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Doctor Daddy: A Billionaire Romance

Page 7

by Nicole Casey

  I leaned up when I could feel his arousal getting more powerful. I then bent forward and licked off some more chocolate, being very careful to let my skin rub temptingly against his most sensitive areas on the way down.

  He took the initiative next by pulling me off the rug onto the wooden floor and rubbing his body up and down the full length of my body, covering me in more of the deliciously sticky chocolate and licking my body clean afterwards.

  The bedroom was getting covered in chocolate but neither of us cared. We rolled across the floor to the window. I could see giant upside down billboards all around me and the ground dizzyingly far below us.

  A soft but firm hand toyed with me between my legs, driving me wild by letting go each time just as I was ready to explode. Another hand then took my own right hand and guided it to the places where it really wanted to be.

  I didn’t know what time we fell asleep on the floor in each other’s arm but it was already getting light by then. We had spoken very few words that night but they weren’t needed; we each knew what the other wanted and how to make it happen.



  When I woke up the next morning we were lying on the bedroom rug. The floor was smeared with chocolate and the cleaning staff was sure to wonder what on Earth we had got up to in here last night.

  I looked down at Janie. She was naked and asleep by my side. I didn’t want to wake her up but we needed to talk things through. To be honest, I was desperate to clear everything up and start our new life together on the right foot. Did this gorgeous woman who had tracked me down so far from home feel the same way?

  Room service arrived with our breakfast and I opened the door as little as possible. With Janie naked on the floor and dried chocolate smeared all round her it looked like the scene of a horrific crime right now.

  It was far too late for breakfast but I had managed to convince the room service staff with the promise of a big tip. I slipped a few notes to the guy and closed the door.

  The smell of the fresh coffee and croissants worked their magic and soon Janie was up and about. She went straight for a shower and called for me to join her. She had cheekily covered her most private parts in bubbles and I took great delight in blowing them away into the air.

  We ate a long, leisurely breakfast together on the bed after the shower. I was trying to think how to start up the conversation and I was sure that Janie was too.

  The right words wouldn’t come to me, so I decided to just open my mouth and see what happened.

  “I love you, Janie.” It seemed weird to hear those words come out of my own mouth for the very first time. It felt good to say them, though.

  “I love you too, Frank.”

  “Can we make a life together? Happily?”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  We hugged on the bed and knocked the breakfast tray to the floor. Coffee stains now joined the chocolate stains on the rug but little things like that were no longer worth worrying about anymore.

  - THE END -

  Hot Dad Next Door

  A Single Dad & Virgin Romance

  Book Description

  Hot Dad Next Door

  I’m about to become the live-in nanny to the daughter of Ryan Cade. He’s sexy, gorgeous and probably almost twice my age, but he’s the one who can make me wet in one glance.

  I have dreamed of his muscular body, his perfect abs and those piercing eyes.

  But I can’t sleep with him. No. Not when the 4-year-old cotton candy princess is around.

  But by the way he undresses me with his eyes, I know that he wants something too. Something hot. Something… dirty.

  Should I tell him the truth?

  What if he knows I’m still a virgin?

  What if there’s an even bigger surprise waiting for him?



  I could do this. At least, I thought I could do this. How difficult could pancakes be? Sure, the batter had splattered all over the counter, the butter had burned in the pan, and the dilapidated oblong pieces of pancake had scorched on contact while the centers continued to ooze runny dough. But I wasn’t giving up yet.

  “Daddy, those don’t smell right,” Abby piped up from where she sat at the breakfast bar, peering dubiously at the pan from a safe distance away. A smoky haze seemed to have formed between us, and as if on cue, the fire alarm sounded, brought to life by the smoke wafting through the room. Abby covered her ears and looked ready to burst into tears.

  “All right, kiddo. Let’s go.” I grasped her hand gently, still not accustomed to her tiny hands, and worried I’d crush her delicate fingers with the slightest grip. I ushered her into the room quickly, down the hall and out the front door. “Just, stay there, honey, and I’ll turn off the alarm.”

  She nodded and I darted back inside, just long enough to make it through the living room and down the hall to the electronic home control station that I was beginning to think had been rather inconveniently placed.

  It was time to give up. I could organize multi-million-dollar mergers with my eyes closed, but apparently, I was not fit to master the intricate art of pancake-making.

  The alarm temporarily silenced, I raced back to the porch, resigned to another breakfast out. But Abby was gone. I hadn’t been gone for more than two minutes, but she was nowhere in sight. Panic welled in my chest—a sensation I was unaccustomed to. I’d always been calm and cool under pressure, but then, I’d never been responsible for a four-year-old child before. I hadn’t even had her a full two weeks, and already I’d lost her.

  Just as I was about to call in the armed forces, I heard giggling, and it sounded suspiciously like Abby’s wind chime laugh. I followed the sound down the steps and across the yard to the neighbor’s house. And there she was. I could see her golden-blonde hair above the bushes in the front yard. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it’s a wonder parents could handle this sort of stress on a regular basis.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay on the porch, kiddo?” I queried, probably less sternly than I should have, but I was just relieved she hadn’t wandered into traffic or gotten carried off by kidnappers.

  I came around the bushes to retrieve her and wound up not three feet away from the most incredible ass I’d ever seen. The owner was bent over, her head and upper body beneath the bushes. She must be the gardener, and I bet by the look of her she was never out of work. Hell, I’d hire her just to watch her work. What guy wouldn’t?

  “Look, daddy, I made a friend,” Abby announced proudly, not the least bit chagrined over her quick escape.

  “But I told you to stay put.”

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t un-sup’vised ‘cause Emma is watching me. See?”

  “I can see that, but you shouldn’t be bothering the woman while she’s working.”

  The woman—Emma, I presumed—slipped out from under the bush then and stood up, and every drop of blood circulating in my veins threatened to drain to my cock. The rest of the woman was just as incredible as her ass—long, dark hair, vivid green eyes, tits handcrafted by the gods and legs that were made to be spread.

  “She’s no bother, really,” Emma said, and her voice rippled over my skin like a caress. “I’m Emma McKenna,” she introduced herself and extended her hand, but pulled it back with an apologetic smile when she glanced down to find her slim hand covered in dirt.

  I’d gladly get a little dirty if it meant touching her. Hell, dirty sounded pretty damn good right then.

  “I’m Ryan Cade,” I said instead. “It’s nice to meet you, Emma.”

  “It’s OK if she hangs out here with me for a while…if you’re busy, I mean.”

  The fire alarm began to sound again, and I debated just letting the house burn down to the ground. It would teach me better than to delve into something as dangerous as pancake-making ever again.

  “That’s all right. Abby and I were just heading out for breakfast.” I smiled ruefully.

  “Do you wanna come with us,
Emma?” Abby piped up without warning.

  Oh no. I had nothing against sharing a meal with the woman, but I’d much rather her be the meal. And that hardly seemed appropriate for my four-year-old daughter at the table. Still, an image sprung to mind of Emma McKenna up on the dining table, naked and bent over in the position I’d found her. Now that was the kind of breakfast any man could go for.

  “Oh, I really couldn’t,” she said quickly. “I’ve plenty of work to get done here, Abby. But you’re welcome to come see me when you get back—if that’s all right with your father, of course.”

  “Sure.” I particularly didn’t mind if it gave me the chance to see the sexy-as-hell gardener bent over another garden bed.

  And ten minutes later, with the image of the delectable gardener still fresh in my mind, I was driving away from the house to a diner halfway across town. I’d learned on my second day with Abby that she wasn’t the type of child who enjoyed five-star dining. I’d arranged a private breakfast at Urasawa, but when the food arrived, she’d just looked at me like I was crazy. From what I could recall of her mother, I was surprised to discover Abby’s tastes leaned toward the ordinary. Her mother wouldn’t have been caught dead in an all-you-can-eat diner. But then, it had also been nearly five years since I’d seen the woman.

  Back at the house an hour later, Abby made a beeline for the gardener next door.

  While I knew why I wanted to get another glimpse of her, I had no idea what Abby’s instant obsession with her was. Was it just a need for female companionship? I had never been the loving and nurturing kind of guy, but I’d done my damnedest to take on the role since she had arrived. And aside from the occasional kitchen mishap, I thought I’d been doing a decent job. I wondered if perhaps she needed more though, and that started me thinking.

  Abby seemed quite enthusiastic about the gardener, and the gardener appeared to have an easy rapport with children. If I happened to arrange for the gardener to become my daughter’s nanny, it would provide Abby with the female companionship she might need. And if that happened to put me in close proximity to the nanny’s gorgeous body after hours…who was I to complain?

  Even if Emma happened to be a very well paid gardener, I figured I’d have no trouble enticing her away with a much—much—bigger paycheck. I would, of course, still have to perform a rigorous background check. Just because the woman was hot as hell didn’t guarantee she was nanny material. But I’ve always been pretty damn good at reading people and I figured I could read two things about Emma McKenna at the moment: the woman was genuinely good with kids, and she would be one hell of a good fuck. What more could a guy ask for?

  And now all I had to do was put my plan into action.



  What on earth was I doing? I’d just accepted a job offer from my next door neighbor—who seemed to think I was his neighbor’s hired help. And standing on his doorstep now, was I really going to continue with this charade?

  I should have set him straight the moment I realized what he was thinking, but in truth, I hadn’t wanted to. It had been rather lonely in the big, empty house since moving back home. I thought coming back would make me feel somehow closer to my parents, but the house was just full of constant reminders of them, and it made me miss them all the more.

  So, while I didn’t need the job, its appeal had grown quickly. The little girl was adorable, and I imagined quite a handful, which would keep me plenty busy during the day—a much-needed relief.

  And there was no point in denying that the little girl’s father was…well, he was hot as hell. He probably could have asked me to cut his lawn with a pair of scissors and I would have nodded eagerly just to see those full lips smile.

  Great. I’m pathetic, I thought, not for the first time in the past twenty-two hours.

  I should just come clean. He had my name, phone number, and social security number—all requisites for my new job. How long would it be before he discovered the truth anyway? And did it really change anything? He needed a nanny. Wasn’t it better that I wasn’t just taking the job for the paycheck? Yes, it was much better. So, there was absolutely no reason not to set the record straight.

  And then Ryan Cade opened the door. He was standing there, bare-chested with water dripping down his chiseled body, and a towel slung low around his hips. Was this ‘bring your wildest fantasies to life’ day, or had I fallen on my climb up his front steps and actually lying unconscious in his yard?

  “Good morning, Emma,” he said, a knowing smile curving up the corners of his full, sensual lips.

  “Good morning,” I replied, pleased I hadn’t stuttered like a shy virgin—no matter how fitting that would have been.

  “You’re early. I was just getting Abby and I ready for the day. Come on in.” He motioned past the foyer to the living room beyond, and I hurried past him, doing my damnedest to get my hormones under control. But it wasn’t my fault. The guy opened the door looking like a magazine centerfold—what woman wouldn’t have felt her blood pressure rise a few—or a few hundred—notches?

  “So, did you have any trouble giving your notice?”

  “Um, no.” Not that I had expected any. I’d been fairly certain I would accept my own resignation graciously. I was just that good of an employer.

  But maybe this was the perfect time to set things straight. All I had to do was stop staring at the hard planes of his chest…and the rippled muscle of his abdomen that disappeared behind the towel just above…

  Damn it!

  And I could tell by his smile, he knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  “Look, Ryan…” I began, more harshly than I’d intended. Two minutes with the man, and I was already flustered. If he kept this up, I was going to be off my rocker by the end of the day!

  “Emma!” Abby squealed just then as she came running down the hall in pink pajamas, a pair of big, fluffy slippers and a pink tiara. She looked like a cotton candy princess.

  She came to an abrupt halt about six feet away and her mouth dropped open. “Daddy! You’re naked,” she chastised, and of course, I couldn’t help but to follow her gaze, wondering if—or secretly hoping—the towel had vanished into thin air.

  Nope. The towel was still there, but it might as well have not been for the surge of arousal his gorgeous body sent through my veins.

  “I’m not naked, honey. Guys go without their shirts all the time.”

  “Oh. Can I go without my shirt? Can Emma?”

  My cheeks were flaming red, I just knew they were.

  Caught in a trap, I could tell Ryan was grappling for an answer, which is a small amount, eased my own consternation.

  “Well, Emma’s a grownup. I suppose she can go without her shirt if she wants.” He eyed me as he spoke, and I could see the heat flaring in his eyes. “And when you’re a grownup, you can decide for yourself, too.” He nodded succinctly, obviously well-pleased with himself.

  “I’ve got stuff for us to do today!” Abby announced, bored with the previous topic.

  And I was only too pleased to grasp onto the new subject. “Oh? What stuff is that?”

  “We’re gonna make a tent in my room, and build a tower with my blocks, and give my new dollies a bath, and bake cookies. Only, you won’t make the kitchen smoky, will you, Emma? ‘Cause I don’t like that noisy thing.”

  Ryan and I laughed. At least he seemed to take the criticism well.

  “All right, but before you get started, honey, how about we get you dressed?” he said, and I jumped at the opportunity to escape.

  “I’ll do that while you go put on…more,” I finished lamely, realizing my colossal mistake when the smile he’d been wearing grew to Cheshire cat proportions and the heat in his eyes threatened to scorch my skin with his gaze.

  Nevertheless, I offered my hand to Abby and she took it eagerly, leading me down the hall and up the stairs to her room.

  But a thought came to mind as we passed by a room that could only have been Ryan’s bedroo
m, the door open and the king-size bed not yet made. Ryan was attracted to me. Even I could figure that out, though I don’t suppose it took a sexpert to recognize it. And to say I was a little attracted to him was like saying an atomic blast was a little noisy.

  Maybe it was time to get it over with. At twenty-one years of age, it wasn’t like the opportunity had never presented itself. But by the time I went away to college—after a rather strict childhood—everyone I knew had long since lost their virginity—generally in the back of their father’s car to overloud rock music. And then there was me. A virgin. And so I stayed that way, too afraid of anyone discovering just how inexperienced I was.

  But Ryan was a stranger. What difference did it make if he found out? And just look at him—that was one hell of a way for a girl to lose her virginity.

  All right, I’d do it. Now all I had to do was figure out how one went about seducing a man like Ryan. But since he was already interested, it couldn’t be that difficult.

  Could it?



  “I’ve just got some work to catch up on in my office. Will you two be all right for a while?” I said, popping my head into the kitchen where Abby now sat on the counter, stirring something in a bowl under Emma’s supervision.

  I had no idea what the standard protocols for taking on a nanny were. Was I supposed to stay with her until the two of them were comfortable together? Because if that was the case, it looked like I’d already overstayed my welcome. Emma had Abby clean, dressed and helping to make breakfast in the time it had taken me to wrestle the kid into a clean pair of clothes the day prior. It looked like Emma had been taking care of Abby for years.


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