Secrets and Seduction (Dangerous Desires)

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Secrets and Seduction (Dangerous Desires) Page 8

by Roberts, Sahara

  Monica hit doctor mode, hurrying ahead to kneel next to her patient. Andres set the backpack down, studying the hard angles of Damian’s jaw. Doc moved the blanket out of the way, flipped the bag and opened a zipper, producing snack bars and a water bottle. “Here. Eat slowly.”

  “Thanks.” Damian offered up his arm, grimacing as she went to work. He grabbed the water, biting the cap as he twisted the bottle open.

  Andres glanced back and forth between them. Was he the only one having a problem with Damian being naked? “The blanket has some pants in it.”

  Damian reached for the bundle Doc had set behind her. “Think I can get these clothes on first?”

  “They can wait.” Monica rummaged through her bag. He slumped back, struggling with the snack bar wrapper.

  Talking Monica Vasquez away from her purpose was as easy as freezing in August. “Let her finish, man. She’s relentless.” He probably got another dirty look for his two cents.

  “I need to turn on a light.”

  Andres grabbed the blanket off the ground. “I’ll hold this up to block the light.” While they faced away from the road, someone might still see a bright spot floating on the side of the mountain. He unrolled the bundle, tossing Damian the jeans he’d brought along.

  The light turned on, dim enough not to give away their location.

  “The bullet went in by my shoulder blade and came out the front.”

  “That’s an accurate assessment.”

  He grunted. “I’ve built a decent medical file.”

  “So I see,” Doc murmured.

  Andres leaned the base of his palms against the outcropping, draping the blanket against the boulders on either side. Lucky for Damian, the rocks held some of the day’s heat. If he’d been stranded without shelter, he wouldn’t have done as well. Tonight’s breeze carried a little bite.

  Rustling, a clink, more rustling, and a mumbled curse escaped from behind the curtain. Andres cleared his throat. “What happened the other night?”

  “I’m not even sure. Sometime after midnight, Paloma decided she wanted to go swimming,” Damian said around a mouthful. “We tried talking her out of it, but she took off running. We caught up to her at the river and eventually ended up at one of the swimming holes.” Damian stopped, swigging more water.

  “And you got ambushed?”

  “N-no. I think the bastard watched us for a while. Couldn’t tell. We were skinny-dipping, and Paloma was splashing around, laughing. Then she…wanted attention.” Score one for town gossip. “Lalo was on watch, but he was having trouble focusing.”

  “He ended up with his throat slit.”

  “Yeah.” He exhaled. “I figured. I heard gagging but I thought Paloma—”

  “Gagging?” Doc’s radar kicked in.

  “Yeeeeah. She was giving Capo head.”

  “I see.”

  Andres grinned at her reaction then sobered as he recalled the scene he’d found. “So you didn’t see the shooter?”

  “No, dude. Paloma was on me.”

  “Do you know how many guys attacked?”

  “One, I think. Fffu…” He muttered under his breath. “It… She wasn’t sitting on my cock, man.” He’d painted a good enough picture. “I heard the shots. Vato used a silencer—maybe Lalo’s gun. Paloma went limp on me, then Capo hit the ground. I pushed her off…and took one to the shoulder when I got up.”

  Andres looked around. “At least you got out.”

  “I had no cover and nowhere to go but the river.” His voice went tight. “Luckily there was enough current to help carry me around the bend before I had to come up for air. When I got to safety, I walked around for hours trying to find this place. Figured my best bet was to get to the SAT phone we’d hidden.”

  “Let’s see your feet,” Doc instructed.

  They shuffled around behind the blanket trying to get into position. He checked the surroundings, as a precaution. Guerrero thought Damian had taken off, so he’d sent men out instead of setting up guards. Damian wasn’t the shooter. So who was killing everyone? Had the chief stumbled onto something, or had he been a target along with the cartel?

  Dr. Treviño had confided in him earlier in the day, sharing details about the scene. He wouldn’t tell Damian about Capo’s castration in front of Doc. The killer had shoved the pieces in Paloma’s mouth. What kind of an animal did that to a woman? What message was he trying to send Guerrero?

  “This will keep until you can get to a hospital.” The light flipped off.

  “Thanks. I guess Angel knew what he was doing.”

  Doc packed her bag and got up, dusting off her butt while she held a small package tucked under her chin. “He’s been right a time or two.”

  “Yeah, I’m so fucking glad he found you two, or I’d probably be dead.” Moni looked over at him. Andres realized he knew nothing about this “Angel” other than the fact that Damian and Monica trusted him. Was that really good enough? Where was he getting his background information? He dropped his arms and found Damian struggling into his jeans.

  “Gimme a second to get these pants on.” Damian grunted, trying to get dressed behind the curtain.

  Andres put the blanket back in place, giving the guy a little privacy. “Hope they fit okay.”

  “Yeah, they’re good.” He zipped the jeans.

  Monica tore open the plastic wrapping and unrolled a triangular cloth. “He lost a good deal of blood. I’m surprised he made it up the mountain in this condition.”

  In other words, Damian wasn’t going to make it out on his own.

  “Fuck,” he said from the enclosure. “Even my ass is sunburned.”

  Andres folded the blanket back into a tight roll while Damian hobbled to his feet. “You should have asked for shoes.”

  “Didn’t even think about them. I wanted to backtrack to the ranch and try to grab some supplies, but I had no idea who jumped us.”

  Doc stuffed the packaging in a baggie then removed her gloves and tossed them in without making a sound. He was starting to wonder about the little doctor. Tonight had been an eye-opener. How had she ended up called in for this? He’d assumed she was a second stringer, like him. But now he wasn’t so sure. He’d agreed to work with Damian to try and get his ranch back. Why would she put herself at risk when she didn’t even know who she was risking her life for? And why had she closed up when he asked her about it? Anger roiled within him. Angel. The guy had to be some little pencil pusher who’d never been face to face with the cartel. Did he even realize the danger he’d put Monica in?

  “Trust me, you made the right choice.” Andres jerked off the buttoned shirt he wore over his dark T-shirt for Damian to wear. “Guerrero thinks you’re the shooter. He’s got people looking for you.”

  “They came by the office,” she added. “And from what I’ve heard, they went around town, too.”

  “Okay.” He winced, pulling on a sleeve. “What’d he set up?”

  “They figured you took off, so he sent the guys to Monterrey and San Luis.”

  Doc tied the ends of the triangle together then looped the sling over his neck. Damian set his arm inside, adjusting until he found a comfortable angle. “Thanks for the heads-up.” He held out his hand. Andres took it—it was probably the most humbling experience the guy’d ever had. “I’m being pulled out anyway. I’ll see what Angel decides to do.”

  His stomach sank. Helping Damian and his people had been the one chance at undermining Guerrero and getting the ranch back. “Is that it? Is everything getting shut down?”

  Damian shook his head. “No. We’re in too deep to drop everything.”

  “So what else can I do? I don’t want to have to start from scratch.”

  “You just keep doing what you’re doing. I’ll leave you the SAT phone. Angel will reach out and tell you who to hand it to.”

  “But there has to be some—”

  “Dude, you have no idea just how much you’ve done.” He shook his head. “I’m probably going to
get my ass handed to me, but what the fuck. If Angel said you could be trusted.” He shrugged. “With your info we’ve figured out who’s paying off Guerrero instead of actually running horses. Those trackers you’ve set up have helped map out their network into the States. You have no idea how deep this goes.”

  “You know this is to get my place back.”

  “Angel is working on backtracking so he can bring Guerrero down. Then you can get everything back. But you have to realize how fucking methodical this guy is.”

  “All right.” But he didn’t know how much patience he’d have left.

  “Just hang tight. It’ll happen.”

  “Thanks, man. Hope it works out for you, too.” Andres looked out at the night as they started across the rocky terrain. He’d been ‘hanging tight’ since taking the job with Guerrero. He’d taken a huge chance trusting that Damian was who he said he was. The last few months would test any man’s nerves, and he’d more than held up his part of the bargain. He tucked away his disappointment and focused on the task at hand. They still had a long way to go.

  “I’m guessing your people don’t know what condition you’re really in.”

  Damian looked from him to Doc. “Didn’t seem too bad when I got here.”

  “Adrenaline kept you going,” Doc explained.

  “Yeah, well, you never mentioned needing a doctor. And you said I was bringing in someone to pick you up.”

  “Fuck.” Damian rubbed the back of his neck.

  “More details would have helped. Now we’re a little tight on the ride.” Regardless of how he switched everyone around, there was no safe way to get them all out. “Doc, you and Damian ride on ahead. I’ll follow on foot.”

  Damian’s eyes widened as they walked back to the horse. “I don’t know how to drive that thing.” Rayo flipped his tail in disapproval.

  Doc shook her head. “I doubt I’d do any better if things went wrong.” She looked up at him. “I think you’d better take him.”

  Every instinct rebelled. She couldn’t be serious. “I’m not leaving you here.”

  “You need to get him out. Now. I’ll catch up, but I need you to drop off my bag.”

  “Shit. I’m not liking this.” Damian’s eyes narrowed, checking out Monica.

  “I have the shoes and pants for a hike.”

  Andres looked her up and down. Sure enough, she’d prepared for this trip—better than he had. His head told him her plan made sense. The rest of him shouted a loud, clear protest. If she thought he could justify leaving a tiny slip of a woman miles from the fence line all by herself, she was nuts.

  “I’ll be fine.” She nodded toward Damian. “Besides, I’m not a target. He is.”

  “Did you bring any weapons?” Damian’s hopeful tone intruded.

  Yeah, pile on more, why don’t you? I can feel worse than crap. His presence was barely tolerated at the ranch. No way he’d be allowed a weapon, even for snakes.

  “Here.” Doc unzipped a side pouch on her bag. They watched as she pulled out a gun, running her fingers over the safety before handing it to Damian. “Nine millimeter. Loaded. Safety’s on. Two magazines in the pouch.” His jaw dropped. Who the hell was this woman?

  Damian flashed his teeth in a grin. “You’re all right, lady doc.”

  “Someone very special gave me that gun. I want it back,” she said in her “doctor’s orders” tone.

  “God—” Andres bit off his words and turned to Damian. “Get on the damn horse.” Damian glared at him before limping to Rayo’s right side. For fuck’s sake. “Other side.” Andres went around Rayo and grabbed his bridle. “How the hell have you managed to be at the ranch this long and never learn to ride?”

  Holding the strap with his good hand, Damian lifted his foot awkwardly and stuck it into the metal stirrup, wincing as he reached for the saddle horn. He leaned his forehead against the leather before taking a deep breath, then hoisted himself up onto the saddle, landing with a thud. Rayo skittered sideways, ears flattened against the unfamiliar rider. Damian swayed, muttering curses as he grabbed at Rayo’s mane and anything else he could find to hold.

  “Easy amigo, don’t go loco on me now,” Andres murmured, soothing the horse to a standstill before glancing up at Damian, who looked nervous for the first time since he’d met the man. “You gonna make it?”

  “That’s why I don’t ride; a car would never pull that shit on you.” He glanced at the ground. “If I fall off just leave me there, not climbing back up here again.”

  Andres shook his head as he handed the bag up to him while he worked through scenarios. Damian should have told him about the shape he was in. He turned to Monica. “We’re gonna need your car to take him farther out.”

  “I can drive him. No use exposing you any more than necessary.” Typical. She thought about everyone but herself. He racked his brain for an alternative. “We’re probably better off leading Rayo and having him ride on his own. Let’s start walking while we figure out the rest.” She held out her hand, looking like a kid—sweet and innocent—instead of the woman he knew her to be.

  He dug his heels in. “Doc, nothing you can say will convince me he’s better off on that horse by himself.”

  “You’re probably right.” The way she looked up through her lashes should have been his first warning. “Help me up, into his lap.” Uh… He clamped his mouth shut, fighting the jealousy spearing through him. She shifted, jutting her hip out as she turned. The tempting view down her blouse drew his gaze. “I think I’ll do okay with the reins. He’ll just have to hold on tight.”

  His hand clamped around her bicep. “Oh, hell no.”

  “Still think you’re right?” she teased.

  “Take your time. I’ll try not to bleed to death while I’m waiting,” Damian growled.

  Doc glared at Damian as Andres led her away, a hand at the back of her waist.

  Damian looked from one to the other. “You know, we’re going to pass by a motel…” He left the words hanging.

  Andres grabbed the reins. There was no way Monica was going off with him on her own. He’d drive Damian wherever he needed to go, but the son of a bitch would ride in the trunk.

  Chapter Eight

  The staccato click of high heels on linoleum followed Moni down the hallway to the side door. She’d been upstairs, at her kitchen window, keeping an eye out for Andres to return with her car. Lupe was arriving early today since Simon would be tied up with inventory at the store. She didn’t want them meeting up accidentally and having to answer Lupe’s questions on why Andres was here without Dr. Treviño.

  Andres had followed them on Rayo, leaving him tied up just outside of town. She’d been dropped off at home and left to worry. Sunrise wasn’t too far away, and he’d lose the cover of darkness. She’d been at the point of biting her nails when she spotted the car coming around the corner.

  Releasing her ponytail from under her coat’s collar, she pulled open the door to find him on the doorstep. “Thank God you made it.”

  His step slowed and his gaze traveled down the front of her teal dress with undisguised interest. It was a little shorter than what she usually wore, barely peeking out under her white coat. “I’m fine, Doc.”

  “So I hear.” He took the two steps up to the door and continued in, making her step back.

  “Were you worried about me or the car?” he asked, pulling the door back until the knob slipped from her hold.

  She gave him a dirty look. “My patient.”

  His lips quirked at one corner. “Of course. I should have known.” He held his index finger straight, the key ring hanging off his knuckle. She should grab the keys and walk him out. Lupe would be here any time now. But she’d caught the almost imperceptible wince at the answer she’d lobbed him. Truth be told, he’d been on her mind all night. He’d risked his own life to get Kris’s man out of town while she tossed and turned—in the safety of her bed—for the past few hours. Though that was far from being the only reason.

>   She looked up at him through her lashes. “Maybe I worried about you, too…a little.”

  He placed his hand over his chest, tapping his fingers as if his heart had gone aflutter. “Was that so hard?”

  “No.” She fought a grin. “I guess not.”

  He ran his knuckles along her chin. “Maybe you could think of me more often.”

  If only he knew how much time she spent thinking about him instead of the task at hand. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  He leaned in, his hat brim blocking the light, to brush his lips over hers. Heartbeat racing, she caught his bottom lip between hers, watching him watch her with naked desire. He slanted his mouth over hers, deepening the contact. Slipping his hands around her hips, he backed her against the wall, wedging his leg between hers in the process. Long fingers stretched down her sides then raked back up to her waist. His knee made it under the hem of her dress, sliding against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

  Last night she’d felt off-kilter when he’d taken over her personal space. Now, in familiar surroundings, she craved having him against hers. The pleasure he’d drawn from her had her body humming in anticipation. Desperate fingers dug into the hair at his nape, bringing him closer. His tongue plunged into her mouth as he brought them flush against each other.

  Her soft moan drew him to her breasts, palming their weight, rolling the stiff nipples while his tongue entwined with hers. Lord, his cock was deliciously hard, offering promises that had her senses clamoring in response. The slow, agonizing twist of her hips brought his thigh against one of hers, then the other. He shifted with her, moving them into the adjoining exam room.

  He nibbled at the corner of her lips, then at her chin. His hat toppled off, falling to the floor without notice as he trailed toward her neck. Another step and he had her balanced on the edge of the exam table. Tightening her grip on his shoulders, she steadied herself. “Andres…” The seam of his jeans brushed past the top of her thigh-highs. His thumbs explored the flowers trimming the elastic lace, teasing the sensitive skin they covered. She bit back a whimper. A couple more inches and he’d be at her panties, find them drenched.


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