Liquid Cool: The Cyberpunk Detective Series
Page 27
One of her guest rooms was my space. I had locked myself in there going on day two, sleeping. I purposely chose the smallest room she had. It was a decent size with no outside windows. It was more of a closet than anything. I had destroyed my mobile--they can track you with that. Before my fateful "secret" interview, I had Flash load my Pony into a hover-car transport and ship it out of the City.
PJ didn't watch the news. She only read it on her mobile computer. I know she was always reading it, but said nothing to me about any of it.
Phishy, with his crazy self, had every sidewalk johnny friend he knew and all their friends descend on the Concrete Mama like a swarm of ants. They had the lobby and PJ's floor filled to the rim with people--my own civilian security force. Too bad none of them were armed, but it was the gesture that mattered.
I told her not to yell but just knock on the door when she wanted me. When I opened the door, there was Dot. That put a smile on my face. Her parents were with her. That took the smile off my face. I came out of my sanctuary anyway.
"How are you holding up?" she asked as she gave me a hug.
"Me, I'm fine. I have no idea what's happening out there, but that's good. I'm in here safe and comfortable."
There was a knock on PJ's front door. If I hadn't seen what I saw, I would have thought I was dreaming. Mr. Wan pulled a .357 magnum shooter from his jacket and Mrs. Wan pulled a smaller version with a silencer from her purse. Did all it take for my psycho parents-in-law to be on my side was our joint stay at the local jail?
Dot yelled at her parents in Chinese and they yelled something back but kept their eyes on the door. PJ approached the door carrying her favorite shotgun. She pressed the button on the door display and gave out a huff as she turned to all of us. "It's stupid man." She opened the door and there was Phishy, smiling.
Dot's parents put away their guns after PJ closed and locked the door again. Phishy strolled to me.
"It's crazy out there, Cruz."
I held up my hand. "I don't want to know. For me, ignorance is bliss."
"You need to know what's going on," Dot said.
"I can't do anything about anything so why know? Wait, did something happen at Eye Candy?"
"No, everything is fine. The reporters leaked that I was your girlfriend and then so many people showed up there looking for me that I had to leave. I couldn't work with all those people and reporters staring at me through the windows."
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry? It's great. Prima Donna is signing up everyone as clients and Goat Girl and Cyan are signing up everyone for our new anti-robot union. Everybody is happy. And Prima Donna says thank you."
"She's welcome."
"What's the plan?" she asked.
They had all encircled me now; PJ too.
"Plan? We wait it out."
"This could go on weeks or months," Dot said. "You really don't know what's going on."
"Then how can you have a plan?"
"The last I heard was that the police were rioting at City Hall. That's it."
Dot's parents started shaking their heads, along with PJ. Phishy was grinning. "It's a lot more than that," Dot said.
"More than rioting?"
"Cruz, you're not an ostrich. Get your head out of the dirty mud, look up, and know what's going on around you."
"As long as they leave you, my Pony, and my place alone, I'm good."
"And the office!" PJ interjected.
"And the office."
"You listed me ahead of the Pony so I guess I'm good."
I smiled at her.
Now there was frantic knocking at the door. Both PJ and Phishy ran to the door.
"Don't touch my door," PJ yelled at him as she grabbed her shotgun again. "Okay."
Phishy pushed the display button.
"Phishy," one of the sidewalk johnnies said standing in front of the door.
"You can't be in and out of my place," PJ scolded Phishy.
"I may need to come back in after I see what they want."
She unlocked the door for him. "No. Stay out."
The door opened and Phishy stuck his head out only. He pulled it back in and ran to me.
"Cruz, there are police downstairs."
"They're pushing their way into the lobby. A lot of them."
"Oh no," Dot said with a scared look.
Her parents had their weapons drawn again.
"Cruz, get your guns," PJ commanded.
"I can't," I said. "They took away my gun license and I can only use them in my place, not someone else's."
"Stop being foolish," she said. "They're coming for you."
I ran into my room for my gun case.
As I pulled my gun case from under the bed and opened it, I asked when he appeared, "You know places like Mad Heights?"
"Mad City? What about it?"
"They got those animal gangs there."
"And lots more too. Much more dangerous."
"Are there people that just hang around in the darkness?"
"Darkness where?"
"Like in the back alleys."
"Ghouls? How do you know about them?"
"What are they?"
"Night people. They're gangs that hang in the dark with their night-sight."
"What do they do? Just hang out in the dark?"
"No, they get people."
"What does that mean?"
"How do you know about them?"
"Never mind. We'll talk about this later."
"Cruz, your parents are here!" Phishy peeked in the door to tell me.
"What? My parents? Where? Here or on the mobile?"
The notion that my parents would fly all the way here to Metropolis didn't make any sense to me, but it was them. My mother came in holding her little purse in front of her like she always did. This one was dark brown; she had others. Both of them had matching black slicker coats and black boots over their pants instead of under. She smiled at me. She never wore much make-up but had a perfect complexion, her black hair was always pulled back in a braided ponytail. They were practically the same height--shorter than me by an inch or so. My Pops came in, his graying mustache and beard, wearing a fedora that looked suspiciously like my own, but he hated hats. In his hand was a sheathed sword. Now I knew it was really him. My father was a prime example of the negative effect of Japanese samurai culture on the general public. He carried that sword everywhere.
"Ma, what are you doing here?" I stopped myself and did the son thing and gave her a hug and a kiss.
"Pops," I gave him a hug. "When did you get here? How did you get here? It's dangerous out there. You shouldn't have come here."
My mother smiled and spoke to me in Spanish.
"Yes, Ma, but it's even more dangerous out there than usual."
My Pops had unsheathed his sword and was swinging it around.
"And no sword is going to scare away any street punk or whoever it is after me. Put that away, Pops, before you put your eye out."
There was a bang at the door and everyone jumped.
"Who's banging my door!" PJ yelled at and pointed her rifle at it.
The Wans were poised with their weapons. My Pops was looking at the door, holding the samurai sword as if it were a bat and he was about to swing, and my Mom...
"Mom! Why is your hand in that little purse of yours?"
She looked at me sheepishly.
"I know that you're reaching for a piece of that candy and not for some concealed weapon?"
She smiled at me and nodded.
I looked at Dot and we both shook our heads.
"I say we elope and leave the four of them, and everyone else, behind."
"I agree," she said and then yelled something at her parents in Chinese. They just smiled at her and she threw up her hands.
There was a knock at the door this time and PJ went to look at
the door-cam. My Pops was swirling his sword around again with one hand.
"Pops! You're going to put your eye out. And what are you going to do with that? Someone shoots at you, you're going to whack the bullet back at them?"
The door opened and there was a bunch of sidewalk johnnies there. A man behind them pushed through them.
He fired a gun at me!
My father swung at the laser blast and hit it back right at the gunman. The round hit him in his face and he yelled out as one of his eye sockets began to illuminate. Every sidewalk johnny in the hall jumped him and took him down to the floor. Phishy was in the hall too and reached to close the door, but PJ just kicked it closed.
"Why are strangers always trying to shoot me?" I yelled out. I looked at my Pops. "You whacked that laser bullet at that guy."
He grinned and began swirling the sword.
"You've been tricking me all these years."
My Ma pointed at him and said in Spanish-accented English, "Kendo master."
"Oh, snaps," I yelled out. "Phishy!"
I ran to the door and everyone around me followed me.
"What's wrong?" PJ asked.
The door opened and Phishy peeked in. We could see the sidewalk johnnies kicking the stuffings out of the downed gunman on the hallway floor.
"Phishy, a gunman got right up to me! I thought you had the place secured. I thought all these were your guys."
"Cruz, I'm taking care of it. We're checking everyone now."
"Phishy, I got my parents in here."
"I know."
"Dot and her parents are here."
"I know, I know."
"Stupid man," PJ said to him.
"Phishy, I need your A game."
"I know. I got it covered."
He disappeared back out the door and began to close it.
"Wait," I yelled.
He popped back in.
"What's he wearing?"
I pointed to one of the sidewalk johnnies who stopped his kicking and stood up straight. Under his jacket, he was wearing a T-shirt of me! My face and wearing my tan fedora.
"What's that?" I asked.
"That's you," the johnny said, beaming. "Cruz, the People's Detective. The Detective of the Revolution. Liquid Cool Rules Metropolis!"
All I began to say was, "What the--"
When I got back inside, my Pops opened up his jacket and he was wearing a T-shirt of me. My Ma had one in her little purse. Even the Wans opened up their jackets to reveal they had them on too.
"What the heck."
"They're selling them in the lobby and on the street in front of the building," Dot said.
"I'm being franchised." I looked up. "Phishy!" I looked at PJ.
"Don't look at me, boss," she said. "It's exactly what he would do. You're a public figure now so you better get used to it."
"Public figure? I am not a public figure. They can't franchise me."
"Oh, non. We're stupid!" PJ ran to her mobile computer. "We need to be franchising you too. I'll have a shopping portal up on our virtual storefront in five minutes. We'll sell the official Liquid Cool T-shirts, and hats too. I need to get paid so this will bring in a steady income stream."
"How are people franchising me? What's going on? I'm a private person."
My parents and Dot's burst out laughing.
"Why am I being laughed at? Laughed at by even my own parents."
"You need to catch up on the news," Dot said.
I shook my head.
"What?" I yelled back.
I walked over to PJ's home workstation and she pointed to her mobile computer.
"Wait, what did you did you just have on the screen?"
"I saw 'Le Liquid Cool.' What's that?"
"It my on-screen translator."
"It's not 'Le Liquid Cool' or 'El Liquid Cool' or anything else in front of it. It's Liquid Cool."
"Boss, forget that. Here's what I'm showing you."
I looked and looked again. "What the--"
Above Metro Police One and City Hall were five spaceships! It was just like you'd see in a classic sci-fi movie only this was very real and there was nothing cool about it.
I had held up my hand and turned my head. First, I was told the city's police, not the people, were rioting in the streets. Then I was seeing Up-Top spaceships hovering above the city's seat of power. Now, the police were in Concrete Mama's lobby, ostensibly to get me. I just walked back to my guest room.
The door was shut only for a few minutes, before there was a knock.
I opened it and there was my Pops.
"Where you going?" he asked.
I didn't answer.
"You can't hide in here. Once the toothpaste is out of the toothpaste tube, you have to brush your teeth, even if you already did."
I started laughing. "What does that even mean?" He joined in. "You are a Kendo master and philosopher all of a sudden. Who are you? And what did you do with my Pops?"
PJ's yell made us both look out in her direction.
Phishy was back inside and standing with her. From their faces and everyone's else's--Dot, my Ma, the Wans--it was not to be good news.
"What now?"
"The good news is that you've sold 50,000 Cruz T-shirts in 30 minutes from your new Liquid Cool virtual merchandise market."
"Why did you call me?"
"The police are here," Phishy answered.
"We know that already! The police are here. To do what?"
"They want to see you."
"Phishy, are you insane?"
"No cops in my place!" PJ yelled.
"I already had one guy try to shoot me."
"It's their union leader. He says it's urgent."
"You want me to meet with him?"
"Yes," Phishy replied.
"You don't like police, why would you want me to meet with them? They're here to arrest me. The Mayor and the Police Chief said they'd get me and that's why they're here."
"Cruz, you need to see the news," Dot said.
"Yes," PJ said. "Toute suite."
"Yes," Dot said. "Toute suite."
"What's toute suite?" Phishy asked.
"Phishy, focus. No, I'm not doing that. There is no way, no how I'm meeting them."
"They're on our side," Dot said.
"What are you talking about?"
"They're rioting at City Hall, but they're not with the Mayor or the Police Chief."
"They're on the people's side," PJ said.
I had a splitting headache at this point.
"Their union leader is waiting for you. His name is Wilford G. Jr."
I stopped. "Wilford G.?"
"Yes, why?"
"It couldn't be," I said to myself.
"Wilford G. was your father?"
The police officer was escorted to PJ's place by dozens of johnnies. I had my own sidewalk johnny army at my disposal, courtesy of Phishy, all of them wearing fedoras. My Pops stood on one side of me with his sword, my parents-in-law from hell stood on the other side. PJ had her rifle and my Ma was standing behind me so I couldn't see her hands but I knew she was packing. I thought the detective industry turned me into a quasi-criminal, but it seemed like it turned everyone around me into quasi-gangsters.
The man was forty-ish and in his dress blues.
"Yes, he was. Died at 92."
"He didn't mention anything about family."
"You mean his books?" The man smiled. "He never did. He kept us private when it came to his work. Never even had pictures of us in his office after seventy years of work. You read his book?"
"I own his book."
"Oh, you're the one purchaser. How to be...." The emotions were welling up inside of him and his eyes teared up. "Yeah, we miss him. Best there ever was."
My attitude towards him was different now. He was the son of my adopted mentor.
"I'm not sure I can be
of any help though. As you can see I'm trying to hide out."
"Too late for that," he said. "The revolution is in full swing."
"Well, that's what it's being called. There's not one police person on the streets. The criminals have free reign."
"Then your men have to get back out there."
"My men?" He grinned. "I'm the union leader, that's all. Not one of us moving until the Mayor and Chief are gone. And they're not going. We were going to rush Police One, but then the Up-Top spaceships came in to provide them with protection. They have about 10,000 Interspace police. Numerically nothing compared to us, but their digital technology is far more advanced than our analog tech. My faction that wants to wait is growing weaker. At some point, we'll take our chances and attack. Whoever wins, it will be a bloodbath and, ultimately, that means the criminals win and the people lose."
"What do you want to talk to me for then? This is beyond me. I'm just one guy who read your dad's book and thinks he can play detective."
"I think you're doing far better than that, but I just have one question before I answer yours. The allegations you made on that interview show. How did you know there were no tapes? How could you possibly know that?"
"I reasoned it out. The police were out in force for the shoot-out and the kidnapping of that girl was within range of your body-cams. You all would have seen the kidnapping happen and the kidnapper. You wouldn't have sat on that footage, so I took a guess that there was no footage to sit on. Which meant some kind of conspiracy was going on."
"That was a big, big gamble on your part."
"Not really. Just logical reasoning with my bit of knowledge of procedure. Also, I was at the CIC myself. They keep the originals of all body-cam footage, not Police One. Most people don't know that. All the footage of the incident was not there, none of it."
"Conspiracy, indeed. And only two people would have the authority to quarantine the footage." Wilford G. Jr clenched his teeth in anger. "That cuts it. We're going in to get the Mayor and the Chief today."
"Can I ask another question?"
"Are all police..." I stopped and looked at everyone. They were all hanging on my every word. "Maybe we should talk private."