That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26)

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That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  The way he held on to her ass, his touch, it set her on fire.

  All too soon, he stepped back and his fingers traced down toward her stomach.

  “Are you wet for me, Talia?” he asked.

  She nodded her head.

  Down his hand went, going toward the apex of her thighs. She spread her legs, giving him plenty of room to play with her. When he touched her clit, she cried out, a little taken aback by the sudden hit of pleasure.

  She hadn’t been expecting that.

  “You’re soaking wet, Talia. I think you’re going to enjoy being mine.” He nibbled on her ear, and again, his touch was gone. “I want you to sit in the chair, put your ass on the edge, spread your legs on either side.”

  She looked at the chair he pointed at and was a little shocked. She’d be open and exposed. No part of her could hide.

  There was no time for hesitation as Sarge put some music on. She sat in the chair as soft notes filled the air. Not what she expected from him. She imagined Sarge loving rock music or heavy metal. Not classical.

  He leaned against the wall as she sat back. This angle opened her up, making her vulnerable.

  When he gripped his cock and began to massage the length, she was surprised.

  “Touch yourself for me.”

  This was … embarrassing. She’d only ever touched herself in the dark. Never to an audience. He was pushing her boundaries, and she didn’t know if she liked that or not.

  She slid a hand between her thighs, touching her clit. At the first stroke of her pussy, she closed her eyes. She was wetter than she’d ever been.

  “Open your eyes. You’ve got to look at me the entire time. I’m right here, Talia. Nowhere else.”

  She focused on him as she continued to touch her pussy. He was still working his cock.

  “You know, Danny was right,” he said, surprising her.

  “He was?”

  “I watched you. I’ve been watching you since you first came to me for a job.” He stopped touching his cock and moved closer. He slapped her hand and she immediately moved it out of the way. “You need to learn how to touch this pussy properly.” His hands went to her knees and he knelt in front of her. “But first, I’m going to have a little taste.”

  She cried out at the instant bolt of pleasure that rushed through her entire body from the single lick of his tongue. It was wet, and so different from her hands. She was already feeling her orgasm so close. He teased at her entrance, pressing against her virgin flesh but not penetrating.

  Keeping her gaze on him, she looked between her thighs, and one look from him was all it took. She came, riding his tongue as he licked up her release.

  Shame washed over her even before the aftershocks of orgasm had released.

  She’d come all over his tongue in less than a minute.

  Sarge sat back, wiping her juices from his face.

  Climbing off the chair, she tried to get past him, but he captured her, pressing her back into the chair with his much larger body covering hers.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  “I shouldn’t have done that. You must be—”

  “I’m fucking thrilled, Talia. You think it’s going to be easy for you to take my cock?” He once again grabbed her hand and placed it right over his erection. “You feel that?” He held her hand around his dick and worked the length up and down, making her feel every inch of him.

  “That’s what you do to me, Talia. I love that you came so fucking hard your first time. I’m going to own every single one of your firsts, and what’s more, you’re going to love them.” He slammed his lips down on hers, and it suddenly occurred to Talia that he’d let her come before they’d even shared a kiss.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked, breaking from the kiss.

  Talia frowned. “What?”

  “When I fuck you, I don’t want there to be anything between us. Are you on the pill? For protection?”

  She shook her head. There was no reason for her to be on the pill.

  “I’ll take care of you.” He kissed her again hard. “I was going to make this last and give you a sweet time, but it doesn’t matter what I do. The first time is always going to be the hardest one.”

  She frowned, not sure what he meant, but in the next second, when she screamed his name, she became quite clear on what he was saying. He pushed through her virgin walls. The pain struck her hard and fast.

  Sarge grabbed her arms, locking them by her sides, keeping her still as he thrust every single inch of his cock within her. She hadn’t been expecting it and as tears filled her eyes, she was sure she caught his look of remorse, but that couldn’t be right.

  He never regretted anything.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding on to her tightly. She didn’t want him to ever let her go. Sarge made her feel safe and warm.

  Even as he’d taken her virginity in the most unromantic of ways, she was more than happy it had been him to claim it. She closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to lessen, knowing only pleasure could come from this.

  Slowly, the pain subsided and she was more interested in feeling him. Sarge released a chuckle. “You want me to move, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked.

  She wanted him to do more than move. She wanted him to show her just what she’d been missing out on.

  Chapter Three

  Talia’s pussy was the tightest he’d ever been in. Sarge was this close to coming. He really wanted to spill all of his cum deep within her walls and make her his. She wasn’t on the pill, and he hadn’t actually intended to go inside her bare. Far fucking from it. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself a few moments to just enjoy being inside her.

  He’d planned a long fucking weekend where he took her virginity slowly and made love to her. It was going to be the only time he gave her that, but now, as he felt her tight pussy surround him, he knew it would be a struggle to be gentle with her.

  When he felt Talia start to move beneath him, he wasn’t completely sure he was feeling right. Opening his eyes, he stared down at her, and sure enough, she’d started to move her little pussy on his cock.

  “You want me to move, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  He shook his head. “No, baby, you’ve got to do more than that. You’ve got to tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Please, Sarge.”

  “Please Sarge, what?”

  “I want you to move inside me.”

  “With what?” he asked. He was being a bastard. She wasn’t used to this, but he stayed perfectly still.

  He wanted Talia to not be afraid of asking for what she wanted. In fact, he relished her taking and giving with equal measure. He wasn’t going to be one of these men who didn’t show his woman exactly what to do if she was desperate for him.

  She licked her lips.

  Rather than have her squirm, even though it felt really good, he leaned down and kissed those lips, which he would have his cock sliding between very soon. “Do you want my cock, sweetheart?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Good. Then say it.”

  He waited.


  All he wanted to do was fuck her hard, but instead, he smiled at her and waited. Finally, after what felt like forever, she spoke.

  “I want you to fuck me, Sarge. I want you to move your cock inside me.”

  Holding on to her hips, he gave her exactly what she wanted. They both cried out at the instant hit of pleasure.

  He pulled all the way out of her until only the tip of him remained, and then thrust in deep. Sarge glanced down between them, seeing the blood that coated his cock. This woman hadn’t had a single man between her thighs. He was the first and as far as he was concerned, the only man that was going to be inside her.

  Sarge froze at the thought.

  This wasn’t supposed to be long-term. He did
n’t keep women for longer than a couple of weeks.

  “What is it?” Talia asked.

  Realizing he’d stopped, he began to slowly thrust in and out of her, giving him the chance to enjoy her moans and sweet sounds. In and out, deep and hard.

  He didn’t know if he could keep Talia.

  Boredom always kicked in.

  He hadn’t promised her forever, so there was no reason for him to start now.

  Sarge felt his orgasm beginning to build and this time, he didn’t stop. He fucked her hard and fast, loving every second of being inside her tight little cunt.

  The moment he came, he claimed her lips, kissing her as he spilled wave upon wave of cum within her. In the back of his mind, he knew this wasn’t the brightest thing to have done. She wasn’t on the pill and now he’d just increased the chances of getting her pregnant.

  As the pleasure ebbed away, he pulled away to see her smiling up at him.

  “I know you wanted slow.”

  “Sarge, you don’t know what I wanted. All I wanted was that and wow,” she said with a giggle.

  He chuckled.

  She nodded.

  “Good. I’m happy.”

  “Me too.”

  He reached out, stroking her cheek. “Now, we’ve got to go clean this up.”

  “Oh.” She frowned as she looked down at him. He pulled out of her and there was now blood and their combined releases decorating his cock. Without another word, he kissed the inside of her thigh, having this overwhelming feeling of keeping her. He picked her up in his arms.

  “Sarge, I can walk.”

  He carried her all the way upstairs to his bedroom, which he was mightily proud of. A large tub sat in the center of the bathroom. He’d installed a shower in the corner for those days when he didn’t have time, nor the luxury. There were few things he enjoyed in this life, and one of those was a long soak in the tub. He didn’t fucking care if it made him girly, but he enjoyed it. After years of being out on the open road, a long wash in the tub was exactly what the doctor ordered as far as he was concerned.

  Talia stayed quiet as he filled the tub, adding in some salts to help soothe her body.

  When it was done, he picked her up in his arms, carried her over the threshold, put her down into the water, and followed her inside. He was going to cherish this moment. Rather than give her space, he moved and pulled her into position in front of him, banding his arms around her. He placed kisses at her neck.

  “How was your first time?” he asked.

  She giggled. “That was amazing.” She reached up, cupping his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “No, baby, thank you.” He kissed her again and groaned. “Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me, do you?” His cock was already thickening against her ass.

  “I have an idea.”

  “Are you sore?”

  She tilted her head back and shook her head. “Not at all.”


  Talia stood, holding a cup of coffee, staring at Sarge’s naked ass. He’d fucked her four times last night, and they’d gotten to sleep around seven in the morning. She’d never been awake all night before. Glancing over at the clock, she saw it was a little after ten. She’d climbed out of bed twenty minutes ago, used his bathroom, and made her way downstairs. The coffee pot had brewed. She’d also let Russ out for a walk.

  Sipping at the dark liquid, she couldn’t take her eyes away from the hard planes of his ass. She’d admired his body plenty of times while at the bar, but now, naked, she got to see the teasing marks of his ink that touched the top swells of his ass.

  The tattoo itself was dark, with what appeared to be shading working into the darkness. The design looked like a graveyard in the moonlight. There was one spark of color, in a tree. A single apple held onto a branch.

  She loved it.

  He must have sat for hours to get it done.

  “You know it’s rude to stare,” he said.

  She looked up and sure enough, Sarge was turned toward her with a smile on his lips. “I think I rather like having my ass stared at,” he said.

  “You’re not funny.”

  “You were checking out my ass.” He rolled over. She couldn’t help but look down and sure enough, his cock pointed straight up.

  She licked her lips and watched as he wrapped his fingers around his length.

  “Licking those lips is asking for trouble, Talia.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “Come here.”

  She put her coffee down and moved toward him. He didn’t change position but his hand kept moving up and down his length.

  She kept on staring at him as she licked her lips, waiting. He was so perfect.

  “Do you want to lick it?” he asked.

  Talia nodded, not taking her eyes away from him.

  “Get on the bed with your head near my cock.” His fingers moved toward the base of his dick and she did as he instructed.

  After the bath, and having sex multiple times, they’d taken a shower together before passing out. He smelled of soap and so masculine as well.

  “Now, get your lips nice and wet.”

  She glided her tongue across her lips as he asked.

  “Now, taste me, just with your tongue.”

  Talia moved forward and slid her tongue across the tip, gliding down to the base.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah, that feels nice. Like that. Just like that. Now, use your lips like you want to suck me.”

  She covered the tip of his cock and moved over him, going down until he hit the back of her throat. She moaned around his length.

  “Now, do what you want,” he said.

  She bobbed her head over his cock, going down and up, swallowing, licking, and sucking. She tasted him.

  “Use your hands,” he said.

  She took over from where he held his length, and working up and down, she took him deep, finding a pace that suited her. She felt him push forward a few times and even as she choked, she loved the feel of him in her mouth.

  Looking up, she saw his gaze on her.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look. I knew those lips were fuckable, and baby, you’re a natural at this.”

  Her own arousal had spiked and as Sarge growled, she knew he was close.

  “I’m going to come, baby. You’ve got to stop now or take it all.”

  She didn’t stop.

  Even though she’d been a virgin a few hours ago, there were some things she knew automatically, like the fact he wanted her to swallow. She did. As he came in her mouth, she moaned and swallowed, tasting him. There was so much, and mixed with her saliva, she didn’t get it all down as she felt it leak out of her mouth. Once she was finished, she sat back and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, smiling at him.

  “Fuck, baby.” He sat up and kissed her. As he did this, he also pushed her to the bed and spread her thighs wide.

  He broke the kiss only long enough to go between her thighs to lick her pussy. Sarge held her open, his tongue dancing from her clit to her entrance, then back up.

  When he sucked her into his mouth, using his teeth to continue licking and sucking, she didn’t think she was going to last. In fact, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to.

  She came hard against his mouth.

  He’d lasted longer than her.

  Sarge kissed up her body, taking her tits into his mouth, then finally kissing her lips.

  “Now that’s one way to wake up.” He’d moved the shirt she wore out of his way and he held it in his grip. “Did I say you could wear this?”

  She shook her head. “I, er, I let Russ out. I made some coffee.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

  “I’m a horrible host. Are you hungry?”


  He climbed off the bed and held his hand out to her. She followed him but as he got to the doorway, he pulled off the shirt and gripped her ass. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see you naked, and I’m not going to miss a mo
ment. You’re here, you’re naked, simple as.” He tightened his grip on her ass and growled. “I want you again.”

  Her stomach growled.

  “But I’ll wait until after I feed you.” He held her hand and turned his back on her. This was what she’d been dreaming about. She couldn’t help but feel a little giddy as he’d admitted to thinking about her, wanting to see her naked. That was progress and she intended to hold on to that hope.

  He’d been blunt with her and told her there was no chance of forever, but a girl could dream, right?

  Chapter Four

  Sarge wished he could have kept her for the whole weekend all to himself, but the thing about owning a strip club, customers always wanted more. On Saturday night, while he’d rather be between Talia’s sweet thighs, they were both at the bar, tending to it. She managed the main bar while he filled in orders and dealt with the girls who thought they could charm a raise out of him.

  He paid his strippers fair.

  Unlike most strip clubs who only catered to male clientele, he’d learned long ago that the way to stay open was to include the opposite sex.

  Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, he had male strippers on for his female customers, and he often had sell-out nights during those times. He also booked hen nights, baby showers even, birthday parties. It was why he could compete with the city’s best, as he was able to cater all year long.

  He never opened for Christmas, though. It was the one time of the year he believed in family and staying home. He had no family, but he knew his strippers did. They often brought in pictures, bragging about their children.

  There was a knock at his door and he wasn’t surprised to see Cherry standing in his doorway.

  “Hello, handsome,” she said.

  “What can I do for you, Cherry?” he asked, putting the files away and turning toward her. She was dressed in one of her many costumes. The schoolgirl outfit was a popular one for many.

  It didn’t work for him.

  “Actually, I was wondering if I could see you after work. It’s important.”

  The last time he’d fallen for her wanting to see him, she’d tried to seduce him.


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