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Carman Fan Club: Adventures at Camp Somewhere

Page 4

by Sasha Pearl


   Carman Fan Club 

  Chapter 8

  Red White and Blue Mixer


  I received your postcard – it was good to hear from you, but the words were wet and smudged, so I’ll just answer what I could read.

  Yes, this camp is real, of course. I don’t tell you everything, not the mundane appointments and routines and rules, just the good stuff. So yes, this isas real as a snowflake cut from paper, held up to the light – pretty in a way that doesn’t melt with the sun.

  Tonight is Mixer #2, I already went for a few minutes – for the beer and chips and smalltalk part, then I slipped out to report to you.

  The theme is Red White and Blue ( really, for what this camp costs I think they could do better than that).

  The Ballroom is strewn with bedsized sofas, alternating colors, lining the room, with canopies covering the ones in the corners. Rows of dildos and butt plugs and vibrators and oils and rope and other things I don’t really recognized are lined up next to each bed, standing at attention, patriotically patient and prepared.

  Camp Residents have been broken into White and Red teams; all the male guests are the Blue team. Marisol is on the white team, I am on the red team, and she has her eye on a thick man, sturdy with a deep voice. She introduced me, I smiled, nodded, looked away when he checked out my tits then smiled at her thankfully.

  When he leaned in towards me, whispered a compliment, I moved my shoulder to my ear involuntarily, so that if you only saw part of it I’m sure you’d have thought he had a tight grip on my upper arm, so tight he would leave a five-finger bruise.

  I’m sorry I told him, sorry, that’s my sensitive ear, I said, hunching over a little, trying to look sour or dour or otherwise unavailable.

  It didn’t work. I was his type he said, hard to get, curvy, the right colors the right size, and would do, he said.

  So I looked him in his wrong face and his wrong colored eyes and smiled as gently and breezily as I could and said fine if I would do then I would do him first, my way.

  And my way, told him later, when I saw him later see you later, I would find the biggest dildo in this place, make him suck it, deep throat it, then push it up his ass. Would he like that? Because if I couldn’t do that, I just wouldn’t be turned on, and did he usually disappoint women the first time he tried to fuck him because I’d like to know before we began.

  He swallowed hard, looked away, and again, I kept talking.

  I bet you’re thick, so I’d want to find one thicker than you. The man I want to be with, he is an elephant, no, well, he has a trunk down to… and I gestured on my thigh… there, I said. And every bit of it is heaven.

  A big trunk?

  A big man, I said, more than a trunk, it’s more than size you know. Its about power, and style, and….

  More than a trunk, he interrupted my soliloquy of praise.

  So much more than a trunk, I continued, More like a car, with an engine and back seat and everything.

  This Carnan, he asked, is he here? and I looked around the room like I too wondered what the answer would be, and didn’t answer, just stood up and kissed him dismissively yet affectionately on his cheek Cuban style, and reminded him to please get as much lube as he could so that I could do him right.

  And then I left, laughing, of course, because I’m here writing you.

  Danielle is here too, and so is Nicole, we are all here, hiding from the men and this silly game.

  I have my red dildo, Danielle has a beautiful huge double sided blue dildo, and Nicole has a white strap on, so please excuse me because we are about to make our our fireworks.



   Carman Fan Club 

  chapter 9 Initiation

  Its after midnight, so officially it is July 4 and we are all four here – Nicole, Danielle, Graciella (who we didn’t invite, but made herself invaluable in that she has the most amazing tongue and balance and of course, a beachhouse) and myself – all in Graciella’s lake house, and having finished the first round of inside and on top and behind and twos and threes and fours and then one’s we are talking.

  Nicole saw Angie and Crowbar, said they looked happy as clams, tight as could be, her legs wrapped around him, a redhead sitting behind her kissing her neck, moving her hands inside her bra, moving her bra.

  He almost looked hot, she said, then looked again at me, fondling the strap on, which I was next in line to try.

  It isn’t the same, she said and we nodded. It’s good, its different, but I think I miss the real one, these don’t throb, they aren’t hot, and they might get me off, but there’s something about the way a real dick looks and feels and then it cums and…

  And I smiled, and said (I thought) to myself, wouldn’t it be great if it were inside of me or on me or….

  Nicole laughed and pointed her dildo at me, these don’t shoot she said and then we all pointed them at each other and shot and nothing. Just nothing; the fat thick hard dicks that still gleamed with the sheen of not quite dry pussy juice looked silly.

  I’m holding out for a real one, starting now, I said, one hand in the air, as though swearing an oath.

  Following my lead, the others women held their dildos up in the air, seriously, so the heads all met; Danielle bent the two sided blue one and both heads met. They looked to me to say something, so I did.

  Tonight we become the founding members of secret society of pleasure seeking women. Masterful with fingers and tongues, goddess of creativity, accepting only the highest standards… I proclaim us the innercircle of the … and we needed a name, so blurted out ideas. JetMan, SuperMan, TrainMan, CarMan, PlaneMan, IronMan, GoMan.

  Go! Nicole chanted. GO GO GO she said again again, moving her hips like he was going at her

  To the Carman Fanclub, they said, toasting with dicks and laughing and then I thought, no, actually, they couldn’t be in the Fanclub until they were properly initiated, so I continued.

  They leaned forward, eyes wide opened, knees opened wider. Nicole leaned back on Graciella, who had one arm around Danielle, the three of them draped in a sheet. Nicole’s tits were the largest, and her nipples were tight the tighest, so I took a good look at them, then looked her in the eyes.

  Let all of those here learn the legend and keep the secret of the Carman a man with a dick so amazing he is worthy of worship and praise. The Carman, of thick trunk, many speeds, and great control, the Carman who rides fearlessly and powerfully, satisfying those who are lucky enough to find him, over and over, never running out of gas, never breaking down, always making room for more passengers to ride, driving them all to the same place…

  Orgasms? Danielle asked.

  I nodded.

  Fucking cumming over and over without having to direct and command him? Nicole asked?

  I nodded.

  Find him? FIND him? @hat is that crap, Graciella interrupted me, This man is wonderful, so powerful, he should find us, no?

  And I nodded, seriously, The Carman, if he walked in, could satisfy us all at once – two of us with his skillful hands, and the other two with his mouth his dick. Yes. Truly a gifted man.

  Gifted but invisible, said Nicole.

  Invisible only until you have been initiated, I replied moving towards her to open her knees.


  Yes, tonight we will hold a secret initiation; then anyone who wants to join the Carman Fanclub will have to apply and be initiated by us – or by him – or by him and us…. These are the rules of the Carman Fanclub.

  They nodded, I nodded, then slid my hands down lower (do I mean higher? I mean closer to the landing zone…) on Nicole’s creamy white thighs, which she eagerly opened.

  First, we must learn the secret Carman Fanclub greeting, which is to satisfy each other with our tongues, yes? Nicole, you are the leader here; we all do you, then you do back?

  They nodded.

  And after that, we will learn the secret Carman F
anclub Handshake, fucking each other with hands and fingers… Graciella you lead here? You first, then you do…. She smiled.

  And after that, we will salute each other by fucking each other with the Carman Fanclub colors, the patriotic 4th of July dicks…with the strap on and the red explorer and the blue double sided Danielle, you run that part? We each fuck you with each of the dildos, then…. She nodded and cut me off, can we start already? And who does tits? All of us?

  Yes, I said, all tits are fair game with the pussys are in play. Lend a hand, a finger, some lips, we’re in this club together…. And after that, after we all do all of that, then we put it together, all at once. And when it is done, we are initiated.

  So Nicole started, pulling my head between her thighs, rising herself up to meet me, riding my tongue with her quick fast rhythm while stroking my hair.

  That is how it began, that is when it began, there, with us, tangled and laughing and dripping and sucking and opening and throbbing, until the dawn came up and we left the cabin satified and sated, swinging dildos of our official Fanclub colors, Red White and Blue.



  It’s the beginning of week #3 and we were up and out early today.

  First of all, new living arrangements -- I’m in a turquoise Aquatechtonica style oval cabin (can we call these cabins?) called “Freedom.”

  Instead of being open and littered with beds like Creativity, it is divided with semi-opaque sliders that have etchings of tits and dicks and pussys all coy and Georgia O’Keefe style.

  Again, I took the room in the back, again I have hot roommates, all female.

  Lisa is a happy bouncy blond with discreet brunette roots and tits that have drooped just enough that I’m sure she is over 25 and maybe has kids. She only arrived her yesterday, so I haven’t yet shown her my dildos or asked if she brought a strap on. She has a quick laugh, a flat stomach and from what I can tell, an average shaped ass; my hunch is that she isn’t waxed below but has a discreet brunette vertical mustache.

  Jenny’s tits are worth writing about. Round and full and falling out the top and bottom of the blue tank top she is wearing today, she told me they were fake and asked if I wanted to feel them and (remember, we rehearsed this!) I said yes, and then after that, after reaching up and under and around, I asked if could taste them too and she leaned back accommodatingly and I raised my eyebrows and told her I’d see her later in the group shower.

  Jessy, Jenny’s twinkie friend, has small tits and a wider ass which is still pretty tight, and makes her waist look small. She hasn’t said much, just sucks on lollipops and snaps gum and sits next to Jenny. If I didn’t know better I’d think they were high. Actually, they might be high, I’ll get back to you on that.

  Now that I have a little privacy and a place to spend some time alone, I kicked off my panties and slipped into bed.

  My dildos – the fat 8” fleshtoned one and the slimmer red one – are at Graciella’s lake house because the founding members of the CMFC decided that the toys we used last night should be saved for sacred initiation rituals.

  The good thing is that I found the egg-shaped silver throbbing battery powered vibrator you slipped into my suitcase.

  What a nice surprise!

  Even though I’m getting laid (no that’s not the right word, more like screwed or fucked or satisfied but not laid) plenty here at Camp -- more than my share, actually -- the thought of you reading this and getting thick and throbbing has a particularly strong effect no woman could ever have on me, so I imagine your warmth on top of me and lay back ready to slip into liquid daydreams.

  I’m sure the dripping fuck fantasies that popped through my head in images and memories would bore you or at least embarrass me, so I’ll just tell you about the external stuff – what you would have seen, if you’d have been her and had asked me to do this, let you watch.

  Here, watch this.

  First I slide one hand lower while the other stays high, working both tits, gently of course because pinching or pulling too soon makes me cranky.

  When my nipples are all the way hard, and I can hardly keep my knees together, I open them, wide and slide the silver bullet lightly around the lips, mostly below my clit, around and over, softly enough that my hips rise up and ask for more.

  Still going past my clit, I slide one finger in and it is tight and wet and I push a little more but it isn’t enough so my hips keep grinding on myself and I push another finger in, and still it isn’t you, and it doesn’t fill me, but they feel warmer than the dildos, and I get wetter.

  At this point, I know I can cum in ten seconds if I put the vibrator on my clit, but I don’t, I push in again, and move my hand around again, and with the other hand I pinch my nipple, pull it and almost laugh but I am alone (alone?) and I keep it in, letting the tension build more, imagining Candy pushing the red dildo up my other, tigher, sacred hole, slowly and deliberately.

  The memory of it – and of you – reddens me more, in the face and on my tits and down below, which you would see if you were here.

  I move my fingers a little harder, and reach for the silver bullet which I flick on with one finger (thank you thank you thank you for the fresh batteries, because if not I would be red faced and kicking a hole in the wall right now) and with the hand that had been pinching my tits I push it against my clit and the energy goes up through me and another gush of wetness falls onto the hand that is pushing in and around and around and in, and then I come hard with a big smile on my face.

  I wipe the vibrator off (four more weeks of camp, gotta make it last!), slip on my teal sundress and grab a towel because now I am three minutes late for the group shower, which, of course, you can’t come to because you’re a guy.

  Rest assured, I will represent you and your talents and teachings well to these women, and report back if they are candidates for initiation.

  Since my idea of a good morning is a quiet morning where I can lay in bed and think and remember and fantasize about hands and tongue and dick and warmth for awhile, I’d have to say this morning was especially good. Not as good as the real thing; that would be a great morning, a perfect morning.

  But here I am, allowing what is to be, settling back into here, into my body, feeling the lightness of the sheets twisted around my ankles, the warm waiting wetness in between.

  After I dragged myself out of bed, a bunch of us went for a run around the lake (some made it halfway; others made it four miles).

  Kerry kept up with me the entire time, and when we were done and laying on the ground stretching I told her she had an amazing round high hard ass and she took this as my liking her and lit all up with the attention.

  Where was I from?

  Where have I been?

  What kind of books do I like?

  Have I seen this movie or that movie and would I like to have lunch with her?

  Did I think she was pretty? What did I like about her? Did I like anyone else? Could I tell her left tit was bigger than the right? Did she look fat? Should she lose weight? And how about her teeth….

  Once she opened her mouth I realized her ass was pretty much the most interesting thing about her so I did my best yoga practiced vacant stare into space (it’s called a “driste,” which means gaze), told her again she had a nice ass, and walked away.

  When I got back to Freedom, my three new friends were there, all dressed, all quiet, all pretty. Lisa had on a brown halter top and white shorts with white sandals; her toes and nails were painted red, and her hair was freshly done. Jessy and Jenny had on jeans and t-shirts; both wore ponytails, neither wore shoes.

  They were waiting for me.

  Jenny asked where breakfast was.

  Before I could answer, Jessy asked if I had a joint and Lisa smiled and said she did and the two twinkies clapped their hands and Lisa pulled out a big fat brown joint the size of a Cuban cigar.

  Is it the good stuff? I asked, ad she nodded so I knew she must be rich because there had to be
easily $50 worth in there, and no way would it be her only one because I’ve been around this block enough to know anyone who packs one like this one has a serious personal stash behind it.

  Whatever, nothing is illegal here at Camp, so I shrugged and said I was game because I wanted to see these three loosen up a bit.

  Lisa lit it and it went around the circle and they took deep swallows – three, puff, puff, puff, pass – and when it came to me, I didn’t swallow so deeply, just a little. It’s still morning, that’s why, and I don’t want to lose my head, that’s why, because once my mind floats away to the trees to the clouds and out of here, I might decide to stay gone for a long time and lose my way back.

  The third time it went around Lisa held it longer than her turn, waving it around trying to tell a story about the time she and her husband ordered an escort – an Asian tiny girl named Ginger, hard and strong like an iceskater – and then she bugged out because she thought she was breaking the rules but I told her she was fine, and motioned for her to pass it to Jenny and then she did.

  While Jenny and Jessy took their turns, Lisa told us about Ginger’s tongue slipping in and out of her box, how much bigger it felt than it looked, how she couldn’t come because just as Ginger slipped her tiny fingers inside her box, Lisa’s husband (again Lisa freaked out about talking about her husband but I shrugged, took my single hit and passed it back to her saying you’re around friends, tell us, please…) started banging Ginger from behind, and messed the entire rhythm up.

  Lisa, whose eyes were now just a little red – and also almost relieved, just like someone who has had a good cry and stopped heaving and sobbing – took another long hit then waved it again in the air as she told us what it had been like to watch him go at Ginger, “like an animal” banging her and turning her, and folding her and twisting and fucking her (and she liked it!) while leaving Lisa out in the cold.


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