Urban Vampire: The bookset 1-3
Page 19
I sat up on my elbow. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was offering me commitment? Even after all that I’d done, the number of erections that I’d been around? “Tony, I’ve been turned upside-down these last few days, fighting for my life and trying to understand the changes in me. I haven’t really thought about us. I think about you ... a lot. I just can’t say that I know exactly what I want for the long term.” And that was no overstatement. I inhaled deeply. “For the short term—I just want to feel … to feel.” I resisted the urge to run my fingers over the lines of his muscular chest. I wouldn’t do that until I knew how he felt about my indecision.
”That’s good enough for me.” He smiled. “The sun is going to come up shortly. I’d like to watch it with you.”
Huh? “Oh. Okay.”
His lip curled into a very sexy smile. “I’d rather be inside of you right now. But twelve hours from now when we wake ... it’s not very sexy, especially since I rise before you.” His eyes twinkled with golden highlights. “I’d prefer if you were awake when I make love to you.”
I smiled. “Let’s watch the sun.”
He stood looking like an excited kid at Christmas. He slipped out of his pants and tossed them neatly over the back of a nearby chair. Without asking me, he began removing my clothes until I was down to my underwear. He laid my clothes neatly on the chair with his.
When he climbed into bed, I glanced at his black underwear and all that it contained. Briefly, I wished that we hadn’t wasted all that time talking. All I wanted was to be engulfed in pleasure—just for a little while. I’ve been so good, trying to think about the right thing. Maybe it would all lead to a future with Tony, maybe it wouldn’t. I didn’t know and I didn’t care because I was feeling too damned frustrated!
Tony propped the pillows behind us, and I snuggled into his arms until I was comfortable. It felt too good to be frustrated for long. Honestly, maybe I did need this more than I needed sex.
I placed my arms across his body, he stroked my shoulder and kissed my forehead, and we watched the first sign of pink cross the sky. I smiled. I was happy. For the first time in a long while, I was happy.
My eyes opened, and I saw a flash of light in the sky. A few moments later there was a loud crack of thunder. Rain was hitting the window in a soothing symphony of nature’s music. But even more prominent were the soulful sounds of jazz emanating from Tony’s hidden speaker system.
His arms were still around me and stroking me lightly, and it was as if we had not slept for twelve hours.
But Tony normally rose before me. Did that meant he had lain here holding me until I awoke? I would be like a corpse, and yet it didn’t bother him. He’d wait until my body warmed up and came back to life. He could understand that because it’s what happened to him.
A lock seemed to click into place—or maybe it was the last piece of the puzzle.
I looked up at him and saw that his normally dark eyes were rimmed in gold.
“Hello, beautiful.” He kissed me lightly.
When he tried to pull back, I stopped him with a hand on the back of his head and held him to me.
His lips parted, and his tongue touched mine lightly as if he had been waiting to do it all night.
An extra loud peal of thunder changed the mood of the evening and gave us a perfect backdrop to our rising desire.
Urging me onto my back, Tony trailed his lips down my neck and over my shoulders. With gentle hands he pulled the straps of my chemise down over my shoulders until my breasts fell out of the material. He paused to look from one breast to the other. With half-hooded eyes, he placed his lips around one nipple and sucked gently.
I threw my head back and moaned. He released my nipple with a slight popping sound and repeated the move on the other nipple.
Against my thigh I could feel him rising and growing hard. He pressed himself against me, and the pulse between my thighs beat fast.
He released his hold on my breast and leaned forward, using his tongue to tickle my nipples while his free hand pushed down his boxer briefs. What had been straining against the black material was now lying heavily against my thigh.
I gasped. What the? I looked over at the heavy cock that lay on my thigh, and I couldn’t move. What did he think he was going to do with that monstrous thing? Is that what happened to Vampires? He couldn’t have been like this as a human, could he? It was possible—I’ve seen movies—but I’ve never had one inside of me that looked like that! I closed my eyes nervously.
I felt his hand on my wrist. He urged my hand to touch his cock. Placing his hand on top of mine, he wrapped it around him. I couldn’t even close my fingers around it!
I shuddered and stroked him gently.
Tony groaned. I opened my eyes to watch him as he rolled his head back and blinked.
I could feel myself growing wet and wanting to feel him inside of me. It had been long overdue. Hell! I’ve had more sex in the last week than I’ve had in the last year—and I still haven’t had intercourse yet.
I was done waiting. I wanted Tony and I didn’t want it easy and sweet.
I wanted it hard and fast.
I looked down at the most magnificent, thick, dark cock that I’d ever seen. And as I watched, it continued to stiffen. I gripped him in my hand and knew that he liked it by the way the muscles in his stomach tightened then released. He quivered by my touch alone. With my thumb I stroked the head of his cock while still gripping him tightly.
His mouth opened slightly and he groaned. His teeth were lowered. I ran my tongue over my own teeth. They were pointy and sharp. I hadn’t even realized they had dropped.
I stroked the length of him until he was beyond porn star big. His eyes closed, and he sucked in a sharp breath. I liked knowing my touch caused him to moan and shiver. If I didn’t feel him inside of me soon, I wouldn’t need him to make me come. I wasn’t afraid anymore. Tony has been around for decades. I’m sure he knew how to please a woman without hurting her. I was a Vampire, and I was pretty confident that I would find a way to fit every inch of him inside of me.
He nuzzled my neck, his teeth grazing me in a way that caused my body to quake. My pussy clenched in preparation to milk the phantom cock I could barely wait to fill me. Wildly I stroked his shaft, running my hands over the fat hood that topped him, amazed at how hot and alive he felt in my hands. Silky semen erupted from the head, and I nearly drooled! But it wasn’t hunger—it was need. I wasn’t feeding and I wasn’t hungry. This lust was me, all me.
With a grunt that emanated from deep in his body, Tony nudged my legs apart. I could briefly feel the weight of him pressed between my thighs, his pelvis against mine. He slowly rubbed the length of that fat shaft against my clitoris, and I felt an explosion of pleasure.
”Tony!” I cried. “Please ...” I gripped him and pulled him against me with Vampire strength. To hell with this teasing. I needed it!
He rose enough to spread me with his tip. He entered me inch by inch, pausing to kiss me and lick and nibble at my neck. He went slowly but didn’t stop until he was completely inside of me. He stretched me impossibly wide and deep. It hurt and felt good at the same time. My toes clenched and my lids fluttered as he began to thrust gently, loosening me, opening my body for him. It was so tight. I didn’t think I could have stretched any more, but I remembered that I was a Vampire and could take whatever he had to give me.
Sensing that I was ready for more, he pumped his hips faster. I gasped at the sudden jolt of pleasure and screamed like a young virgin. Tony hesitated and looked at me to make sure it was a scream of pleasure. Oh, it was. He pumped me over and over again, faster and faster, and I screamed my pleasure. My feet braced against his bed as he plunged into me harder. Faster and faster he pumped until I was hoarse from screaming!
I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he rose to his knees to lift my hips from the bed! His hands gripped my ass as he drove himself into me rapidly. He gripped my legs and
moved them until they were over his shoulders, and his thrusts drove him even deeper inside me. I threw my head back. I could take no more.
I reached the epoch of pleasure with a sudden flood converging over my nerve endings. I felt as if there were twenty orgasms happening all at once! I let go one last ragged scream, and I didn’t sound like myself. There was an animal inside of me fighting to get out!
Tony’s pumping hips paused and then he cried out, too—as if my orgasm triggered his. We sounded like animals howling at the moon, but it sounded so right. I could feel his come coating my insides in a molten spray. My muscles clenched, simultaneously holding him and milking him greedily until I was sure that he had spilled every last drop inside of me.
I pulled him down on top of me and held his panting body. Panting? Yes, he was breathing hard and his muscles were trembling.
”Oh, baby,” he groaned. “So good ...”
”Can’t talk yet,” I said, quivering.
Tony chuckled lightly. “I hope you haven’t lost your voice.”
I stiffened. “Oh no. You don’t think Mei Wah heard us, do you?”
Tony smiled. “He would have to be deaf not to.”
I closed my eyes.
Tony kissed me lightly then rolled off me to pull me into his arms. ”Mei Wah has been a witness to many things more sinister then a little lovemaking.”
I opened my eyes. “I guess you’re right.”
”You are so beautiful.”
“Vampirism makes me better.“
He shook his head. “When I was at your house, I looked at the pictures of you before. You are beautiful.”
Since we were talking about Vampire-enhanced beauty, I had to ask. “Tony, did vampirism give you a big dick?”
”What?” He laughed. “No. That’s all me, baby.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Really?”
“Okay, maybe an inch or two is from vampirism, but I’ll tell you a little secret. If you have a little dick as a human, you’ll still have a little dick as a Vampire.”
I smiled. “I think I look much better as a Vampire then I ever did as a human.”
“Vampirism can’t make us something we’re not,” Tony said. “You do understand that you really were always this person. It just kinda brings it out more. Like Frank, on the Council.”
”The guy with the bad skin and poor hygiene?”
”That would be him. Frank is not an attractive man by most people’s standards. Being a Vampire just wasn’t going to change that.”
I put my head on his shoulder and snuggled closer. Mmm. Vampirism had improved me with perky breasts, a flat belly, and a face that looked as if I was always made-up—not to mention the golden tint that seemed rare with vamps. I recalled what Alexis had said about all of the different hues.
That made me think about Tige, and thinking about Tige made me remember that there was much to do today. I needed to touch base with the home and find out about those meetings Monica was setting up. And I needed to visit Alexis.
I sat up. “Baby, I gotta go.”
He stroked my arm lazily. “We could make love once more.“
My belly flipped. I wanted to. ”I can’t.”
Tony stopped stoking my arm. His face tightened. “Because you need to see Alexis to save Tige?”
”That and I have a number of appointments to keep with the people in my territory.”
Tony slid out of bed. As he stood over me, I nearly gasped at his perfection. I felt myself wanting to reach out and grip him in my hands. The sight of his nakedness almost caused me to regret my decision.
”Is there anything I can say that will change your mind about visiting Alexis?” Tony asked.
”Are you jealous of him?”
”I don’t know.” He rolled his eyes. “Maybe. A little.” He went to the chair and slipped on his pants, turning his back to me. “But that’s not the reason I don’t want you to visit Alexis. Elders can be unpredictable. Alexis is as dangerous as any.”
”Tony,” I sighed, I and stood, wrapping the sheet to wrap around my naked body. “I might be a bit naïve, but I don’t think Alexis would kill me.”
He glanced at me. “There are things worse than death. At least death is quick. Besides, my fear isn’t that he will unintentionally kill you. I fear that he may make you one of his pets.”
Here we go with the pet thing again. “What exactly is his ‘pet’?” Am I supposed to sit and heel and eat out of his hand?
Tony sighed. “Vampires who have caught his attention become his playthings. Sometimes he pleasures them or has them pleasure him. But when a Vampire is so old that he can barely remember being alive, then what gives him pleasure becomes twisted. When he finishes with his pets they are maimed.”
I grew cold. Tige had said Alexis had only been a human for about thirty years but undead for over a thousand. Undead had outweighed everything else. “I’m not going to be his pet or anybody else’s. If he ever wants screams from me, I’ll be the one giving them to him or I’ll die trying. Period.”
Tony blinked. I must have taken on that hissy-faced look that Paul didn’t like. ”I’ll tell him that you want to meet him, and that’s all I’ll say. I hope you won’t ask him to save Tige. I really hope you don’t ask that.” He walked out of the room.
I had not planned to ask Alexis to save Tige. I was going to ask him how I could do it. My spat with Tony put a damper on my previous euphoria. We’d just made the most beautiful love I’d ever made, and here we were arguing like an old married couple. I wished I hadn’t been so quick to jump up. I wished I had told him how important what we’d done had been to me and how I really felt right with him. But now was not the time for romance. After I got through with this day’s hurdle, I promised myself that I would make it up to Tony.
I grabbed my clothes and tightened my grip on the sheet. I thought about my bedroom at Johan’s house, and after a few moments I appeared there. I was really getting used to the talent, and it was becoming quicker and less gut-wrenching.
Of course I wasn’t alone. Paul was there pacing back and forth. Shit, and I had considered materializing in the bathroom. I wish I had.
He stopped pacing and stared at me.
”Everything okay?” I asked, gripping the sheet tighter around me.
Paul’s eyes scanned me and rested briefly on the underwear balled up in my fist. “Did you just do that to get back at me?”
”Do what?” I asked while walking past him to the bathroom.
”Fuck Tony.”
I shut the bathroom door. “It didn’t have anything to do with you and Amanda.”
I heard my bedroom door slam.
Damn him! I thought angrily while turning on the water to the shower. How dare he be mad at me? He was the one to run off when he was mad at me to go fuck Amanda! I didn’t scream about it.
”Damn you!” I screamed into his head. I stepped into the shower before the water had warmed up and got a brief shock. It was enough to dampen my anger.
I heard the door to the bathroom swing open. Paul pulled back the shower door almost hard enough to break it.
”Damn me?” he yelled. “Do you realize all that I’ve done for you, Kim? While you’re boning him I’m going over hundreds and hundreds of legal documents trying to untie a big fucking mess so that you can be free and clear of Johan’s liabilities. I’m helping Monica log in all the appointments you have to keep so that when you listen to their disputes, you’ll have both sides of their stories. I’m setting up security so if it does get dangerous, you’ll be protected. You’re not here so I’m making the decisions on what to bring into the house to make you comfortable! I’ve been ... with Amanda two years ... and you less than a week. But it’s her I throw out the door. And you say, damn me? Damn you! I’m through with you!”
What? I stepped out of the shower sopping wet and butt naked. “Paul!”
He stalked out of the bathroom.
”Paul, will you please wait?”
He ignored me and continued walking.
I materialized in front of him and blocked the bedroom door. “Paul, please don’t go like this. I didn’t mean what I said.”
His face was cold. He reached beneath the collar of his shirt until he was gripping the crucifix. He undid the clasp and handed it to me.
I took it. ”I hear everything you’re saying,” I whispered. “I swear I do.”
”Let me pass.”
I stepped aside. “Paul, what can I do to make you stay?”
He reached to open the door. ”You offer me that? Now?” His eyes swept my body. “When you smell like sex with another man, I mean, Vampire?”
I put my arms across my breasts and felt tears slip down my face. Tears? I didn’t think I had tears. “I wasn’t trying …“ I shook my head in denial. “I mean, you asked me to make you my Second. I will if you stay.”
He walked out the door.
“I’ll turn you if you stay!” I followed him sobbing.
He didn’t stop walking until he was out the front door.
Monica stood in the large front room watching us.
I stopped sobbing, but I couldn’t stop the tears from sliding down my cheeks and blurring my vision. I walked to the bathroom to finish my shower, but when I passed the mirror I screamed. There was blood running down my cheeks. My tears were now made of blood!
Monica rushed into the bathroom looking for whatever had caused me to scream.
I touched my cheeks. ”It’s blood.” I shivered. “It’s all blood ...” Then I sobbed some more. I wanted it off me.
She understood and led me back to the shower where she began scrubbing me with a loofah. But the more I cried the more I bled, and it began to pour out of my nose.
”Is this supposed to be happening to me?” I cried.
”Yes, sweetie. Blood is what you are now.”
”But when I brushed my teeth there was no blood. I had saliva.”
”You brush your teeth?”