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Accidental Mage: Book Three in the LitRPG Accidental Traveler Adventure

Page 29

by Jamie Davis

  Dispelling the ice in to mist with a wave of his hand, Hal prepped a fireball to return the blast if he ever caught up with the mage dropping the strange spell grenades down on him.

  Rounding the last bend in the staircase, Hal burst onto a flat roof surrounded by crenelated battlements looming up like teeth growing from the parapet.

  He spotted Mona and the Emperor, who held Cari in his arms. At the same time, two crossbow bolts slammed into Hal's shoulder and chest. The bolt striking his chest shattered the remainder of his ice armor and the strike to his shoulder pinned him back against the wooden door jamb as the missile traveled all the way through his shoulder into the wood behind him.

  Health damage: Health -5

  Health damage: Health -10

  A warning message flashed up showing his current health status in red.

  Health: 16/155

  Despite the pain, Hal pulled at his pinned shoulder trying to dislodge himself from the wall. He had to get free. He had to get to Mona and Cari.

  Kang’s laughter filtered through Hal’s pain and rage.

  “Look at Tildi’s mythical opponent now. Not so dangerous, now are you?”

  “Let Hal go, Kang,” Mona pleaded. “If you do, I’ll agree to stay here with you. That is what you want, isn’t it? You said you envied Hal’s life, our life. You can have it if you want.”

  “My dear, you don’t give your husband the credit he deserves. He would never settle for that. He would keep coming after you until he either succeeded or died. Tell her I’m right, Hal.”

  “I’m going to kill you, Kang. I once promised your life to someone else, but I think under the circumstances, she’ll understand.”

  “See, Mona, he will never stop coming after you or me.”

  The Emperor looked at the two remaining guardsmen and pointed to Hal.

  “Finish him.”

  Everything happened at once while Hal tugged at his trapped shoulder in a desperate attempt to free himself.

  The two guards advanced on Hal with swords raised. The Emperor held Cari up, so she could see her father die. The toddler started crying, as did Mona.

  Hal cringed as the two sword-wielding guards pulled back their blades for the killing thrusts at his chest.

  It couldn’t end this way. He had to free himself.

  There had to be a way. There was no such thing as a no-win situation, no such thing as a true Kobayashi Maru scenario.

  Then he saw it.

  The swords swung forward, and Hal focused all his remaining magical energy, hoping his practice in Tildi’s canyon paid off.

  Kang’s laugher choked off in a sputtering cry of agony.

  The Emperor stared down at the two sword blades sticking out of his chest from behind, then at the small shimmering disc of a portal in front of Hal’s chest.

  The two guards stared at their swords where they disappeared into the portal. It took them a moment to realize their blades had thrust into their Emperor’s chest rather than Hal’s. They released their grips on the hilts at the same time the Emperor stumbled forward on the other side of the roof, pulling the blades from their grasp the rest of the way through the portal.

  Hal let the portal snap shut and slumped against the wall, held up only by the crossbow bolt pinning him in place. The two guards forgot about him as they watched their lord and master’s life slip away around their sword blades. They exchanged a glance and bolted for the stairs.

  “Give me my baby you monster,” Mona screamed.

  Hal opened his eyes long enough to see his wife snatch Cari from the Emperor’s arms. Once she had the crying child, Mona leaned back and leveled a kick at Kang’s stomach, knocking him backward, his arms windmilling for balance as he neared the edge of the parapet.

  Kay and Anders burst from the stairs just in time to see Kang topple over the edge and fall screaming from the roof of the palace to the paved courtyard below.

  Quest completed — rescue Mona and Cari

  35,000 experience awarded.

  Hal’s last memories of the palace roof included Anders wrenching the bolt free of his shoulder, freeing him from the wall while Kay and Mona lowered him to the rooftop.

  He smiled up at them, then drifted away as darkness closed in.


  “Hold still, Hal. You need to look your best for the coronation.”

  Mona tugged at his white linen shirt where it peeked out from under his cloak, adjusting the ornate chain draped around his neck so it didn’t pull at the sling securing his injured shoulder. At the end of the chain was a golden starburst medallion, the symbol of a prince of the realm.

  “I always wanted to marry a prince,” she said as she fussed over him. A tiara of her own sat perched in her blonde curls. “It turns out I was married to one all along and didn’t know it.”

  “I’m still angry with Kay for making this her first official act as Empress upon her coronation. I don’t want to be royalty; I just want to take you and Cari home.”

  “Tildi explained that to you, Hal. You have to rest before you can open a portal of that distance. Besides, I kind of like it here, for a little while at least. Let’s enjoy our time here for a few days longer.”

  Mona smoothed the ornate silk dress she wore. It fit her well and he knew how much Mona liked her fancy clothes at home. This was no different.

  “Plus, Hal. If you’re declared a prince, that makes both Cari and me princesses, right?”

  The maid sat on the floor playing with Cari, stacking blocks and watching the toddler knock them down. The two-year-old looked up at the mention of her name and smiled at her parents.

  Hal wondered if she’d bear any memory of this place when she was grown or even be aware that somewhere, in another world she was royalty.

  Cari didn’t seem to care either way. She returned her attention to the stack of blocks before her and swung an arm, knocking them down, giggling with glee as the wooden cubes fell to the carpeted floor.

  “It must be nice to be a child without a care in the world; maybe we should bring her with us to the coronation?” Hal asked his wife.

  “Nonsense. Marta has her. I'm looking forward to the whole affair, especially the ball afterward. Now, come on. We’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.”

  Hal spared one last glance at Cari and the maid then followed his wife from their palace apartments.

  Their escort waited for them outside, the guards falling in behind them as they walked towards the grand audience hall. It didn’t take them long. Their apartments were close to Kay's in the royal wing of the palace.

  The buzz of all the voices, along with the music from the orchestra, reached Hal’s ears before they got to the double doors leading to the hall. Turning the corner with Mona on his arm, Hal waited for the chamberlain to announce them to the throngs of nobles and dignitaries attending the coronation of Empress Kareena I. Some were already calling her Kareena the Great for her exploits that brought the throne back to her family.

  The chamberlain stomped the butt of his staff of office on the marble floor, drawing all eyes in the room to the entrance.

  “His Royal Highness, Protector of the Realm, Prince Hal Dix and his wife, Princess Mona.”

  A rousing cheer went up across the hall. The rush of warmth to Hal’s face told him he was blushing. He didn’t care. Mona was right. He’d earned this. They all had. He let a big, toothy grin spread across his face as he led Mona down the broad aisle to their places of honor at the front of the room.

  The ushers seated them next to Duke Korran and his wife. They both nodded their greetings, as did the three remaining archmages, Theran, Bronwyn, and Tildi.

  Sadly, Ragnar had been discovered in the palace dungeon, dead for several days from wounds suffered at the hands of the Emperor’s jailers. Hal was still upset about it. He'd be unable to thank the ice mage for his help in completing his quest to save his family.

  Chimes sounded from the back of the hall, drawing everyone’s attention to the gran
d entrance. Hal saw Kay, dressed in regal robes of crimson and gold. Anders accompanied her, escorting his betrothed down the length of the grand hall until they reached the front and the altar erected there for the coronation.

  An aged bishop stood waiting at the altar, flanked by several priests and a dozen of Kay’s official bodyguards, the newly named Empress’ Own Dragoons. Hal recognized several of the dragoon troopers from their trip through the Valley of the Sun among the honor guard. He gave a quick nod to the newly promoted Commander Madry who gave a salute in return.

  Kay knelt on a red velvet cushion and bowed her head while the Bishop spoke words of prayer and encouragement for her to live long and rule well. He then lowered the jeweled crown of the Empire onto her head.

  “Stand Kareena the First, Empress of the Realm, Protector of the People, Defender of the Western Reaches.”

  Kay stood and turned in place, maids rushing forward to pull the train of her long coronation robe so it lay spread out behind her. The newly crowned Empress looked out over her subjects and another cheer rose from those assembled, Hal included.

  He couldn’t believe this was the same young woman he’d first met in a jail cell all those long months ago, indeed years ago to the residents of this world. Now she turned out to be the ruler of everything. The crazy events leading them here were almost too fantastic to be credible if he hadn’t lived it for himself.

  Kay waited for the crowds’ cheering to die down and raised a hand for silence.

  “Prince Hal Dix, step forward.”

  Feeling nerves flutter up from his gut, Hal stepped forward to stand before his companion and comrade in arms. She had a beaming smile on her face.

  “Prince Hal, you have demonstrated great loyalty to myself and to the Empire in its time of greatest need. For that reason, we bestow upon you and your family, in perpetuity, the title of Princes and Princesses of the Western Reaches and Champion of the Crown. These titles will rest with you and yours for all time. Do you accept this bequest?”

  Hal cleared his throat after his first answer ended in a coughing croak rather than words.

  “I do, your Majesty and on behalf of my family, we thank you for the honor.”

  “It is well deserved. Kneel so we may bestow the imperial blessing and crown that is now yours.”

  Hal dropped to his knees on the red velvet pillow placed in front of him for the purpose. Kay lowered a thin golden circlet on his head and laid a hand on it.

  “I bestow the blessings of our throne on you, Hal Dix, knowing that, should I have need, you will be our champion as your office requires.”

  “I accept.”

  Hal’s voice was loud and clear this time. As he spoke, the slots in his head rattled for a few seconds then chimed as his luck inexplicably engaged. He saw no manifestation of it and mentally shrugged. He never managed to master how his strange luck worked here in Fantasma. In the end, he'd found he made his own luck with quick wits and preparation.

  He rose to his feet, bowed to the Empress and then returned to his seat beside Mona. She took his hand and squeezed it. Next to Mona, out of the corner of his eye, Hal saw Tildi nodding, as if satisfied with everything. She’d set all this in motion, after all.

  Hal wondered what his life would be like if he’d never met that strange little woman in the flea market stall. It all seemed so long ago, part of another life to which he wanted to return. Despite all the adventure and excitement, Hal wanted some parts of his normal life back.

  He was ready to go home.


  Two two Fantasma years after the coronation ceremony, Hal stood in the private courtyard of the royal apartments. Mona was by his side, their daughter Cari standing at her mother's feet, swinging a child-sized practice blade in broad arcs. Kay, Anders, and Tildi stood across from them.

  “Must you go back forever, Hal,” Kay said. “You, Mona, and Cari have become like family to us.”

  “It’s been wonderful to visit here every weekend for the last six months at home, but people are starting to notice back on earth. Cari is the problem. She’s only supposed to be two-years-old, but she is now almost four because of the time differential here in Fantasma. Mona’s mother has started asking awkward questions about her granddaughter’s amazing growth and maturity along with how she talks about her imaginary friends. Mona and I think it’s time for us to return for good.”

  “You could stay here permanently, Hal,” Anders said. “Kareena could use your counsel. She is still trying to put the Empire back together and bring the few rebellious generals Kang left behind to heel.”

  Hal shook his head.

  “It’s time for me to return, for all of us to go home for good, Kay. This is your world, not mine. The companions who remain will be good councilors to bolster your rule.”

  The Empress of Fantasma gave a rueful smile and nodded. Hal had already had this conversation with her several times over the last week. He’d told her he wouldn’t change his mind.

  “You and your family will always have a place here in Fantasma, Hal, should you ever find your way back.”

  “Thank you. If I return someday, I’ll make sure to stop by and take you up on the offer of hospitality.”

  “If you don’t, I’ll put a warrant out for your arrest, Hal Dix.”

  Hal laughed. He knew she wasn't kidding.

  Mona stepped up and hugged Kay. “Hal and I will be forever grateful for the way you’ve welcomed us into your home, Kay. We don’t take our departure lightly. Hal has been asked to join the executive board of his company, a great honor. He will have to devote more time and energy to his career and won’t have the time to come here on the weekends anymore.”

  “I understand the burden of commitment, Mona. It would still be nice to see you and Cari once in a while, though. It’s like she’s my own daughter.”

  Mona pointed to the rounded bulge of pregnancy showing through Kay’s dress. “You’ll have your own child soon enough.”

  “True, but my children could use a big sister and protector, too.”

  Mona shook her head.

  “It is time for Cari to grow up without the confusion of having two worlds in which to live. We’ve decided she must forget about Fantasma for now.

  “That makes me sad, Mona,” Kay said. “I would like to think she’ll have fond memories of her time here.”

  “Too many people don’t understand why she talks the way she does. Soon she’ll pass the time where she should have imaginary friends and believe in magic and princesses. When that happens, people at home will not understand why she insists it is all real. It is better to make a clean break.”

  Kay nodded but didn’t seem happy about it.

  “Let’s go home, Mona,” Hal said. “I’m ready if you are.”

  Mona smiled and picked up Cari, still clutching the wooden practice sword to which she'd become attached.

  “Me, too.”

  “Farewell Hal Dix, farewell Mona,” Kay called as Hal opened the portal back to earth for the last time. Hal waved once and followed Mona and Cari through the gateway home.

  Hal turned to call back through the portal in return, but as he stepped through, the magic doorway to Fantasma closed with a pop before he could get the words out. He swallowed his disappointment and turned back to Mona and Cari.

  They’d returned home for the final time. Their fantastical times in Fantasma were over for good. Hal would miss his friends in Fantasma, but this was where he belonged. He’d had enough adventure for one lifetime. So had his wife and daughter. It was time to build on his successful life and apply the lessons learned in Fantasma to his time on Earth.

  Level Up!


  The portal closed and Kay turned to Tildi.

  “I really hoped they’d opt to remain here.”

  “He was never of this world, your Majesty. That was the secret of his power and ability. In the end, he had to go back to his own place and time.”

  “But what if we hav
e need of him again?” Anders asked.

  “I have prepared for that eventuality. The prophecy does allow for the Opponent’s return, at least it doesn't say he cannot come back to us.”

  Tildi pulled a small rectangular box from beneath her robes with both hands, handing it to the Empress.

  Kay took the wooden box, covered in ornate carvings of mystical runes, inlaid with gold and mother of pearl. Releasing the latch, she opened the lid to reveal an ovoid object resting on black velvet inside. It was gray with a transparent layer stretched over the top of the base material. The top layer was made of a strange substance Kareena had never seen before. At one end of the object, were two, rectangular buttons.

  “This must only be invoked in your hour of greatest need for it can only be used once.”

  “What does it do?”

  “It will send a message across time and space, summoning the Opponent to return to Fantasma. I must warn you, it is not foolproof and the magic to enable it is unstable at best. It is an artifact of great power and even I am unsure of how it works in this instance. Only use it when you have no other option.”

  Kay picked up the object. It fit against her palm as if made to rest there with her finger over the two buttons.

  “What’s it called?”

  Tildi chuckled.

  “I have no idea why, but it is called a mouse.”

  The End of The Accidental Mage

  Also by Jamie Davis

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  The Accidental Traveler LitRPG Series

  (with C.J. Davis)

  The Accidental Thief

  The Accidental Warrior


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