’t know what made her blurt out where she was lodging. She took a sip from her drink to cover her returning blush. “What about you?”

  “Actually, I’m here on business, too. And I’m staying at the same hotel as you. So that makes us like neighbors…”

  As the evening wore on, he kept Lang’s drinks refreshed. Before long, their conversation turned flirtatious and laced with sexual innuendos. She noticed when he pressed his leg against hers, but she didn’t pull away. He paid attention to her like no other man ever had. She felt attractive, relaxed, and was having fun for the first time in a long while. The time passed too quickly.

  They were just finishing drink number four when he glanced at his watch. “Wow, it’s almost nine o’clock. There’s a movie I want to catch on HBO before turning in.”

  Lang felt a pang of disappointment. She had been expecting him to suggest an extended night together. She thought about proposing it, but her Buddhist upbringing wouldn’t let her be so brazen. “Maybe we can do this again sometime. I really had fun talking to you. Are you here for the weekend?”

  “Unfortunately, no. I’m off to Pittsburgh tomorrow.” He paused before adding, “Hey, why don’t you come watch the movie with me? I have some really smooth Scotch in my room, and I would love your company for a while longer. If the movie sucks, we’ll just talk some more. What do you say?”

  That was what she had been hoping for, but now the idea frightened her. She’d never been with any man except her husband. She knew she should just go to her room and let the vibrator douse her fire, but the thought of the stranger possibly making love to her ignited a fuse that had lain dormant inside her for years. “Just a movie?” she asked, hoping to sound innocent.

  “I’m only asking for company,” he whispered. “Hotel rooms are lonely and boring.”

  As if another woman had taken control of her body, she said, “What’s your room number?”

  Lang’s hands shook as she maneuvered her car from the restaurant parking lot to the hotel across the street. As she took a quick shower, she made up her mind: family and Asian values be damned; she was going to fuck the dark stranger with the expensive clothes—the stranger who’d once loved a Vietnamese girl. I’m a grown woman, she thought. A woman with desires denied for far too long.

  Not bothering with bra or panties, she pulled on a ribbed, white tank top and slipped into a pair of black silk pants that were loose yet clingy enough to compliment her figure. Trying to hurry, she opted for a pair of heeled, toeless clogs that made her taller and were easy to slip off. She dried and brushed her hair, sparingly applied makeup, and spritzed on a light mist of perfume. Her heart pounded as she walked to his room.

  His door was ajar. She stepped inside, shutting it behind her. “How’s the movie?”

  He stood immediately. His jeans and muscle shirt made him look sporty—and somehow so touchable. His hair was damp, and his smile did its magic.

  “Pretty dull, really,” he said. “Maybe it’ll get better.” The gleam in his eyes said more than words ever could. “Here, have a seat while I get you a drink.” He led her to the small sofa, then went to pour her a Scotch on the rocks.

  Lang had watched the entire movie just last week. “I’ve seen this before. It doesn’t get any better, trust me. Let’s see what else is on.”

  She scanned through CNN, BBC, and MTV. When a scene of two people making love filled the screen, she stopped. The woman was Asian, maybe Chinese. The man was black and handsome. She had heard about the dimensions of black men, but always thought it was nothing but rumors. His penis was at least twice the size of her husband’s; she was momentarily mesmerized. She could almost imagine the black man was fucking her and not the girl in the movie, although she seriously doubted his massive cock could penetrate her.

  The stranger returned to where she sat and handed her the Scotch. “Here you go, sexy lady.” He glanced at the TV screen. “Whoa…what are you watching?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Embarrassed, she switched the channel.

  He watched her for a second, then picked up the remote and turned off the TV, leaving nothing but the soft glow of lamplight. In the silence he slipped off his clothes. She watched as his cock grew from semi-erect to a lethal weapon.

  “You know we’re going to have sex, don’t you?”

  She wondered how she could not know. Now was definitely the time to leave if she was going to, but she didn’t want to. Not at all. “You forgot to ask me.” She blushed profusely as she set her drink aside.

  “You want it as much as I want you.”

  His erection twitched as if beckoning her, a bead of moisture appearing at the head. She did want it as much as he did, probably more, but she said nothing. She hoped he wouldn’t cum too quickly.

  “You have beautiful lips,” he said, his voice husky.

  He pulled her upright, held her waist, and kissed her with shameless passion. He slid his hands to her breasts and held them firm; his thumbs stroked her nipples sensuously. Her wetness awakened as she swelled with desire. Her nipples tightened and strained against her tank top. He backed away just long enough to strip
her shirt over her head and toss it aside. Pulling her close, he cupped her small, tight ass in his hands and pressed his throbbing erection against her bare stomach.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to stand close in front of him. He teased her left breast with his hand as he filled his mouth with her right. He sucked hungrily, swirling his tongue expertly across her swollen nipple and areola, teasing with just the right pressure until Lang thought she would explode with torturous pleasure. Something about the way he held and touched her made her breasts feel full, ample. He made her feel wondrously sexy, and any self-consciousness about her small breasts faded into nonexistence.

  He nibbled her nipple gently while sliding his left hand into her pants. Softly his fingers slid up and down the wetness of her outer lips, then into the wetter, warmer, enflamed folds of her inner vulva. When his fingers found her clitoris, it set her on fire like she had never been in her life. Hot spasms of desire intensified her moans. She breathed as if she were on a treadmill running full speed. She pushed her crotch against his hand and pressed her breast almost painfully against his open mouth.

  She wanted the dark Latino desperately and she wanted him now; hard, fast, and vicious. As if sensing her thoughts, he stripped off her pants and eased her gently onto the bed.

  For a moment he stood still, absorbing her with his eyes. Enjoying his obvious voyeurism, she eased seductively farther up on the bed. On hands and knees, he followed, catching her legs and pulling them apart as she reached the pillow. He stretched his body atop her, buried his hands in her long, silky hair, and kissed her hard, probing her mouth with his tongue until her lips felt like a sex organ she had never known she had. His hot, protuberant erection lay unyielding between them.

  “I’m hungry to taste you,” he whispered as he began a long teasing trip toward heaven. He nibbled at her ears and neck before again licking and sucking and kissing her sensitive breasts. She nearly screamed at the pleasure he was giving her. Having never been touched and wanted like this, she wondered how she had lived without it. And why.


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