Shifters in the Snow
Page 31
But still a part of her tried to pull back, curl up deep inside her and keep him away. He’d hurt her once. Out of everyone in her life, he was the one person able to do it this severely, and she knew he could do it again.
She tried to turn away, to shield herself from the intensity of his gaze, but his large, warm hand rested on her cheek and she found herself trapped yet again, paralyzed as Gage moved closer and closer, eliminating the distance between them to press his lips to hers.
She remained rigid only for a second, before the warmth of his kiss overtook her, drawing a soft sound from her. She was pliant against him, practically melting into his embrace as she let him control the kiss, tender and exploratory at first; becoming reacquainted with a past-time that was all too familiar to them when they were younger.
Unable and unwilling to resist anymore, she moved her hand over his chest, up to his shoulder. Her fingers moved through the hair at the nape of his neck as she rested her palm against his skin, urging him closer. Her free hand clutched his jacket, as if she feared she would lose him if she let go; lose touch of this seemingly unreal moment.
But with every second that passed, Gage made it more and more real. His warmth spread into a fire as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips until she opened for him. She moaned softly when she felt his tongue against hers. She heard the spellbook thud uselessly to the ground before Gage’s hands were at her back, his heat searing through her clothing to reach her skin.
She wanted more. Needed more. The rational side of her knew it was a weakness to give in to him so quickly, but she didn’t care. Even if he hadn’t urged her closer, she would have pressed herself to him regardless. But since he did, she climbed into his lap, getting the first hint of his arousal. And suddenly instead of feeling one breath away from freezing to death, she felt like she was about to combust.
Gage seemed to understand, as he worked at the zipper of her jacket. When it was free, she shrugged the garment off before going for his own. The brief loss of contact was a trade-off, but once their shirts were gone as well she was able to feel him, skin to skin.
He was so unbelievably warm. A solid wall of muscle that she ached to touch. As his lips moved to her neck, his scruff scraping lightly against her skin, she couldn’t help but indulge. Her hands glided over the planes of his chest, up to his shoulders, out to his biceps that she couldn’t close her fingers around, then to his back where she clutched at him like he was her lifeline. Perhaps he was, because her heart beat wildly now, almost seeming to sync up with his. And every time he touched her or kissed her, she felt more heat spread throughout her body, pooling between her thighs.
She tilted her head back to give him more room, and Gage licked over the pulse point in her neck, making her shudder. He moved to her collarbone, raking his teeth over the ridge of it, eliciting a soft moan from her. Her fingers buried in his hair as he continued further downward, blazing a trail of hot, wet kisses down her chest. His lips massaged the supple flesh and her breath hitched as his tongue curled out to tease her hardened nipple.
He’d been clumsy at this when they were younger. He practically worshiped her breasts, but it was with eagerness more than skill. She hadn’t minded back then, and she wouldn’t have minded now. But he played her expertly, his hand coming up to massage one breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers while his mouth did wicked things with the other, applying just enough pressure from his teeth that she cried out, arching her back toward him.
She’d never been one to remain passive, though. In this position, he had the ability to control most things. But she still had access to him, and she gathered enough focus to undo the buttons of his jeans, pulling the zipper down. She could feel him straining against the opening, and she dipped her fingers into his pants and stroked over his length, earning a full-body shudder from him. Without wasting any time she curled her fingers around him and pulled him free of his boxers, stroking slowly over his shaft.
His velvet smooth skin was so hot against her palm, and his cock pulsed against her as she easily remembered just what he liked. A fairly rough squeeze and a tug upward, her thumb cresting over the head of his cock, swiping across the slit to collect the moisture beaded there.
He moaned when she did so, lifting his head to look up at her. His body had done an excellent job of warming her up, but his gaze seared through her, stripping her bare of anything but an intense, desperate desire. She wanted him. Needed him. Needed to feel him inside of her, as a part of her, just as he’d been so long ago.
“Lily…” It was a breathy plea, and it sent a shiver up her spine. She could tell he needed the same thing.
Her hands moved to his shoulders and she stood up just long enough to shimmy out of her pants and panties with his help. When her gaze met his, there was an adoration in his eyes that made her heart swell, her chest and throat tightening from the wealth of emotion surging through her.
He loved her. After all this time, all the distance between them, Gage still loved her.
And she still loved him.
It wasn’t going to be the most comfortable coupling, though it would probably beat the times they’d made love in her Buick, limbs pressed every which way, elbows or knees inevitably hitting the horn and waking the whole town. At the moment, though, she really didn’t care. She couldn’t wait the few minutes it would take to go to the bedroom or even the floor. She wanted him inside of her, and she wanted to be face to face with him throughout.
With her knees on either side of his thighs, she stroked his cheeks, her thumbs running over the hair of his beard before one hand moved down to grip his cock. She lowered herself until she felt him press against her channel, then took him inside, inch by inch. She could barely breathe, he felt so amazing. Filling her. Stretching her. Perfectly made for her, as if he’d always belonged here, as a part of her.
Once she was resting against his thighs she moaned, and Gage just looked at her with wonder in his eyes. He brushed back a stray strand of her hair before his hands moved to grip her ass. She surrendered control to him easily, and he held her against him as he rolled his hips upward, moving inside of her.
Her arms wound around his neck and she kissed him hungrily, moaning against his mouth when he lifted her up and brought her back down, his cock sliding in and out of her with ease. He picked up the pace, continuing to lift her easily until she matched his rhythm, her thighs stinging as she slammed her hips down in time with his thrusts, wanting to take him deeper, harder, faster.
A growl rumbled through him, setting her nerve endings on fire. When she pulled back to look at him, his pale blue eyes were replaced by a vibrant gold. The beast inside of him wanted her as much as he did, and as the tension mounted inside of her, she could only think of one thing.
“Claim me,” she pleaded breathlessly.
Gage didn’t question her. His eyes blazed, and she saw the hint of fangs peeking out beneath his lips. A shiver of anticipation raced through her and she moaned when he thrust even harder into her, his cock swelling to the point where he bumped against her clit every time they were joined fully.
For the first time in ages, she could feel sweat on her skin, and she held onto him tightly as pleasure built within her, climbing to a level that was almost unbearable. Her short nails dug into his shoulders when her body tensed, and as he kept moving, her orgasm shattered through her, pulling a deep cry from her. She buried her head against his neck and shoulder, just holding on as she rode out wave after wave of ecstasy.
Gage wasn’t far behind. He hilted himself fully inside of her one last time and she felt him pulse within her, a fierce growl rolling through him. She caught the flash of white, then a sharp pierce of pain in her shoulder. It tore a gasp from her throat, but after a brief burn, the feeling of his teeth sinking into her filled her with an electric jolt of pleasure, sending her right into another orgasm that stole the very breath from her lungs.
He’d done it. He’d finally claimed her.
They were bound together for eternity now and she felt… unbelievably warm.
Warm. Safe. Loved.
As her breathing became less erratic and her heart rate slowed to a normal level, she opened her eyes to find an entirely different scene around her.
The walls weren’t frosted over by a thin sheen of ice. Icicles didn’t drip from the light fixtures. Even through the window, the mountain looked calm and peaceful. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she clung to Gage, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. There was only one thing left to do now. One thing left to say.
“I love you. I always have.”
Chapter 5
Hours later, Gage was still awake, a ridiculous smile plastered on his face.
He was pretty sure it was going to fuse that way permanently. Lily had teased him about it before her catnap. But he just couldn’t get rid of it. He didn’t want to get rid of it. After wasting the last ten years of his life, he finally had the only thing he’d ever truly wanted: Her.
His bear hadn’t hurt her like he’d feared. The pain was fleeting, and the wound scarred over quickly, leaving smooth marks that he still couldn’t help but stare at as she slept soundly against him. He’d moved her to the bed some time ago, and they’d talked and laughed and after he’d made a point of kissing every inch of her body they’d done the obvious again before she started to get sleepy. Since it seemed as if she hadn’t allowed herself a good night’s rest in ages, he was happy to simply watch over her and protect her while she slept.
The power had come back on at some point, but he’d been too comfortable to get up and turn down the blasting thermostat, so it pumped heat into the bedroom and, irony of ironies, Gage was actually sweating a little bit now. It still didn’t chase away the goofy grin, though. Nothing could touch that, because everything was exactly as it should be. Perfect.
Or so she thought.
Just as the warmth lulled him into drowsing, he noticed something odd beneath his fingertips. Ice splintered across Lily’s skin like spiderwebs. Gage’s eyes flew open, his heart pounding as he watched. This couldn’t be happening. They’d broken the spell, he was sure of it.
“Lil. Lily.”
He had to shake her slightly to wake her, and she looked at him bleary-eyed before he nodded down to her arm, where ice crystals were forming together like a second skin. She yelped, sitting upright in the bed, trying to brush the ice off, but to no avail.
“What’s happening?”
She sounded so scared, and he didn’t have an answer for her. His bear growled, furious with him again for allowing something to hurt her. But this wasn’t over. He wasn’t going to let this spell take her again without a fight.
“I don’t know, but I’m putting an end to it.”
Before he could even begin to form a plan, though, the ice slowly fell like dust carried away by a strong breeze. The crystals glinted in the light, dropping into a pile on the floor as he and Lily watched. Gooseflesh rippled across his skin, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and he held his breath as the shards of ice were swept up by a current of magic, swirling upward into a solid form.
The shape was humanoid. Feminine. A crystalline woman materializing before his eyes. Tall, slender, and hauntingly beautiful. He’d seen so many spirits over the past five years, but never anything like this, and it was impossible to tell whether the being was friend or foe.
The ice creature opened its mouth far wider than any human should be able to, and before Gage could process what was happening, she shot thick, sharp javelins of ice straight for them. It was all he could do to roll, putting his broad body between Lily and the sudden threat. Ice sliced through his skin like glass and his yell of pain turned into an inhuman roar.
Someone was trying to hurt his mate.
He pulled away from Lily just enough to keep from crushing her as his bear burst from his body, breaking the frame of the bed beneath its massive weight. With another savage roar he charged the icy figure, only to find she was already angling at least a dozen piercing daggers toward him. With the wave of her arms they flew, and Gage closed his eyes instinctively, waiting for the rush of pain.
But it never came.
Magic hummed all around him, a barrier protecting him from the deadly apparition. When he glanced back to Lily, she was whispering an incantation, and magic arced through the air over top of him, striking the ice-clad figure straight in the chest.
The spirit fought back, flinging ice at both of them, but Gage blocked every shot intended for Lily until he was practically on top of the figure, slamming into it with one powerful swipe of his paw. Accompanied by a well-timed bolt of magic from Lily, the ice shattered, flung in every direction.
Gage again took the brunt of it, the shards embedding in his skin and muscle before they shimmered in a magical mist and disappeared.
Lily knelt by his side, her hands moving over his furred body. Her touch was warm now, magic channeled through her hands and fingertips, aiding his healing. Gashes closed. Blood dried. And before he knew it, she was throwing her arms around his large, scruffy neck and hugging him tight.
With his wounds healed, Gage focused his energy on changing back. As soon as he was in his human form again, he pulled her into a fierce embrace, just holding her for a long, quiet moment as he listened to the sound of their joined hearts beating.
Eventually he eased back a bit to look at her, his lips pulling into a smirk. “So… What the hell was that?”
She laughed softly, bringing her hand up to stroke his cheek. “As if I have any idea?” She glanced to where the apparition had been, a shiver racing through her. “Sometimes powerful magic manifests into physical form. I guess since the spell had nowhere else to go…”
Gage let out a slow breath. “You think that’s the end of it, then?”
“I hope so,” she said softly, resting her forehead against his. After a moment, she spoke once more, “Gage?”
“What happens now?”
A part of him wanted to make some light joke to break through the tension, but he knew that wouldn’t do. He could hear the vulnerability in her voice; could scent her need for something real. Something tangible.
“Now we get dressed and get the hell out of here.” He looked around at the sparsely-decorated cabin. “This place isn’t good enough for us. For our cubs.”
Her brows shot up in surprise. “Our… what now?”
A grin tugged at his lips. “Don’t freak out on me just yet, Lil. It doesn’t have to be right away, but you and I have ten years to make up for.”
She seemed at a loss for words, just staring at him for a long moment as if she was trying to parse together everything he’d said. He couldn’t blame her. This was a huge change from the life he’d been living, and the thought of completely altering his future because of everything that happened over the last twenty-four hours should terrify him. But it didn’t.
This was the life he was always meant to have, and he wasn’t giving it up for anything.
“What about your job? Your life?”
“You’re my life now, Lil,” he said, taking her hand and placing it over his heart. “And if you don’t want to travel, then I’ll find another job. I told you… I’m never leaving you again.”
Her gaze softened, and a slow smile spread across her lips. Still she was silent for a time, until he heard her whisper, “…Okay. But I have one condition.”
“I’m not getting rid of the Buick.”
Gage laughed, shaking his head. “You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Tisdale.”
Mischief glinted in her green eyes, making his pulse race and a familiar warmth spread through his body. “I’m a difficult girl to please.”
“We’ll see about that.”
After all, he had the rest of his life to prove her wrong.
About the Author
Ten years ago, the Mitchell brothers were cursed by a hear
tbroken witch. Doomed to lose their mates, the three bear shifters have somehow managed to avoid their fate... until now. Will Brandon, Brian, and Bryce find a way to break the curse before it's too late?
The Marked is a 3-book novel series, complete with a satisfying epilogue. And now you can get the whole series for one low price!
The Marked: The Complete Collection
See The Marked: The Complete Collection at:
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About Christa Kelley
Love is magic, and in my books, you'll find plenty of both. I write about sexy shifters that are just a little bit broken and the confident BBWs who have the power to mend their hearts.
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The Cowbear's Secret Christmas Baby
by Liv Brywood
Chapter 1
Rachel slumped back into the chair. Through a growing veil of tears. She stared at the doctor in disbelief. She glanced across the room to where Jimmy, her four-year-old son, sat playing with a pile of multi-colored blocks. “Are you sure?”
Dr. Landry’s eyes softened as she leaned forward to place her folded hands on the desk. “I called you as soon as I received the most recent results. I’m sorry, but the chemotherapy didn’t work. Jimmy’s going to need a stem cell transplant.”
Instantly lightheaded, Rachel fought to keep a levee of tears from breaking. She couldn’t fall apart in front of her son. She’d managed to get through the last year of leukemia treatments while hiding her grief from him. She had to be strong. As a single mom, she couldn’t afford to descend into the well of sadness that threatened to drown her.