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Smiley Page 15

by LeAnn Ashers

  I walk out of the house without a backward glance, but I never expected Lane to be sitting on his bike, next to mine. “When did you get here?” I ask, approaching him.

  “Right as you walked inside.” He looks down the stretch of road.

  “This shit isn’t going to end anytime soon, is it?” he says, and I can see that he is preparing himself for an upcoming battle.

  “No son, it’s fucking war.”

  He nods. “There has not been a war since I was little, but now we are ten times more prepared, and they won’t know what fucking hit them.”

  “Come on son, let’s go home and let all of these stupid fuckers try us.”

  He smiles again, reminding me of myself. “Rest in pieces.”


  A Year Later

  “Smiley, why can’t I see?” He has a blindfold over my eyes, and he is carrying me somewhere.

  “Baby, it’s a surprise.” I can hear the amusement in his voice.

  “How much longer?” I pretend to whine, and he laughs out loud and shakes me in his arms a little. “Behave, sweet girl.”

  “Sorry.” I laugh. He keeps on walking and walking; then he stops and bends down, and my feet touch the ground.

  “Ready to see, baby?” His hands touch the back of my head where the bandana is tied.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  He kisses my cheek; then he takes the blindfold off. In front of me is a house. The yard, which includes a playground with toys littering the ground, is fenced in.

  I look at him, confused, and he smiles at me. Then, one by one, all of the Devil Souls and Grim Sinners come out from behind the house. Okay, I am doubly confused. I look at Smiley, who is just smiling, and everyone is smiling at both of us.

  “What is going on?” I ask Smiley. He stands in front of me, gripping both of my hands. My heart skips a beat, wondering what is going on, and the women are standing with their hands over the hearts.

  “Sweet girl.” He gets my attention, and I tear my eyes from everyone and focus on Smiley.

  “Remember you told me your dream?” he says and it clicks. I suck my lips into my mouth, preparing myself not to cry.

  “This is your daycare center. I know this is your dream, and I wanted to make sure all of your dreams have come true.”

  Oh man. “Smiley, you didn’t have to do this.” I pull my hand from his and wipe the tears falling down my face.

  “That’s not all, sweet girl.”

  I watch in utter shock as he gets down on one knee. Is he really doing what I think he is? “Adeline Lynn, you know how much I love you, and I think it’s time I make an honest woman out of you.” I laugh at that, and my tears continuing rolling. “Will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?”

  “Will I ever! YES!” I bend down and kiss him hard on the lips, and he stands up with me in his arms. This is just the life. I can’t believe he just proposed to me on one knee on top of giving me my dream of having a daycare center.

  He sets me down on the ground, slowly breaking his lips from mine, and takes out the ring box. He opens it, and I gasp at the sight of a huge diamond surrounded by small diamonds on a rose gold band. It’s so beautiful, but I would have been fine with no ring at all, as long as I get to have Smiley.

  Then I hear squealing, and I see all of the kids running toward us. They tackle my and Smiley’s legs. I laugh and bend down, hugging and kissing every one of them. Lastly Lane hands me Noah, and as I kiss his chubby cheeks, he squeals. Smiley wraps his arm around me, never leaving my side.

  A Couple of Months Later

  It’s so hard to believe I am minutes from walking to the altar. All my bridesmaids have already walked down the aisle, and I am waiting for the song to announce it’s time for me. I am nervous, but it seems like I have been waiting for this day for so long, and it’s finally here.

  Smiley and I have been together for two years, but it feels like my soul has been with him my whole life. Sometimes it still catches me off guard that this is my life. Sometimes it’s like I am dreaming—this can’t be real.

  But it is.

  I am reminded with every kiss, every touch, and the way he speaks to me, so filled with love and respect.

  Noah is growing so fast, and he is almost two years old. He’s walking all over the house and getting into anything he can. He is the happiest little baby in the world, adoring Smiley like the world rests on his shoulders. But he is a Momma’s boy through and through.

  I am standing here waiting for the song, but it doesn’t come. I wonder if they are having technical difficulties.

  The door opens and I am shocked to see Smiley.

  “Fuck me, sweet girl. You’re so beautiful.”

  I melt at his words, but he isn’t supposed to see me until I am walking down the aisle. Then I take him in. He is wearing a suit, and he is heartbreakingly handsome, but the only heart he is breaking is mine.

  Because he is mine.

  “What are you doing, baby?” I ask him. Wait, is he leaving me? Getting cold feet?

  “Walking you down the aisle.” He walks over to me.

  Wait, what?

  I look at him like he has three heads. “I am not sure that’s how it works.”

  He gives me that smile. “Fuck the rules, I made a promise to you that you will not walk another step alone in this life, and I am sure not going to let you walk down that aisle by yourself.”

  This man.

  “Don’t cry,” he warns. He hates my tears, and I am a hormonal mess. I cry at everything nowadays. I watched a commercial just yesterday about a kid feeding her dog, and I cried like a baby.

  “Well quit doing nice things and I won’t.”

  “That won’t ever fucking happen.” He acts like I just said the dumbest thing he has ever heard, and I shake my head because this can’t be real life.

  But it is.

  He takes my hand. “Let’s do this, baby.” He whistles and the door opens, and together we walk down the aisle.

  Later That Night

  The wedding is over. Noah is with Lane, and we are on the plane going to wherever Smiley decides to take me.

  “Baby, I have a present for you,” Smiley says from the back bedroom, and I walk in there, still in my wedding dress.

  “Baby, you didn’t need to get me anything.” He already does too much.

  He smiles. “But baby, this is something you already got me.”

  Wait, what? That literally makes no sense at all. He hands me a piece of paper, and I open it and I stare at the word “pregnant.”

  “Oh, is Amelia pregnant?”

  He shakes his head. “Look at the name on the paper.” I look at the name and I am shocked to see mine.

  “Mine? I don’t understand.”

  “Remember you had blood-work, a few days ago, from Myra? I thought you might be pregnant, but I didn’t want you to be disappointed if you weren’t.”

  “I thought I couldn’t have any more,” I whisper, the final piece of my heart healing.

  “Yeah, sweet girl.” He smiles so sweetly.

  I look down at the paper in absolute shock. Smiley wraps his arms around me, and I just cry again. I can’t help it. I never thought something like this could happen. I have been blessed with Noah and another baby.

  “I am such a baby,” I choke out and he laughs, rubbing my back.

  “My baby.” He settles his hand on my stomach and I cry harder.

  “Shhh, angel,” he whispers, kissing the top of my head. “Let’s get this dress off of you.” He unbuttons the back of my dress, and I help him slide it down my body.

  Smiley gets down on his knees in front of me, his hands on my hips. “I have been wanting to do this for days.” He presses his lips to my stomach.

  How is it possible that I could love someone even more? “You are going to be a daddy again.”

  “I can’t fucking wait,” he mutters against my stomach. He presses ki
sses onto it, and I shiver when he gets really close to someplace that has been aching for him all day. His thumbs touch the edge of my panties; then he slowly slides them down my legs, goose bumps breaking out across my skin.

  He winks before lifting my leg and doing what he does best. He never takes his mouth away, and I grip the back of his head, shivering.

  Seven Months Later

  I grip the rail of the bed as another contraction hits. Noah is sitting in bed with me and holding my hand.

  “It’s okay, Momma,” he tells me, laying his head on my shoulder. “Wittle sissy be here toon.”

  I smile even through the pain. Smiley kisses my forehead and holds me through every contraction.

  I remember the look on Smiley’s face when they told us we are having another girl. He raised Shaylin to be a total badass, and I expect nothing the less from Remy.

  It’s so hard to believe that Noah is almost three years old and probably the smartest little boy in the world. I may be a bit biased, but I don’t think so.

  Noah is obsessed with Smiley and watches his every move, imitating him. He has a little Harley that he rides through the house, and he has his very own cut, of course.

  During the past couple of years, babies have popped up all over in the MCs. These guys must have super sperm, because the girls are getting pregnant left and right.

  Not that I mind. The more the merrier. People don’t know how I do it all because, during the day, I take care of them myself, but I am going to hire help because I’m about to have a newborn and it’s just a lot.

  I have the sudden urge to use the bathroom. “Smiley, you better get the doctor and hand Noah off to Alisha.” I know it’s time.

  “Tiss Tiss.” He kisses my cheek. “Bye, Momma.”

  My heart squeezes at hearing him call me Momma; I will never tire of him saying that. “I will see you soon, boogey.”

  Smiley picks him up and hurries out of the room. When my water broke Smiley panicked. I have never seen anything like that before; he literally ran through the house.

  A minute later Smiley hurries back with a bunch of nurses. He probably made them come with him right then.

  I’d never expected Smiley’s reaction when the first contraction hit. It hurt, of course, and Smiley freaked out.

  I turn my head to the side, crying out again as another contraction hits. It is much worse this time, and the pressure down below makes it worse.

  “No more babies,” he growls, and he touches me all over like he can somehow ease my pain. It’s a bit annoying, but I would never tell him that.

  “But I love them,” I manage to get out and he laughs, kissing my cheek. “I know you love them, sweet girl, but it kills me to see you hurt.”

  “I will be okay, honey.” I kiss his hand. I think Remy will be the last one, and she was a total surprise.

  Once we came home from our honeymoon, I went to the doctor, and I was ten weeks along. She was as shocked about my pregnancy as I had been. The damage I had was pretty bad.

  Remy is a miracle.

  The doctor lays her on my chest. I touch her little hand and look at Smiley. He has tears in his eyes. “She is so beautiful, sweet girl.” Smiley kisses my temple, his tear falling and hitting my chest.

  “She is,” I whisper, my throat scratchy from screaming while having Remy. It was rough—I am not going to lie—and the doctor had told me that it could be especially hard because of the scar damage.

  But she is here, and she is perfect—she came out screaming. The nurses take her away, and Smiley follows, watching over her. I smile because he is such a protective dad.

  He is still extremely protective of all of his kids. I can tell he worries about Lane the most. He pretends not to, but Lane is the president, and that alone means he has a hit on his head.

  Shaylin is so headstrong, and it helped him when she met Butcher because he is so protective of her that he rivals Smiley.

  I also learned, a few month ago, that Smiley grew up in foster care, and he never had a family. His ex, the mother of Lane and Shaylin, up and left just like that. So he raised his kids himself, and he did an amazing job. Lane is a younger version of Smiley. Shaylin has her dad’s personality and is deadly with a gun.

  Smiley bends over the table, touching Remy’s small hand, and I can see the awe and happiness radiating off of him.

  A bit later they bring in Noah. He walks in with his little head held high and touches the edge of the bed. “Be careful with Momma, she is sore,” Smiley says.

  He looks at Smiley like he is crazy. “We always be careful with Momma.”

  Oh my god, if that isn’t something Smiley would say. Smiley looks proud. “That’s right, son.” Smiley sets him on the bed next to me, his back leaning against the bed rail.

  “You want to hold her?” I ask him, and his eyes widen before he nods. I set her in his lap, holding onto her head, and he holds her like a natural.

  “I’m your big brooder.” His mispronunciation of “brother” makes the moment ten times cuter. He gently kisses the top of her head; he is so sweet. Smiley smooths Noah’s hair down and shakes his head at me.

  “We have done good,” I tell him.

  “We did, sweet girl.”

  Remy Starting Kindergarten

  I remember the day, like it was yesterday, when we brought Noah to kindergarten, and it was breaking my heart being away from my baby boy all day long. Now it seems Smiley is having the same struggle, but they are in a great private school with the other MC kids. They have taken over. The school is between the two clubs. The clubs are extremely close now, especially since the war.

  I love that though. It’s a lot of people when we all come together, but it’s a family. Remy is holding Smiley’s hand, and I can tell that he wants to bolt with her.

  Noah is holding my hand. He is in third grade, but he is not ashamed to hold my hand—not yet. He is so handsome. He has little freckles across his nose and large brown eyes. His hair is gelled to the side, and he wearing jeans with a button-down shirt.

  I am so going to be in trouble with the girls. Hell, all of the MC kids are beautiful. We are all screwed.

  We reach the entrance of the school, and Noah breaks his hand from mine and walks over to Remy. “You ready to go, sissy?”

  She lets go of Smiley’s hand, and he stares at his empty hand in shock for a few seconds. I cover my mouth so I don’t laugh.

  “We can take her inside.”

  Noah says, “Dad, I got this. I can watch over Remy. She is in good hands.” He raises his free hand.

  Remy smiles at both of us. “Bye, Mommy! Bye, Daddy!” She waves at us and lets Noah lead her into school.

  Noah is a mini version of Smiley. He has gradually adopted Smiley’s mannerisms and does exactly what he does.

  “My baby girl,” Smiley says, heartbroken.

  “Wait until she is married,” I throw out and he looks at me like he can’t believe I just said that. I burst out laughing; he looks like I just ruined his life.

  “She is not going to be married one day. Noah and I will make sure of that,” he says, but he is wrong. Noah does what he thinks is best for Remy, and he knew that it would be hard for her to break away from us once she got to her room.

  “If you say so, honey.” He looks around to see if any kids are looking, and he smacks me on the ass. “Behave or no knee action for a full day.”

  I laugh because he was already on his knees this morning. “That’s okay, I guess no sex for you.”

  “Wait, let’s talk about this.”

  I hold my stomach as I laugh walking to the truck.

  “GOOOOO!” I scream as Noah runs down the field with the football. He is dodging people left and right. My heart is racing so hard that I can feel it pounding against my chest. Then he makes it.

  “THATS MY SON!!” I scream and point. Smiley is laughing at me but I don’t care. Noah just won the game and this was the championsh

  There are scouts here for college. From the moment he started playing, when he was little, he has been extremely good.

  Noah, who is a senior in high school, is six-foot-five and huge. He is a big boy and so handsome. His smile is out of this world, but he is sweet.

  Noah throws the football to the ground and is swarmed by everyone. I take in this moment for him because I am so proud. Remy is a cheerleader. She’s a sophomore in high school, and she is so beautiful—and not just on the outside. She is the perfect mixture of me and Smiley.

  The cheerleaders make their way over to Noah, and I see a girl jump on him. My eyes narrow on her, and Noah just gently sets her aside.

  “Good boy,” I whisper under my breath, and Smiley laughs at me.

  One of the football players runs over to Remy and picks her up. She smacks him on the back, and I swear I can see the steam coming off of her. Noah walks over, gently takes his sister from him, and pushes him away, yelling something at him. The football player walks away, and Remy laughs as she and Noah fist bump. They are best friends; they have been since the moment she was born.

  “She will be fine, Smiley.” I rub his chest. Remy is leaving for college today, and she is going to the same college Noah has been attending for two years. They are loading up Noah’s truck. She will be sharing an apartment with him. But it’s a state over, and I can tell that it’s really bothering Smiley.

  Noah has had opportunities to be drafted, but he wanted to finish college, and I think a huge reason was he wanted to be there when his sister started college. I have never seen such a strong bond between siblings. When we brought her home, I would find Noah sleeping in front of her crib. I love that.

  “She will be fine, Smiley. Noah will watch over her.”

  “I know, baby, but our baby has grown up.”

  Ahh, I see what the problem is now, and I understand that. I had a horrible time when Noah left for college because he was just gone—out of my house and three hours away. That was hard.


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