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Isabella's Promise: A Sweet Regency Romance (Brides of Somerset Book 4)

Page 9

by Karen Lynne

  It was late afternoon before the small group began the journey to her husband's estate. Colton had waved off William’s offer to transport the girls and their nanny.

  “We shall fit if we sit close together.” Colton insisted.

  Indeed, it was a tight fit as Isabella sat between her husband and Mildred. Clara sat between two tired girls across from them. Lisabet and Annalynn soon laid their heads in Clara’s lap, falling into a peaceful slumber. They must have been exhausted to be able to sleep in the hot carriage, reeling at every turn.

  Her husband's leg pushed against hers in the cramped seat sending a comforting warmth through her being. Her husband, she thought, she was now Lady Egerton. It still felt like a dream, her, Isabella, a merchant’s daughter and well past her prime, married to Lord Egerton. She would pinch herself if it weren’t for the fact that his nearness was pressed against her. It was real, she was now mistress to Colton’s estate and the mother of two small charges. It was a massive undertaking, and one she would do her best to fulfill.

  Isabella turned to view his profile. His hair trimmed and curled around his face in the current fashion, a shadow of whiskers began to show. He turned, and a slow smile played about his lips. Colton had tucked her arm in his in the tight space to make them more comfortable. He reached his other hand up and covered hers, giving it a squeeze.

  Colton had been touching, and drawing her near all during luncheon. Was he feeling something more for her, or was it just a show for the guests, giving the illusion that their marriage was more than a convenience? That kiss, her first, had sent feelings through her she’d never experienced before. She watched his lips as he spoke.

  “You look tired. It’s been a long morning. I am afraid it will be a long day before we retire. I am not sure what aunt Mary will have waiting for our return.”

  “Colton, is it true your aunt Mary drove the housekeeper away?” Isabella pulled her eyes from his mouth.

  Colton’s smile grew wider. “Lady Egerton, have you been listening to gossip?” he teased.

  Isabella’s face grew warm, ducking her head. He still covered her hand with his. “I couldn’t help it. The scullery maids were discussing it. Is it true?”

  He nodded. “Yes, it is. But she was only helping set up the staff until a permanent housekeeper could be found. She came out of retirement at Lady Susan’s request. I am afraid my aunt pushed her to the limit.” He sighed. “She pushes everyone to the limit I’m afraid.”

  Isabella turned to look at her maid. “Colton, could Mildred have the position? She was housekeeper to my mother and helped Mrs. Baxter at Fyne Court. She is very qualified and very adept at handling difficult situations.”

  Colton leaned forward, viewing Mildred before leaning back in his seat.

  “That is excellent news, but I shall leave it up to you Isabella. Matters of the household are your domain as mistress of the house. I shall not interfere, although I will not say the same of aunt Mary. We will discuss your household budget tomorrow when you have had a chance to rest.”

  The carriage pulled to a stop in the front courtyard. Colton helped them untangle from the tight fit, and Isabella shook out her skirts. Mildred stood beside her while Clara proceeded them into the house holding onto the girls.

  Isabella took a deep breath. Colton returned to her side, sliding her arm in his.

  “Are you ready? It still needs much work.” His eyes traveled to the outside structure before them.

  The estate house was impressive up close, and with some work, would be restored to his former glory. Perhaps not as majestic as Susan and Eliza’s homes, but more than Isabella had ever hope for. East and west wings jetted out on the sides, creating a center court where pillars in the Roman style, supported a porch over the front entrance. The stonework needed cleaning, while the paint peeled from the woodwork. The drive had been re-graveled crunching beneath their feet. The door opened, and the butler greeted them.

  “My lord, my lady.” He bowed.

  Isabella was disheartened at the scene before her. The small line of staff stood in the empty entryway along with peeling wallpaper and warn carpets. The cook, two scullery maids, two upstairs maids, and three footmen were introduced. Colton stayed by her side. Clara had taken the girls upstairs, and the staff bobbed curtsy's, and bows in their turns as the butler made the introductions. Isabella introduced Mildred as the new housekeeper.

  “Mrs. Neal will be talking to each of you over the next few days.” Isabella left Mildred to confer with the butler.

  “I thought to show you to your room first so you can take a rest before dinner.” Colton smiled. “After dinner, we’ll tour the house.”

  Everywhere she looked, it was the same as the front entry.

  “I thought it would be different, but you are right, the house is in need of repairs.” Isabella ran her hand along the wall.

  “I know it looks bad, but I have had the structure evaluated, and except for the cracked plaster in the sitting-room, the house just needs paint and refurbishing.” Colton stopped unexpectedly and turned. Isabella bumped into his chest, and he reached out to steady her, his hands encircling her waist, warming at his touch, she thought of his kiss.

  “I will be looking for a steward now that you're here. I mean to post an advertisement next week. Until then you can send one of the footmen for any supplies you need. I have a crew of men that can do anything you require.” Colton fingered a stray curl before stepping away, leaving her wanting.

  “Me, you want me to.” Isabella looked around. “By myself?”

  Colton reached for her hand, pulling her forward.

  “Isabella, your mistress here now. This is your home; it should be finished the way you want. I’m sure Mildred will help.”

  She followed him as they moved toward the east wing.

  “It’s quiet here in this part of the house, and there is a good prospect of the estate. You can see the sunrise from your window.” Colton opened a door into a large suite.

  Isabella stepped through ahead of him. “It’s beautiful.” Her eyes wandered the room

  The bedchamber was furnished with a large four-poster bed that sat in the center between two five-foot windows that opened onto a balcony.

  “You can see the sunrise from here.” He walked to one of the windows and unlatched the lock and it swung open to a view of the neglected gardens.

  Isabella stepped out. “It has possibilities.” She took in the view.

  “I’m just next door.” Colton pointed to a matching set of doors further down the balcony.

  He cocked his head, and she followed him back into her room. He opened a connecting door, and she peeked inside. The room was spacious matching hers but decorated for its masculine occupant.

  “I had these rooms refurbished first and the nursery above.” He pointed to the ceiling. “You may visit the girls later if you wish. There is a set of stairs out the door to the right that leads to their rooms. Aunt Mary is in the west wing.” He smiled.

  He shut the connecting door and turned the key in the lock, and placed it in her hand, closing her fingers around it.

  “You will be safe here, Isabella. I will keep my word.” He moved to the door. “I will see you at dinner.”

  Isabella watched him disappear into the hall. She opened her fist looking at the large key that lay across her palm. He would not be coming to her tonight. She swallowed her disappointment as she opened the wardrobe where her things had been unpacked and put away.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Isabella woke early to see the sun rising over the horizon. Colton was right, the view was spectacular. Dinner had gone smoothly due to the girls eating an early supper in the nursery before going to bed. Clara had brought them in for a goodnight hug before they retired. Aunt Mary had given Isabella advice as to what should be done over dinner, reminding her of her mother. Mildred stayed beside Isabella as they toured the house, Colton pointed out the rooms. The master suites and nursery were complete as well as t
he breakfast parlor and dining room. The west wing had not been touched except for the small room housing aunt Mary. One of the upstairs maids had been appropriated and put into service as aunt Mary’s lady's maid, but that would have to change, Mildred advised. The poor girl was frazzled and not quite up to the task.

  Aunt Mary complained at the girls attending breakfast, which Colton ignored hiding behind the post, sipping his coffee.

  “Uncle Colton, when may we have our ponies,” Lisabet asked.

  “Well now, I was just going to check on the progress of the stables this morning. As soon as they are complete, we will pick out your pony’s.” Colton lay his paper on the table and drained his cup. “Clara, why don’t you bring the girls down to the stables on your morning walk. Would you like to see where your ponies will live?”

  The girls cried with excitement as Clara tried to calm them.

  “Lady Susan said you may come and pick out some kittens. Her barn cat’s litter is ready to leave their mother.” Colton promised to drive them over so they could choose.

  The girls came around the table and gave Colton a hug then did the same with Isabella before Clara led them from the room.

  “Colton, I think you're indulging the girls too much. It isn’t healthy to spoil them so.” Aunt Mary scolded.

  Colton stood, ignoring his aunt. “Isabella, I will be in the study when you are ready, I will show you the ledgers for the household accounts.”

  “Isabella, you both will be sorry if you don’t establish boundaries while the girls are young.” Aunt Mary waggled her finger. “They will just become difficult when they come of age. How will you ever find husbands if they don’t know their place? In my day, we knew how to bring up a child. They should be seen and not heard until they can show restraint and do as their bid.”

  Like she had been raised, Isabella thought. She sipped her tea and chose not to respond. Isabella had learned it was better to not provoke an argument.

  “Aunt Mary, the maid that has been attending you, is not up to the job. Mrs. Neal is bringing in some candidates for you to interview for the position of a lady's maid. I hope you can find someone who is up to your standards.” Isabella stood. “Excuse me while I attend to my husband.”

  The door creaked. Colton looked up relieved to see his wife enter, a breath of fresh air. The house already felt calmer with Mildred taking charge of the housekeeping. Colton had put the workers back to plastering the sitting-room with instruction that Mildred was to keep them working no matter what his aunt said. Isabella sat in a chair across from his desk. “Is your aunt always so contrary to the girls?”

  Colton leaned back. “My aunt usually has breakfast in her room. I think she made an appearance for your sake.” He picked up two ledger books and stood. “She routinely eats her luncheon in the breakfast parlor while the girls eat in the nursery before their naps, but we all dine together in the evening.”

  Colton motioned Isabella to join him on the couch where he spread the ledgers on the table in front of them so she could see better. He moved closer, taking advantage of the moment to be near her, alone.

  “The black book is for household accounts. You may go over them with Mildred and set them up as you wish. She may record the expenses here. The blue one is for you.” Colton opened it carefully to keep the bills from escaping.

  “You see, I have not had time to record the receipts yet. I will leave that to you. After the bills are recorded, give them to the steward when one is hired. Until then you may leave them on my desk.” He turned the page.

  “This is the budget for food, wages, etc.” He watched her while she bent over the page, running her finger down the list. She was lovely, silken curls dangled over rosy cheeks the rest neatly piled on top of her head. He wondered what it would be like unpinned falling across her shoulders.

  She looked up her blue eyes wide. “This is very generous. I am sure we will not require so much.”

  “You will be surprised how much it will take to run such a large house, especially one in such bad repair. You may be begging for more funds next month.”

  Colton stood, he wanted to wrap her in his arms and ply her with kisses, but reached into his waistcoat pocket instead, extracting a small velvet bag while he took her hand placing it into her palm.

  “This is your pin money, any larger items you need can be put on my credit.” Colton looked at the clock on the mantle. “I shall not see you till dinner.” He gave her an encouraging smile before he moved to the door, it was time to meet his niece’s down at the stables. He took one last look at Isabella before he left the study. She sat, staring at the books. He felt a small prick of guilt leaving her. He brushed it aside making his way to the stables. Isabella would need a horse as well.

  The responsibilities her husband placed upon her began to sink in. Isabella looked at the purse, its weight was not slight as she tightened her grip around it. Gathering the ledgers, Isabella took them to her bedchamber, sitting down at her desk, she opened the blue book and moved the pile of papers beside it. It seemed logical to sort them by the merchant's account. Isabella ran out of room on her desk and moved the piles to the carpet. Next she combined the papers into categories for food, wages, household goods, and supplies for repairs. There were no bills for outside materials. Colton must be keeping separate ledgers for them.

  Isabella tried to be brave as she looked at the finished piles. It was no use. She became discouraged thumbing through the black book. The previous housekeeper had not recorded any expenses. In fact, the book’s pages where blank. Isabella adjusted her legs; they were becoming numb. She dropped the ledger beside her and reached down removing her slippers rubbing her toes. Isabella couldn’t blame the housekeeper. She had only stepped in as a favor to Lady Susan.

  A young maid entered the room and froze when she noticed Isabella.

  “Pardon me, my lady, I didn’t know you were here. I will come back later.” She curtsied, ducked her head, and turned to leave.

  “Ellie, is it?”

  The maid faced her. “Yes, my lady.”

  “Will you tell Mrs. Neal I need to speak with her? and ask the cook to send up tea with those small sandwiches that were so delicious.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “It’s going to be a long day,” Isabella whispered to herself peering at the stacks before her as she rubbed her toes. She wished her education had been more extensive.

  Mildred entered the room. “You wanted to see me, my lady?”

  Isabella spread her arms. “Lord Egerton has given me the household ledgers, and I am at a loss as what to do.”

  Ellie returned with the requested tray.

  “Put it there on the table, Ellie,” Isabella instructed. “Thank you.”

  Isabella and Mildred had moved to the desk where Isabella recorded the receipts that Mildred quoted to her. The two of them worked through the midday meal finishing just before dinner. Isabella rubbed her temples.

  “Thank you for making sense of this Mildred. I fear we still have significant work ahead of us.” Isabella stacked the bills into a neat pile. She would take them to Colton’s study after dinner.

  “The household budget is more than sufficient for my lady. We will be able to move forward with the house repairs immediately. I will create a list of additional staff still needed. Shall we meet each morning before breakfast?”

  “Yes, Thank you, Mildred. It appears I need a new lady's maid. I was thinking of Ellie.”

  “Ellie?” Mildred nodded. “She is young and a hard worker. I will talk to her.”

  Mildred helped Isabella dress before leaving. It seemed she was always thanking Mildred.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A fortnight had passed, and the household settled into a routine. Clara and Mildred developed a system to keep the girls active. The west wing still stood in disrepair much to the frustration of Colton’s aunt, but the main rooms needed attention first so callers could be entertained.

  Isabella couldn’t
understand why aunt Mary was still in residence. She would mention the subject to Colton whom she saw very little of. He appeared for breakfast but was absent the rest of the day until dinner, then spent the evenings in his study. The stables had been finished, and the girls visited their cats every morning after breakfast as part of their daily routine to keep them clear of aunt Mary.

  After dinner, Isabella would meet with Mildred to discuss the next day's appointments. Then she would slip up the nursery to read to the girls before retiring to her own bed with a novel Abby had lent her. A gothic romance which frightened her sometimes. She would have liked to unlock the connecting door and seek comfort from Colton but usually pulled the covers over her head instead.

  Ellie finished brushing Isabella’s hair and then left. She reached for her robe and tied the belt around her waist. Isabella promised to read Annalynn’s new book the one they bought at the booksellers the other day. Slipping out of her room, she took the stairs to the nursery.

  “Clara, I will tuck them in. You may retire for the night.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Retrieving the book from the bookshelf Isabella sat beside Annalynn slipping off her slippers while the girl snuggled up close clutching her monkey. Lisabet hugged her pillow in the bed next to them as she thumbed through the pages.

  “There are not many pictures in this story.”

  “That’s alright. We like to hear the words.” Lisabet said.

  “Yes.” Annalynn agreed. “Read us the story.”


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