Truly, Madly, Whiskey

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Truly, Madly, Whiskey Page 28

by Melissa Foster

  “Gemma,” she whispered. “I love him so much my heart actually hurts. I’m not afraid to want it all with Bear, and I’m not afraid of the bottom dropping out from under me, because I know he’ll be there to catch me.” She held out her trembling hand. “Look at me. You’re the bride, and I’m more nervous than you are.”

  Gemma took her hand. “Maybe that’s because I’m the bride and you want to be.”

  BEAR STOOD BESIDE Truman as Dixie and Quincy walked down the rose-petal aisle. Dixie looked beautiful in a pretty lace dress. She had the rosy glow of a woman who had been given something she’d always wanted. Two nights ago their father had told her the truth about why he had tried to dissuade her from working at the bar. Dixie told Bear that their father loving her too much was the best reason for his actions. He was glad Dixie was finally getting the credit she deserved.

  Dixie took her place on the bride’s side as Quincy took his place beside Bear, and they bumped fists. He and Jed got along well in their new living arrangement. They were already playing wingmen for each other.

  Bear watched Bullet walk down the aisle at a snail’s pace, holding Lincoln’s hand, like the Jolly Green Giant and Tiny Tim. Bullet’s eyes drifted to Finlay Wilson, and a smile lifted his lips. Boy was he barking up the wrong tree. Bear had spoken to Finlay earlier, and she was so sweet she could give a man cavities.

  Lincoln looked adorable in his dark pants and suspenders. It was incredible, watching him grow from a gurgling baby to a walking, sort-of-talking little boy. The pang of wanting a family, which had been creeping in more and more over the last few months, slammed into him.

  Bullet lifted Lincoln into his arms and took his place beside Quincy.

  Bear’s heart swelled as Bones led Kennedy down the aisle in her fluffy white dress. She tossed rose petals into the air, a sweet smile on her pretty face. That earlier pang became a thrum, and he pictured a little girl with Crystal’s blue eyes and confidence. He felt a smile tugging at his lips.

  “Uncle Boney!” Kennedy said, pulling him from his thoughts. “Look how handsome Daddy is.” She waved at Truman, then turned that brilliant smile on the rest of them. “Hi, Uncle Quincy. Hi, Uncle Beah! Hi, Uncle Bullet! Look at me! I’m a flowah girl!”

  The three of them looked like grinning fools. Bear felt sorry for whoever tried to date that precious little girl when she grew up. She had a host of uncles who would fiercely protect her, and he was at the head of the line.

  Kennedy yanked on Bullet’s trousers. “Uncle Bullet, bend down so I can kiss Linc!”

  He did, and Bear’s insides turned to mush.

  He clasped his hands in front of him, trying to calm his nerves as he awaited Crystal’s arrival, but the second she and Gemma stepped out of the house, it was all he could do to stare. He knew he should be focused on the bride, but sweet Jesus. He’d never seen Crystal look more gorgeous. Her hair was swept up in a knot on top of her head, and a few wispy strands framed her face, making her blue eyes, which were currently locked on him, even more alluring. Her neck looked long and graceful. His mouth watered to kiss her there. Her bluish minidress brought out the shine on her cheeks and accentuated her bare shoulders. He had a definite thing for her shoulders, and he wondered if she’d chosen that dress, and that hairstyle, just to drive him out of his mind. She wore a pretty jeweled cuff around her upper arm and a sexy copper anklet that wound around her lower leg like a snake. She looked classy and feminine. Exquisite. His pulse went crazy. He wanted to step out of line and sweep her into his arms, but he forced himself to stand tall and blew her a kiss instead.

  Her cheeks pinked up, making it that much harder for him to resist going to her.

  She’d become so much more than the love of his life. She’d become his world. She’d told Bear that he’d given her the strength to make the call to the police and have her attacker arrested. But it was she who had given him the strength not to rip the guy apart. Love was a powerful thing. They had a long legal battle ahead, but they’d hired Logan Wild, a top-notch private investigator from New York City. Logan had already confirmed that the school had security video from the art building where Crystal had been assaulted, dating back to the attack. Crystal was nervous about the legal proceedings, but this was her journey for justice, and she wanted to take it. And she wasn’t taking it alone. She had Bear’s support and love, as well as that of everyone else who was with them today, and the members of the Dark Knights. Bear would spend the rest of his life doing everything within his power to ensure she was never hurt again.

  Crystal and Gemma hugged when they reached the altar, and he noticed her ankle jewelry had a bear on the side. His heart turned over in his chest. Was love supposed to be so consuming? He felt like his world was standing still, and as Crystal and Gemma took their places, he saw tears in Crystal’s eyes. She was his orchid. His symbol of love and affection. His wild filly. His forever.

  Bear tried to listen to Truman and Gemma’s vows and pay attention to the wedding taking place, but he wanted to be the groom, and he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman who had captured his heart. She was right there with him, her beautiful eyes trained on him. Isn’t she always?

  He mouthed, That could be us.

  Her eyes widened, and a radiant smile lifted her lips. She mouthed, You want to get married?

  Yes, he mouthed, his pulse racing. Do you?

  Truman and Gemma kissed, and everyone cheered, but Bear and Crystal were in a world of their own, stepping across the rose petals toward each other. He reached for her hand at the same time she reached for his.

  “You waited months for me,” she said with so much love in her eyes he wanted to dive in and drown in them.

  “You’re the only woman I will ever want.”

  “Then let’s not wait.” She bounced on her toes as she’d done at the market on the island. “Let’s get married. Here. Now.”

  The silence of the others broke through the sound of his hammering heart, and he realized everyone was watching them. He stepped closer to the woman he adored. “Sugar, a man likes to be asked, not told.”

  Her smile told him she was tying his comment back to their first date at Woody’s.

  “Bobby Bear Whiskey,” she said breathlessly, “I’m truly, madly, crazily in love with you. Will you marry me and make me the happiest woman in the world?”

  Bobby Bear. God, he loved her.

  “Yes, sugar, I will marry you. But the real question is.” He dropped to one knee, reached into his pocket, and withdrew the engagement ring he’d been carrying since the day after she’d moved in with him, waiting for the right moment to pop the question. Maddox Silver’s brother, Sterling, was a custom jeweler. Bear had designed the black-gold engagement ring with a diamond-encrusted floral design and a half-carat round diamond at its center, and Sterling had created it. It was complex and unique, just like his girl.

  Taking her hand in his, he gazed into her eyes and said, “Sweet girl, you are strength and grace, beauty and intelligence. You’re the woman I want to carry our babies, the lover I want to hold every night, and the badass biker chick I want wrapped around me on long road trips.”

  She covered her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Most of all, you’re the woman I want to be my wife. Sugar, will you please do me the honor of marrying me?”

  “Yes. I want all those things with you. Every one of them. I want every day. I want forever.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger, and she leapt into his arms as he rose to his feet. Cheers rang out as his mouth came down over hers. They were passed from person to person, hugged and congratulated.

  Crystal and Gemma were in an endless embrace.

  “Are you sure it’s okay?” Crystal asked. “We didn’t mean to hijack your wedding.”

  “Yes. Yes, yes, yes,” Gemma said, and more tears fell.

  Bear elbowed Tru. “Dude, I should have asked. Sorry, man. I got caught up in the moment.”

  “About damn time,�
�� Tru said, and pulled him into a manly embrace.

  When they finally ended up in each other’s arms again, Bear couldn’t resist stealing a few neck and shoulder kisses. “I think I found my new favorite hairstyle.”

  “They’re all waiting for us,” she whispered.

  “Let them wait.”

  He gave her a chaste kiss, and they took their place before the officiator. He was quick to point out that they had no marriage license; therefore the marriage would not be legally binding.

  Bear took Crystal’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “It will be real to us. We’ll get a license this week and go to a justice of the peace. But today will always be our wedding date.”

  “And I’ll get you a matching ring. Because we both need to show that we’re not owned, but one.” Her arms circled his neck. “Kiss me as a single man one last time.”

  And he did, through whoops and whistles from their friends and family, until Kennedy tugged on his pants leg. Harley must have given her pointers.

  “Uncle Beah, can you mawwy her now? I’m hungwy.”

  He scooped her into his arms, and with Kennedy on his hip, surrounded by the people they loved most, they took their vows. And he wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Want More Whiskeys?

  Each of the Whiskey siblings (Bullet, Bones, and Dixie) will be featured in their own fun, sexy novels. Sign up for Melissa’s newsletter to be notified of the next Whiskey release.

  Melissa is the author of more than fifty novels. While all may be enjoyed as part of their larger series, every book is written as a stand-alone novel and you can jump in any time without missing a beat. The Whiskeys were first introduced in RIVER OF LOVE and we learned more about them in TRU BLUE. Continue reading for sneak peeks and purchase links for both books.


  Chapter One

  A MAN COULD take a wedding for only so long before he drank too much booze or left with a warm, willing woman to wash away all that purity. Sam Braden stood with a drink in one hand and a greedy itch in the other, debating doing both.

  “I’ll take the redhead if you want the brunette.” Ty, his youngest brother, lifted his chin in the direction of the bar. In addition to being a world-renowned mountain climber and photographer, Ty was also Sam’s carousing partner. “Unless you’re double-dipping tonight, in which case I’ll go for one of the Staley sisters.”

  Sam scoffed. Been there, done them.

  He spotted two blondes slinking across the dance floor toward them. He’d hooked up with the one who was currently eye-fucking him last month, and the redhead Ty had been ogling moments ago had joined them in their hot, sweaty romp. His gaze shifted to the sexy brunette standing by the bar looking like she wanted to jump over it and hide behind it but she couldn’t quite figure out how. Faith Hayes. He’d been trying not to look at Faith all night, but he was losing that battle. Faith worked in Sam’s brother Cole’s medical practice. She was sweet, and good, and smart, and… Sam should not be thinking about laying her on the bar and doing dirty things to her gorgeous body.

  No. He definitely should not.

  Every time he looked at her, every time he thought of her—which was every damn day—that feeling of wanting more than a few quick hookups resurfaced. He not only wanted to lay her down on the bar, but he wanted to take her home. That was bizarre, too, since as a rule Sam never took any woman to his cabin. But half his visits with Cole at his office were merely made-up opportunities to get a glimpse of Faith. He didn’t fully understand his fascination with her, considering he usually preferred the kind of woman who wanted to jump him and damn well knew how, but there was no denying the stirring inside him every time she was near. He forced himself to look away and focused on the dance floor, where Cole, their eldest brother, danced with his new wife, Leesa, and just beyond, their younger brother Nate and his fiancée, Jewel, were gazing into each other’s eyes. Weren’t they always? Sam used to get hives just thinking about being tied down—unless, of course, it was to a bed. But he couldn’t deny how happy his brothers seemed since they’d fallen in love, and lately he’d begun feeling as if he were missing out on something.

  The tall blonde sidled up to Sam, blocking his view of Faith and blinking flirtatiously, while her friend joined Ty. “You boys look lonely.”

  “Ladies,” Sam said smoothly, bringing his attention back to the pretty girls who definitely knew how to use their bodies for the good of mankind.

  “Care to dance?” she asked, and like a puppy with a bone, Sam followed her out to the dance floor.

  Music and dancing ranked right up there with white-water rafting in Sam’s book. As the owner of Rough Riders, a rafting and adventure company, he rarely slowed down, but a strong beat calmed his internal restlessness. And Sam was always a little restless.

  The blonde moved sensuously in his arms, reminding him of all the reasons a woman should win out over booze tonight. On that thought, his eyes drifted back to Faith, still standing by the bar, holding a drink he’d bet was soda, and nervously running her finger up the side of the glass as she…watched him? Sam’s lips curved up and Faith’s gaze skittered away. She became adorably flustered whenever he visited Cole at the office, and though he probably shouldn’t, Sam got a kick out of flirting with her.

  Cole stepped into his line of sight, blocking his view of Faith and casting a threatening look at Sam, sending the message, Don’t even think about it.

  There were no two ways about it, Sam loved women and everyone around him knew it. He loved the way they smelled, the feel of their soft bodies against his hard muscles, their delicate features, the sounds they made in the throes of passion. But his mind refused to play the any woman game these days. It was drenched in thoughts of Faith, and he wanted to experience all those things about her firsthand.

  “Sam!” Cole chided.

  He shook his head to clear his mind, laughing under his breath, as he turned his attention back to the woman he was dancing with. His hands sank to the base of her spine. Mm. She felt good. His eyes were drawn to Faith again, who was staring into her drink. Bet you’d feel even better, was his first thought, but it was the second—I wonder what you’re thinking—that took him by surprise.

  I SHOULDN’T HAVE come to this wedding. Faith checked her watch for the hundredth time that evening. She’d told herself she had to stay for an hour after dinner. That was the respectable thing to do at her boss’s wedding, even though she’d rather leave right this very second. Work obligations outside of the office were uncomfortable enough, but now she was not only surrounded by people she barely knew, but her stupid hormones were doing some sort of I Want Sam Braden dance. God, she hated herself right now. Look at him, getting all handsy with the town flirt. He’d been dancing all night with every other woman in the place. They practically lined up to be near him. Why shouldn’t they? He was not only nice to everyone, but he was tall, dark, and distractingly handsome. The kind of handsome that made smart girls like Faith forget the alphabet. His arm was the most coveted spot in all of Peaceful Harbor, and damn it to hell, she did not want to be there.

  Too badly.

  I seriously need to dive into a tequila bottle. Or leave. Since driving home after drinking a bottle of tequila posed issues, she decided leaving was a better option.

  She had the perfect excuse to cut out a little early, too. She was hosting a car wash tomorrow to raise funds for WAC, Women Against Cheaters, an online support group she’d started for women who had been cheated on.

  By guys like Sam.

  Sam glanced up and—Oh God, shoot me now—caught her staring. Again. She turned away, hoping he hadn’t really noticed, even though his eyes were like laser beams burning a hole in her back. Of course he saw her. How could he not? She was practically drooling over him. She didn’t want to have this stupid crush on the man who, if she believed the rumors, had slept with most of the women in Peaceful Harbor. If she took away his d
evastatingly good looks, he was the exact opposite of the type of man she wanted or needed.

  Unable to resist, she stole another glance, and like every other set of female eyes in the place that weren’t related to him, she was drawn in like a fly to butter. He was gorgeous. Manly. Rugged. And that smile. Lordy, Lordy. She fanned her face. His smile alone caused her toes to curl. All the Bradens were good-looking, but there was something edgy and enigmatic about Sam. Dangerous.

  Too dangerous for her, which was okay, because she didn’t really want him. Not in the try to keep him sense. A man like Sam couldn’t be kept, and she wasn’t about to be the idiot who tried. She’d be happy with leering and lusting, and pretending she wasn’t.

  Except, oh shit, he was coming over. He moved across the dance floor like he owned the place, confident, determined, focused, leaving the blonde, and a dozen other women, staring after him. If looks had powers beyond the ability to weaken Faith’s knees, Sam would have eaten her up before he even reached her. His dark eyes were narrow, seductive, and shimmering with wickedness. His broad shoulders looked even wider, more powerful, beneath his expensive tuxedo. The top buttons of his shirt were open, giving her a glimpse of his tanned skin and a dusting of chest hair. He looked like he should be lounging on a couch with women fawning over him. Godlike.

  Godlike? I am pathetic.

  Faith was not a meek woman without a man in her life. She was single by choice, thank you very much. She stunk at choosing men, and besides that…men sucked. They cheated, they lied, and eventually they all tried to put the blame back on her. Ever since JJ, her last boyfriend, made good on the unspoken All Men Must Cheat promise their gender seemed to live by, she’d confined her dating pool to include only boring, slightly nerdy men.


  Sam’s deep voice washed over her skin and nestled into her memory bank for later when she was alone in her bed, thinking about him. She hated that, too. Why, oh, why, did he have to be a player? Couldn’t he be like his brothers Cole and Nate? Loyal to the end of time?


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