That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26)

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That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2021 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0323-7

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 26

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2021

  Chapter One

  Sarge watched as Talia Clark served his customers.

  Cherry continued to try to lure everyone toward her performance on the stage. She was always trying to push the boundaries between sensual and lewd. Right now, she’d brought props, which included a vibrator. He’d have fired her ass months ago if his customers had so much as complained. Not a damn thing. These randy men would give anything to get their cock hard.

  Shaking his head, he moved toward the bar.

  There was only one woman he was interested in, and that was Talia. He didn’t like the way most men watched her.

  She wasn’t a stripper. She’d come to him when she’d turned eighteen, begging for a job. To him, she’d been nothing but jailbait. Long, silky blonde tresses, kind blue eyes, not to mention her curves. He’d always been a sucker for a woman with some meat on her, and Talia made him want to do dirty things to her.

  Four years he’d known her.

  Four years of craving her.

  She dropped the towel she’d been using, and this time, he really did need to control himself. That ass.

  He had so many fucking fantasies of her curvy ass. Seeing as she worked in his strip club, simply called Sarge’s Tits—yeah, blunt and to the point, but it didn’t detract any clientele—she often wore tight jeans and shirts that seemed to enhance the largeness of her tits. The men often drooled for her, but not once had she gone on stage. She never wore heels either.

  Sarge had demanded she remove the heels. She’d nearly killed herself trying to walk in them. So sneakers it was, and he didn’t have a problem with that.

  Watching her now, he wanted to remove all the assholes who stared at her. Scrub their eyes out with bleach. Instead, he stepped behind the bar and glared at all the men, daring them to say something to him as he moved into their territory.

  “What do you want?” he asked, glaring at the man in front of him.

  “Er, I’m waiting for Talia to serve me.”

  “You’ve got me. What do you want?” He leaned on the counter so the man got a clear shot of his muscles and ink.

  Some men were easy to intimidate. If they wanted to push him, then he could certainly take them all on. He was no stranger to fighting. He’d once been part of an MC, and it was only when he didn’t like the direction the club was taking that he pulled away and made a life for himself.

  To be removed from the club, most men would have died. Not him. He’d taken the beating, and the ink he’d once displayed with pride had been decorated over. No one would have ever guessed who he once was.

  The only thing he’d kept was his name.

  He had no other form of identity. This was who he was.


  The rest of the night went by without any event. He kicked everyone out at two in the morning, taking the keys from men who thought they could still drive. Save him assholes. After bolting the main door, he turned back to the room, and again, Talia was bent over a table.

  “Hey,” she said, offering him a smile. “That was a busy night.”

  He had to keep reminding himself she wasn’t an eighteen-year-old any more, but a sexy-as-fuck twenty-two-year-old. Not that it made it any easier for him. He was forty-five years old. He shouldn’t even be looking at women like Talia, but yet, here he was, watching her.

  “It was.”

  “Thank you for helping me out at the bar. You know I’ve got it handled though, right?”

  “I’ve told you a thousand times, Talia, I’m not going to fire you.”

  She chuckled. “Thank you.”

  “You’ve come a long way from the girl who smashed every single glass she touched.”

  Talia snorted. “I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Yeah, you were.”

  She giggled, walking past him. Even after working in the bar for nearly eight hours, she smelled like vanilla. So fucking sweet. He needed to get a grip on himself. He wasn’t some teenage boy waiting to get his cock sucked. All he had to do was snap his fingers and he could have women lining up at his door, waiting to service his dick. This woman shouldn’t bother him, and yet, here he was.

  He hadn’t had a woman in months.

  The only person to make him feel this way was Talia.

  Sarge watched her as she walked around the bar, humming to herself. Even at two o’clock in the morning, she seemed happy. She had so much energy.

  “Talia, are you seeing anyone?” he asked.

  The moment he did, he hated himself for it.

  She turned toward him with a smile. “No.”

  “No boyfriend?”

  “Not one.”

  “A lover?”

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red.


  “Anyone waiting for you?” he asked.

  “Sarge, I have no one, okay? My parents died in a car crash when I was eighteen. I was desperate for a job. I had nowhere to go. Believe me, I’ve never had anyone want me. No love interest of any kind, ever.”

  He frowned at her as she spun back to the bar, and he noticed her jerky movements. He was aware of her past. Her dead parents and the struggle she had trying to find a reasonably-priced apartment. Her parents had left her nothing, and she’d been forced to learn how to be a grown-up in a short space of time.

  Watching her now, he wanted to comfort her. Actually, he wanted to hold her to make it all better while also pounding his dick deep inside her cunt.

  Running a hand down his face, he excused himself, heading straight to his office to try to cool down.

  Talia wasn’t his problem.

  No matter how many times he kept on saying it, he had to at least believe it first.

  This woman had gotten under his skin, and he had no idea how he was going to get her out from under it.


  Damn it.

  Talia stamped her foot and gritted her teeth. She honestly thought she was getting somewhere. Trying to seduce a man wasn’t in her repertoire. Danny, one of Sarge’s regular customers, had told her Sarge couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

  From the time she was eighteen, she’d had a stupid crush on Sarge. While she’d worked for him, her feelings hadn’t changed. In fact, they’d gotten stronger, which only made this worse.

  Staring at her reflection in the bar mirror, she pressed her lips together.

  She was going to forever remain a virgin at this rate.

  Sarge didn’t have the best track record when it came to women, she got that. Even though she had feelings for him, she didn’t expect him to return them. She was used to growing up around people who didn’t like her or just wanted her out of the way. But if Danny was right, then it meant she could at least do something about this crush. Sarge didn’t need her to stay late at night, but she chose to in order to spend time with him.

; This attraction she felt toward him wasn’t going away. Whenever she was near him, her entire body flooded with arousal. Her need for him wasn’t changing or fading, but increasing.

  Staring toward his office, she knew she could just leave, come back another day, and deal with the constant closeness, or she could take a chance.

  Gritting her teeth, she finally decided to take a chance. Rather than walk out that front door, she moved toward his office.

  For a few minutes, she stood in his doorway, watching him. She had no idea how to tease him or how to find out if Danny had told her the truth. The last thing she wanted to do was to make a fool out of herself.

  Sarge sat in his chair, his head leaned back, eyes closed. He looked asleep.

  “I’m going to be leaving.”

  He turned his head, looking toward her. No words left his lips.

  She looked into his brown eyes. What was he thinking?

  “Sarge, can I ask you something?”

  “I thought you were leaving.”

  “I will as soon as you answer this one question.” She nibbled on her lip, suddenly hating opening her mouth to even ask him for anything.

  This was a mistake. A big, fat mistake. What if he laughed in her face? She’d never be able to come around here again.

  Her job was on the line.

  All of it.

  Why did she even need to care about her job? When he turned her down, she’d have no reason to return to Sarge’s Tits.

  “You’ve suddenly gotten very bossy.” He stood up, well over six feet.

  Nerves hit her full-on and she shook her head. “You know what, never mind.”

  Spinning on her heel, she made it just outside of his office before he captured her wrist.

  “Don’t go running away from me now. Just tell me what the problem is. Is it one of the guys? Are they upsetting you?”

  To everyone else, Sarge was a hard, cold man, but when he was near her, she only felt safe, protected, cherished. “No, no, of course not.”

  “I can’t help you, Talia, unless you tell me what is going on.” His grip tightened a little on her wrist and she felt her nerves rush over her as she glanced toward the stage. A stripper had once told her that no one would give you anything in this life unless you took it.

  She’d never taken anything in her life.

  Always been the good girl.

  The one who put her head down, studied hard. She wasn’t the brightest girl in school, but she got enough to pass. Hard-working, like now, she had no problem getting her hands dirty to earn her keep.

  The only problem she had was that she didn’t want to be a virgin any longer.

  “I want you to teach me about sex.” The moment the words spilled from her lips, she slapped a hand against her mouth and took a step away. “I am so sorry.” She was so fucking stupid. What kind of woman just said stuff like that?

  Without getting her bag or jacket, she rushed toward the door, only to cry out as his large hand slammed against the wood and stopped her from leaving.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Sarge, please,” she said, putting her head against the door. “I’ve already humiliated myself enough. Danny said something and I thought … but it’s all—”

  “What did Danny say?” Sarge asked.

  She was flush to the door with Sarge right behind her, his large body enveloping her in warmth.

  Licking her lips, she closed her eyes. “He said that you look at me like you want to eat me. Like there are a lot of dirty things you wish to do.”

  “He did, did he?”

  “Can I go?” she asked.

  Time seemed to stand still. No one moved. She waited, expecting him to let her go, but he didn’t. Instead, he pushed against her, and she felt the unmistakable length of his hard cock pressing against her.

  She whimpered as his hand went to her hip and held her in an almost bruising grip.

  “He wasn’t wrong, Talia. I do look at you like I want to eat you. I can’t teach you about sex, but I can show you how to fuck. That’s all I can offer you. I don’t do roses or charm, or sweet romance. When I fuck you, it’s going to hurt, but I promise you, you’re going to love every single second of it after I pop that sweet cherry of yours.” He flicked his tongue against her pulse before biting down. “Now tell me, is that what you want?”

  She was already dripping wet, and so long as it was with him, she’d do just about anything.

  Chapter Two

  Two days later

  Talia stayed perfectly still at his side as he drove his truck down toward his home. He never slept where he worked. After closing up the club, he’d brought his truck to take Talia home with him.

  Sarge had made sure to pay Danny a visit so the man knew to keep out of his business. He had no right telling Talia what he wanted, and next time, he was determined not to let his feelings show.

  The way he’d learned to survive all these years was to keep shit to himself, so the fact others were seeing what he wanted, he didn’t like that at all.

  He lived about a twenty-minute drive from the club just on the outskirts of the city. When he bought it close to seven years ago, it had been rundown. The price had been a steal because of how much work it needed. With the money he had, he invested in his club, repaired his home, and well, the rest is history.

  Turning off the ignition, he made no move to get out. “Talia, I have no intention of hurting you. I won’t be teased or taken for a ride. You tell me to stop, I stop. Got it?”


  “And keep your insecurities at the door. My word is law inside that house. Understand?” he asked.

  “Yes, I get it.”


  He climbed out of the truck, grabbed her bag from the backseat, and made his way toward the front of the house. He kept a light on for his dog, Russ, who came to him the moment he opened the door.

  “Hello, boy, how are you doing, buddy?” He knelt down, giving his dog a stroke.

  The moment Russ saw Talia, he went straight to her, turning to give her access to stroke him.

  “He’s my fierce guard dog,” he said.

  Talia giggled, leaning down to stroke his belly. “Are you his fierce guard dog? You’re so cute. So very, very cute.” She blew kisses at him.

  “All right, that’s enough. I don’t want you spoiling him. He won’t want to stay here alone.” He snapped his fingers and Russ got up, heading toward one of his many bed areas. Sarge had always been a sucker for a dog. Russ had been a stray he’d taken in, gotten him checked over by the vet, and finally adopted.

  Dropping Talia’s bag in the sitting room, he turned to look at her. Her gaze moved around the room, clearly taking everything in. He smiled. Her attempt to seduce him was cute. Danny had tried to reassure him that the reason he spoke out of turn was that he noticed how they looked at one another. Well, with Talia wanting him to teach her about sex, he was more than happy to oblige, but she was only going to know how he liked it.

  “Strip,” he said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Take off all your clothes. I want you completely naked.”

  She glanced down at her body. “Where’s a bathroom?”

  “I didn’t offer you a place to strip. I want to see the show.”

  “I’m not auditioning.”

  “Baby, you’re auditioning for the role to play on my cock. Are you going to give me what I want, or are you going to keep on playing coy? I can do this all day long.” He sat down, resting the heel of one foot on his knee, waiting.

  She licked her lips, and finally, after a few seconds of hesitation, slowly started to remove her clothes.

  He’d never hire her to strip in his club. Her movements were jerky and there was no fluidity to her strip. Besides, he didn’t want anyone else to see what only he wanted, all to himself.

  Once she stepped out of her jeans, he had to move to adjust himself. Every single part of her was all woman. Thick, juicy
thighs. She turned, and this time, he groaned. The panties molded to her perfect ass, and it made him ache for more of her.

  Touching himself, he continued to watch her, enjoying the view. When she got to her bra and panties, she covered herself with her arms, or at least attempted to as best she could.

  “Take everything off and don’t you ever fucking dare try to cover yourself in my company.”


  He heard the quiver in her voice and it cut him to his fucking soul. Getting to his feet, he closed the distance between them, took hold of her hand, and placed it right over his cock. “You feel that?” he asked.

  Her eyes went a little wide.

  “Yeah, you feel that. I’m so fucking hard for you right now I can’t even think straight. Do as I tell you, or I will have no choice but to spank this fuckable ass.” For good measure, he reached behind her and squeezed the cheeks so she knew he meant business, which he did. “Now, get naked and no hiding.”

  He stepped back and worked on the buckle of his belt, opening it up.

  Keeping his gaze on her, he waited to see if she’d follow through with his directions. When she did, he smiled, and damn. Talia was every bit he imagined and then more. She had a nice, rounded stomach, thick thighs, large tits, and suckable nipples. Every part of her was a turn-on to him.

  After kicking off his boots, he removed his clothes quickly.

  She released a gasp when he stood before her completely naked.

  “You don’t waste any time, do you?” she asked.

  “I’m not the kind of guy with time to waste. You’ve got to learn, Talia, to have anything in this life, you’ve got to take it.” He stepped toward her, drawing her naked body to his. “And you, Talia, for as long as I say so, are now mine.” He held on to her ass, not knowing how much time he’d need to take his fill of this woman.


  She was naked in front of Sarge.

  Skin to skin.

  Heat filled her body. All of it as his cock pressed against her stomach. She couldn’t think.


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