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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 23

by JG Jerome

  Kristina puts a hand on my right shoulder and kisses it before adding, “Jack, you will marry her. She needs to be a wife. You need her as a wife.”

  I look down at my diminutive fiancé, “Are you really Kristina, or Trina behind a glamor?” Kristina smacks my ass, as Chelsea laughs and leans her forehead into my lips. I kiss her offered flesh before asking, “Big wedding or small, Chelsea?”

  She smiles up at me, “I told you what I want, Jack.”

  “Khm,” from Carl. “I think a small wedding would be great. Your grandparents would like it.”

  “Okay,” I say. “Small wedding it is.” I lean into Chelsea and kiss her lips gently.

  Carl pulls an Elf-tech cone of silence and activates it. “Since we’re talking on the sidewalk, Jack.” I nod. “I can commit at least a squad to support your retrieval efforts - maybe more.”

  “Thanks, Carl. It has to happen this week. I’ll let you know when I have the intel. Either way, I’m looking at Thursday unless I can make it happen faster. That’s four days from now.”

  Carl nods, “We’ll plan accordingly. Chelsea can arrange whatever you need if you can’t catch me in a timely manner.”

  We clasp hands, “Thanks, Carl. I won’t forget this.”

  Carl laughs, “Shit, Jack. I am so far indebted to you I could never catch up. All the best, my friend.”

  Carl kisses his daughter goodbye, and then he and his entourage leave.

  Chapter 22 - Breakfast and Scheming

  (Morgan’s suite, Winter Court of the Sidhe, Springfield, Missouri)

  Myra wakes up the next morning wrapped up in Morgan’s arms and Esmi’s wings. They all start to stir, and Esmi changes back to her Sidhe form. Morgan is in the middle, and she kisses and caresses both her bedmates to provide a delightful wakeup.

  Myra withdraws her tongue from Esmi’s mouth and Morgans fingers from her pussy. “I have to pee, or we’re going to get very wet and even kinkier in this bed!” She gets up and trots to the loo.

  Esmi sits up and shivers, “No golden showers for me! I don’t mind blood splattered lovers, but urine belongs away from the body!”

  Morgan rolls up onto her knees and whispers, “I completely agree,” as she nibbles on Esmi’s neck and caresses her flank.

  Esmi moans in response to Morgan’s attention as the toilet flushes. “Sweetie, I need a turn, too! Keep that thought, Darling. I really want to pursue that line of thinking!” She kisses Morgan tenderly, jumps off the bed, and skips to the loo.

  Myra washes up and crawls back onto the bed, wrapping her elder sister into a hug.

  Morgan says, “I can’t believe I fucked my sister.”

  Myra responds, “You doing okay? I know that can seem weird, but I’m not sure incest is really a thing among sisters since there’s no possibility of a baby. Regardless, that was pretty mild compared to some of the time I’ve spent recently with the Ravens and Trina.”

  Morgan kisses Myra behind her ear before responding, “I’m doing much better than okay. I always adored you, Myra. Did you know the first word you spoke was ‘Sissi?’ It broke my heart when mother wouldn’t let me near you. I’ve grown VERY fond of Esmi, to the point that I’m tempted to say I love her. So I spent last night laying in bed wrapped up in my two favorite people.”

  There’s another flush in the loo. Morgan kisses Myra’s mouth passionately, then breaks away. “My turn,” she says shyly. She slowly extracts herself from Myra’s loving embrace and trails her fingers over her sister’s hard nipples as she crawls off the bed and goes to relieve herself.

  Myra gets up, slides her arms into her robe, and goes to the kitchenette. She fills three glasses with water and sets them on the table.

  She drains hers and refills it. She smiles thinking about how Jack’s constant pushing of water on his family has created a habit. Her expression turns somber as she prays, ‘Goddess, I miss him! Please keep him and our extended family safe!’ Then she smiles, ‘He would have been a lot of fun last night!’

  Esmerelda walks up and circles the table to stand behind Myra and wrap her up in an embrace. She kisses Myra’s neck and asks, “What is driving that smile, my Queen?”

  Myra cups her face and turns to kiss her wetly before answering, “I was just thinking about how much fun it would have been to have my husband join us last night.”

  Esmerelda kisses her again and cups Myra’s breast. “I love to see you so smitten with him, and yet you’re still our favorite slut. May I call you my ‘Slut Queen,’ Myra?” she asks with a smile as she leans her forehead against her queen’s.

  Myra chuckles, “Only once I announce my reign, Sweetheart.”

  Esmerelda chuckles while rubbing noses, “Of course, my Queen.”

  Morgan walks up to them and grasps Myra’s chin in her hands. “Are you trying to steal my girlfriend, sister?”

  Myra pulls her into a kiss before answering, “No Sissi. I am just enjoying her as long as you both agree to let me.”

  Morgan stands and laughs, “Being my sister’s lover is more fun than I thought. Is my lack of remorse part of my insanity?”

  Myra shakes her head and stands. She clasps Morgan’s shoulders and looks her in the eyes. Esmerelda watches Morgan closely in case she needs to comfort her lover.

  Myra answers sincerely, “No Sissi. We are Sidhe. We are providing comfort to each other and rekindling our love for each other that outside forces interrupted. You are my Sissi. You always were and always will be. It’s just a bonus that we get to be lovers. Unless you join Jack’s family, it won’t be a frequent thing, but I feel strongly that making love to you is good and right. I would gladly share any of my family, including Trina and my husband, with both of you. You are special and worthy.”

  They all hug and kiss until Morgan declares, “I can’t take any more emotion without coffee!”

  Myra laughs, “You have that in common with Jack. I think he can’t pass a coffee shop without ordering.”

  Morgan’s Hob appears and hands a cup to Morgan. “Here you go, mistress. Ladies, what can I make for you?”

  Myra says, “An Americano please, add about a shot glass of warm milk.”

  Esmerelda puts in her order, “That sounds good, but I’ll have an old-fashioned café-au-lait, please.”

  “You are very efficient, Hob,” Morgan says as it’s one of the few phrases of gratitude Hobgoblins will accept without offense.

  Myra caresses Morgan’s shoulder, “Sissi, I need to get word to Jack.” Morgan nods. Myra looks around for her Hobgoblin servant, “Hob, can you find Peg and get her here. Please find her and tell her to come see me here. Tell her Morgan has granted safe passage.”

  Hob says, “It is my pleasure to serve, my Queen.”

  “Hob,” she responds. “Please keep the ‘queen’ verbiage inside your head until I announce, okay.”

  Hob bows and says, “Of course, my Queen.” Then he winks at her.

  Myra laughs, “Come here you!” She wraps the tiny being in a hug, “When did you grow a sense of humor, Hob?”

  Hob responds, “Seeing you alive has brought it out. Please forgive me, Mistress.”

  Myra kisses Hob’s sparsely-haired pate. “Nothing to forgive, old friend. I like it. Don’t let me detain you any longer.”

  Esmerelda asks, “Myra, would you like to text him with my phone?”

  Myra groans, “I would love to, but I can’t remember the number! I’m so reliant on my cell phone’s contacts. I’m useless at remembering phone numbers.”

  Morgan laughs, “You can tell me all the lineage and members of each house down to the newest arrivals, where they live, other properties, most of their business concerns, their level of commitment to the court, and who’s making love to whom. Yet, you can’t remember your husband’s phone number?” She howls, and Esmerelda joins in her laughter. Myra finally dismisses her chagrin and chuckles with them.

  Myra asks, “My phone is probably in my clutch. Do either one of you have an idea where it might be

  Morgan says, “I didn’t see anything like it when I was summoned to punish you. Megan had a clutch, but I imagine it’s hers.”

  Myra says, “She would have Jack’s number, too.”

  Esmerelda tries to comfort her, “My Queen, we’ll figure it out. In the meantime, let’s break our fast, shower, and make plans. Maybe we can squeeze some more quality loving in-between.”

  Morgan’s Hobgoblin presents the coffee orders and a second one for Morgan. Then he lays out cold cuts, cheese, butter, jams, soft-boiled eggs, orange juice, and a pitcher of water.

  The ladies dig in as they discuss the problems in front of them.

  Myra says, “I think the priority is getting word to Jack. Then I think we need to get intel on the locations of Corrina, Sowie, Liesl, and Geri. Then we need to figure out how to secure them. Once that’s done, we can work a plan with Peg and Jack.”

  Morgan adds, “Corrina’s location is easy. She’s hanging from the whipping tree in the audience chamber. Trevor is trying to keep her bleeding, but he’s so inept she’s probably healed now.”

  “Oh shit,” Myra exclaims. “Jack is going to go ape-shit over that. As much as love is his super-power, he may still break out and kill some people over that. He thinks the world of Corrina.”

  Morgan shrugs, “That’s probably okay. We have more than a few shit-birds that could use killing.”

  Myra shakes her head, “That won’t help heal the Sidhe. What about Geri, Liesl, and Sowie? Any word?

  Morgan shakes her head and responds “No” as Esmerelda nods.

  Esmerelda says, “Claudette took them into custody. She whipped them in the barracks yard and then locked them up. Sowie has been released to accompany Megan back to Phoenix. I might be able to get the other two out. I need to do a little recon.”

  Myra says, “Thanks, Esmi. I would appreciate it.” She turns to Morgan, “Sissi, can we keep them here, or do we need to find a different place to hide them?”

  Morgan twists her face in a frown as she thinks through the options. “Tucking them in your quarters is probably the best option. Everyone knows you’re here, so theoretically no one should look for them there. You’re here to be punished instead of plotting against the queen...oh shit, we need to stage some theatre. Quick! To the whipping tree!”

  Esmi calls out as they run to the antechamber, “We’re not done with breakfast, Hob!”

  Morgan grabs her whip and whispers, “Start with a gasping groan, and back to the ‘crack-scream’ thing. Ready?”

  Myra nods, and then Morgan nods and cracks the whip. Myra lets out a choked scream.

  Morgan yells, “Wake up, little sister! Mommie-Dearest wants you docile and agreeable. I don’t think you’re there, yet! Let’s get your back nice and bloody! Maybe that will soften you up!”

  Crack - scream!

  Crack - scream!

  Chapter 23 - Getting Organized

  (The Red Rooster in Cottonwood)

  I pull the ladies inside, and we all hurry to the back room. There’s food still laying out, so the rest of my family grabs plates and flatware from Kellianne and has a quick lunch.

  I ask Kristina, “Plans for the rest of the day?”

  She responds, “I’m meeting Uncle Merrill at the build site in a little over an hour to talk through vineyard terracing.”

  Trina pipes up, “You need to go meet the nymphs, Jack.”

  “Nymphs?” I ask to show how ‘with it’ I am. “I guess this is the ‘more to tell you part’ you mentioned earlier.

  Trina smiles, “Yes…”

  Daphne adds, “There is a Dryad, a Naiad, and a bucketload of Hamadryads.”

  Trina picks up the narrative again, “One of them pulled the living shadows from my face. Apparently, Living Shadows are a blessing to them. The old elm Hamadryad, Jana, has root rot. She can’t plant a new seed until all of the disease is gone. The Living Shadows eat the disease from her tree, her flesh, and the surrounding soil. I don’t know how it’s created, but I suspect the queen makes it as one of her special abilities as the monarch. Regardless, getting more to share with the grove would be useful. It probably wouldn’t hurt the vineyards, either.”

  Daphne slides in behind Trina and wraps her in a hug, “The part that Trina failed to mention is that they all want to pledge their service to you. It sounds like they could be very useful members of the family.”

  I sigh, “Okay. We’ll run up there on the way home for a quick visit. I want to run over and say ‘hello’ to KC real quickly, and then we can hit the road.”

  Kristina says, “Trina and I will accompany you. Let’s go now while the ladies are finishing their lunch.”

  “Alright, we’ll be back in about 10 minutes.” I look down at Rottie. “You coming, or are you and Cholley going to hold the boy’s club in the corner?” He cocks his head to the side and furrows his brow. “Yeah, you’re right. Stupid question. Come on.”

  Rottie and the two ladies follow me out the door. We hurry over to say high to KC. We walk in the door past the agent manning the front desk only to find that his office is closed and the lights are off. I mutter, “Well, crap. Well my darlings, I guess we best be on our way.”

  At that point a tall, exotic looking woman walks around the corner and asks, “May I help you?”

  I turn and take her in. KC is right; she is something special. “Hello, I’m Jack Jerome. We just stopped by to say hello to KC as we were across the street. Nothing special.”

  She smiles, “Ah, Jack Jerome. I’m Calliope Georgeopoulos. Please call me Callie”

  Kristina and Trina share a quiet chuckle.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Callie. KC mentioned you to us. These ladies are Kristina Unterberg and Trina Laughlin.”

  Callie turns her attention to them and smirks as she asks, “Am I correct in assuming that you two are responsible for the mess I found in my office?”

  Kristina replies, “Who us?” She looks down at Rottie. “You?” He cocks his head and whines in confusion.

  Trina adds, “It was mostly her,” while pointing a Kristina. “Krissie creates an unbelievable amount of fluid when she comes.”

  Kristina, “Khm! I wouldn’t have made such a mess if you’re weren’t so intent on getting me to squirt. We could have just cuddled and played, but no...let’s make Krissie squirt!” She’s blushing a bit, but she also has a huge grin on her face.

  Callie laughs, “KC did eventually come clean that he told you to make as big of a mess as possible. I went out of my way to earn it.” She turns her gorgeous smile to me. “I think I have you to thank for explaining things to him, Jack. Is that right?”

  I shrug, “I gave him a perspective on your behavior to him that differed considerably from what he was thinking. Are you two standing on better ground now?”

  Callie rolls her eyes and moans, “I’ll say! My Master and I are eternally grateful to you for setting us on a collision course. I kept trying to connect with KC, but something would always trigger me to brat instead. That gentle, adorable man turned out to have a very talented firm hand. Thank you, Jack!” She wraps me in a hug.

  Then she releases me and turns to the two ladies. “Come here, you two!” She grabs Trina first and hugs her closely. They share cheek kisses. Then Callie pulls Kristina into a hug, which manages to press Kristina’s face directly between Callies abundant breasts.

  Trina laughs, “Careful, Callie! Krissie may never want to leave where you have her pinned.”

  Kristina turns her head towards Trina as Callie puts a hand behind her head and pulls Kristina into her pillows. Kristina says to Trina, “Quiet you! You’re just jealous because she likes me better.”

  Callie laughs, and then Kristina pulls back enough to reach up and pull Callie’s mouth down for a relatively chaste kiss. She tells Callie, “Despite our joking, it was truly our pleasure to do our part in getting you two together.”

  Callie rocks her head back in a roaring laugh as she releases Kristina. Then
she asks, “Double-entendre much, Kristina?”

  Kristina replies with a hilarious look of innocence, “Qui, moi? And call me Krissie. Usually, I reserve that for family that I’ve had sex with, but that hug was nearly carnal.” She winks at Callie as she slides back to wrap me in a hug. “I don’t play outside our family. Otherwise, I’d have to see if your master would loan you to me for a while.”

  Callie’s eyes get big, “Oh! Why did you have to put that picture in my brain, you little minx?”

  We all have a good laugh at that.

  Once we’ve caught our breath, Callie asks, “Jack, are interested in buying Echo Canyon Winery? As you know, it’s right next door to your property, and it’s been on the market for some time. Another winery is leasing the land at the moment, but they’re struggling a bit, too. They might be open to selling the crop to you. Otherwise, you make money from the lease until harvest.”

  I look down at Kristina, who's still tucked up tight under my arm. She nods.

  I tell Callie, “My agent, KC, will be in touch.”

  Callie bows and says, “I will wait for word from my Master.”

  We wave goodbye and hustle back over to the Rooster. When we arrive, the team has finished and are in the middle of helping Kellianne bus the tables. Rottie runs in to hit the water bowl again.


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