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Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series

Page 7

by Heather Morris

  “We didn’t get the penthouse suite you goober. But I bet we could arrange that if it’ll help!” Karlie giggles. She could make light of anything regardless of the mood. Even if she’s the only one that finds it funny, just hearing her giggle does make us all feel even a little better.

  “Ha ha. I think I’ll take that shower and see you all in a few. Why don’t you make yourselves useful and get some room service coming.” I smirk and walk into the bathroom fully intending to feel better once the hot water hits me. I have to.

  Turning on the faucets and stepping into the hot spray takes me back to the heart break of the last time I took a shower here. Maysen had just left the room after our night together without a word. The last time I saw him.

  “The last time I saw your Daddy.” I put a hand on my stomach and feel the emotions boiling over again. “Stop it Audrey. You have got to hold it together if for no one other than your unborn child.”

  I breathe in deep and let the spray soothe the worries away. I will feel better. I will feel better. If only I could convince myself of that.


  “Well well well. Boys, I have to say you two are hired. That tractor hasn’t run in months and you have it purring like a kitten. And that tranny job is done. Wow. You boys know your stuff. I wasn’t so sure about city boys knowing anything but I was dead wrong and I apologize.”

  “No need to apologize. We were ready for an interview of some sort. We didn’t figure you would hand over your family business without knowing darn sure that we were the ones for the jobs.” I say and shake Uncle Sam’s hand as he extends it.

  “I will go call AJ who owns that tractor and let him know it’s all done. He’ll think I’m joking. Probably wanna meet the man who tamed that beast.”

  “I’d be happy to meet him.” Carter says and also shakes Uncle Sam’s hand.

  “You boys get cleaned up and meet me up front.”

  Carter and I turn towards the direction he motioned to and saw the sink. A sink that looks as if he had been bathing in grease each day instead of only washing his hands. Cleanliness definitely isn’t Uncle Sam’s strong suit.

  “We’ll have our work cut out for us just cleaning up the place.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Uncle Sam wasn’t a clean freak for sure. That sink looks like it’s never been cleaned in the decades he’s had the shop open. Aunt Ingrid has probably never been back here either or she would have cleaned it herself.” I laugh at the visual that brings to mind.

  We dry our hands on the blue towels he has hanging next to the sink and walk towards the office in the front of the shop. As we enter the office we see a tall older man in a straw cowboy hat talking to Uncle Sam. We both smile and await the introductions.

  “AJ this here is my nephew Maysen and his friend Carter. They’re interested in taking over the repair shop for me. The tall guy here is the one who tamed your beast of a tractor. Gentlemen, this here is AJ and he’s one of the best and oldest customers I’ve got.”

  “Very nice to meet you sir.” Carter and I say in unison.

  “Please, call me AJ. And I don’t appreciate being called old Sam.” He throws his head back with a deep laugh causing the rest of us to laugh too.

  “AJ brings all of his ranch vehicles and tractors into the shop year round. He has a few kids too that bring their stuff in. He keeps us fed with all the work he does bring. I have been very grateful for his continued loyalty over the years.”

  “Ah you hush. Where else would I take my wife’s Caddy? We wouldn’t trust anyone else with it. I bought her a Cadillac years and years ago once our last was potty trained. She still has it and still drives it every day. Won’t let me buy anything new for her.”

  “So, Uncle Sam says you have a ranch outside of town?” I ask trying to show interest in our possible number one customer. Uncle Sam was trying to hint that this is the man that keeps the lights on in this place.

  “The 6AB Ranch. We have about 500 acres northeast of town. You should come out one of these days and take a tour. My middle son takes care of the breeding program while I deal with the rest of it.”

  “How many kids do you have?”

  “Three boys and a girl. Either of you married and or have kids?”

  “No. Neither of us have any ball and chain.” Carter spits out hoping for a laugh but gets a stern look from AJ and Uncle Sam.

  “Nothing wrong with the ball and chain. Beats cooking your own dinner and doing your own laundry.” AJ laughs again which this time we all laugh too because the tension was so high from Carter’s failed attempt at humor.

  “Well, I’m going to call Aiden right now and have him bring one of the hands to town so we can get that tractor home. Send me a bill Sam. I will see you boys around. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help your decision of buying or not. It’s a good, solid place. Couldn’t go wrong.” He slaps Uncle Sam on the back and walks out the front door.

  “You boys passed yet another test. He’s a hard nut to crack when it comes to his business sense. He’s one of my oldest friends and customers. You get his seal of approval, you get the town’s. Good job.”

  “Thank you sir, but we just did what we know. We both enjoy working on cars and things. It’s not work to us.” Carter says and looks to me for agreement. I nod my head and smile at Uncle Sam.

  “I have a few calls to make. If you boys wanna go lock up the garage doors and meet me at the house we’ll sit down at the table and talk business.”

  “That works. See you there.” I say and head back into the shop area shutting both overhead doors and locking them.

  Walking out the front door after making sure the shop is secure; we see that another two gentlemen have joined AJ outside with the tractor. AJ sees us exit the building and calls us over.

  “Hey boys, come on over here and meet my son. Aiden, this is Maysen and Carter. They’re here to talk to Sam about taking over the repair shop. This one’s the one who fixed the tractor.” He motions toward Carter who just nods.

  “Nice to meet you guys. Sam has been such an asset to have. He always knows what’s wrong and just how to get the job done. Hope we can continue to get the same from you guys if you do take over.”

  “Yes sir. We’re seriously considering relocating to Colvin and doing just that. We would appreciate the continued loyalty.” I say and shake Aiden’s hand before Carter can.

  “Sam always made it easy. Just tell him what was wrong and it would come back fixed. So, where you guys from?”

  “Tulsa. We’re down for the weekend to check things out.”

  “Big city boys huh? This is a pretty small town compared to Tulsa. You sure you won’t get bored?”

  “Nah, we plan on being very busy with the repair shop if we do make that decision. Plus it’s only two hours to the city if we need to get out.”

  “True. This place really is a great place to live. You married?”

  “No. You?” I ask seriously wanting to know this answer. Why would it matter to me if this man is married or not? Maybe if he can find a great woman here there’s hope for Carter and I.

  “Yes. Been married a while and have a six month old little girl too.”

  “Well congrats, that’s awesome. One of these days I hope to have that too. Someday.”

  “It’s slim picking around here. That’s one drawback.”

  “I bet. We aren’t looking for a woman here, so I think we’ll be good.”

  “For a while.” He laughs.

  “Carter here is the typical ladies’ man, complete opposite of me.”

  “I can’t help it if the ladies just love me.”

  “I used to be that man before Karlie came back from New York.”

  “Old ball and chain got ya did it?”

  “For sure. Wouldn’t trade it for the world though. Speaking of, my wife is gone this weekend with the girls so I better get back and pick up the munchkin from Mom’s. You guys would make a great addition to Colvin. You shoul
d stick around. Call me if you want a tour and maybe have a beer.” He walks to a black dually pickup and hops inside.

  Watching the stocky cowboy pull away makes me feel even better about this move and new opportunity. This really could work and might be just what we’ve been waiting for.


  “Okay, we’ll be right here if you need us. Walk in there and ask for him by name. You can do it.” Leah says and pushes me towards the door to the repair shop I knew Maysen worked at.

  Well here goes.

  “Hello there! Did I win the lottery today or what? Three gorgeous females walk into my life at one time. Wow. What can I do for you?” A slimy older gentleman greets us once we get inside the door.

  “Um, we need to see Maysen Correli. I have a matter I need to take up with him.”

  “What do you need that loser for? He’s worthless and not here anymore.”

  “What do you mean not here anymore? Did he get fired?” Karlie asks.

  “No gorgeous, he and his equally worthless friend quit and I really don’t know where they went. Or care.”

  “Do you have any way to get in contact with them? It’s very important that we talk to Maysen” Leah says stepping forward.

  “Nope. You’re out of luck. I can do anything for you that Maysen could.” He grins a creepy grin which makes our skin crawl.

  “No thank you. I think I’ll try to find Maysen. Thank you for your time.” I say and usher the girls out the door as fast as my feet will take me.

  “Oh my goodness that man was so creepy. I think I need a shower to wash off the way he looked at me. Yuck.” Karlie says and shivers. Leah and I both look at her and laugh in agreement.

  “He was so gross. All bald and stinky. Wow.”

  “Yes, but now what do we do? We came all the way here to talk to Maysen and now he’s not here with no way to contact him.” I say feeling defeated.

  “Honey, I think you have done all you can do. This baby is going to be raised by a wonderful mother and family. Like I said before, if it’s meant to be with him it will be.” Leah says and hugs me tightly sensing that I was about to fall apart again.

  “Let’s go home. We can change our flights and leave this place behind for good this time. Sound good Audrey?”

  “Karlie, you’re right. Let’s go get our stuff and go home. I just need to be home.”


  “I can’t believe he moved. How do I ever find him now?” I say to the girls and look out the airplane window as we take off from Omaha. What a wasted trip.

  “Audrey, you tried. Now you just move forward and be the best mommy you can be.” Leah reaches over and squeezes my hand.

  “You’ll be fine. You have all of us and don’t need him. That baby you’re carrying will be just fine too. Surrounded by lots of love and support.” Karlie joins in.

  “Thanks girls. I couldn’t have done any of this without you two. I know you guys will be around if I need you it’s just not the outcome of this trip that I was praying for.”

  “We know and we understand. Step by step.” Karlie leans her head back to rest. “I need to get a little nap in before Miss Aleah has me up all night. You should enjoy your sleep while you can.”

  We all laugh and relax back into our seats for the short flight back to Tulsa. My mind wanders back to the two times I’ve happened upon Maysen and wonder if I’ll have another one. It’s very possible that I may never see him again. Will my baby grow up not knowing its father? That breaks my heart. The one time I throw caution to the wind and it ends up affecting someone else’s life too. I am so not okay with this. But what can I do?


  “Well, what do you think of the garage? Something you might want to take on?” My mother asks when we walk in the door at Aunt Ingrid’s. Her face shows all the hope she’s holding onto that this deal will work out and we’ll both move here to Colvin.

  “You know, it might actually work Ma. We met a couple of the customers today and they seemed great to work with and willing to work with us. I’m not sure one time in there is enough though.”

  “Maysen, this is a big decision and you can’t make it lightly. It’s not just your livelihood on the line but also Uncle Sam’s reputation.”

  “Mom, I know that believe me. It’s weighing heavy on my mind. I’m going to go shower so I can drive Carter back to Tulsa.”

  “He’s going back today?”

  “Yeah, he got called into work the bar tonight. I’m taking him but I’ll be back.”


  Landing in Tulsa didn’t change the way the day has been going. Karlie borrowed her mom’s car and about a mile from the airport it broke down.

  “Austin thanks for coming to pick us up but are you seriously going to leave my Mom’s car sitting here alongside the road?” Karlie asks with the worry apparent in her voice.

  “Dad called Sam and he’ll come pick it up with the tow truck. No worries. He’s probably already on his way too.” Austin says and kisses Leah on the forehead as he reaches for her bag.

  “You’re sure it’ll be ok here babe?” Leah asks and reaches for my bag. I shoot her a dirty look knowing she’s afraid to let me pick up my bag because of the pregnancy. I’m not ready for my nosy brothers to know about the baby. I have a feeling it’s not going to be long before their significant others spill the beans though.

  “Yes. Now, how was the trip? Weren’t you supposed to come home on Sunday?”

  “Babe, let’s just get everyone home. We’re tired and Karlie’s really missing Aleah.”

  “Got it.” He looks at me with a look of inquisition on his face but knows better than to ask. Yep, my brothers will know by day’s end. Wonderful.


  “Hey Maysen, I’m needing to go to Tulsa to pick up a car for AJ. I guess his daughter and daughters in law broke down a mile or so from the airport. We can take Carter home at the same time. Then you can see another side of the customer service the garage offers to the good customers.” Uncle Sam smiles and heads out the front door.

  I guess we’re going to Tulsa in a tow truck. Sounds fun. Reminds me of being on call in Omaha though. That part I’m not excited about inheriting with the garage.

  “So, are we picking up the ladies too?” Carter asks when we’re headed out of Colvin.

  “Nope. Austin already went to get them. He’s another son of AJ’s. He owns the Stampley’s Nursery outside of town with his fiancé.”

  “How many of them are there?”

  “They are off limits Carter. Don’t answer that Uncle Sam.” I shoot Carter a glare and smile at Uncle Sam. I’m not sure Carter’s heart is in this whole thing for the right reasons. He’s thinking of another group of women to sleep with while I’m thinking of my future and being near my mother.

  “So, Uncle Sam do you think we could work for you for a couple of weeks to get a real feel for the business before we make a big leap?”

  “I was thinking the same thing. You two did great things today but that’s just a little bit of time. How soon could you come back?”

  “I can come back right now and just call the dealership. I started this week but wasn’t too interested in it and I really don’t think they were that interested in me.”

  “Carter? When can you come to work?” Uncle Sam asks.

  “I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you.” He shrugs and turns to his ever buzzing cell phone.

  “I’ll grab some of my stuff at the house when we drop Carter off.”

  “Then we’ll go get the girls’ car and head home.” Uncle Sam says and I can see a hint of satisfaction in his voice. Maybe he wants this take over more than I thought he did. I just wish I knew what Carter was thinking. I take out my own cell phone and text him. I know he’ll answer that way since he’s ALWAYS on it.

  Dude, you not into this anymore? Need to know.

  I hear his phone buzz as he receives my text and we catch eyes when he looks up. I can see the uncertaint
y then. I had no idea he was so on the fence about it.

  Idk man. That town is so small. I really don’t know.

  I read his text to me and I’m really not surprised.

  K. Let me know ASAP.

  I text a quick reply and look out the window. I feel a great deal of peace about this move and a little excitement too. I could really use the change. And I’ll love being close to Mom full time.


  Home Sweet Home. That might be what the wreath says on the front door but right now it seems lonely. I guess a part of me was hoping to see Maysen and have that happily ever after. A part of me? Who am I kidding? I was praying with my whole being that we would have that.

  Now that I’m home alone without him, how do I move on with a new baby? As I get my stuff set down I can hear someone moving in behind me. I turn and melt as soon as I see my mother’s sweet smiling face on the other side of the glass door.

  When I walk towards the door and open it I hear her say, “Oh honey I can tell by your face things didn’t go so well?”

  I shake my head and step into her outstretched arms and begin to cry like I’ve never cried before. Crying for the fairy tale I always wanted and won’t have. Crying for the father figure I wanted this baby to have. Crying for the loving and devoted husband I desperately wanted for myself. With all these darn hormones I’m crying for every little thing I can think of.


  “You know, AJ has quite the looker for a daughter. Never been married, smart as a whip and a big sweetheart too. Maybe we should introduce the two of you if you decide to stay.”

  “Uncle Sam, I really can’t deal with a girlfriend and all the issues that come along with one right now. This move and job will be enough to handle. Thanks but no thanks.” My mind flashes to Audrey sitting across from me at dinner in that dress. Now if that woman walked in my door I would be more than happy to be introduced.

  “I understand. Women can be nothing but a distraction sometimes. That is until you find that one you’re a sucker for. Then it’s all over but the cryin’. When you do find your Ingrid, you’ll have a change of heart.”


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