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Systems and Debates Page 53

by Alain de Benoist

  [←483 ]

  TN: The Combat Notebooks.

  [←484 ]

  TN: War at Issue.

  [←485 ]

  TN: Jules Monnerot (28th November, 1909–4th December, 1995) was a French essayist, sociologist and journalist.

  [←486 ]

  TN: Arcadia.

  [←487 ]

  TN: Bertrand de Jouvenel des Ursins (31st October, 1903–1st March, 1987), was a French philosopher, political economist and futurist.

  [←488 ]

  TN: Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century.

  [←489 ]

  TN: Sigmund Freud (6th May, 1856–23rd September, 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis.

  [←490 ]

  TN: Behind the Mirror.

  [←491 ]

  TN: Konrad Lorenz (7th November, 1903–27th February, 1989) was an Austrian zoologist, ornithologist and ethologist.

  [←492 ]

  TN: Arnold Gehlen (29th January, 1904–30th January, 1976) was a conservative German philosopher, sociologist and anthropologist.

  [←493 ]

  TN: James Sacra Albus (4th May, 1935–17th April, 2011) was an American engineer, Senior NIST Fellow and the founder and former head of the Intelligent Systems Division of the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US.

  [←494 ]

  TN: Louis Pauwels (2nd August, 1920–28th January, 1997) was a French journalist and author.

  [←495 ]

  TN: Henri Laborit (21st November, 1914–18th May, 1995) was a French surgeon, author and philosopher.

  [←496 ]

  TN: After his son, who was the very first to bear this name.

  [←497 ]

  TN: The Indo-European Cosmogonic Myth: Reconstruction and Reality.

  [←498 ]

  TN: Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (18th March, 1874–24th March, 1948) was a Russian political and Christian religious philosopher who placed great emphasis upon the existential spiritual significance of both human freedom and the human person.

  [←499 ]

  TN: Gen 10:9, actually.

  [←500 ]

  TN: Gen. 11:4.

  [←501 ]

  TN: Herem or cherem (Hebrew: חרם, ḥērem), as used in the Tanakh, means to ‘devote’ or, rather, to ‘destroy’. It is also known as ‘the ban’ and refers to spoils and captives that are not to be kept but destroyed and thus ‘given’ to Yahweh.

  [←502 ]

  TN: Sojourning.

  [←503 ]

  TN: André Neher (22nd October, 1914–23rd October, 1988) was a French Jewish philosopher and scholar.

  [←504 ]

  TN: The Essence of Prophetism.

  [←505 ]

  TN: In addition to being a philosopher, a historian and an author, Joseph Ernest Renan (28th February, 1823–2nd October, 1892) was a French expert in the field of Semitic languages and civilisations (philology).

  [←506 ]

  TN: History of the People of Israel, volume one.

  [←507 ]

  TN: Marxist Thought and the City.

  [←508 ]

  TN: The Right to the City.

  [←509 ]

  TN: From the Rural to the Urban.

  [←510 ]

  TN: Urban Revolution.

  [←511 ]

  TN: Our City.

  [←512 ]

  TN: A Plea for the City.

  [←513 ]

  TN: The Cities of the Future.

  [←514 ]

  TN: The Homeless — The Biblical Significance of the Great City.

  [←515 ]

  TN: Man and the City.

  [←516 ]

  TN: Translated from French as ‘Psychoanalysis and Urbanism’; the original title is Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte.

  [←517 ]

  TN: A Denatured Nature.

  [←518 ]

  TN: Dancing with the Devil.

  [←519 ]

  TN: Born in Paris in 1939, Claude-Marie Vadrot is a journalist who presents himself as ‘an expert on countries devoured by conflict, environmental questions and issues that relate to the protection of nature’.

  [←520 ]

  TN: A French magazine.

  [←521 ]

  TN: The Sociology of Sexuality.

  [←522 ]

  TN: The Savage.

  [←523 ]

  TN: Open Mouth.

  [←524 ]

  TN: Better Living.

  [←525 ]

  TN: The Word and the Tool.

  [←526 ]

  TN: Georg Groddeck was a physician and an author and is regarded as one of the fathers of psychosomatic medicine.

  [←527 ]

  TN: Roland Jaccard is a Swiss psychologist, journalist, author, literary critic, essayist and editor.

  [←528 ]

  TN: The Lost Paradigm: Human Nature.

  [←529 ]

  TN: Roger Garaudy, who changed his name to Ragaa Garaudy, was a French philosopher, French resistance fighter and acclaimed communist author. He converted to Islam in 1982. His books and ideas have led many to accuse him of Holocaust denial.

  [←530 ]

  TN: Defining Marxist Morality.

  [←531 ]

  TN: You are the Energy.

  [←532 ]

  TN: Georges Liébert is a prominent French intellectual.

  [←533 ]

  TN: Discussing Savage Thoughts.

  [←534 ]

  TN: The Okapi.

  [←535 ]

  TN: Raymond Ruyer (1902–1987) was a 20th-century French philosopher.

  [←536 ]

  TN: What Is Physis and How Does One Define It?

  [←537 ]

  TN: Martin Heidegger (26th September, 1889–26th May, 1976) was a German philosopher and a prominent thinker of the Continental tradition and philosophical hermeneutics.

  [←538 ]

  TN: David Banon is a philosopher specialising in the interpretation of the Jewish Bible and its history.

  [←539 ]

  TN: Emmanuel Lévyne seems to be a writer that specialises in Jewish religious topics, having written several books with such a focus.

  [←540 ]

  TN: Dissenting and Revolutionary Judaism.

  [←541 ]

  TN: Clément Rosset was a French philosopher. He passed away on 27th March, 2018.

  [←542 ]

  TN: Science and Life.

  [←543 ]

  TN: Jakob Boehme (24th April, 1575–17th November, 1624), was initially a shoemaker, before turning to philosophy and inspiring many others with his thoughts and views.

  [←544 ]

  TN: Edouard Bonnefous was a French politician who passed away in 2007.

  [←545 ]

  TN; Jean Dorst (7th August, 1924–8th August, 2001) was a renowned French ornithologist.

  [←546 ]

  TN: Sigrid Hunke (26th April, 1913–15th June, 1999) was a German author who, among other things, believed in the beneficial influence of Islamic tradition upon the West.

  [←547 ]

  TN: Man or Nature?

  [←548 ]

  TN: Declaration of the Rights of Nature.

  [←549 ]

  TN: Utopia or Death!

  [←550 ]

  TN: Pierre Longone (1911–2008) was a non-Maurassian militant monarchist and both the founder and first editor of INED’s newsletter entitled Population and Sociétés.

  [←551 ]

  TN: Population and Societies.

  [←552 ]

  TN: Wilfrid Beckerman, not to be confused with Wilfred Beckerman, is an economist.

  [←553 ]

  TN: Science and Life.

  [←554 ]

  TN: Free Belgium.

  [←555 ]

  TN: Alfred Sauvy (31st October, 1898–30th October, 1990) was a demographer, anthropologist and histo
rian of the French economy.

  [←556 ]

  TN: Those who espouse the views advocated by Malthus and his theory which claims that population tends to increase at a faster rate than its means of subsistence and that unless it is checked by moral restraint or disasters such as disease, famine, or war, widespread poverty and degradation inevitably result.

  [←557 ]

  TN: From History to Futurology.

  [←558 ]

  TN: Pierre Chaunu (17th August, 1923–22nd October, 2009) was a French historian.

  [←559 ]

  TN: Essays on the History of Death in the West, from the Middle-Ages until Today.

  [←560 ]

  TN: Philippe Ariès was a French medievalist and historian of the family and childhood.

  [←561 ]

  TN: Famous for his books on the French Revolution, François Furet was a French historian and the president of the Saint-Simon Foundation.

  [←562 ]

  TN: Population and Societies.

  [←563 ]

  TN: The 20th century.

  [←564 ]

  TN: The White Plague.

  [←565 ]

  TN: As Childbearing and the Completed Fertility Rate Decrease.

  [←566 ]

  TN: Born on 10th February, 1946, Brice Lalonde is a former green party leader in France.

  [←567 ]

  TN: A French journalist.

  [←568 ]

  TN: François Lebrette is a French author.

  [←569 ]

  TN: Born in Lyons, Maurice Herzog (15th January, 1919–13th December, 2012) was a French mountaineer and administrator.

  [←570 ]

  TN: The SCPRI, rather.

  [←571 ]

  TN: Colette Guedeney and Gérard Mendel were both well-respected psychoanalysts.

  [←572 ]

  TN: Terrors of the Year 2000.

  [←573 ]

  TN: The End of the World?

  [←574 ]

  TN: A Question of.

  [←575 ]

  TN: Donald Allen Wollheim (1st October, 1914–2nd November, 1990) was an American science fiction editor, publisher and writer.

  [←576 ]

  TN: Zero Growth?

  [←577 ]

  TN: The White Plague — How to Prevent the West from Committing Suicide.

  [←578 ]

  TN: Atomic Anguish and Nuclear Power Plants.

  [←579 ]

  TN: The End of the World?

  [←580 ]

  TN: Adultery.

  [←581 ]

  TN: A French daily paper.

  [←582 ]

  TN: Inessa Fyodorovna Armand was a French-Russian communist politician, a member of the Bolsheviks and a feminist who spent most of her life in Russia.

  [←583 ]

  TN: ‘We March Ahead’.

  [←584 ]

  TN: Edvard Alexander Westermarck (20th November, 1862–3rd September, 1939) was a Finnish philosopher and sociologist who studied exogamy and the incest taboo.

  [←585 ]

  TN: Hans Friedrich Karl Günther (16th February, 1891–25th September, 1968) was a German physician, author and eugenicist in both the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. He was also known as Race Günther (Rassengünther) or Race Pope (Rassenpapst) and is considered to have had a major influence on Nazi racialism.

  [←586 ]

  TN: I have found no evidence of a book bearing such a title.

  [←587 ]

  TN: W. H. R. Rivers (12th March, 1864–4th June, 1922) was an English anthropologist, neurologist, ethnologist and psychiatrist.

  [←588 ]

  TN: François Maspéro (19th January, 1932–11th April, 2015) was a French writer and journalist, who made his name as a publisher of leftist books in the 1970s.

  [←589 ]

  TN: Sexuality and Repression.

  [←590 ]

  TN: A hypothetical universal energy.

  [←591 ]

  TN: Georges Albert Maurice Victor Bataille was a literary figure and a French intellectual who left his mark upon the fields of literature, philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology and the history of art.

  [←592 ]

  TN: Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir was a French writer, intellectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist.

  [←593 ]

  TN: Jeannette Vermeersch was a French politician. She is particularly famous for having been the companion and wife of Maurice Thorez, the general secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF).

  [←594 ]

  TN: Communism and the Status of Women.

  [←595 ]

  TN: Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai was a Russian communist revolutionary.

  [←596 ]

  TN: Julien Cheverny is a pseudonym used by Alain Gourdon, a French author.

  [←597 ]

  TN: Western Sexology.

  [←598 ]

  TN: Walter Hollitscher (16th May, 1911–6th July, 1986) was a philosopher, Marxist, publicist and psychoanalyst.

  [←599 ]

  TN: A Dissenting Universe.

  [←600 ]

  TN: Sexuality and Femininity.

  [←601 ]

  TN: Born in Rome on 2nd December, 1929, Elena Gianini Belotti is an Italian writer.

  [←602 ]

  TN: Évelyne Sullerot (née Hammel; 10th October 1924–31st March 2017) was a French feminist.

  [←603 ]

  TN: Tomorrow’s Women.

  [←604 ]

  TN: Gisèle Halimi is a French lawyer, feminist activist, and essayist.

  [←605 ]

  TN: Women’s Cause.

  [←606 ]

  TN: Françoise d’Eaubonne was a French feminist, famous for having coined the term ‘ecofeminism’ in 1974.

  [←607 ]

  TN: Baroness Suzanne Lilar (née Suzanne Verbist; 21st May, 1901–12th December, 1992) was a Flemish Belgian essayist, novelist, and playwright who wrote in French.

  [←608 ]

  TN: Women — Antifeminism and Christianity.

  [←609 ]

  TN: New Psychoanalytical Magazine.

  [←610 ]

  TN: Jean-Bertrand Pontalis (15th January, 1924–15th January, 2013) was a French philosopher, writer, editor and psychoanalyst.

  [←611 ]

  TN: Joyce McDougall was a New Zealand-French psychoanalyst who wrote four major books in the field of psychoanalysis.

  [←612 ]

  TN: Eugénie Lemoine-Luccioni (1912–2005) was a French psychoanalyst, writer and literary critic.

  [←613 ]

  TN: The Sharing of Women.

  [←614 ]

  TN: Gender-Related Medication and Toxin Potency.

  [←615 ]

  TN: Literally ‘A Psychoanalysis of America’ — the original title seems to be America Set Free.


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