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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 19

by JG Jerome

  “Way to go, Dad!” says Marisol. The other ladies nod grimly.

  Chelsea continues, “Dad asked the pack to not share the story. He went on trips for pack business alone for many years across the Northeast. When he fought to become the Alpha of the Americas, I was 19 years old. He named me his ‘Bitch,’ and I’ve been pretty successful at it ever since.”

  Tiphanae asks, “So unlike other wolf hierarchy positions, the Bitch is nominated?”

  “Not necessarily,” replies Chelsea. “I was given 90 days to prepare for challenges. It wasn’t so much that Dad was worried about my fighting skills - I’ve trained with him since long before mom died. He wanted to give me a chance to go out and prove myself as Bitch before I had to face any challenges. The role of the Bitch is a weird mixture of enforcer, diplomat, arbiter, and mother. Dad wanted me to build a reputation as the peacekeeper and diplomat before having to fight for my position. There were two bitches that signed up to challenge immediately and a couple more after my first 30 days, but by the time the 90 days ended I had made a reputation for fairness and impartiality. Plus I squashed one of Dad’s biggest detractors like a bug. When the first challenges came around, Deborah knew I was formidable and attacked hard. I put her down easily. Shawna was much more tentative, and she showed me her belly after I smacked really hard three times. The last challenge was from Annalise, she was one of the 30-day challengers. She wanted to fight in wolf form, so I crushed one each of her forelegs and hind legs before I took her throat in my mouth. She whimpered and rolled at that point. She still has a malformed arm and walks with a limp to this day.”

  Chelsea pauses for a minute. Looking at Kristina, she asks, “Do you think Jack would heal her? She’s actually pretty nice and might make a good choice to replace me. Shawna might, too. She’s actually very tough in a fight, and both of them are the Bitch of their individual packs.”

  Kristina replies, “I’m sure he would. Just ask., you’re planning to step down as Bitch?”

  Chelsea looks out the window. “I don’t really have a choice. My wolf has selected a mate.”

  That did get Solange to turn in her seat. “Really? I wondered when I saw you holding his hand, but I didn’t think he would win you over that easily.” She just stares at Chelsea for a moment and then turns back to her watch.

  Kristina says, “Jack. You’ve fallen for Jack.”

  Chelsea turns to look at her. “Yes, Kristina. My wolf chose him immediately. She sniffed him out before I’d even crossed the threshold. I was nearly overpowered when I shook his hand. I don’t have a choice. My wolf has chosen.”

  Kristina asks, “So your wolf has primacy on mate selection?”

  Chelsea shakes her head, “Not necessarily. If I had fallen hard for a man, she probably would have followed along. But you have to understand that my male role model is my father. Neither I nor my wolf would settle for someone whose character was less than his and who couldn’t hold their own in a fight with him. I think my wolf became interested when I heard about what Jack did with Ronald, but the deal was done once she met him. I wasn’t hard to sell on it either after seeing how he treats all of you, how you all dote on him, and his focus on protecting his family.”

  Chelsea continues, “Kristina, I don’t want to cause problems, but I don’t know what to do. I’m mated to Jack. He probably doesn’t even know. Plus, wolves are monogamous. We don’t do the whole polyamory thing like Jack has going on with all of you. I see how he looks at each of you. I don’t think he could choose who he loves more among you. I barely even got him to look at me today.”

  Chelsea implores Kristina, “What do I do?”

  Kristina wraps her in a hug before replying, “First of all, take it slow. I’d be willing to bet that Jack will fall for you as hard as he has for each of us. You’re glorious. Just give it time, be affectionate and open. As for monogamy, you need to have a conversation with your wolf. You won’t be able to have Jack all to yourself. You need to reconcile yourself and your wolf with sharing.” Chelsea drops her head and nods.

  Kristina tells Chelsea, “I feel for you. I’m very jealous of Jack. I’ve told him that the thought of him making love to all these beautiful ladies drives me nuts!” Everyone in the car turns to look at her in surprise after that confession.

  Solange barks, “Mari! Eyes front!”

  Kristina continues, “I’ve also told him that having seen the love they all have for him and that he has for each of them, the situation is so overwhelmingly romantic that I can’t help but love them all and gladly share him with them. It’s a confusing emotional mess! Making love to the girls helps me. I don’t know if you are open to loving women, but it can help. At least two of the ladies in our family prefer men, but even they have partaken of some comfort from their sisters.”

  “Actually about half prefer males,” says Solange. “We’ve just grown to love each other.”

  Kristina extends a hand toward Solange to underline her point, “The bottom line is, we just love one another. None of us is perfect. All of us feel unworthy of the love given freely by Jack and our sisters. But as Jack told Solange, we work to be worthy of it. Based on what little I know of you, I’m willing to give you my blessing if you’re willing to work at it.”

  The other ladies nod and Mari calls back, “Well said, Krissie!”

  Kristina leans into Chelsea’s ear and says in a stage whisper, “And if we ever make love, you have to call me Krissie”

  And Tiphanae pipes up, “But we all call you Krissie!”

  And Mari laughs, “Exactly!” All the ladies break out in laughter at that.

  Kristina kisses Tiphanae quickly before returning her attention to Chelsea. “So, Chelsea...what do you want?”

  Chelsea looks her in the eye and says, “I want to be your sister wife, Krissie.” She smiles at Kristina.

  Kristina smiles warmly and responds, “Then welcome to the family, Chelsea.” She kisses the larger woman’s lips gently and hugs her.

  Chelsea hugs her back. “Thanks, Krissie! That helps a lot.”

  Solange reports, “We’re about 10 minutes out.”

  * * *

  About that time, Christie finishes her cleanup duties. She makes herself another coffee and sits on the couch. After taking a couple of sips, she pings Megan on WhatsApp. After a short wait, Christie hears a responding ping. Megan is available to talk, so Christie initiates a WhatsApp call.

  She says as Megan answers, “Hello, Honey! Are you okay? I’m so worried about you!”

  Megan responds, “Yeah, Baby. I’m fine. I got off easy compared to everyone else, especially Corrina and Myra. Mom had Morganna come in and open up Corrina’s back because Trevor couldn’t manage it. He’s whipping her every hour for 10 minutes straight just to keep her bleeding. I never knew he was so sadistic; he seems to be enjoying it.”

  “Ah, suck! Our loving Lord is going to go apeshit when he hears about that,” says Christie. “Are you going to be able to get out of there anytime soon?”

  “Yeah, Mommie-Dearest is letting me leave. I’m waiting for Selene and Sowie to arrive with the car to take me to the airport. The Ravens aren’t going to like Selene being back, but Mommie-Dearest insisted I have at least two guards, and Claudette took the opportunity to assign Selene out of town. I think she’s tired of her shit, too. I’m booked on a flight through Dallas. I should land around 16:45.”

  Christie say, “Okay, Honey! I’m holding the fort at the condo, while Jack…”

  “Don’t tell me!” Megan interrupts. “Not until I’m safely with you. Stay safe. Share my info with whomever you think needs to know. I’ll see you soon, Sweetie! I love you!”

  Christie responds, “I love you too, Honey! I can’t wait to hold you! Safe travels!”

  After disconnecting, Christie takes a sip of her coffee while thinking about what to do next. After a couple of minutes, she turns her gaze inward to consult her gift. Not finding any obvious issues or answers there, she calls Persimmon over.<
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  As the Demi-fey lands on the arm of the couch, Christie briefs her on what she learned.

  “Persimmon, Megan’s mom is letting her leave. She’ll arrive in Phoenix around 4:45 this afternoon. I’ll ping the two groups to share that info with them, too. Can you think of anything else we need to do while we wait?”

  Persimmon shakes her head and says, “No, Princess.”

  Christie smiles and tilts her head. “Persimmon, do you think you could call me Christie? I’ve left the Seelie court. I don’t feel that anyone should be calling me by any title. I’m just me - ‘plain ole Christie.’ Can you do that for me?”

  Persimmon gives her a huge smile. “Of course, Princess.” Christie looks at her sideways as Persimmon erupts in laughter. Then she tells her, “Christie, it is my honor to address you by your chosen name.”

  Christie chuckles as she types up a quick text to Solange and Jack. Then she says, “So, Persimmon. It seems we have time. Would you tell me your story?”

  * * *

  Marisol pulls the CRV into the garage at the arena and drives to the level where Myra’s and Megan’s SUVs are. Tiphanae points out that Christie’s is around the bend on the ramp going up one floor.

  Solange turns in her seat and addresses the group. “Okay. We have four SUVs and five people. My thought is we only take three of them. I’d like to leave Christie’s here. We have enough trouble with the Winter Court. I don’t want to inadvertently draw the attention of the Summer Court by taking their vehicle.”

  Tiphanae chips in, “I doubt it would be an issue because we frequently abandon rentals if it’s inconvenient. We always have to pay an additional surcharge because our account is infamous with the rental companies.”

  Solange asks, “That’s a rental?”

  Tiphanae nods. “Additionally, since Christie is always off doing her own thing, they wouldn’t think much about it if it isn’t here.

  Solange asks, “How do you two normally get around?”

  “Christie has a cute little RAV4,” Tiphanae answers. “We flew down from Flagstaff rather than driving down. It’s in the parking slot at her apartment because we Uber’d to the airport.”

  “Do you think we should take it, Tiphanae?” Solange asks.

  Tiphanae shrugs. “It depends. I don’t see a tactical advantage unless we’re going to ditch the other SUVs. Assuming Megan comes back you’ll want to keep hers, right?” Solange nods. “Well, maybe we take Megan’s and Christie’s and leave the other two. That way we don’t have any solo drivers.”

  Solange smiles at her, “Sounds like you’re picking up on this working on a team thing pretty well, Tiffy.”

  Tiphanae balks momentarily, “Tiffy? Hmmmmm. I think I like that!” Then she gives Solange a brilliant smile.

  Solange continues the mission brief, “Okay, ‘situation’ is we are essentially on our own. ‘Opposition’ strength and location are unknown. We have no backup that can reach us in time if something happens. ‘Objective’ is to secure all weapons, clothing, and equipment that we brought with us last night, take Megan and Christie’s SUVs, and leave no one aware we were here if at all possible. Essentially, we need to get in and out quickly. If something goes wrong, the rally point is Majerle’s at 2nd Street and Washington. Clear?”

  Marisol responds, “Clear, Captain.”

  Solange frowns at her. “Corrina is the Captain. I’m just filling in, right?”

  Marisol frowns back at her. “True. I’m not giving up on C’rina. Can we agree to ‘Boss,’ Solange?”

  Solange smiles at her gently and lays a hand on her shoulder, “Of course, Mari.”

  Then she resumes the mission brief. “Mari & Krissie collect the totes from the security office. Make sure all the gear is in them. Mari, I don’t know how many people you will have to ‘influence,’ but try to make anyone you interact with forget. Destroy any footage of us being here last night and today in their security system. If you can’t get to it, make that the lowest priority - Jack has a guy who can do it remotely.”

  Mari says, “Got it boss.”

  Kristina says, “I’m clear.”

  Solange continues, “Tiphanae will secure Christie’s vehicle, and I’ll secure Megan’s. Check for listening devices, tracking devices, explosives. I’ve got gloves in my kit, so we wear them until we are sure there are no toxins painted onto the surfaces. We’ll have to take a chance on opening the Winter SUVs to get to them. My elf-tech is in the SUVs to check for all those threats. Sadly, I don’t see a way around opening a vehicle bare handed. I didn’t think to bring gloves.”

  Chelsea says, “Damn! Toxins? You Unseelie play dirty! Use my blouse like an oven mitt. If there are toxins, we can ditch it and I can just zip up my jacket over my bra.”

  Solange nods, “Great idea. Thanks, Chelsea. Once we have gloves on, I’ll use elf-tech to clear Megan’s SUV. Tiffy, do you have gear to check for all these threats?”

  Tiphanae shakes her head, “No. I know how to use them, but we traveled light as were were supposedly incognito.”

  Solange nods, “Understood. You and Chelsea cover me while I check out the first three. When I’m done, we load all the baggage into Megan’s SUV. Then Tiffy takes the elf-tech and checks her rental while Chelsea and I overwatch. Ensure you include the baggage in the checks. I want Acorn to overwatch Mari and Krissie. Marigold, you do the same for us.”

  “Clear” squeaks from the cargo area.

  “We all meet back here at the CRV. Krissie, you drive the CRV home with Chelsea in the lead position. I’ll be in the middle with the little ones. Mari and Tiffy take the rental in the trail position. Who has phones?”

  Kristina and Chelsea raise their hands. Acorn calls out, “I do.”

  Solange ponders for a moment. “Acorn, you ride with Tiffy for the trip back to the house. That way every vehicle has a phone.”

  “Okay,” pipes from the back.

  Solange says, “Make sure we all have the numbers needed before we deploy. That’s the plan. Any better ideas?” She waits for a moment. “Okay, ladies...and gentleman...execute.”

  Chapter 19 - Old friend found

  Marisol and Kristina return to the CRV twenty-five minutes later with all of the tote bags.

  Solange asks, “That took longer than I thought. Did everything go okay?”

  Marisol responds, “It all went okay. The IT guy was in the security office working on the video surveillance system. I had him search last night and today for any trace of us. It took some time, but that left virtually no traces of us on their system. I have him keeping the system offline for the next hour. Hopefully that’s enough time.”

  Solange hugs her, “Well done, Mari.” She hugs Kristina, “You too, Queen Krissie.”

  Kristina giggles then says, “Jack checked in as we came out of the lift. They are just past Camp Verde. Are we ready to roll?”

  Solange shakes her head, “Not yet. We just finished with these three vehicles, Tiffy and Chelsea are…”

  Marigold tears into the middle of the group, “There’s someone watching Tiffy and Chelsea. I let ‘em know and then came for you.”

  Solange nods, “Great job, Marigold. Where?”

  “Three cars past Tiffy’s car, on the opposite side. Female. Amber hair. I didn’t see any weapons,” the tiny girl reports.

  Solange, “Go back and watch her. We’re going to pull my SUV to block her in. Mari, you’re my passenger. Suppress her if she pulls a weapon. Otherwise, throw a shadow veil tight around her head. Krissie, please bring the CRV in trail behind me about a car length back. Acorn, you tell Tiffy and Chelsea the plan.”

  The team responds, “Yes, boss” before moving to take their positions.

  Solange pulls the SUV out and rounds the corner to the row where Tiphanae is parked. Mari rolls the window down and as they pass Tiphanae and Chelsea, as a beautiful young woman with amber hair and a backpack runs up the ramp.

  “Shit,” says Marisol. “I’m throwing the veil now.” Being in a
parking structure, there is no shortage of shadows. Marisol draws them together to wrap around the young woman’s head. Marigold flies down and grabs a pants leg of the young woman’s jeans. The unknown spy trips and falls supine onto the concrete. Solange stops the vehicle, and both Ravens dismount and secure the young woman. They each grab an arm and lift her up.

  As the shadows dissipate, the young woman screams, “Tiphanae! Help me! Please!”

  Tiphanae runs up to the trio in front of Solange’s SUV. She gives the woman a quizzical look before saying, “Huh. Hello, Georgia! What in the Goddess’ name are you doing here? We’re all rather nervous. You could have ended up dead.”

  Georgia cries, “I’m trying to find Christie! When you were in Columbia last weekend, I overheard Christie say she wasn’t coming back. I am desperate. She’s the only person that’s ever been nice to me. I almost went to Laurel to stop her, but there’s no telling what that crazy bitch might do. Instead, I tried to find her. Her public calendar said she was going to be here last night. I missed you at the airport, and I missed you when you went in. I saw your car, and decided to wait. Please! Take me to her! I don’t care about the court. I don’t care about any of that political crap. I just don’t want to lose my only friend!”

  Kristina walks up during Georgia’s impassioned plea. As Georgia finishes, Kristina wraps her in a hug and tells the Ravens, “Let her go.”

  Kristina continues to hug the taller beauty. She reaches up and pulls Georgia’s head to rest on her shoulder. Then she caresses her hair as Georgia weeps into her shoulder. Kristina tells Solange, “Get Christie on the phone.”

  Chelsea pulls her phone out and dials the number Christie gave her before departing. When it answers, Chelsea says, “Hey Christie. Chelsea here. Do you know someone named Georgia?”

  Chelsea listens for a moment and then puts the phone on speaker. Christie’s voice calls out, “Georgia? Are you there?”


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