All the Little Secrets: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 2)

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All the Little Secrets: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 2) Page 12

by S. J. Sylvis

  And it was really hard to believe that she had a drug addict for a brother and parents who didn’t seem to give two fucks about her.

  This girl deserved more.

  After I left the food bank, reiterating to Piper—again—that I didn’t want her at the races, I went home and, basically, sat and watched the clock. With each slow and painful tick forward, the anticipation grew. Soon, the sun would be setting, and I’d be on my way to flying down a dirt road with a couple hundred people gathered around, all with wide eyes, hoping they had bet on the right person.

  The right person = me.

  I walked through the front door of my house, feeling even more excited to race after practicing with the turbo one last time. I wanted to make sure I was ready, and since Brandon talked me into getting a turbo, injectors, and new head studs, I needed to get a feel for my Charger with all the extra power. I was good at driving; I always had been. And racing for the last few months only strengthened that trait.

  I stopped at the threshold of my house as the unwelcomed thought filtered through. Was my real dad a good driver? It was thoughts like that that made my skin crawl. Guilt threatened to suffocate me from every angle. I felt like complete fucking shit every time I let myself wonder about my real dad. Who he was.

  What he was like.

  If he had a family.

  If I had any other siblings.

  That last one especially fucked me up.

  I never wanted to replace Christian, and even having the mere thought of adding another sibling into my life made me almost double over.

  This was exactly why I needed to race tonight. I needed to get out of my own head. Take a breather. Feel nothing but the rumble of my engine and the leather on my steering wheel.

  As I all but ran through the hallway heading upstairs to change to get ready for the race, I faltered at the sound of his voice.


  I paused with my back toward him. Fuck. What was he doing home?

  Slowly, I spun around. My chest began to feel tight again, but I put on my mask and acted nonchalant. “Hey, what are you doing home?”

  My dad leaned against the far wall closest to the kitchen. His dress shirt was rolled to his forearms, and his dark hair was laying in a disheveled mess on the top of his head.

  I looked nothing like my father. I always thought I took after my mother. I mean, we both shared the same light hair and light-blue eyes, but now that I knew my dad wasn’t actually my dad, I wondered if I took after my mom, after all. Maybe it was my real father I took after.

  I kept an even face as another guilty thought entered my head. My father shrugged. “I had a couple of days in between trips. Thought I’d spend some time with you boys tomorrow. I assume you both are busy tonight.”

  I grinned. “Well, you know what they say, Saturdays are for the boys.”

  My father chuckled before turning sincere. “Did you do something to your Charger? It sounded different when you pulled up.”

  Again, I kept my face steady. “Nah, just some tuning to make her run smoother.”

  I couldn’t decide if he bought it or not, but nonetheless, he changed the subject. “So, tomorrow? Text your brother and tell him I want to have lunch with you boys, maybe even dinner, too. I never know what mood I’ll catch Christian in, so it’s up to you to make sure he gets word.”

  He raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for me to agree. My dad and Christian had a rocky relationship just months prior. But after the Hayley situation, and how my father actually stepped up for once and helped Christian out, they’d stopped arguing so much, and he’d actually put in some effort—like spending the next day and a half at home and having dinner with us.

  He never used to do that—even when Mom was alive.

  And that was part of the reason why I didn’t know if I could ever tell Christian the truth. It would open up that fresh wound that was finally beginning to heal.

  I stared at my father for a few more seconds, a question right on the tip of my tongue that I knew I needed to keep in. My heart was ruthlessly beating against my rib cage, almost begging me to poke the bear.

  My mouth opened, but I closed it. I began to turn away, my pulse drumming underneath my skin. Just let it go, Ollie. But then I snapped my attention back over to him, his furrowed brow meeting me halfway. “Dad?”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “What did you do the day you found out Mom was pregnant with me?”

  My gaze was set directly on him. I was waiting for the tick of his eye. The flinch of his features. But there was nothing. Instead, his gaze stayed level with mine as he stared.

  “Why do you ask?”

  I shrugged, trying to hide my disappointment in not being able to read him. He was as bad as Christian. They did not wear their emotions on their sleeves. They were both stoic, for lack of a better word. If I wanted information out of Christian, I had to dig it out of him. It was going to be the same way with my father.

  “Just curious.” Fuck, make something up. That’s a sketch answer. “I was just thinking about how close Christian and I are in age and wondered how you felt about it. I just wondered if you and Mom were happy we were so close in age.”

  My father’s eyes darted away for a brief second. There it is. “I was glad because I knew you two would be best friends. Having a brother is a tight bond you can’t get anywhere else. Don’t ever forget that, Ollie.”

  My dad answered with so much confidence that it actually threw me off. It wasn’t what I was expecting. I felt unsteady on my feet as I slowly nodded in agreement and even as I climbed the steps to my room.

  His answer bothered me the entire ride to the races, too. I had no idea why my father had answered with so much conviction when he didn’t even have any siblings. “Having a brother is a tight bond you can’t get anywhere else. Don’t forget that, Ollie.” How did he know that? Why was he so sure of his answer? It was a weird response and not one I was ready for. The only thing it did was confuse me more. I had hoped he would have given me some type of clue as to if he knew he wasn’t my father, but no. I got nothing except more fucking questions.

  I tried to steady my breath as I pulled up to the races, parking my Charger off to the side near the starting line. There were several heats to be run, and I would likely be one of the last since I’d moved up a bracket, thanks to being in business with Tank.

  As I walked along the dirt road, gravel crunching underneath my shoes, I spotted Brandon.

  I tipped my chin as he came around and gave me a bro-pat. “What’s up? You ready for this?”

  I relaxed back onto his truck bed. “It’s no different from any other night. I am ready to play around with that turbo, though.”

  Brandon’s face lit up, and that was when I noticed his girl wasn’t with him.

  “Where’s your girl tonight?”

  Brandon gave me a side glance. “I told her to stay put. Word has it that Tank will be here since someone had some business with him.” He flicked his eyebrow up, the shiny hoop hanging off it catching the setting sun. “And I didn’t want her around him.”

  I nodded. “Good call.”

  I was glad I told Piper to stay away tonight. There was no fucking way I’d be able to concentrate if I knew she was here on the sidelines with Tank looming in the darkness. I understood that the business deal technically wasn’t with me and Tank, but more so Piper and Tank, but I couldn’t handle the thought of her being here in this environment.

  The races were no place for a girl like Piper.

  I’d handle her shit with pride.

  She had nothing to worry about.

  Brandon was talking to a few other guys about the turbo in my Charger when I looked up ahead at Daniel who was cupping his hands around his mouth, calling for the next race.

  There were two more sets until I raced, and I could almost feel the anticipation tingling in my fingertips. I had texted Piper an hour prior—again, to remind her to stay home and that I’d let her kn
ow how much we had left to owe after it was over.

  I glanced around at everyone watching, hoping the majority of them bet for me and forked money over into the pool.

  Not only did Tank keep 50% of the entire money pool, but he was also keeping my share tonight, too. And the better the race, the more people bet and participated. So basically, Tank was coming out on top tonight because of me, and that money would go straight into what Jason owed him.

  A little bit of unease settled in my bones as the race began. The two cars zipped past me as I reminded myself that I needed to figure out some unanswered questions tonight.

  Tank obviously couldn’t be trusted, as he wasn’t a straightlaced guy by any means, but I needed his word that after the debt was paid off, Jason was free to go, and Piper was no longer even a thought in his tiny, birdseed-sized brain.

  I didn’t give a shit if he wanted me to keep racing to gain him more money. Whatever. That was not what I was worried about.

  Piper was who I was worried about.

  She needed to stay far, far away from this shit.

  Brandon nudged my shoulder as I was deep in thought. “Bro, isn’t that your girl?”

  My blood ran cold. I didn’t have a girl, and I’d never even been seen with anyone at the races except for a quick kiss on the cheek by an admirer, so I instantly knew who he was talking about.

  My vision blurred when I spotted that beautiful copper-colored hair half hiding behind…what in the actual fuck?

  Eric’s gaze was dead set on me as he had his hand wrapped around Piper’s wrist like she was a toddler being dragged to the car after running the aisles in a grocery store. Piper looked pissed. Her pouty mouth was set in an angry frown. But Eric appeared mighty pleased with himself for holding Piper’s wrist and for finding out what I was up to.

  I growled like a fucking barbarian as I began stalking toward them.

  Not only did I have to get my head straight to win this race, but now I had to explain myself to Eric and worry about Piper.

  Racing, which was my only outlet, was now becoming more of a chore.

  Which really fucking sucked.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Ollie was all but stomping toward Eric and me, and for a moment, I thought about running away, which was pointless because he’d already seen me, and Eric, who was now my number one enemy, wouldn’t let go of my freaking wrist.

  “You should have listened to me!” I half-whispered to Eric. “We could have hid, and Ollie would have never known either of us were here.”

  Eric sliced his dark eyes over to me. “I want him to know I’m here, and by the looks of him, he isn’t happy that you’re here. How interesting.”

  I scowled. “What’s interesting is how you even found out about tonight. What? Were you following Madeline?”

  His eyes flared, and I knew I was right. I raised an eyebrow. “Oh yes, Eric. I know your secret.”

  Ollie decided to saunter up right then, and we dropped the subject. Eric didn’t need to worry. I wasn’t there to expose his infatuation with Madeline. I was mad he snagged my wrist and acted like he was my father, though.

  As soon as Ollie was in front of us, he seethed. “I told you to stay home.” His heavy brow line shadowed his eyes, and I felt a swift kick to my stomach. My breath caught as he peered down at me. “You shouldn’t fucking be here! This is an important race, and now I’m going to be worrying about you near Tank.” He shook his head as Eric’s hand loosened a little around my wrist. Ollie pinched the bridge of his nose before snapping his attention to Eric. “And what the hell are you doing here?”

  Just then, Eric squeezed my arm gently as a warning. He didn’t need to give one, though; his secrets weren’t mine to tell. “I knew you were lying through your fucking teeth about tuning your car. Christian is going to be livid when he finds out you’ve been racing down here.”

  Ollie’s stare darkened, and a fire erupted. My God, he’s hot when he’s mad. Butterflies swarmed my belly. “Christian isn’t going to find out. Do you hear me? This has nothing to do with him, and you’re going to keep your mouth shut.”

  Eric slowly raised his hands as a smirk covered his face. I swore these boys and their smirks could make panties drop everywhere. They were dangerous. Ollie, Eric, Christian. They, all three, had the ability to make good girls turn bad.

  “Relax, Ol. I’m not here to fight. Just want to make sure you’re good. You’re my bro. Christian’s my bro. I have both of your backs.”

  Ollie seemed to relax for a moment, but it wasn’t long before his back grew stiff. Someone yelled his name and was waving him back to where his parked Charger was. Nerves waved across my shoulders and settled right on top. The thought of Ollie flying down the gravel road at a high speed made my stomach hurt. Guilt was sliding down my spine, and fear was clouding my vision.

  He didn’t even look in my direction—too angry with me, I’m sure. Ollie and I were so hot and cold. We were either angry with one another, or our guards were down, and we were sharing something on an entirely different level. And I had no idea what that even meant.

  “Keep her off the sidelines and out of people’s sight. She shouldn’t be here.”

  Eric nodded. “I got you.” His hand wrapped around my wrist again.

  Ollie focused on Eric’s hand on my arm. “Just…keep her safe.” Then, he turned on his heel and began jogging back to his Charger.

  My heart was lodged in my throat. He’s fine, Piper. He knows what he’s doing.

  But did he?

  I could feel myself spiraling out of control. What did I get us into?

  Eric’s thumb rubbed along the inside of my wrist. “Relax, Piper. I’ve got you. No one will mess with you.”

  I craned my neck up to Eric, my hair tumbling down my back and out of my face. “I’m not worried about someone messing with me, Eric. I’m worried for him.” I nodded my head in Ollie’s direction, and his eyes flared.

  “What kind of shit did you guys get yourselves into?”

  I only shook my head, unable to answer as I watched Ollie’s long legs climbing into his Charger. His window was rolled down, and when he pulled up to the starting line, he glanced my way once, and it was enough to make me regret every bit of my acceptance in letting him race for Tank.

  One could have argued that I didn’t have much of a choice, but that wasn’t the truth.

  I didn’t have to let Ollie in, but deep down, it felt really, really good knowing I had him to lean on.

  I was so messed up. Jumbled. Nothing seemed right anymore.

  One thing I did know: I had to figure out how to get the rest of the money for Tank before Ollie got too much deeper in this.

  I had to keep him safe.

  And somehow keep Jason safe, too.

  Eric didn’t wait for me to explain what I’d gotten Ollie and myself into. Instead, he pulled me by my wrist, and we ended up near the starting line, away from the thickening crowd. I heard murmurs from people as we snuck by, talking about who’d win the race and who they’d bet against. The majority of the people said they bet for Ollie to win because someone let it leak that he’d done some upgrading to his Charger.

  I only hoped that he knew what he was doing, because the suspense was wrapping around my throat and suffocating me.

  I scanned the crowd as the cars revved their engines, ready to take off whenever the girl wearing the short, make-you-take-a-double-look shorts walked in between the two cars to wave her flag.

  My heart stopped as I spotted Tank with his stupid man-bun several yards away. Sky was standing to his right, but when my eyes shifted to the left, I froze.


  There was my brother, casually standing beside Tank as if nothing at all was wrong. I raised up on my tiptoes to get a better look, but Eric pulled me down by my arm.

  “Stay out of sight, Piper.”

  I gave Eric a dirty look before trying to get a better glance at my brother when I heard the two cars
taking off at a rapid speed. My heart fell to the ground along with my stomach, and my hand flew up to my mouth. Oh my God.

  The back of Ollie’s maroon Charger zipped down the dirt road, and people flocked to the billowing dust to get a better look.

  Black dots crowded my vision as I tried to catch my breath. Ollie. The only thing I could envision was Ollie’s car being wrapped around a tree, or it coming to a sudden stop and flipping with him inside.

  The distant roar of the two engines faded into the background, and I continued to force out choppy breaths. Small puffs of air escaped me when I felt two hands on my shoulders. I peeked up and saw Eric hovering over me. “Breathe, Piper. He’s going to be fine, but not if you pass out right here. Take a damn breath!”

  I gasped as I watched the worry fade from Eric’s eyes. “There you go. Just breathe. He’ll be back soon.”

  My eyes shifted past Eric, and I searched for my brother. Another wheeze escaped me, and oxygen seemed to come in a little easier knowing my brother was here and that he appeared to be okay.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Eric’s hands dropped from my shoulders as he settled in on Madeline’s voice from behind me.

  I didn’t dare take my eyes off the direction of the rising dust and crowd of people. I kept my attention on Tank and my brother, waiting patiently for Ollie’s Charger to reappear.

  “What the fuck, Madeline? Why the hell are you hanging around here?”

  Madeline’s tone was packed full of heat “I don’t know. Probably the same reason you are!”

  I tuned the two of them out as Eric rounded my body and walked over to her. I could hear my heartbeat in my own ears, but as soon as the sound of a roaring engine filtered in, everything else faded. My throat squeezed with anticipation; my heart fluttered against my ribcage. The one and only time I’d felt relief like this was when I’d seen Hayley again after she had been taken by the men from her father’s past.

  A small yelp left my mouth as Ollie’s Charger got closer, and before I knew what I was doing, my legs were pulling me into the sea of people. Ollie. My legs were picking up their pace as I pushed past people I didn’t even know, my hands coming out and moving them aside so I could get closer to him.


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