Truly, Madly, Whiskey

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Truly, Madly, Whiskey Page 27

by Melissa Foster

  His hands roamed over her. “We just made love this morning, and I’m already having withdrawals.”

  She laughed as he kissed her, but she was already right there with him. She’d begun birth control shots, and not having to worry about condoms brought their intimacy and spontaneity to a whole new level. The other night she’d joked about making love on a motorcycle while it was running, and a few days later, in the privacy of their yard, they’d knocked it off her bucket list. Oh, the vibrations!

  “Just let me make you come,” he begged.

  “Bea—” Her words were smothered in a kiss that lit her up like New Year’s Eve. She’d never tire of the way he made her feel hot and weak at once. “God, your kisses unravel me every time. We have to be fast.”

  He kissed her again and pushed his hand into her shorts, teasing over her sex as he took the kiss deeper. She widened her legs, greedy for more. It never took him long to take her up to the edge, but he’d also learned to hold her at the peak until her legs went numb. He took great pleasure in making her come undone for lengths of time that should be illegal. If he did that now, there was no way she’d be able to help Jed move a darn thing.

  “If you hurry, I’ll make you come, too,” she enticed.

  “Jesus, baby. Like I’d say no to that?”

  She unsnapped her shorts, letting them drop to the floor, and quickly undid his jeans, pushing them down his thighs. He quickened his pace.

  She held her palm in front of his mouth. “Lick.”

  He did, and holy hell, that made her even hotter. She fisted his cock, going up on her toes as his fingers pushed in deep. He took her in a penetrating kiss, matching the rhythm of his fingers, and moments later she was soaring into the clouds. She squeezed him hard as she came, and his hips bucked. As she eased down from the peak, her body still pulsing, she took his hard length in her mouth. Bear buried his hands in her hair—another new and exciting addition to their incredible sex life—sending sparks of lightning sizzling through her. She sucked hard and fast until she felt him swell, and he found his release.

  Thump, thump, thump.

  Both of their eyes flew open at the sound of Bullet’s heavy footsteps crossing the hardwood floor to the bottom of the stairs. “Bear? You up there?”

  “Shit,” Bear grumbled, helping Crystal to her feet. “Be down in a second,” he yelled to Bullet.

  Laughing and kissing, they washed up.

  “Love you so much,” he said, kissing her shoulder as she stepped into a clean pair of panties and pulled up her shorts.

  “Me too, you, biker boy.”

  She hurried toward the stairs, and Bear hauled her against him with a serious expression. “Babe, you know I love everything about you. Not just the sex. Right?”

  Oh, this man! He treated her like gold, had changed his whole life to spend more time with her, and he was worrying over their spontaneous sexy times? She bit back the playful response on the tip of her tongue. They’d come so far, she didn’t want to make light of what was clearly worrying him. “I never doubted it for a minute.”

  He kissed her slow and tender. Then he slapped her ass, startling her out of her lustful state, and they hurried downstairs.

  Bullet looked up from the sex-pit sofa—another bucket-list item they’d taken care of. Quite a few times. He pushed to his feet, shaking his head. “Get that look off your faces. I haven’t gotten any in three days and you’re pissing me off.”

  “Three whole days?” Crystal teased. “You poor thing.”

  Bullet pulled her into a hug. “Got any good-looking friends, sweetheart?”

  “Tegan,” she said on the way outside. They’d already received thirty orders for costumes, and Tegan had begun working part-time for the boutique. Crystal loved her, but she definitely wasn’t Bullet’s type. “You know I love you, but I think you’d probably scare the heck out of her. She’s more Bones’s type.”

  “She is not Bones’s type.” Bear unlocked the truck and helped Crystal in. Bullet climbed into the passenger side. “You think he’s so clean-cut, but Bones has a definite dark side.”

  “Bro,” Bullet scolded. Then to Crystal he said, “Chicks dig the dirty doctor.”

  Bear headed down the mountain. “You just chastised me for saying he had a dark side.”

  Bullet shrugged.

  Crystal listened to their banter the whole way to Jed’s friend’s house, where he was staying in a basement apartment. It was only a few blocks from their mother’s, and she got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, which remained with her while they packed up the trucks.

  “You okay, sis?” Jed asked as he carried a box to the back of his truck. Thankfully, the attorney had not only been able to get the points dropped on his last ticket, but he had also proven that McCarthy had been targeting Jed. Jed’s driver’s license had been reinstated, and McCarthy was to be reprimanded. Jed was finally getting a chance to be the man he wanted to be, and Crystal could already see a difference in him.

  “Yeah. I was just thinking about Mom. Is it weird that I feel guilty for not seeing her? I don’t want to see her, but I kept hoping that one day I’d show up and she’d be the same person she’d been when we were younger.”

  “It’s not weird, shrimp.” Jed ran a hand through his hair and looked up toward the sky.

  Crystal took a moment to study her brother, seeing even more of their father in him. She knew it was because he was no longer stealing or skirting the law.

  “I think that’s why Dad gave her so long to straighten out,” Jed said. “I think he hoped for the same thing.”

  “Dad would be proud of you, Jed.”

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You can’t imagine how much it means to me to hear that.”

  Thinking of her father committing to taking her and Jed away from their mother brought a wave of sadness. It must have been so hard for him to make that decision. She wondered if he’d given her the worry dolls because of the person her mother had become, and not, as she’d thought, because he’d known she’d need them for the traumatic years ahead.

  She watched Jed, and focused on the here and now, which was too damn good to be set aside for questions she’d never have answers to.

  Bear blew her a kiss as he and Bullet carried a dresser to his truck. She couldn’t have been happier than when she’d heard that Bullet and Bones had finally backed Bear in his confrontation with their father. He deserved everyone’s support for all he’d done for his family over the years.

  “I’m glad you’re coming back to Peaceful Harbor,” she said to Jed.

  “Me too. It’ll be like coming home. I owe Bear a lot, between hiring me thirty hours a week at the garage and ten at the bar and hooking me up with Quincy for the apartment.” He stepped closer, his eyes warm and brotherly. She’d missed that look so much a lump rose in her throat. “But mostly I owe him for making you so happy. You deserve to be happy.”

  Bear winked as he headed back inside, full of badass swagger.

  “I do love my biker boy.”

  She and Jed walked inside together to get another load of his belongings.

  “I wish I could have been there for you when you left school. I know I said it before, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I went back and gave Mom hell for what she said to you.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.” She grabbed a box from the counter. “What’s in the past is in the past.”

  “I know.” He hoisted a box into his arms. “I just wanted you to know that I may not have been there to have your back, but I do now, and I always will.”

  “Thanks, Jed.”

  “Hey, sugar,” Bear said as he passed, carrying one end of a desk. “We’re thinking of hitting a café for lunch on the way out of town. Sound good?”

  “You know I’m always hungry.”

  “Some things never change,” Jed teased.

  An hour later they drove the loaded trucks to a café at the edge of town. Tucked against Bear’s side, with J
ed beside her and Bullet walking behind them like a bodyguard scanning the crowd, Crystal stifled her amusement. Going anywhere with Bullet, Bear, and Bones was like having three bodyguards. But she’d had no idea Jed had that much of a protective side. What else would she learn about him? She couldn’t wait to find out.

  The line was eight people deep, and her bladder was full of coffee. “I’m going to run to the ladies’ room,” Crystal said to Bear. “Would you mind getting me a turkey sandwich with lettuce?”

  Bear scanned the café, his eyes landing on the sign for the ladies’ room across the room. “Sure, babe.”

  He gave her a chaste kiss. She felt the heat of his gaze as she walked away, and she swore she felt Bullet and Jed’s eyes on her, too. After using the bathroom, she read a text from Gemma as she headed back to the men.

  Finlay just called. The catering is all set! Four more weeks!! How long until you get back with Jed?

  They’d picked up their dresses and met with Finlay, the caterer, last week to go over the final menu for the wedding. Crystal wondered what syrupy-sweet Finlay might think of the tatted-up groomsmen. She stepped aside to let someone pass and sent Gemma a quick text.

  You will be the most gorgeous bride EVER. We stopped for lunch. Will call when we get back.

  When she looked up from her phone, Bear’s eyes were trained on her, and her pulse went wild. His lips curved up in a loving smile, which was so different from his playful or seductive smiles. She adored every one of them. She moved through the people waiting to collect their food at the pickup counter. Bullet’s ever-watchful eyes drifted over the shoulder of the guy he was talking with, to Crystal, then around her, before returning to the man in front of him. Jed was busy talking to a tall blonde. Go Jed.

  The guy Bullet was talking to turned, and Crystal froze as the face from her past stole the air from her lungs. No. No, no, no.

  Flashes of the attack slammed into her.

  That face. Those cold, hard eyes.

  She was slipping.

  Going under.

  His hands tore at her clothes.

  She fought for clarity, refusing to let him win.

  I’m not afraid of you.

  She was breathing too fast, too hard.


  IN THE SPACE of a second the color drained from Crystal’s face. Bear swept her shaking body against him, his heart racing. “Baby? What’s wrong?”

  Jed came to her side. “Crys?”

  Her mouth was moving, but no words came. Bear put his ear close to her mouth, and her whisper sent fire through his veins: “It’s him.”

  He followed her gaze to the man standing in front of Bullet, rage clawing at him from the inside out. He thrust Crystal into Jed’s arms and grabbed the asshole, slamming him against the wall, lifting him off his feet with the sheer force of his rage. The people around them scattered amid cries of fear.

  “What the hell?” the guy yelled.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you,” Bear growled through gritted teeth.

  Bullet moved in, a mountainous wall of strength beside him.

  “Stop! Bear, no!” Crystal broke from Jed’s grasp. “Don’t! If you hit him, you’ll get in trouble. I can’t lose you!”

  “Who the fuck are you?” The guy’s eyes darted between all of them.

  Her eyes turned fierce. “You don’t remember me. Christine. The girl you raped at Lakeshore.”

  His face blanched. “Don’t. Please. It was a frat party. We were both drunk. It was an accident.”

  Bear lifted the guy higher with the sheer force of his grip. “It was in an art building, motherfucker. How many women have you raped?” He cocked his arm back.

  The guy’s hands flew up in surrender. “Dude, you know how parties are—”

  “Don’t!” Crystal grabbed Bear’s arm.

  “Goddamn piece of shit,” Bullet seethed, also cocking an arm.

  “Bullet! Don’t,” Crystal begged. “This is my fight.”

  Bear was too angry to speak. His muscles flared, his heart hurt, and his arms shook with rage.

  “Please, Bear.” Tears filled her eyes—not when she saw the man who had raped her, but now, for Bear. “Please don’t. You’ll go to jail, and I can’t lose you. I love you both for wanting to kill him. But killing him isn’t punishment enough. I’m not afraid anymore.” She glared at her attacker, her eyes throwing daggers. “An accident? I’ll make sure you never ‘accidentally’ rape another woman.” She pushed buttons on her phone and lifted it to her ear.

  “Hi, this is Christine Moon. I’d like to report a rape.”


  THE SUN SHONE down on Gemma and Truman’s wedding like a blessing. Pink and white paper lanterns were strung between the trees, giving the afternoon a festive feel. Gorgeous shades of pink and blue flowers decorated the yard and the center of the table. A long table draped in a pale pink tablecloth with graffiti art depicting Gemma, Tru, and the kids along the edge sat off to the side. Truman had painted it. He was so talented. Pink lace bows decorated the chairs, and pink and white rose petals were spread on the lawn, creating an aisle that led to a floral altar they’d rented from the florist.

  It was perfect.

  Crystal closed Gemma’s bedroom curtain feeling as nervous as Gemma looked. “They’re not out there yet. I only saw Red, Biggs, and Jed. And Finlay, of course. You look gorgeous, Gem.” Gemma had worn her hair down, with a delicate tiara made of tiny white and blue flowers.

  “Let’s make sure you have everything,” Dixie said. “Something old?”

  Gemma held up a bracelet Red had given her. Red was like a surrogate mother to Tru, and a grandmother to the children. Crystal knew how much Gemma adored her. She had a special place in her heart for Bear’s mother, too.

  “Something new? Your dress,” Dixie said.

  “Something borrowed,” Crystal said with a smile, because she’d lent Gemma her only pair of pink earrings to wear.

  Gemma brushed her hair over her shoulder, showing the dangling earrings. “And something blue, of course.” She lifted her dress, revealing the blue garter they’d bought.

  “I have something blue, too.” Kennedy lifted her tiny wrist, showing off a silver and blue gemstone bracelet. “Tooman, I mean, Daddy, gave it to me.”

  Kennedy looked adorable in a white chiffon dress with flowers appliquéd across the chest and shoulders, with a pair of pink ballet slippers. She insisted on wearing the same hairstyle as Gemma, including the tiara.

  “That’s my Tru Blue,” Gemma whispered. She crouched beside Kennedy. “Daddy loves you so much. Do you remember what you’re supposed to do?”

  Kennedy nodded. “After Uncle Bullet and Lincoln walk up to Daddy, then me and Uncle Boney walk together.”

  Crystal smiled at her nickname for Bones.

  “That’s right, sweetie,” Gemma said. “And you’ll hold Uncle Boney’s hand while Mommy and Daddy get married?”

  Kennedy nodded, twisting from side to side, her pretty dress swishing over her legs. “Just like we pwacticed.”

  Gemma rose to her feet, reaching for Dixie’s and Crystal’s hands. “Are you guys as nervous as I am?”

  “Yes, and I’m not the one getting married.” Crystal touched her hair. Gemma had put it up in a topknot, leaving a few tendrils hanging down, just as Tegan had suggested. She had never felt more feminine. She was still getting used to feeling free enough to wear things like that, and it was wreaking havoc with her nerves.

  “I’m not nervous,” Dixie said. “I just wish we had filled the yard with eligible bachelors.” She lifted Kennedy into her arms. “Right, Ken? Auntie Dixie needs to find a nice boyfriend.”

  “So you can kiss him like Auntie Cwystal and Uncle Beah?”

  “Exactly.” Dixie gave Gemma a one-armed hug. “Want me to take Kennedy out and get the men to speed it up?”

  Gemma nodded. “Thank you.” She rubbed noses with Kennedy. “See you in a few minutes, baby girl.”

  “I n
eed to kiss Cwystal!” She leaned forward, her lips puckered up tight.

  Crystal’s heart warmed as she kissed her. “Love you, sweetie. You’re the prettiest flower girl ever.”

  There was a time when she’d been afraid to become a mother, but she wasn’t afraid anymore. As Gemma’s wedding neared, she’d found herself thinking more and more about what it would be like to have a family. With Bear. She knew he’d be an incredible, loving father, even if overprotective, and she had a feeling she’d be a damn good mother.

  “I can walk, Aunt Dixie,” Kennedy said, wiggling out of her arms as they left the bedroom. “I’m a big girl.”

  Alone with Gemma, Crystal faced her best friend and held her hands. “You’re getting married to a man you met in Walmart.”

  Their eyes teared up. Both of them fanned their faces.

  “No crying,” Crystal said. “We look too good to ruin our makeup. I’m so happy for you, Gem. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and Truman is so wonderful.”

  Gemma nodded, tears still brimming in her eyes.

  “No crying,” Crystal whispered, and embraced her. “I love you so much. Thank you for sticking with me even after you found out I wasn’t the slutty girl you thought I was.”

  “You’re the girl I always thought you were, and I have no doubt you and Bear are naughty, naughty, naughty. You’re my sister from another mother.”

  A funny thing had happened when she’d tried to talk to Gemma about sex with Bear. It was too special to share. “Are you sure you want me to walk down the aisle with you? That’s your moment.”

  “Yes. It’s our soul sister moment. Besides, I need you to hold me up in case I get so nervous I can’t walk.”

  Crystal peered out the window again, spotting the men in their matching dark slacks, short-sleeved white dress shirts, and black suspenders and ties. Her eyes were drawn to Bear, Truman’s best man. She’d never seen him dressed up, and he was so handsome she couldn’t stop staring at him. He’d been teasingly making comments about getting married all week, and as she watched him standing by the altar, she couldn’t tamp down her emotions.


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