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That Ass Is Mine (Curvy Women Wanted Book 26)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Not going to happen. Tell me what it is you want now.”

  She moved toward him, running a finger down his chest. He captured her wrist and she released a giggle. “Don’t you ever get lonely, Sarge? I know a man like you, you’re going to have needs, and it’s honorable you’re constantly fighting them.”

  “Cherry, you’re a good, hard worker, but I’ve told you many times, I’m not interested in you, not at all.”

  She pouted. “That’s not very nice.”

  “I’m not a nice guy.”

  “Oh, but you see, baby, I can be many things. You think you don’t want me, but I can blow your mind with what I know. Have you ever had that big cock of yours swallowed? I can take you all. I’d love to show you just how much I could eat you up, and I’ve got no problem swallowing that delicious cum of yours.”

  He heard a gasp and the door creaked open.

  Talia stood there, her cheeks flaming. “So sorry to bother you. Er, I need more beers. We’re selling out fast.”

  She ran off, and her name was at the tip of his tongue to call her back, but he didn’t. The damage had already been done, and now he had to pick up the pieces like fucking usual. Why couldn’t his life be fucking normal? Why did it have to be difficult?

  “Poor, baby,” she said. “She’s so innocent. I probably scared her off.”

  “Cherry, go and get ready, and don’t come to my office again. You offer yourself up to me again, and you’re fired.”

  He had a reputation, but he’d never once hit on his strippers. They stripped for the clients, not for him. They had to audition to win a spot on the pole, but he never found any attraction in watching them.

  Being a male, he knew what men would like, but he didn’t fuck them, ever. Sure, there were some beautiful women working for him. The only woman who’d made him weak was Talia.

  Rather than go to the bar as if he was guilty, he grabbed several cases of beer and took them through to the bar.

  Talia’s smile was in place as she talked to customers.

  He passed by one guy he didn’t recognize.

  “You know, darling, you don’t deserve to be in a place like this. How about you go out with me tomorrow night? I’ll show you what you’re missing.” He was in the process of passing a card when Sarge snatched it right out of his hand.

  “Not here!” He tore up the card and allowed the pieces to spill to the floor. “Drink your drink and get the fuck out.”

  “Whoa, dude, I’m just looking for a good time,” he said.

  “Not in my bar.”

  “Sarge, it’s fine,” Talia said. “He’s being nice. He was telling me all about his promotion. It’s fine.”

  He grabbed her hand and marched her away from the bar, calling Smitt, the man he usually had on guard duty, to man the bar. He didn’t let her go until he got to his office. Slamming the door for good measure, he pressed her up against it.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked.


  “Don’t take men’s phone numbers.”

  “I’ve been working here for four years. I’ve had plenty of guys offer me their phone numbers, Sarge. Not once have I fucking taken them.”

  He liked the word fucking spilling from her lips.

  “Besides, would it really matter?” she asked. “You’ve got Cherry more than willing to give you a good time.”

  “You’re jealous.”

  “No, I’m not.” She tried to pull away. “Let me go.”

  “You came to me, Talia, to teach you about sex, and guess what, there’s no way I’d ever want Cherry. Not after having a taste of you. You’re the first woman who works for me that I’ve ever fucked.”

  This made her stop. “I don’t believe you.”

  “You should. Cherry has been after me a long time. She now knows if she keeps on trying the shit she pulled tonight, she’s out on her ass. I broke my rules for you, Talia. Believe me or not, you’re not pushing me away. Your ass belongs to me, and you make sure all of those men out there are aware of it. You’re off the market.”


  “Your ass belongs to me.”

  “You’re off the market.”

  Those two statements wouldn’t leave Talia’s mind, even as they cleaned up together. The rest of the strippers and workers had already left. Every now and then, she’d stop wiping something down to glance over toward Sarge, who mopped the floor. His bar had several reviews online and it made her smile when she saw one complimented his clean floors. It was kind of funny that a bar with strippers had been raved about because of their floors. After being in his house last night into this morning, she’d started to see a side to Sarge she hadn’t realized.

  He liked things clean.

  His kitchen was neat and she’d seen inside his cupboards and his fridge. Everything was organized by date of expiration.

  Did this go back to something he experienced as a child? She didn’t know for sure, but either way, she wanted to learn more about him.

  He’d been right about her.

  Hearing Cherry come on to him, she’d been jealous. There was no way she could compete with Cherry.

  “You do know I had no intention of taking his number,” she said.

  Sarge put the mop into the bucket and looked up. “I know.”

  “Then why did you get so angry?”

  “I don’t share, Talia. You’re mine until I say otherwise.”

  Now there went her dream of his statements from earlier meaning something. She had an expiration date as well.

  She finished wiping up the glasses and lifted the covers from the floor that had been used to cover the beer that Sarge had brought up to her.

  When she came back, she heard soft music playing in the bar. Sarge was seated in a chair and he’d turned on the lights to one of the poles.

  “Come here, Talia.”

  “I don’t know how to strip.”

  “Baby, you’re not auditioning for anyone but me.”

  “I…” She looked toward the pole and shook her head.

  “You’re telling me no?” he asked.

  “I don’t think I should do that.” She was a terrible dancer.

  He held out his hand and she went straight to him. “All I’d like you to do is dance for me. There are no strings. Just music.”

  “If I dance for you, would you dance for me?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Then I’ll dance for you.”

  She looked up at the pole. It wasn’t dangerous or scary. She wore sneakers.

  “Okay, fine. You did clean this, though, right?” she asked. Cherry had once told her how turned on she got having a room full of men watching her. The last thing she wanted to do was to touch whatever Cherry had.

  The thought alone was enough to make her feel a little sick.

  “You know I always clean everything that’s touched. Stop stressing.” He winked at her.

  She nodded and wrapped her fingers around the pole.

  The music changed from a soft classical song to something slow, seductive. Closing her eyes, she allowed the flow of the music to wash over her, imagining she was anywhere but in the strip club.

  What she wanted was for Sarge to never want any of his other women at all. She wanted to be his everything.

  Spinning around, she slid her back down the pole and opened her eyes.

  He’d turned the lights down on the stage. It was a soft hue, and she could see him. His gaze was on her as she stood up.

  Holding the pole, she swung around, tempted to give him a show.

  Could she do it?

  She wore a pair of jeans and a shirt. Not exactly tempting, but she thought about Cherry this evening. The stripper had told her on more than one occasion that she’d love to fuck Sarge. She believed him when he said he hadn’t been with any other women because Cherry had told her so many times before.

  He didn’t want anyone else, yet he’d tak
en her.

  With her back turned to him and using the sway of her hips, she unbuttoned her shirt, quickly.

  Her hands shook. There was no way this was sensual.

  She tried, and as she slid her shirt down, she heard him groan. His pleasured sounds encouraged her.

  She dropped the shirt to the floor and spun to face him. The black lace bra she wore was the sexiest piece of underwear she owned. Turned toward him, she unbuttoned her jeans and turned, swaying her hips from side to side.

  This wasn’t a good show. Inside, she cringed at how she must look.

  Keep going. You’re doing this for him.

  “Show me that ass,” he said.

  With her backside pointed at him, she slowly wriggled out of her jeans, pushing them past her hips and down. She wore matching lace panties and as she stepped out of her jeans, she arched her back and swayed to the beat.

  Spinning around to give him a full view, she slid to the floor, legs spread, back arched, offering herself up in submission.

  Take it all off.

  Talia didn’t know what came over her, but as she released the catch of her bra, she no longer cared. For however long Sarge deemed her his, she belonged to him. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight. There had been a few times she’d watched the way the men stared at the stage. As if the women on the pole were goddesses. There was only one man she had wanted for herself and that was Sarge.

  She’d played with her pussy many times, imagining him watching her, wanting her, begging for her. She looked to where he sat and was shocked to see him with his cock in his hand.

  A rush of power ran over her, and she couldn’t deny her need for him.

  Whatever Sarge did to her, she didn’t want it to stop.

  Chapter Five

  One week later

  Sarge rolled over and smiled as he watched Talia sleep. Glancing over her shoulder, he saw the clock read just after seven in the morning. They’d both been working hard the past week. Talia came into work with him, and well, he didn’t see a reason to take her home to her place at night. He was already breaking so many rules, so he didn’t see a reason to stop.

  He’d never brought a woman home here.

  Whenever he’d fucked a woman in the past, he’d gotten a motel room or simply gone back to her place. Being in an MC, he’d known how clingy women could be and when he wanted a simple hookup, he’d always been blunt, never allowing a woman to think there could be more than there actually was.

  Running his fingers down the curve of Talia’s back, he pushed the blanket out of the way to trace the curves. He loved her body, the fullness of it.

  She released a little sigh and as he moved the blanket down to her thighs, he admired the curves of her ass.

  “Don’t you want me to get some sleep?” she asked, yawning even as she woke up.

  “I believe sleep is overrated.”

  She giggled. “Is that right?” She went to turn around, but his grip on her hips kept her in place. “Sarge, what are you doing?”

  “You know from the moment you walked into my bar, I knew you were going to be trouble.”

  “You didn’t have to hire me.”

  “Oh, yes, I did. You looked sad and lost. Lonely even. I knew you were struggling, but I tell you, the moment you dropped your cell phone onto the floor, bent down to pick it up, I knew I was in heaven. I shouldn’t have hired you at all.”

  “You hired me because you liked my ass?”

  He cupped the delicious mounds and groaned. “Baby, you need to realize this ass is a work of art.” He gripped the cheeks tightly and gave them a little slap. “So fucking beautiful.”

  She cried out as he bent down and sank his teeth into the flesh.

  “So tasty.” He couldn’t get enough. Sliding his hand beneath, he stroked over her pussy, finding her already soaking wet. He pushed a finger inside her, pulling out, adding a second one, sliding in deep. This time, they both moaned at the instant hit of pleasure they both got.

  It still amazed him how wet she was.

  How much she wanted him.

  A week had passed, and for him, that was like breaking a record when it came to a woman.

  He hadn’t given Talia a moment to herself. Whenever they were alone, he fucked her, touched her, needed her. His cock was in constant need around her, and not once did it stop. He just had to have her.

  “Talia, I want you to grab your ass and spread yourself for me.”

  She was so fucking trusting, she did exactly what he asked. No questions. Nothing. She opened herself up to him like a ripe offering, begging to be fucked. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it beneath her hips, showing her pussy and asshole even more.

  Drawing his fingers out of her pussy, he began to coat her asshole. Getting her nice and slick. He’d been wanting to take her ass since they started this, and so he reached up into his drawer, taking out the lubricant he’d purchased for this very night.

  He unscrewed the cap and applied a good amount to his cock, getting it nice and slick. When he was ready, he used some more on her asshole.

  “Sarge, what are you doing?” she asked.

  He moved over her, brushing her neck with a kiss. “I’m taking what I want. I love this ass, Talia. I want it. Are you going to let me have it?” he asked.


  “Good. You need me to stop, you tell me.”

  She sighed.

  He pressed the tip of his cock to her anus, the tight ring of muscles keeping him out. He held his cock and slowly began to push inside her. Inch after inch, he breached through the tight muscles and they both cried out.

  Her hand was clenched and he paused, sliding one hand beneath her to start stroking her clit. Her asshole tightened around him, and he moved another inch within her, holding himself still as he worked her pussy.

  Slowly, as he worked her toward an orgasm, she began to open her legs, rocking on his fingers that were also taking her ass.

  He closed his eyes, trying not to just rut inside her. First, he wanted her to orgasm.

  Seconds, minutes later, she screamed his name, and he didn’t stop teasing her until the last part of her orgasm had drained completely out of her, his name a mantra on her lips. He returned to her hips, holding on to them as he began to thrust into her tight ass.

  Sarge stared down as she opened up to take him.

  “Fuck, babe, if you could see this now. You’d be so fucking amazed. Your ass, it wants my dick. Is desperate for it.”

  In and out.

  He took her and Talia moved with him, rocking back on his cock. The tightness of her ass was too much for him to control. He didn’t hold back and as soon as he came, he filled her asshole, wrapping his arms around her as he allowed the last ebb of release to sink away.

  Kissing her shoulder, her neck, her hair, he sighed. “I could certainly get used to this, babe.”

  Sarge paused as he realized what he’d said.

  He waited for Talia to start asking questions.

  She didn’t speak.

  No questions. Nothing. He didn’t know if he was disappointed or thrilled that she didn’t ask for more. After all, he’d only given her now, not forever.


  “There’s something different about you,” Cherry said, taking a seat at the bar.

  The doors weren’t open yet. In fact, they had another twenty minutes before they allowed customers inside. Sarge was out back dealing with something to do with an order.

  Now that she was sleeping in his home, she often came into the bar when he did. Normally, she’d arrive minutes before the first customer did. She glanced over at Cherry.

  She’d seen the way the woman looked at Sarge. He never gave Cherry the time of day.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Please, girl, I’ve been a stripper for nearly twelve years. This is the sweetest deal I’ve got here.” She lit up a cigarette.

  “I don’t think that’s allowed.”

oney, you’ve got to learn to break the rules.” She glanced up and down at her. “You’ve got yourself a man.”

  “It’s nothing. Really.”

  “That isn’t nothing. He good?”

  Heat filled her cheeks. She shouldn’t be talking about her relationship with Sarge with Cherry. It would be a disaster.

  “I really don’t feel comfortable talking about this.”

  Cherry blew out a raspberry. “Don’t be such a spoilsport. I’m guessing from the glow, you’re probably pregnant.” Cherry wrinkled her nose. “I’ve got two brats at home. They spoil your figure and I have to work like crazy to keep mine. Love my kids though. They are a pain, but damn, they’re good.”

  “I’m not pregnant.”

  “Huh, so he’s keeping you thoroughly fucked. That’s good. When are we going to meet this man?”

  “Cherry, you’re supposed to be getting ready,” Sarge said. “And quit smoking.”

  “All right. All right. Look, I’m being a good little girl. Hey, Sarge, our own little angel is learning how to be bad.”

  She had to look anywhere but at Sarge. Turning back to the bar, she put more glasses right, which weren’t out of place anyway.

  “Talia, my office.”

  “The boss doesn’t look happy.” Cherry winked at him. “I’d love to be riding him some day. Anyway, I’ve got to go before he really does kick me out on my ass.”

  Cherry left and Talia made her way to his door.

  Nerves flooded her.

  “Close the door,” he said the moment she entered.

  She did.

  “Lock it.”

  Again, she did it.

  He pushed away from the desk. “Come here.”

  She went to him and he grabbed her hips. For the first time ever at work, she’d settled on a denim skirt. Mainly because her jeans were all in the wash. She needed to stop screwing Sarge every chance she got and wash her clothes. She couldn’t afford to go out and get a new wardrobe when the occasion called for it, like living and going to work.

  “You know, I’m not sure if I like this,” he said.


  “You wearing skirts. The men are already horny bastards. The moment they see you, they’re going to want to see more.”

  She didn’t protest as he began to pull her skirt up over her hips.


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