Secrets and Seduction (Dangerous Desires)

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Secrets and Seduction (Dangerous Desires) Page 7

by Roberts, Sahara

She sent him a thin-lipped glare while tucking in the back of her shirt. “I couldn’t exactly wear heels to traipse around the brush, now could I?”

  He crowded her, sending her backpedaling until the fence hit her shoulder blades, then planted his hands along the top rail on either side of her. She leaned away, reaching out at her sides for some much-needed support. Apprehension tightened her belly. Even in the darkness, the intensity in his eyes scattered her thoughts in a dozen directions. What was he playing at? Testing scare tactics to see what worked best? Because so far, he’d scored a ten.

  “Let’s get something straight.”

  She flinched at his harsh whisper.

  “If we’re going to pull this off, you need to get past this ‘offended miss’ thing you have going.”

  Unlike her, this obviously wasn’t the first time Andres went sneaking around in the dark. He had to know where his people were, and what they’d be looking out for…right? She bit back the retort and gave an answering nod. Some of the tension left his body, but his arms still bracketed her. “H-how…” The throaty timbre of her voice caught her off guard. “Are we supposed to play this?”

  His gaze made a slow sweep down her face. “There aren’t many reasons you’d be meeting me in the middle of the night.”

  Memories of the morning at the clinic flooded her mind’s eye, drawing her nipples into tight buds. Dios. How was she supposed to keep it together when they were all alone, and she knew how her body reacted to him?

  “Okay.” Where did that breathless note come from? Was it that he’d taken over her personal space? Apprehension over what was to come? Or anticipation of it?

  “You don’t exactly fit the part.”

  Her breath caught and something akin to humiliation pulled at her insides. She fought to keep herself from shrinking back. What could she possibly say? This must be some record. Usually a guy waited until after they’d slept together to decide he’d pass on her after all.

  “You’re buttoned up to your neck, your hair’s pulled back and braided, and you’re practically running away from me. None of that reads ‘come get me.’”

  She blinked in rapid succession, the sense of inferiority fading away. His words started to sink in. Of course, she must look closer to a Sunday school teacher than a woman out to meet her lover. Lover. Dear Lord. A sliver of much-needed confidence seeped back into her. She bit the corner of her bottom lip, trying to form a response. Scattered thoughts tangled the words she tried to string together. She could do this, play this part, for Kris. Unclenching the rail, she reached for her braid and pulled the dark elastic from the bottom.

  He caught her hand, his rough fingers circling her wrist as he lowered it. His gaze on hers, he slowly worked his fingers into her hair, loosening the tight plaits.

  Wetness dampened the juncture between her thighs, and she curled her fingers around the fence for support.

  His attention dropped to her left breast, where her hair unfurled link by link. A ragged breath echoed between them. His?

  His gaze zeroed in on her mouth, and the wood creaked behind her. “Do that thing to your lip.” The words were barely a rumble beneath his breath.


  Keeping his left hand in her hair, he cupped the back of her head, tilting her up, and her lips parted with the rush of her breath. Her heart thundered at the sight of him. The dark intensity in his eyes changed, focusing on her as a woman instead of someone who’d pushed one too many buttons.

  His mouth came down on hers, demanding entry and the freedom to explore at will. She should push at him, object at the way he handled her, or at least offer some token protest. Instead she whimpered, opening to him, letting him take his fill, and enjoying every wondrous stroke of his tongue against hers.

  He pressed his body closer, and moisture pooled at her core. Long fingers splayed at her back, slipping down to the base of her spine. He drew her forward until her breasts flattened against him and every hard inch of his length pressed into her belly. Her fingers dug into the tight muscles of his arm and back, cursing the layers of clothing keeping her at bay.

  A thrill shot through her as his teeth scraped the edge of her lip, nipping at her, then his tongue came back to lave the spot before he pulled back. She followed, much to his apparent satisfaction. “Better,” he said with half-lidded eyes.

  He was too arrogant for his own good. And she was way too happy with him kissing her, sending delicious shivers down her body with every touch. Shaking off the haze of desire, she lowered her hands. His gaze shot left, like he hadn’t expected her to release him.

  “One more thing,” he whispered at her temple. His fingers came to her throat, fussing with the top button on her blouse then moving on to the next. An array of goose bumps fanned over her chest from the spot his knuckles brushed. Damn him. She didn’t know who she hated more right now. Him or her traitorous body.

  The inside of his wrist settled against her left breast, teasing the stiff peak with not nearly enough pressure. Deft fingers continued slipping buttons open to expose her heated skin as her pulse thrummed in her ears. She looked down, biting her lip as her breasts rose with each breath. How far was he planning to go? How far will I let him go? Finally, he reached the button holding her blouse closed level with the base of her bra.

  Several cocktail dresses with plunging necklines hung in her closet back home, yet she’d never been more exposed than she was right now. He took in his handiwork, and his lips pulled into that sexy half smile of his.

  The back of his index finger slid along her chest and over the swell of her cleavage before stopping to retrace the last few inches. “Now, isn’t this better?”

  “I think we would have been able to pull it off either way.” Her voice belied the riot of emotions she grappled with.

  He dropped his hands to her hips, setting her back a few inches. She clenched her thighs, refusing to protest the loss, telling herself she was thankful for the distance. “Is that so?”

  She nodded.

  “You think someone would believe you’d come out here in the middle of the night and wouldn’t end up naked under me?”

  She swallowed a squeak. “Easy enough. I’d tell them you’d pissed me off.” She quirked a brow. “Anyone who knows you would believe my explanation.”

  He had the audacity to grin. Good. Nothing like a dose of reality to set her feet back on solid ground. She reached for the last button he’d opened.

  “Don’t.” His hands shot out to grab her wrists, pulling her arms over his shoulders and holding them there.

  They were face to face. His breath mingled with hers while his hips leaned in to her again. She sucked in a breath, desire simmering in her veins. “We should go before I end up proving my point.”

  She extricated herself, slipping around him to grab her bag. His hand shot through the strap, and he hauled the backpack over his shoulder. She shot him a wary look but continued on to Rayo, patting his neck and shoulder while she pulled herself together. The hard part was over, now they just had to worry about stumbling over cartel killers.

  Andres exhaled. “Grab the horn.”

  She reached for the saddle horn, eyeing Rayo. While she’d ridden before, it was half a lifetime ago. And she didn’t remember that horse being quite as big.

  Andres cradled his hands, offering her a boost. Lifting her foot, she tried to shake any debris from the hiking boot before stepping into his palms. She shifted her center of gravity then had a horrible thought. What if she was too heavy? A second later she was several feet off the ground, more than enough clearance to sit astride.

  Andres reached for the saddle horn, his arm brushing high on her thigh, sending her pulse skipping ahead. He climbed on behind her. “Move up a little.” Her eyes widened as hard thighs slid under hers, and the bulk of his zipper settled in behind her. His chest bumped her shoulder right before his arms came around her. This time the world lurched.

  They were spooned together from shoulder to ankle.
Warm, hard man to needy, tormented woman. All sorts of fireworks exploded in her lower regions. “Let me…” She swallowed. “How can I…um…”

  “Shhh. This is as good as it’s gonna get,” he whispered by her ear.

  His breath flowed over her neck and shoulder, tightening a knot in her chest. Her fingers curled. What should she do with her hands? “I was just told to prepare for rough terrain.” She’d thought hiking boots and shrubs.

  “And I just knew someone was coming to get him.”

  Moni grasped at a possible reprieve. “Sh-should we walk?”

  “No.” He clicked his tongue, and Rayo started moving. “If he asked for a doctor, he might need help coming out.”

  Rayo stepped through the grass with barely a sound. For several minutes, they crossed the land in silence. Since Andres seemed to know exactly where they were going, Monica focused her attention on the surroundings. The nearly full moon cast a cold light that illuminated everything in faint purple hues.

  They broke out of the brush and approached a cluster of trees. She couldn’t help but stare. The river curled blue-black around a lovely sandbar that looked ideal for a sunny afternoon picnic. She shuddered and turned her head away.

  He tightened his arm slightly and bent his head to her ear. “This isn’t where it happened.”

  She was relieved. Such a beautiful spot shouldn’t be a scene for a horrific multiple murder. “In the old days, women bathed here and the men had a separate area downriver.” He went quiet for a moment. “If I’d known you were coming I could have found you a damn vest,” he mumbled.

  “The backpack is lined with Kevlar.”

  He swung the pack around, setting the shield before her without missing a beat. “If anything happens, hold it close so you’ll be protected.” She clutched the handle, holding on like a lifeline.

  The hard contours of his chest brushed against her back. “What about you?”

  “I’ll slow down anything coming in from behind.” Reality drained every bit of strength she possessed. She stared over her shoulder at him in disbelief. “It’s okay, Doc.” He didn’t spare her a glance. “We just need to get you in and out in one piece.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Bring a vest?”

  She nodded.

  A smile played at his lips. “It would have been a hard sell to say I was going out to meet a woman if I needed to strap on a vest.

  “There’s a fair amount of people climbing through bedroom windows in the middle of the night. They just keep things all private like.”

  What windows had he climbed through? Who was the lucky woman—or women—in his life? Was Lupe right? Had he reunited with Susana? Was she tucked away right now, waiting for him to return? No, he didn’t seem the type…but then neither had Valdo. Until she’d found out about the other woman.

  Why did she care? It was none of her business who got to use his body as their personal playground.

  Crap. She searched the area, trying to find a landmark. Where were they? What direction had he taken?

  “What’s wrong?”

  His breath sent a tingling rush down her neck. She jerked back against his shoulder, drying a damp palm on her jeans. “Nothing.”

  “Calm down. You’re jumpier than a cricket on a busy sidewalk.”

  How the hell was she supposed to act? Her senses, heightened by lust and edged with fear, were all tuned to him. The heat of his body, the strong arms surrounding her, the hard thighs pressing against hers with every step Rayo took.

  “I know you’re scared, but you need to try and act natural,” he murmured from beside her temple.

  Natural. Right. Better he should think she was scared spitless. “Do you think we’re being watched?”

  “No. Guerrero sent everybody out. But if someone else is watching they’ll never buy us sneaking around together if you don’t relax.” His arm settled against her ribs, pulling her back against the warmth of his chest.

  That made sense. Still, he was taking her into dangerous territory, on a very personal level. She exhaled, settling back. Relax. Act natural. Like a woman off to find a secluded spot to have sex.

  “Natural for us is you acting up and me trying to keep from taking you in hand.”

  His chuckle rushed past her shoulder. “Okay, I admit I like to push your buttons.”


  “You came to town a quiet, scrawny little kid who was all business.” Scrawny was right. Months of juggling the wedding arrangements and a high-stress job had left her with all the curves of a med school skeleton.

  “You filled in real nice.” His hand moved closer to her breast, his thumb brushing the underside. “I like making you smile and blush.” His lips teased the shell of her ear, sending a dusting of sparks down her body. “But nothing compares to your deadly stare. You’re alive and fiery. Almost as beautiful as when you’ve been thoroughly kissed.”

  This was the wrong night for confessions. They were on the way to help someone, but all she could think about was the attention her body was clamoring for. “You were such a jerk. I wanted to wring your neck so many times.”

  He chuckled. “Sometimes you looked like you were going to knock me on my ass.”

  Lord knew she’d wanted to.

  “Sometimes I hoped you’d follow me down,” he finished in a quieter tone.

  Yes, sometimes she’d wanted that, too. They could end up tangled together, and she could finally see if that image of him moving over her would live up to the real thing.

  His lips trailed down the shell of her ear, and she had to swallow a needy whimper. Her lids drifted closed, allowing her senses to bask in the pleasure of being caressed by the man who’d taken up residence in her most private thoughts. She brought her jaw higher, letting his hot breath fan across her skin. The fine hair at the base of her neck stood on end. Sensation cascaded down her arms and legs. His thighs cupped her bottom, and the hard ridge reaching her lower back had her sex contracting. She leaned into him, seeking him over her shoulder. “Andres…” Her breasts were heavy, the nipples puckering painfully, needing more.

  His mouth came down on hers and he cradled her breast. She brought her hand up to stop him, but he wouldn’t budge. Instead, he pinched the stiff nipple between two fingers. She couldn’t stifle the moan that erupted from her throat while her back arched into his grasp.

  He tore his mouth from hers, looking down to see how she filled his hand. “When we’re done here,”—his gravelly voice struck a chord in her. He was as affected as she was—“I’m going to strip off those cock-teasing jeans and spread you out on a blanket so I can taste every inch of you.” His hand slid down her body. Her eyes widened, knowing she had to put a stop to this now.

  “Wh-what about Susana?”

  He went stock-still, unwilling to believe the words he’d just heard. She knew…

  “We’re not together—” He stopped himself before adding “anymore.” How could he have thought she wouldn’t know? Since coming home he’d kept to himself, rarely communicating with anyone outside of the ranch. Somehow the tactic had backfired. Nobody really knew the man he’d become. They all remembered the wild kid he’d been.

  The wind caught her silky black hair, sending the long strands against his bicep. Her scent surrounded him, a fragrance as subtle as the woman herself—at least when it came to anyone but him. He’d tortured himself with the taste of her, the freedom she’d allowed him over her body. His mouth watered. His hands itched to touch all of her—an indulgence he should know better than to permit himself. But he didn’t want to fight it anymore. He wanted her, more than he’d ever wanted any woman.

  She was nothing if not precise and efficient. All she had to say were three little words, and every bit of desire heating his blood trickled out of his system. Fuck. And he’d been worried about some asshole jumping them from the shadows.

  They rode the next half mile in strained silence, Monica resting against him. “How did you end up a part
of all this?”

  “Damian reached out to me.”

  “Damian?” Her head shot back, narrowly missing his chin.

  Good God. She hadn’t known who she was meeting or who she was going to treat. It was a wonder she was alive.

  “His boss checked up on me and told him I was okay.”


  “No.” He drew in a deep breath as they covered the last few yards. “I’ve been feeding him information the last few months.” And he’d spent too many nights wondering if he was gonna end up dead on the side of some road. But up until now Damian had been straight with him.

  “That’s dangerous.”

  “So is showing up to meet someone in the middle of the night,” he reasoned. “At least I’m doing it to get my ranch back. Why are you?” She clamped her mouth shut and faced forward.

  He reined in Rayo, making sure they were at the right spot. “Wait here.” He passed her the reins then dismounted. His whistle—one short, one long, in quick succession—was answered with two short bursts. “We’re good.”

  She handed down her pack before swinging her leg around. He barely had time to grab her waist…and appreciate her nicely rounded, heart-shaped bottom. Since he’d known her, she’d always been wearing heels. Tonight, in kid-sized hiking boots, her head barely reached his shoulder.

  She pulled back her hair then, typical of her nature, held out her hands for the backpack. His eyebrow shot up. The damn thing weighed more than she did. Instead, he unstrapped the blanket and offered her the bundle.

  A grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. He didn’t need to see her face to know she was giving him one of those dirty looks. How could pissing off a woman get a man hard?

  “Come on. He’s up ahead.” Backtracking, he whispered to Rayo, “You stay put. I don’t plan on walking all the way back.”

  The damn horse nickered softly and dropped his head, seeking something to graze on—effectively blowing him off. “I’m gonna have you made into glue if you don’t mind me.”

  His attention turned to the rocky ground barely illuminated by moonlight. A few yards and Damian came into view, watching from a natural shelf created by two larger rocks. He was naked, one arm folded against his chest like a broken wing, a dark smear trailing down from his shoulder.


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