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Doctor Daddy: A Billionaire Romance

Page 10

by Nicole Casey

  I awoke the next morning after a broken night of sleep to the smell of pancakes wafting through the air. It was a pleasantly sweet smell when it wasn’t overwhelmed by the scent of burnt dough and the sting of smoke. I didn’t have to wonder where the aroma had come from; she’d been on my mind the whole night and had followed me out of sleep. No wonder the dream I’d awoken from had Emma bent over the kitchen counter, while I slid my tongue up her thigh to her sweet slit. She might have tasted like pancakes in my dream, but I could still remember the taste of her on my tongue from last night, and that was a thousand times more intoxicating than pancakes.

  Craving another sample already, but knowing that was out of the question, I debated spending the day in bed to avoid her. But since I wasn’t going to spend the day hiding away from my daughter, I got up and padded down the hall toward the kitchen.

  I spied her from several feet away and stopped, clearly remembering what every inch of her looked like beneath the clothing she wore now. My fingers tingled in remembrance of her soft skin and I could almost taste her on my tongue. Breakfast had lost its appeal. It just didn’t compare to what I really wanted.

  Nevertheless, Abby came into view a second later and I plastered a smile on my face as she came running toward me. I caught her up in an enormous hug and nodded to Emma, who’d turned in the direction of the commotion. Her cheeks grew pink and it was so damn sexy, reminiscent of the flush that had crept across her body last night.

  But that was over. No more, I reminded myself. At the same time, I groaned inwardly at the way the blood in my veins had begun to empty into my cock once again. It was going to be a very long, very hard day—pun intended.

  And it was, though not quite as bad as I’d expected. Yes, I’d spent the entire day imagining Emma naked and having her in every position imaginable. But once we’d left the house on an expedition to a nearby conservation area, it seemed both of us accepted that nothing could be discussed nor could anything else happen so long as we had Abby in our care. And so, when she sat down not far from me at our first rest stop and Abby dug gleefully through the knapsack of snacks we’d brought along, I was able to respond almost coherently when she asked me what it was I did for a living. And while I’d expected her to roll her eyes in boredom, I found myself relaxing to some small degree when she inquired enthusiastically about the intricacies of running a multi-billion dollar server security corporation.

  It didn’t escape my notice either that although both of us had been walking on pins and needles, painfully aware of the other and still reeling from the night before, she’d been the one to breach the barrier and try for a normal conversation. I was impressed. She had been embarrassed last night—in no small part because of the horrendous way I’d reacted—but she refused to let it dominate her. She was definitely a remarkable, young woman.

  While I spent fifty seconds out of every minute thinking about getting her naked again, there were those brief spaces in between where I was focused on her company. She didn’t spend much time talking about herself, more interested in how I’d toppled the corporate ladder instead of climbing it, but I managed to wrestle a few details from her in the times she was distracted with Abby.

  Apparently, Emma was as intelligent as she seemed, since she’d graduated from high school at sixteen and then obtained her undergraduate degree in just three years. It made me wonder why she’d taken up a career in gardening, but perhaps the corporate world just wasn’t for her. I couldn’t blame her. It was cutthroat and the most genuine relationship you could hope for was with an assistant who would drop you like a hot potato for a bigger paycheck. Hell, I’d considered bowing out on more than one occasion, particularly since Abby had come into my life. But it’s what I’d done for the past fifteen years. I’d been fresh out of college when I founded the corporation, and I’d built it from the ground up. One day perhaps I’d walk away, but not yet.

  I tiptoed out of Abby’s bedroom after tucking her in and reading her a tall stack of storybooks, but I paused in the hallway when my feet tried to steer me in a direction that was off-limits. I knew where she was; I’d been painfully aware of her proximity the entire day, but that didn’t make it any better an idea now. In fact, it was worse than before. Yesterday, I’d known very little about Emma aside from her being hot as hell and appearing to be rather good with kids. Now, I knew she was smart and courageous, kind and passionate. And that was just too damn much to know about a casual fling. Even if she hadn’t been dangerous virgin territory, I was wise enough to know I should be running for the hills, not letting my legs compel me down the hall toward her room. And if I had a lick of sense in my head, I would have been fighting the urge to knock on her door.

  But I was a fool.

  I raised my hand to knock, but before I could make contact with the smooth wood, the door swung open.

  Her hair was wet and her skin still glistened with a fine sheen of moisture. She stared up at me with eyes wide. Obviously, she hadn’t been expecting to find me there. But what the hell was I supposed to do now? What man on earth could have resisted the invitation of her lips, slightly parted and rose-hued even without lipstick? How could I keep my hands off her slick skin?

  Maybe if I hadn’t seen the spark of desire in her eyes I would have been able to walk away. If she hadn’t swayed innately toward me, I might have had a chance. But despite what a prick I’d been the night before, it was clear that she wanted this.

  Besides, it wasn’t really wrong, and it didn’t have to lead to anything more. After my inappropriate end to last night, wasn’t it only fair to make it up to her with hours of unadulterated pleasure?

  That was the only reasoning I needed. I grasped onto it and reached for her without a word.

  I covered her mouth with my own, my tongue playing against the seam of her lips, not gently but demanding entrance. She opened for me easily and I plunged in, mimicking what my body so desperately wanted to do to her pussy.

  But I wanted more than her mouth; I wanted to taste every inch of her, to drive her wild with my touch, to shove my cock in every one of her holes.

  I pulled my mouth away and moved lower…her neck, the upper swells of her breasts. But it still wasn’t enough.

  I grabbed onto the neckline of her dress with both hands and tore it straight down the middle. Fuck! She hadn’t been wearing anything underneath the dress, and I could already see her wetness glistening on her thighs.

  The sight of her made my mouth water, and I couldn’t resist. I dropped to my knees and spread her legs roughly before gliding my tongue along her slit, back and forth, and then plunging into her pussy, tasting her at her source. God, she tasted even better than she smelled. Her moans grew louder every time I thrust inside, but the sight of her pussy…her scent…the sound of her moaning in pleasure…it was all too much.

  I needed to have her—now! I stood up and yanked off my shirt while the buttons flew everywhere. She reached out to touch me, to graze her too-innocent fingers along my naked chest, but I grabbed her hands quickly, yanking them over her head and pinning them against the wall. There was no way I had any hope in hell of maintaining even a modicum of self-control with her hands on me.

  I unzipped my pants with my free hand and my cock sprung free, throbbing painfully for her. But it wouldn’t be painful for much longer. I lifted her off the ground and settled her over top of my dick, lowering her down as slowly as I could—though it seemed to drain every last bit of restraint I had left. I withdrew and drove in again, pulling her down hard on my cock. God, no woman had ever felt so incredible.

  I thrust in over and over again, listening to the sexy sound of her moans as each one grew louder than the one before. She was so damn, tight, I wasn’t certain how long I’d be able to hold out.

  “Ryan, please, I need to touch you,” she whispered, and I only noticed then that she was pulling against my hand holding her wrists. There seemed little point in denying her then since it was unlikely I’d be able to hold out much long
er no matter how much she kept her hands to herself.

  So, I released her hands, and she moved wildly across my body. Her fingernails grazed down my back, while the soft pads of her fingers glided up my arms. My skin seemed to burn with exquisite fire everywhere she touched.

  I increased my pace, fucking her faster, harder. Her fingers dug into my back and I could tell by her erratic movements she was close too. So close.

  And then her whole body seemed to contract; her hips bucked hard against me, driving my cock in deep and her fingers dug deep into my shoulders, as she toppled over the edge, leaving me free to follow right after her.

  But a moment later, when I lowered her gently to the ground, I knew I wasn’t finished. That everything that had happened had been nothing more than a warmup. I wanted more of Emma. I wanted all of her. And it was going to be one hell of a long night.



  I awoke in a strange bed, though that wasn’t an unusual occurrence lately. I had only begun to adjust to sleeping in my own home when I’d—temporarily—moved into Ryan’s. And even if I couldn’t clearly remember every moment of the night before, I would have known without opening my eyes that I wasn’t in my new room; I was in Ryan’s bed. The irresistible scent of him lingered on the bedding and I breathed in deep to take in more. I let it out in a rush, wondering what the hell was wrong with me.

  After the way, he’d gotten angry after that first night, what on earth had compelled me to venture down the same road—the very next night? But then, last night had been different. It was like he couldn’t get enough of me, and that sent a thrill coursing through my veins.

  Before I could decide whether to chastise myself any further, I heard light footsteps sounding down the hall toward the bedroom—Ryan’s bedroom. I was in Ryan’s bedroom, and I knew I just wasn’t lucky enough for Abby to walk right past.

  The door swung open seconds later, confirming my assertion. She came bounding into the room and crawled up on the bed. “Did you have a sleepover with daddy, Emma? My old friend, Jenny, she had a sleepover at her grandma’s house.”

  “Oh, no, Abby…I just…” How on earth was I supposed to explain what I was doing in her father’s bed?

  Before I could figure out an adequate cover story, she patted my arm and looked up at me with sympathetic eyes. “Did you get lost, Emma? It’s OK, ‘cause it’s a big house. Come on, silly, I’ll show you where your room it.”

  She started to tug on my arm, and if I hadn’t been painfully aware of my state of undress before that moment, it rose to the forefront of my mind as the sheet covering me started to slip down. I yanked it back up, frantically trying to remember where exactly my clothes had ended up. Had I had them on when we’d stumbled into his bedroom? No damn it, I clearly remembered then that they’d come off somewhere in the hallway. Now, what was I supposed to do?

  And if the past few minutes hadn’t been bad enough, Ryan appeared in the doorway then, looking in the room with warring emotions crossing his features. He looked amused at my current predicament, but the tightness at the corners of his mouth told me he wasn’t pleased that Abby had found me in here either.

  “I found Emma, daddy. Look, she got lost and ended up in your bed,” Abby said, though the declaration seemed unnecessary given that she was sitting right next to me.

  Covering her mouth then and speaking in an overloud whisper to her father—presumably, to avoid my hearing the secret—she added, “And I think she lost her clothes, too.”

  Blushing profusely, I patted the girl’s head, “If you’ll just turn around for a minute, sweetheart…” I figured my best choice was to wrap the sheet around me, but since it seemed to be tucked in at the bottom of the bed, I was going to have to yank it out first.

  “Oh, it’s OK. Remember, daddy said it’s OK if you don’t wear a shirt,” Abby told me brightly as if that solved all my problems.

  Could this morning get any worse? Fortunately, Ryan stifled a laugh and took pity on me. He called to Abby, holding out his arms, “Come on, kiddo. Let’s go check out what’s for breakfast while Emma gets up.”

  “OK, but you’re not gonna try to make pancakes again, are you? ‘Cause I think those things are just too tough for you,” she said as she hopped down from the bed and scurried across the room. ”Don’t feel too bad. There are lots of things I can’t do yet, too. Maybe Emma can help you. Like yesterday, I couldn’t tie my shoes, but then Emma showed me how, and now I can,” Abby exclaimed, her eyes lighting with enthusiasm over her new topic.

  “Wanna see?” she exclaimed as she started down the hall, no doubt darting off ahead of Ryan in search of a pair of shoes to tie.

  He looked back at me, and I could see the heat flaring in his eyes despite his cool exterior, and I wasn’t certain if I wanted to hide deeper under the covers or tear them off and watch the fire blaze hotter. But he turned away then and followed his daughter down the hall, making the debate moot, and leaving me to scurry down the hallway wrapped in a bedsheet in a mad sprint for my own room.

  Once dressed, I reluctantly made my way downstairs to breakfast, but if I’d have worried any awkwardness would linger between us, I would have been mistaken. Ryan was calm and cool. He spoke politely to me but paid me no more attention than he would have afforded any casual acquaintance. In the minutes I’d been gone, it seemed his interest in me had cooled.

  I had no idea what to make of the change in behavior. Was that it? He’d had his fill and was ready to move on? But I didn’t want to move on. At least, not yet. I held no illusions about what this was—sex, plain and simple. But it was Pandora’s box; so long as it was something I’d never experienced, I didn’t really know what I was missing. But now that I’d had it…I wanted more.

  I spent the entire day engaged in activities with Abby, and while the little girl’s pleasant company helped some to keep my thoughts at bay, they turned to them inevitably over and over again. I kept waiting for Ryan to say something, to do…something, but he didn’t.

  At least, he didn’t until Abby was fast asleep. I heard a knock at my bedroom door just moments after I’d left him with her to tuck her in. And with just one look at him when I opened the door, I knew why he was there even before he strode forward and lifted me clear off the floor. And if there could somehow have been any doubt remaining, it fled the moment he laid me down on the bed and tore the dress I was wearing right off me. He was naked in a flash, and I couldn’t help but stare at his exquisite naked form. He was chiseled muscle everywhere; a broad torso that tapered to his hips; powerful thighs; and his shaft was rock hard, jutting out proudly and making my mouth water.

  His cock sheathed in a condom seconds later, he towered over top of me, and I knew with absolute certainty I was already ready for him. Without a word, he thrust inside me, but I could tell by the way his muscles quivered that he was holding himself back, forcing himself to go as slow as he could.

  But I’d gotten caught up in his urgent desire, and I didn’t want slow. I wanted hard and fast and deep. So, I wrapped my legs around his hips and drew him in deeper. He looked down at me with a question in his eyes, and I nodded. Yes. God yes, this is what I wanted.

  “God damn it, Emma, you feel so good,” he whispered as he increased his pace.

  Time ceased to exist as he thrust inside me over and over again. I had no idea if seconds had passed, or minutes, or even hours. I was conscious of nothing but the man and the way he was driving my body higher and higher. I was so close, teetering on the brink when he leaned down and I felt his lips against my neck. And then I felt more—suction, and then his teeth. He wasn’t hurting me exactly, he was…oh god, there was no way to describe it. But all at once it was too much, and the spring that had coiled tight inside me sprang loose, releasing wave after wave of exquisite pleasure from my core.

  Before I’d even begun to come back down, he thrust hard once more and then stilled; and his groan a second later sounded like pure ecstasy.

  A moment passe
d, and then one more, and then he withdrew and rolled next to me. I wasn’t sure what to do, but it felt entirely natural when I rolled toward him and laid my head against his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and his fingers drew light, lazy circles down my back.

  And why at that precise moment, I’ll never know, but a thought came to me then, and I knew it couldn’t be put off any longer. I was supposed to have set the record straight long before then, and if I left it any longer, it would grow into something more than a little misunderstanding. It was time.

  “Ryan, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  His hand stilled in the middle of its path. “This isn’t the part where you tell me you used to be a guy, is it? Since as much as I hate to admit it…I’m not sure I’d care.” He laughed and resumed the light caress along my skin.

  Well, if he could handle that, this should be a breeze then, I thought wryly, and then propped my elbows up on his chest so I could look at him.

  “The other day when you came next door, and you found me in the garden…” Jeez, it was such as stupid thing to have wound up in this big misunderstanding. “The thing is…I’m not really a gardener. I didn’t know how to tell you that. I know I should have set the record straight right away, but I wasn’t sure what to say. And then after—the next day—you opened your front door in that towel…” My voice trailed off as I remembered the image clearly.

  He didn’t say anything, but his hand continued its path, and that had to be a good sign, didn’t it? If he was rip-roaring angry with me, certainly he wouldn’t still be caressing my body and making me ache for another round.

  “So, if you aren’t the gardener,” he started, his voice still just as calm as it had been. That was definitely a good sign. “What were you doing there? Do you wander into people’s gardens often?” he asked, warring notes of amusement and perplexity in his tone.


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